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Deleted member 3259

Deleted member 3259

Sep 22, 2019
That someone like Jordan Barrett or Sean O'pry can just casually walk up to your oneitis and tell her that he wants to fuck her and bring her home with him, right then and there?
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  • JFL
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Jordan Barrett is overrated tbh
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  • Hmm...
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Jordan Barrett is overrated tbh
I seriously don't get the hype about him, its as if all PSL users have an inside joke about acting how attractive he is
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  • Hmm...
  • JFL
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lmao if you think that cumskin is what girls want. only faggots do

Ye bro. No girls want white guys, its not like stats show that or anything. The majority of women in the west prefer abdullahs and panjeets for their romantic ways of asking for bobs and vagene
  • JFL
Reactions: LM4sixten, Deleted member 1680, Barbarossa_ and 1 other person
Ye bro. No girls want white guys, its not like stats show that or anything. The majority of women in the west prefer abdullahs and panjeets for their romantic ways of asking for bobs and vagene
yeah bro jordan is the epitome of white guys. fuck you are retarded if you think he is peak european perfection
  • JFL
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13 minutes in and the cope is already strong, there's a reason these guys are male models and you guys aren't. Stop coping.
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  • JFL
  • Woah
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I’d need an oneitis to begin with.
Tbh I fall in love with any foid above 3 psl so I’d just find another oneitis even if I had one jfl
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13 minutes in and the cope is already strong, there's a reason these guys are male models and you guys aren't. Stop coping.

What u mean bro? Sean O'pry, Jordan Barrett, Chico, Gandy... All ugly. The real male models that are good looking are all Indian!!!!
  • JFL
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This is what happens when the cope is truly too strong

1 iq currycel
jordan barrett right now could not take shit bro. lean face is underated.
What u mean bro? Sean O'pry, Jordan Barrett, Chico, Gandy... All ugly. The real male models that are good looking are all Indian!!!!
I mean it's pretty unbelievable how much this site attracts autists isn't it? It's so fucking easy to understand. These guys are ridiculously high paid male models. Why? Their looks. What does that say about their looks? They're goodlooking.
Lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cope
you are the worst poster here.

I mean it's pretty unbelievable how much this site attracts autists isn't it? It's so fucking easy to understand. These guys are ridiculously high paid male models? Why? Their looks? What does that say about their looks? They're goodlooking.
ofc but you need to understand barrett is a literal fatcel rn
you are the worst poster here.

ofc but you need to understand barrett is a literal fatcel rn
He's not a fatcel he just overdid fillers, still gl
you are the worst poster here.

ofc but you need to understand barrett is a literal fatcel rn
Yeah bro ur right. Jordan right now cant take anyone. Post from 5 weeks ago, but sure ur 100% right.

  • JFL
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bad photos then. still psl8

I dont know anything about fillers
to me he just looks fat in these pictures
Look at his pics bro, he's lean, just really bloated looking
13 minutes in and the cope is already strong, there's a reason these guys are male models and you guys aren't. Stop coping.
Barrett looks like an alien to me. Every other male model posted on here looks incredible. Idk what to tell you, just saying what I see.
  • +1
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Having a oneitis is extremely low iq when you're aware of the blackpill.

But if it happened at least you'll get to witness the blackpill with your own eyes so you can't deny it if you're not a soy.
  • +1
Reactions: LordNorwood
Having a oneitis is extremely low iq when you're aware of the blackpill.

But if it happened at least you'll get to witness the blackpill with your own eyes so you can't deny it if you're not a soy.
Du är 1.88 och en svensk. Varför drar du inte bara till Asien? Du blir en slayer hur du än ser ut.
Du är 1.88 och en svensk. Varför drar du inte bara till Asien? Du blir en slayer hur du än ser ut.
Sparar pengar till looksmaxxing helt ärligt. Hade rest dit minst en gång per år om para fanns.
Sparar pengar till looksmaxxing helt ärligt. Hade rest dit minst en gång per år om para fanns.
Vad är det du ska göra för grejer för att looksmaxa
That someone like Jordan Barrett or Sean O'pry can just casually walk up to your oneitis and tell her that he wants to fuck her and bring her home with him, right then and there?
barret and o pry belongs on mars ,
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Leamsefmare and Iamthewalrus01
Vad är det du ska göra för grejer för att looksmaxa
Hårtransplantation är väl det som kostar mest. Kanske måste betala för näsplastik och sen så kostar det med massa jävla produkter för att se bra ut.
13 minutes in and the cope is already strong, there's a reason these guys are male models and you guys aren't. Stop coping.
being a male model doesnt mean shit. so many male models are between 4.5-5.5 but according to your logic they should be unmoggable because they are models? alarico mogs lots of male modes
He mogs ur whole village to death.
nerdic is nerdic coping hard i see. boyo even other swedes will agree hes nothing special
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 685
Hårtransplantation är väl det som kostar mest. Kanske måste betala för näsplastik och sen så kostar det med massa jävla produkter för att se bra ut.

Rip. Noorwood level och ålder?
being a male model doesnt mean shit. so many male models are between 4.5-5.5 but according to your logic they should be unmoggable because they are models? alarico mogs lots of male modes

nerdic is nerdic coping hard i see. boyo even other swedes will agree hes nothing special
Being a male model does mean shit and most models are atleast around 5.5/6 which is good + I was talking about them being literally some of the highest paid models. Jordan barrett is extremely good looking and has close to every positive feature imaginable acoording to PSL
Är 22 och just nu är den NW1 men anar ugglor I mossen att det kommer eskalera inom kort.

Är genen i din familj? Hur är din pappa och din mammas pappa
Being a male model does mean shit and most models are atleast around 5.5/6 which is good + I was talking about them being literally some of the highest paid models. Jordan barrett is extremely good looking and has close to every positive feature imaginable acoording to PSL
Not according to these panjeets. According to them, Currys are somehow at the top of men
Är genen i din familj? Hur är din pappa och din mammas pappa

Not according to these panjeets. According to them, Currys are somehow at the top of men
Nej men jag är ändå beredd på det värsta. Är du helsvensk?
الله أكبر
Nej men jag är ändå beredd på det värsta. Är du helsvensk?
Nä. halvsvensk och halvt från mellanöstern, men fick tyvärr mellanöstern utseendet. GG
That someone like Jordan Barrett or Sean O'pry can just casually walk up to your oneitis and tell her that he wants to fuck her and bring her home with him, right then and there?
btw who want a slut that will come to bed with random guy who approached her ?
i would split her in face jfl
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btw who want a slut that will come to bed with random guy who approached her ?
i would split her in face jfl
Then u can spit on every girl on earth. JFL if you think that even virgins who save themselves for marriage wouldnt fuck barrett or opry
Then u can spit on every girl on earth. JFL if you think that even virgins who save themselves for marriage wouldnt fuck barrett or opry
idk where u live seriously i dont know ANY girl that would prefer o pry or barrett instead of high t masculine guy
  • JFL
Reactions: Leamsefmare
I’d need an oneitis to begin with.
Tbh I fall in love with any foid above 3 psl so I’d just find another oneitis even if I had one jfl
He will come for each and every oneitis that you get
Being a male model does mean shit and most models are atleast around 5.5/6 which is good + I was talking about them being literally some of the highest paid models. Jordan barrett is extremely good looking and has close to every positive feature imaginable acoording to PSL
but the way you word it makes it seem like they are toptier men only which obv isnt true. thats why people here worship a limited amount of models as opposed to thousands of different ones

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