How epigenetics help determines how attractive you will be

Rivers of Nihil

Rivers of Nihil

my own dark angel
Feb 11, 2024

Epigenetics is the field of research concerned with how genes are expressed and are inherited. In epigenetics changes are discovered in a phenotype that do not change underlying gene expression. Instead an epigenome is what is recorded to change and be inherited amongst a generation of people.

Your genome is what is passed down to you from your race meaning you'll inherit characteristics within your race. Your genome doesn't change a lot. However your epigenome if passed down generation to generation and is highly adaptive to your environment. It filters genes from your genome to be expressed in you depending on your environment.

This means that it is impossible for a Sudanid or Indid to have blue eyes unless they develop a gene mutation that has the same effect as OCA2 (The gene mutation that caused blue eyes in northern Europeans originally.) Or have a mixed genome with other races. But on the other hand height and intelligence have some epigenetic variability over generations. This is because a persons epigenome can draw from a person's genome in order to increase height or intelligence.

In this thread I have used the terms "drawn from the genome" and other similar terms. This analogy is incorrect when referring to epigenetics but get my point over of the logistics of how it works. In actuality our DNA is controlled by DNA Methylation and Histone Acetylation and miRNA. These are natural processes that happen within the body as they allow for cell specialisation in the body (This means that eye cells will grow in the right place, heart cells will grow in the right place etc.) DNA Methylation works by adding a methyl group to a nuclear type of DNA (Cytosine, Adenine, Guanine and Thymine). This has the effect of turning a gene off. A Histone is a protein that DNA wraps itself around it is made out of Lysine. If DNA is wrapped around a histone tightly it means that those genes will not express when the RNA Polymerase comes around. Histone Accetylation allows DNA around a Histone to loosen by adding an acetyl group to the Lysine Histone meaning more of that gene will be expressed. DNA around a Histone is like a dial whilst DNA Methylation is like a switch. The opposite affect can occur if you remove acetyl group from Histones. These reactions happen all the time. miRNA (mircoRNA) is produced in our body. They don't code for proteins instead they bond to mRNA and block the Ribsome meaning that specific enzyme or protein can't be coded for.

Our Epigenome mutations are controlled by many environmental factors but the ones you should look out for are:

  • Development within the uterus and childhood.
  • Enviornmential pollution and chemicals.
  • Aging
  • Diet
By optimising these factors you can maintain your health and pass on healthy genes to your offspring.

Diet is the number 2 most important factor for how you will look like after puberty. Raw genetics are number 1 and if you have subhuman genetics you will always become a subhuman regardless. But most people aren’t subhuman, even some of the most unattractive people. Most likely the reason you are recessed is because your mom had a lack of good animal nutrients and a large number of pesticides from vegetables, estrogen in the water and passed it on to you for 9 months. Then during puberty, you most likely consumed a shit ton of bad chemicals, low quality high estrogen food and fortified soy baby formula instead of breast milk.

To achieve how you should look like is only possible with adequate amounts of high-quality animal nutrition during pregnancy and after. Yes, throw out your vegan beliefs because this thread will be largely based on evidence found from Weston Prices work, carnivores and actual nutrition science.


Weston Price was a Canadian dentist known for his theories on the relationship between nutrition, dental health, and physical health. What he found was that indigenous populations living the same way as their ancestors did decades ago, were extremely healthy. They had perfect teeth, healthy bones, hair and of course they weren’t recessed in the face. What Mike Mew doesn’t tell you is that not only correct posture is important, diet is even more important. The indigenous didn’t live in cities crowded with people to cause widespread sicknesses that gave you a cold that forced you to breathe through the mouth subconsciously. And they had optimal nutrition to achieve their full potential after puberty and of course didn’t need braces in the wild (JFL).

A few examples from his book (left: indigenous diet, right: modern day high carb, low fat diets)




Native Americans



Maasai tribe





Why does this matter now f*g? Why should we care about our diets now if it only mattered during puberty?

A quick answer to this is, even though you didn’t achieve your full potential during puberty you can still be in optimal health now. After following my diet guide, you will be able to perform at a high level while maintaining good energy levels, and have no brain fog. You will also be able build a physique as efficiently as possible from a nutritional standpoint. You will live longer and you will be in a good mood. Everything about your life and physical health WILL improve. Also, when you have kids, they shouldn’t become recessed if you incorporate a high-quality animal-based diet in their lives.

Now what is the perfect diet for humans for optimal health?

This depends on your DNA and the number of high-quality animal products you consume. In general, you would want to consume roughly the same as your ancestors would have done a long time ago. But this isn’t paleo or carnivore. No, most indigenous people actually also ate starches and fruits for calories, minerals and vitamins. Their diets would have consisted of roughly 70% animal foods and 30% plant foods. Exceptions to the rule are the Eskimos or the Maasai who only consume animal foods. But one thing to keep in mind is that the plant foods of today are NOT comparable to what our ancestors consumed. This is why you should focus on animal foods instead.

First you will need to know what your ancestry is like. For Europeans this would mean a very high amount of dairy and meat, for Asians this would be rice with fish, just to give you a quick example. You basically want to try to stay true to what your ancestors consumed.


Now let’s look at the basics for optimal human health in a modern society:

- The average balanced macro nutrient profile (still depends on your ancestry for what is likely optimal for your DNA):

- Protein: 40%

- Fats: 30%

- Carbs: 30%

You generally want to try to have high protein intake and a balanced fat and carb intake. Keto diet is a meme and not optimal, it is good however for those who want to lose fat very quickly (but you could just lower calories instead). Keto diet makes you feel like shit and puts you in constant stress, raising your cortisol levels and in turn reducing your T level.

- No processed foods

Examples are: Mc. Donald’s, Burger king, kit kat, chips, etc.

- No sugars except for honey

This includes foods like maple syrup or agave syrup. Raw honey is preferred as this tastes just as good, if not better and contains useful enzymes.

- No plant oils except for coconut oil

Coconut oil is high in saturated fat, low in other anti-nutrients. Of course, if you can use grass fed butter that’s good as well.

- No tap water. Filter it instead

Water contains estrogen, heavy metals like mercury or aluminium and other things you don’t want to consume.

- Generally, try to avoid GMO

GMO is vastly different from the plants our ancestors ate, they are low in vitamins and minerals and high in calories. Its not comparable to what our ancestors actually ate. The number 1 and 2 GMO foods are soy and corn.
For example, this is how an avocado would have looked like vs now.


- Organic fruits and vegetables only

This will eliminate most of the agrochemicals which are harmful and toxic to your body ( These can cause hormonal issues, cancer, prenatal development effects to name a few.

- Consume high amount of saturated fats

Your body actually needs a high amount of cholesterol, and are not the cause of heart problems. (Plant oils cause heart problems). Your brain is made up of 80% cholesterol and your cells are made out of it as well, it’s a basic building block for you whole body.

- Grass fed where you can

This greatly enhances the amount of nutrients in the animal foods and eliminates estrogenic content from soy or other GMO feed etc.

- Cook your own food, avoid eating out. Saves money and your health

- Avoid leavy green vegetables and vegetables in general

Vegetables are mostly made of indigestible fibre which is bad for your gut health. They contain the most agrochemicals and contain only a small amount of nutrients because they get hardly digested by your body. Most plants are GMO nowadays. You should see vegetables as a food that tastes nice as a side dish to the main meal being centred around starches, fat and meat.

- Try to avoid artificial sweeteners

While some studies show no side effects, it could be a possible neurotoxin. And we can say for sure that our ancestors didn’t consume them and you can use honey instead. (

- Don’t use plastics as a package or mug, use something else instead. Glass is best.

Plastics have a hormonal affect, and some others negatives as well. (

- Cook in stainless steel, cast iron or enamelled iron and possibly even glass cookware

Heavy metals like, copper, aluminium, nickel can all leech into your food and cause harmful effects to your health like Alzheimer’s. Try to avoid everything that’s not mentioned above. (,


Now a list of some of the best foods that you should focus on getting into your diet. This is not the only thing you should or must eat. Generally, if you consume a diet that has most of these and other high-quality organic foods you can get away with eating some kit cat once or twice a month.

- Liver

Great source of almost all vitamins you need, and in a good bio available form. Contains insane amounts of real Vit A (no beta carotene cope), Vit B-12 and copper. Also has a good amount of quality protein and fats. Per calorie, liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods there is and literally kills muscle meat in terms of nutrition per gram.

- Other organ meats

This could be heart, brain, kidneys. Liver is still the king of organ meats but you can try what you like with other organs, hard to go wrong here. All organs contain great amounts of vitamins, fats etc.

- Fatty meat cuts

Good source of vitamins, protein and healthy fats. The fats parts contain high amounts of bio available Vit D3, not found in plant foods at all.

- Eggs

A little multivitamin that’s actually bio available instead of multivitamin pills. Most multivitamins are toxic and made of synthetic materials. Eggs (the yolks) contain high amounts of cholesterol and a whole bunch of good vitamins (vit A, vit B’s) and minerals. Has high amounts of bio available protein.

- Butter

Good source of quality calories and fats and is rich in vitamins and minerals like Vit D, Vit A, Vit E, Vit B-12, Vit K2 (which is often over looked as essential vitamin).

- Milk (if you are lactose intolerant leave out dairy or try to opt for A2A2 dairy forms)

Good replacement for tap water. Don’t go for skimmed milk, with skimmed milk you lose the vitamins and nutrients of milk. Milk has a lot of quality protein, fats and contains a little bit of carbs. And also has casein (casein increases the absorption of minerals). If you can opt for raw milk, these contain natural bacteria which are important for gut health and for your immune system.

- For the sugar addicts among us, honey

Way better option for your sweet tooth than other artificial sugars. It’s a good source of carbs (I take this before going to the gym as a pre-workout). Don’t over eat honey though, one spoon a day is all I take. It’s still sugar but it actually lowers your blood pressure a bit.

- Rice, potato or any other starch. Try to remain true to what your ancestor would have consumed.

A good quality carb source is necessary for optimal energy levels as being in ketosis makes you sluggish and is unhealthy for most long term. Choose an easily digestible starch. For example, white rice won’t put as much stress on your digestive tract as other carb sources or processed foods will.

- Fish eggs (the APEX food on this list)

Probably the best food known to mankind. Fish eggs have a great and balanced nutritional profile containing the best omega 3’s you could wish for. Also includes good fats, protein and has a high amount of vitamin B-12 (this is one of the most important vitamins you need).

- Shell fish (shrimp, crayfish, crab, lobster, clams, etc.)

Low cal, high in quality protein and omega 3's and high amounts of iron, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B12.

- Cheeses

Most cheeses are good, it’s a fermented food. Contains high amount of quality proteins, fats Vit B-12/B-6, calcium, sodium, phosphor, zinc and high amounts of Vit K2 which is needed for bone growth and development. This is one of the reasons why the Dutch are so forward grown and tall.

- Fermented plant foods like sauerkraut

Fermented plant foods like sauerkraut are digestible for humans and healthy as well, because of the fermentation process. Contains high amounts of Vit C, K1, B6 and copper.

- Citrus fruits

Good source of Vit C which is low in most animal foods. Contains carbs in the form of fructose which you want to avoid, but because of daily Vit C need this is a quality and organic option over a Vit C supplement.


Supplements you want to add:

- Cod liver oil

The most important supplement on this list. Don’t get the fish oil variants, make sure it’s cod liver oil. Contains good omega 3’s and has high amounts of bio available Vit A and D3.

- Iodine

Most people should use this, as they have built up a large quantity of toxins in your body. Iodine makes you get rid of these. (

- Vit C

Always use a vitamin c. It helps neutralize negative chemicals in our body from the toxic environments we live in. Best form: doesn’t matter.

- Magnesium

Almost everybody is deficient in this, it’s the number 1 most needed and used mineral in our bodies. It’s also needed as a balancing factor for calcium, best form: citrate and glycinate

- Beef liver capsules

If you can’t stand the taste of liver, liver capsules are a great option. Other organ supplements exist as well. This won’t beat real liver but it’s still very healthy. Get the grass-fed options.

- Vit D3

70% of the world’s population is deficient in vitamin d3. You should supplement this at all times, next summer go outside and enjoy the sun. Our ancestors were 24/7 in the sun and had insane amounts of this vitamin available, that’s why you should take about 10-20K IU every day, especially during the winter.

Extra quality of life supplements:

- Berberine + mk677 for HGH maxxing

- Creatine for DHT maxxing
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  • JFL
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sry .com mod but not a single pixel
but bump for effort
  • +1
Reactions: JustBeConfidentBruh, descension, Rivers of Nihil and 1 other person
epigenetics is cope
the average tribal person looks the same as people who live in cities
they still have slightly higher bone mass on average due to higher testosterone
Maasai 18
  • +1
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
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Did read
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  • Hmm...
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@coisbhai stick this
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  • JFL
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bump this forum sucks ass
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This is not a valid argument
you are talking like you provided one
i sited research and arguments , feel free to try to refute it my child
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Epigenetics is the field of research concerned with how genes are expressed and are inherited. In epigenetics changes are discovered in a phenotype that do not change underlying gene expression. Instead an epigenome is what is recorded to change and be inherited amongst a generation of people.

Your genome is what is passed down to you from your race meaning you'll inherit characteristics within your race. Your genome doesn't change a lot. However your if passed down generation to generation and is highly adaptive to your environment. It filters genes from your genome to be expressed in you depending on your environment.

This means that it is impossible for a Sudanid or Indid to have blue eyes unless they develop a gene mutation that has the same effect as OCA2 (The gene mutation that caused blue eyes in northern Europeans originally.) Or have a mixed genome with other races. But on the other hand height and intelligence have some epigenetic variability over generations. This is because a persons epigenome can draw from a person's genome in order to increase height or intelligence.

In this thread I have used the terms "drawn from the genome" and other similar terms. This analogy is incorrect when referring to epigenetics but get my point over of the logistics of how it works. In actuality our DNA is controlled by DNA Methylation and Histone Acetylation and miRNA. These are natural processes that happen within the body as they allow for cell specialisation in the body (This means that eye cells will grow in the right place, heart cells will grow in the right place etc.) DNA Methylation works by adding a methyl group to a nuclear type of DNA (Cytosine, Adenine, Guanine and Thymine). This has the effect of turning a gene off. A Histone is a protein that DNA wraps itself around it is made out of Lysine. If DNA is wrapped around a histone tightly it means that those genes will not express when the RNA Polymerase comes around. Histone Accetylation allows DNA around a Histone to loosen by adding an acetyl group to the Lysine Histone meaning more of that gene will be expressed. DNA around a Histone is like a dial whilst DNA Methylation is like a switch. The opposite affect can occur if you remove acetyl group from Histones. These reactions happen all the time. miRNA (mircoRNA) is produced in our body. They don't code for proteins instead they bond to mRNA and block the Ribsome meaning that specific enzyme or protein can't be coded for.

Our Epigenome mutations are controlled by many environmental factors but the ones you should look out for are:

  • Development within the uterus and childhood.
  • Enviornmential pollution and chemicals.
  • Aging
  • Diet
By optimising these factors you can maintain your health and pass on healthy genes to your offspring.

Diet is the number 2 most important factor for how you will look like after puberty. Raw genetics are number 1 and if you have subhuman genetics you will always become a subhuman regardless. But most people aren’t subhuman, even some of the most unattractive people. Most likely the reason you are recessed is because your mom had a lack of good animal nutrients and a large number of pesticides from vegetables, estrogen in the water and passed it on to you for 9 months. Then during puberty, you most likely consumed a shit ton of bad chemicals, low quality high estrogen food and fortified soy baby formula instead of breast milk.

To achieve how you should look like is only possible with adequate amounts of high-quality animal nutrition during pregnancy and after. Yes, throw out your vegan beliefs because this thread will be largely based on evidence found from Weston Prices work, carnivores and actual nutrition science.


Weston Price was a Canadian dentist known for his theories on the relationship between nutrition, dental health, and physical health. What he found was that indigenous populations living the same way as their ancestors did decades ago, were extremely healthy. They had perfect teeth, healthy bones, hair and of course they weren’t recessed in the face. What Mike Mew doesn’t tell you is that not only correct posture is important, diet is even more important. The indigenous didn’t live in cities crowded with people to cause widespread sicknesses that gave you a cold that forced you to breathe through the mouth subconsciously. And they had optimal nutrition to achieve their full potential after puberty and of course didn’t need braces in the wild (JFL).

A few examples from his book (left: indigenous diet, right: modern day high carb, low fat diets)




Native Americans



Maasai tribe





Why does this matter now f*g? Why should we care about our diets now if it only mattered during puberty?

A quick answer to this is, even though you didn’t achieve your full potential during puberty you can still be in optimal health now. After following my diet guide, you will be able to perform at a high level while maintaining good energy levels, and have no brain fog. You will also be able build a physique as efficiently as possible from a nutritional standpoint. You will live longer and you will be in a good mood. Everything about your life and physical health WILL improve. Also, when you have kids, they shouldn’t become recessed if you incorporate a high-quality animal-based diet in their lives.

Now what is the perfect diet for humans for optimal health?

This depends on your DNA and the number of high-quality animal products you consume. In general, you would want to consume roughly the same as your ancestors would have done a long time ago. But this isn’t paleo or carnivore. No, most indigenous people actually also ate starches and fruits for calories, minerals and vitamins. Their diets would have consisted of roughly 70% animal foods and 30% plant foods. Exceptions to the rule are the Eskimos or the Maasai who only consume animal foods. But one thing to keep in mind is that the plant foods of today are NOT comparable to what our ancestors consumed. This is why you should focus on animal foods instead.

First you will need to know what your ancestry is like. For Europeans this would mean a very high amount of dairy and meat, for Asians this would be rice with fish, just to give you a quick example. You basically want to try to stay true to what your ancestors consumed.


Now let’s look at the basics for optimal human health in a modern society:

- The average balanced macro nutrient profile (still depends on your ancestry for what is likely optimal for your DNA):

- Protein: 40%

- Fats: 30%

- Carbs: 30%

You generally want to try to have high protein intake and a balanced fat and carb intake. Keto diet is a meme and not optimal, it is good however for those who want to lose fat very quickly (but you could just lower calories instead). Keto diet makes you feel like shit and puts you in constant stress, raising your cortisol levels and in turn reducing your T level.

- No processed foods

Examples are: Mc. Donald’s, Burger king, kit kat, chips, etc.

- No sugars except for honey

This includes foods like maple syrup or agave syrup. Raw honey is preferred as this tastes just as good, if not better and contains useful enzymes.

- No plant oils except for coconut oil

Coconut oil is high in saturated fat, low in other anti-nutrients. Of course, if you can use grass fed butter that’s good as well.

- No tap water. Filter it instead

Water contains estrogen, heavy metals like mercury or aluminium and other things you don’t want to consume.

- Generally, try to avoid GMO

GMO is vastly different from the plants our ancestors ate, they are low in vitamins and minerals and high in calories. Its not comparable to what our ancestors actually ate. The number 1 and 2 GMO foods are soy and corn.
For example, this is how an avocado would have looked like vs now.


- Organic fruits and vegetables only

This will eliminate most of the agrochemicals which are harmful and toxic to your body ( These can cause hormonal issues, cancer, prenatal development effects to name a few.

- Consume high amount of saturated fats

Your body actually needs a high amount of cholesterol, and are not the cause of heart problems. (Plant oils cause heart problems). Your brain is made up of 80% cholesterol and your cells are made out of it as well, it’s a basic building block for you whole body.

- Grass fed where you can

This greatly enhances the amount of nutrients in the animal foods and eliminates estrogenic content from soy or other GMO feed etc.

- Cook your own food, avoid eating out. Saves money and your health

- Avoid leavy green vegetables and vegetables in general

Vegetables are mostly made of indigestible fibre which is bad for your gut health. They contain the most agrochemicals and contain only a small amount of nutrients because they get hardly digested by your body. Most plants are GMO nowadays. You should see vegetables as a food that tastes nice as a side dish to the main meal being centred around starches, fat and meat.

- Try to avoid artificial sweeteners

While some studies show no side effects, it could be a possible neurotoxin. And we can say for sure that our ancestors didn’t consume them and you can use honey instead. (

- Don’t use plastics as a package or mug, use something else instead. Glass is best.

Plastics have a hormonal affect, and some others negatives as well. (

- Cook in stainless steel, cast iron or enamelled iron and possibly even glass cookware

Heavy metals like, copper, aluminium, nickel can all leech into your food and cause harmful effects to your health like Alzheimer’s. Try to avoid everything that’s not mentioned above. (,


Now a list of some of the best foods that you should focus on getting into your diet. This is not the only thing you should or must eat. Generally, if you consume a diet that has most of these and other high-quality organic foods you can get away with eating some kit cat once or twice a month.

- Liver

Great source of almost all vitamins you need, and in a good bio available form. Contains insane amounts of real Vit A (no beta carotene cope), Vit B-12 and copper. Also has a good amount of quality protein and fats. Per calorie, liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods there is and literally kills muscle meat in terms of nutrition per gram.

- Other organ meats

This could be heart, brain, kidneys. Liver is still the king of organ meats but you can try what you like with other organs, hard to go wrong here. All organs contain great amounts of vitamins, fats etc.

- Fatty meat cuts

Good source of vitamins, protein and healthy fats. The fats parts contain high amounts of bio available Vit D3, not found in plant foods at all.

- Eggs

A little multivitamin that’s actually bio available instead of multivitamin pills. Most multivitamins are toxic and made of synthetic materials. Eggs (the yolks) contain high amounts of cholesterol and a whole bunch of good vitamins (vit A, vit B’s) and minerals. Has high amounts of bio available protein.

- Butter

Good source of quality calories and fats and is rich in vitamins and minerals like Vit D, Vit A, Vit E, Vit B-12, Vit K2 (which is often over looked as essential vitamin).

- Milk (if you are lactose intolerant leave out dairy or try to opt for A2A2 dairy forms)

Good replacement for tap water. Don’t go for skimmed milk, with skimmed milk you lose the vitamins and nutrients of milk. Milk has a lot of quality protein, fats and contains a little bit of carbs. And also has casein (casein increases the absorption of minerals). If you can opt for raw milk, these contain natural bacteria which are important for gut health and for your immune system.

- For the sugar addicts among us, honey

Way better option for your sweet tooth than other artificial sugars. It’s a good source of carbs (I take this before going to the gym as a pre-workout). Don’t over eat honey though, one spoon a day is all I take. It’s still sugar but it actually lowers your blood pressure a bit.

- Rice, potato or any other starch. Try to remain true to what your ancestor would have consumed.

A good quality carb source is necessary for optimal energy levels as being in ketosis makes you sluggish and is unhealthy for most long term. Choose an easily digestible starch. For example, white rice won’t put as much stress on your digestive tract as other carb sources or processed foods will.

- Fish eggs (the APEX food on this list)

Probably the best food known to mankind. Fish eggs have a great and balanced nutritional profile containing the best omega 3’s you could wish for. Also includes good fats, protein and has a high amount of vitamin B-12 (this is one of the most important vitamins you need).

- Shell fish (shrimp, crayfish, crab, lobster, clams, etc.)

Low cal, high in quality protein and omega 3's and high amounts of iron, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B12.

- Cheeses

Most cheeses are good, it’s a fermented food. Contains high amount of quality proteins, fats Vit B-12/B-6, calcium, sodium, phosphor, zinc and high amounts of Vit K2 which is needed for bone growth and development. This is one of the reasons why the Dutch are so forward grown and tall.

- Fermented plant foods like sauerkraut

Fermented plant foods like sauerkraut are digestible for humans and healthy as well, because of the fermentation process. Contains high amounts of Vit C, K1, B6 and copper.

- Citrus fruits

Good source of Vit C which is low in most animal foods. Contains carbs in the form of fructose which you want to avoid, but because of daily Vit C need this is a quality and organic option over a Vit C supplement.


Supplements you want to add:

- Cod liver oil

The most important supplement on this list. Don’t get the fish oil variants, make sure it’s cod liver oil. Contains good omega 3’s and has high amounts of bio available Vit A and D3.

- Iodine

Most people should use this, as they have built up a large quantity of toxins in your body. Iodine makes you get rid of these. (

- Vit C

Always use a vitamin c. It helps neutralize negative chemicals in our body from the toxic environments we live in. Best form: doesn’t matter.

- Magnesium

Almost everybody is deficient in this, it’s the number 1 most needed and used mineral in our bodies. It’s also needed as a balancing factor for calcium, best form: citrate and glycinate

- Beef liver capsules

If you can’t stand the taste of liver, liver capsules are a great option. Other organ supplements exist as well. This won’t beat real liver but it’s still very healthy. Get the grass-fed options.

- Vit D3

70% of the world’s population is deficient in vitamin d3. You should supplement this at all times, next summer go outside and enjoy the sun. Our ancestors were 24/7 in the sun and had insane amounts of this vitamin available, that’s why you should take about 10-20K IU every day, especially during the winter.

Extra quality of life supplements:

- Berberine + mk677 for HGH maxxing

- Creatine for DHT maxxing

Good thread bhai
But Isn't it gene expression and factor effecting it common knowledge u have probably already learned about it in ur HS bio classes
Aside from that Mirin effort on explaining diet part (really clear and accurate)
Good thread bhai
But Isn't it gene expression and factor effecting it common knowledge u have probably already learned about it in ur HS bio classes
Aside from that Mirin effort on explaining diet part (really clear and accurate)
no ppl here dont understand the fact that genes play a very small role in jaw growth , bone density , forward growth , its mostly environment
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: rooman, diditeverbegin, Deleted member 25743 and 2 others
no ppl here dont understand the fact that genes play a very small role in jaw growth , bone density , forward growth , its mostly environment
Def Ur birth and initial environment limit how far u can go

But nah gene do play very large role overall tbh it like -60% gene and 40 envi
Not even the first letter.
  • +1
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
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carbs are still goyslop
Def Ur birth and initial environment limit how far u can go

But nah gene do play very large role overall tbh it like -60% gene and 40 envi
Lets say you have normal genes , everything average and nothing crazy
If you've been breastfed as a child , had a good environment, had good pubertal T and chewed hard food growing up , you'd be one of those chads that look mtn-ish t thr same time
  • +1
  • JFL
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These guy’s mother was a crackhead


Still both of them are 99,99% chads
  • +1
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  • +1
  • JFL
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  • WTF
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Epigenetics is the field of research concerned with how genes are expressed and are inherited. In epigenetics changes are discovered in a phenotype that do not change underlying gene expression. Instead an epigenome is what is recorded to change and be inherited amongst a generation of people.

Your genome is what is passed down to you from your race meaning you'll inherit characteristics within your race. Your genome doesn't change a lot. However your epigenome if passed down generation to generation and is highly adaptive to your environment. It filters genes from your genome to be expressed in you depending on your environment.

This means that it is impossible for a Sudanid or Indid to have blue eyes unless they develop a gene mutation that has the same effect as OCA2 (The gene mutation that caused blue eyes in northern Europeans originally.) Or have a mixed genome with other races. But on the other hand height and intelligence have some epigenetic variability over generations. This is because a persons epigenome can draw from a person's genome in order to increase height or intelligence.

In this thread I have used the terms "drawn from the genome" and other similar terms. This analogy is incorrect when referring to epigenetics but get my point over of the logistics of how it works. In actuality our DNA is controlled by DNA Methylation and Histone Acetylation and miRNA. These are natural processes that happen within the body as they allow for cell specialisation in the body (This means that eye cells will grow in the right place, heart cells will grow in the right place etc.) DNA Methylation works by adding a methyl group to a nuclear type of DNA (Cytosine, Adenine, Guanine and Thymine). This has the effect of turning a gene off. A Histone is a protein that DNA wraps itself around it is made out of Lysine. If DNA is wrapped around a histone tightly it means that those genes will not express when the RNA Polymerase comes around. Histone Accetylation allows DNA around a Histone to loosen by adding an acetyl group to the Lysine Histone meaning more of that gene will be expressed. DNA around a Histone is like a dial whilst DNA Methylation is like a switch. The opposite affect can occur if you remove acetyl group from Histones. These reactions happen all the time. miRNA (mircoRNA) is produced in our body. They don't code for proteins instead they bond to mRNA and block the Ribsome meaning that specific enzyme or protein can't be coded for.

Our Epigenome mutations are controlled by many environmental factors but the ones you should look out for are:

  • Development within the uterus and childhood.
  • Enviornmential pollution and chemicals.
  • Aging
  • Diet
By optimising these factors you can maintain your health and pass on healthy genes to your offspring.

Diet is the number 2 most important factor for how you will look like after puberty. Raw genetics are number 1 and if you have subhuman genetics you will always become a subhuman regardless. But most people aren’t subhuman, even some of the most unattractive people. Most likely the reason you are recessed is because your mom had a lack of good animal nutrients and a large number of pesticides from vegetables, estrogen in the water and passed it on to you for 9 months. Then during puberty, you most likely consumed a shit ton of bad chemicals, low quality high estrogen food and fortified soy baby formula instead of breast milk.

To achieve how you should look like is only possible with adequate amounts of high-quality animal nutrition during pregnancy and after. Yes, throw out your vegan beliefs because this thread will be largely based on evidence found from Weston Prices work, carnivores and actual nutrition science.


Weston Price was a Canadian dentist known for his theories on the relationship between nutrition, dental health, and physical health. What he found was that indigenous populations living the same way as their ancestors did decades ago, were extremely healthy. They had perfect teeth, healthy bones, hair and of course they weren’t recessed in the face. What Mike Mew doesn’t tell you is that not only correct posture is important, diet is even more important. The indigenous didn’t live in cities crowded with people to cause widespread sicknesses that gave you a cold that forced you to breathe through the mouth subconsciously. And they had optimal nutrition to achieve their full potential after puberty and of course didn’t need braces in the wild (JFL).

A few examples from his book (left: indigenous diet, right: modern day high carb, low fat diets)




Native Americans



Maasai tribe





Why does this matter now f*g? Why should we care about our diets now if it only mattered during puberty?

A quick answer to this is, even though you didn’t achieve your full potential during puberty you can still be in optimal health now. After following my diet guide, you will be able to perform at a high level while maintaining good energy levels, and have no brain fog. You will also be able build a physique as efficiently as possible from a nutritional standpoint. You will live longer and you will be in a good mood. Everything about your life and physical health WILL improve. Also, when you have kids, they shouldn’t become recessed if you incorporate a high-quality animal-based diet in their lives.

Now what is the perfect diet for humans for optimal health?

This depends on your DNA and the number of high-quality animal products you consume. In general, you would want to consume roughly the same as your ancestors would have done a long time ago. But this isn’t paleo or carnivore. No, most indigenous people actually also ate starches and fruits for calories, minerals and vitamins. Their diets would have consisted of roughly 70% animal foods and 30% plant foods. Exceptions to the rule are the Eskimos or the Maasai who only consume animal foods. But one thing to keep in mind is that the plant foods of today are NOT comparable to what our ancestors consumed. This is why you should focus on animal foods instead.

First you will need to know what your ancestry is like. For Europeans this would mean a very high amount of dairy and meat, for Asians this would be rice with fish, just to give you a quick example. You basically want to try to stay true to what your ancestors consumed.


Now let’s look at the basics for optimal human health in a modern society:

- The average balanced macro nutrient profile (still depends on your ancestry for what is likely optimal for your DNA):

- Protein: 40%

- Fats: 30%

- Carbs: 30%

You generally want to try to have high protein intake and a balanced fat and carb intake. Keto diet is a meme and not optimal, it is good however for those who want to lose fat very quickly (but you could just lower calories instead). Keto diet makes you feel like shit and puts you in constant stress, raising your cortisol levels and in turn reducing your T level.

- No processed foods

Examples are: Mc. Donald’s, Burger king, kit kat, chips, etc.

- No sugars except for honey

This includes foods like maple syrup or agave syrup. Raw honey is preferred as this tastes just as good, if not better and contains useful enzymes.

- No plant oils except for coconut oil

Coconut oil is high in saturated fat, low in other anti-nutrients. Of course, if you can use grass fed butter that’s good as well.

- No tap water. Filter it instead

Water contains estrogen, heavy metals like mercury or aluminium and other things you don’t want to consume.

- Generally, try to avoid GMO

GMO is vastly different from the plants our ancestors ate, they are low in vitamins and minerals and high in calories. Its not comparable to what our ancestors actually ate. The number 1 and 2 GMO foods are soy and corn.
For example, this is how an avocado would have looked like vs now.


- Organic fruits and vegetables only

This will eliminate most of the agrochemicals which are harmful and toxic to your body ( These can cause hormonal issues, cancer, prenatal development effects to name a few.

- Consume high amount of saturated fats

Your body actually needs a high amount of cholesterol, and are not the cause of heart problems. (Plant oils cause heart problems). Your brain is made up of 80% cholesterol and your cells are made out of it as well, it’s a basic building block for you whole body.

- Grass fed where you can

This greatly enhances the amount of nutrients in the animal foods and eliminates estrogenic content from soy or other GMO feed etc.

- Cook your own food, avoid eating out. Saves money and your health

- Avoid leavy green vegetables and vegetables in general

Vegetables are mostly made of indigestible fibre which is bad for your gut health. They contain the most agrochemicals and contain only a small amount of nutrients because they get hardly digested by your body. Most plants are GMO nowadays. You should see vegetables as a food that tastes nice as a side dish to the main meal being centred around starches, fat and meat.

- Try to avoid artificial sweeteners

While some studies show no side effects, it could be a possible neurotoxin. And we can say for sure that our ancestors didn’t consume them and you can use honey instead. (

- Don’t use plastics as a package or mug, use something else instead. Glass is best.

Plastics have a hormonal affect, and some others negatives as well. (

- Cook in stainless steel, cast iron or enamelled iron and possibly even glass cookware

Heavy metals like, copper, aluminium, nickel can all leech into your food and cause harmful effects to your health like Alzheimer’s. Try to avoid everything that’s not mentioned above. (,


Now a list of some of the best foods that you should focus on getting into your diet. This is not the only thing you should or must eat. Generally, if you consume a diet that has most of these and other high-quality organic foods you can get away with eating some kit cat once or twice a month.

- Liver

Great source of almost all vitamins you need, and in a good bio available form. Contains insane amounts of real Vit A (no beta carotene cope), Vit B-12 and copper. Also has a good amount of quality protein and fats. Per calorie, liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods there is and literally kills muscle meat in terms of nutrition per gram.

- Other organ meats

This could be heart, brain, kidneys. Liver is still the king of organ meats but you can try what you like with other organs, hard to go wrong here. All organs contain great amounts of vitamins, fats etc.

- Fatty meat cuts

Good source of vitamins, protein and healthy fats. The fats parts contain high amounts of bio available Vit D3, not found in plant foods at all.

- Eggs

A little multivitamin that’s actually bio available instead of multivitamin pills. Most multivitamins are toxic and made of synthetic materials. Eggs (the yolks) contain high amounts of cholesterol and a whole bunch of good vitamins (vit A, vit B’s) and minerals. Has high amounts of bio available protein.

- Butter

Good source of quality calories and fats and is rich in vitamins and minerals like Vit D, Vit A, Vit E, Vit B-12, Vit K2 (which is often over looked as essential vitamin).

- Milk (if you are lactose intolerant leave out dairy or try to opt for A2A2 dairy forms)

Good replacement for tap water. Don’t go for skimmed milk, with skimmed milk you lose the vitamins and nutrients of milk. Milk has a lot of quality protein, fats and contains a little bit of carbs. And also has casein (casein increases the absorption of minerals). If you can opt for raw milk, these contain natural bacteria which are important for gut health and for your immune system.

- For the sugar addicts among us, honey

Way better option for your sweet tooth than other artificial sugars. It’s a good source of carbs (I take this before going to the gym as a pre-workout). Don’t over eat honey though, one spoon a day is all I take. It’s still sugar but it actually lowers your blood pressure a bit.

- Rice, potato or any other starch. Try to remain true to what your ancestor would have consumed.

A good quality carb source is necessary for optimal energy levels as being in ketosis makes you sluggish and is unhealthy for most long term. Choose an easily digestible starch. For example, white rice won’t put as much stress on your digestive tract as other carb sources or processed foods will.

- Fish eggs (the APEX food on this list)

Probably the best food known to mankind. Fish eggs have a great and balanced nutritional profile containing the best omega 3’s you could wish for. Also includes good fats, protein and has a high amount of vitamin B-12 (this is one of the most important vitamins you need).

- Shell fish (shrimp, crayfish, crab, lobster, clams, etc.)

Low cal, high in quality protein and omega 3's and high amounts of iron, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B12.

- Cheeses

Most cheeses are good, it’s a fermented food. Contains high amount of quality proteins, fats Vit B-12/B-6, calcium, sodium, phosphor, zinc and high amounts of Vit K2 which is needed for bone growth and development. This is one of the reasons why the Dutch are so forward grown and tall.

- Fermented plant foods like sauerkraut

Fermented plant foods like sauerkraut are digestible for humans and healthy as well, because of the fermentation process. Contains high amounts of Vit C, K1, B6 and copper.

- Citrus fruits

Good source of Vit C which is low in most animal foods. Contains carbs in the form of fructose which you want to avoid, but because of daily Vit C need this is a quality and organic option over a Vit C supplement.


Supplements you want to add:

- Cod liver oil

The most important supplement on this list. Don’t get the fish oil variants, make sure it’s cod liver oil. Contains good omega 3’s and has high amounts of bio available Vit A and D3.

- Iodine

Most people should use this, as they have built up a large quantity of toxins in your body. Iodine makes you get rid of these. (

- Vit C

Always use a vitamin c. It helps neutralize negative chemicals in our body from the toxic environments we live in. Best form: doesn’t matter.

- Magnesium

Almost everybody is deficient in this, it’s the number 1 most needed and used mineral in our bodies. It’s also needed as a balancing factor for calcium, best form: citrate and glycinate

- Beef liver capsules

If you can’t stand the taste of liver, liver capsules are a great option. Other organ supplements exist as well. This won’t beat real liver but it’s still very healthy. Get the grass-fed options.

- Vit D3

70% of the world’s population is deficient in vitamin d3. You should supplement this at all times, next summer go outside and enjoy the sun. Our ancestors were 24/7 in the sun and had insane amounts of this vitamin available, that’s why you should take about 10-20K IU every day, especially during the winter.

Extra quality of life supplements:

- Berberine + mk677 for HGH maxxing

- Creatine for DHT maxxing

face features are genetic, bone development is environmental that’s why mouthbreathers have specific characteristics
  • +1
Reactions: greywind

Epigenetics is the field of research concerned with how genes are expressed and are inherited. In epigenetics changes are discovered in a phenotype that do not change underlying gene expression. Instead an epigenome is what is recorded to change and be inherited amongst a generation of people.

Your genome is what is passed down to you from your race meaning you'll inherit characteristics within your race. Your genome doesn't change a lot. However your epigenome if passed down generation to generation and is highly adaptive to your environment. It filters genes from your genome to be expressed in you depending on your environment.

This means that it is impossible for a Sudanid or Indid to have blue eyes unless they develop a gene mutation that has the same effect as OCA2 (The gene mutation that caused blue eyes in northern Europeans originally.) Or have a mixed genome with other races. But on the other hand height and intelligence have some epigenetic variability over generations. This is because a persons epigenome can draw from a person's genome in order to increase height or intelligence.

In this thread I have used the terms "drawn from the genome" and other similar terms. This analogy is incorrect when referring to epigenetics but get my point over of the logistics of how it works. In actuality our DNA is controlled by DNA Methylation and Histone Acetylation and miRNA. These are natural processes that happen within the body as they allow for cell specialisation in the body (This means that eye cells will grow in the right place, heart cells will grow in the right place etc.) DNA Methylation works by adding a methyl group to a nuclear type of DNA (Cytosine, Adenine, Guanine and Thymine). This has the effect of turning a gene off. A Histone is a protein that DNA wraps itself around it is made out of Lysine. If DNA is wrapped around a histone tightly it means that those genes will not express when the RNA Polymerase comes around. Histone Accetylation allows DNA around a Histone to loosen by adding an acetyl group to the Lysine Histone meaning more of that gene will be expressed. DNA around a Histone is like a dial whilst DNA Methylation is like a switch. The opposite affect can occur if you remove acetyl group from Histones. These reactions happen all the time. miRNA (mircoRNA) is produced in our body. They don't code for proteins instead they bond to mRNA and block the Ribsome meaning that specific enzyme or protein can't be coded for.

Our Epigenome mutations are controlled by many environmental factors but the ones you should look out for are:

  • Development within the uterus and childhood.
  • Enviornmential pollution and chemicals.
  • Aging
  • Diet
By optimising these factors you can maintain your health and pass on healthy genes to your offspring.

Diet is the number 2 most important factor for how you will look like after puberty. Raw genetics are number 1 and if you have subhuman genetics you will always become a subhuman regardless. But most people aren’t subhuman, even some of the most unattractive people. Most likely the reason you are recessed is because your mom had a lack of good animal nutrients and a large number of pesticides from vegetables, estrogen in the water and passed it on to you for 9 months. Then during puberty, you most likely consumed a shit ton of bad chemicals, low quality high estrogen food and fortified soy baby formula instead of breast milk.

To achieve how you should look like is only possible with adequate amounts of high-quality animal nutrition during pregnancy and after. Yes, throw out your vegan beliefs because this thread will be largely based on evidence found from Weston Prices work, carnivores and actual nutrition science.


Weston Price was a Canadian dentist known for his theories on the relationship between nutrition, dental health, and physical health. What he found was that indigenous populations living the same way as their ancestors did decades ago, were extremely healthy. They had perfect teeth, healthy bones, hair and of course they weren’t recessed in the face. What Mike Mew doesn’t tell you is that not only correct posture is important, diet is even more important. The indigenous didn’t live in cities crowded with people to cause widespread sicknesses that gave you a cold that forced you to breathe through the mouth subconsciously. And they had optimal nutrition to achieve their full potential after puberty and of course didn’t need braces in the wild (JFL).

A few examples from his book (left: indigenous diet, right: modern day high carb, low fat diets)




Native Americans



Maasai tribe





Why does this matter now f*g? Why should we care about our diets now if it only mattered during puberty?

A quick answer to this is, even though you didn’t achieve your full potential during puberty you can still be in optimal health now. After following my diet guide, you will be able to perform at a high level while maintaining good energy levels, and have no brain fog. You will also be able build a physique as efficiently as possible from a nutritional standpoint. You will live longer and you will be in a good mood. Everything about your life and physical health WILL improve. Also, when you have kids, they shouldn’t become recessed if you incorporate a high-quality animal-based diet in their lives.

Now what is the perfect diet for humans for optimal health?

This depends on your DNA and the number of high-quality animal products you consume. In general, you would want to consume roughly the same as your ancestors would have done a long time ago. But this isn’t paleo or carnivore. No, most indigenous people actually also ate starches and fruits for calories, minerals and vitamins. Their diets would have consisted of roughly 70% animal foods and 30% plant foods. Exceptions to the rule are the Eskimos or the Maasai who only consume animal foods. But one thing to keep in mind is that the plant foods of today are NOT comparable to what our ancestors consumed. This is why you should focus on animal foods instead.

First you will need to know what your ancestry is like. For Europeans this would mean a very high amount of dairy and meat, for Asians this would be rice with fish, just to give you a quick example. You basically want to try to stay true to what your ancestors consumed.


Now let’s look at the basics for optimal human health in a modern society:

- The average balanced macro nutrient profile (still depends on your ancestry for what is likely optimal for your DNA):

- Protein: 40%

- Fats: 30%

- Carbs: 30%

You generally want to try to have high protein intake and a balanced fat and carb intake. Keto diet is a meme and not optimal, it is good however for those who want to lose fat very quickly (but you could just lower calories instead). Keto diet makes you feel like shit and puts you in constant stress, raising your cortisol levels and in turn reducing your T level.

- No processed foods

Examples are: Mc. Donald’s, Burger king, kit kat, chips, etc.

- No sugars except for honey

This includes foods like maple syrup or agave syrup. Raw honey is preferred as this tastes just as good, if not better and contains useful enzymes.

- No plant oils except for coconut oil

Coconut oil is high in saturated fat, low in other anti-nutrients. Of course, if you can use grass fed butter that’s good as well.

- No tap water. Filter it instead

Water contains estrogen, heavy metals like mercury or aluminium and other things you don’t want to consume.

- Generally, try to avoid GMO

GMO is vastly different from the plants our ancestors ate, they are low in vitamins and minerals and high in calories. Its not comparable to what our ancestors actually ate. The number 1 and 2 GMO foods are soy and corn.
For example, this is how an avocado would have looked like vs now.


- Organic fruits and vegetables only

This will eliminate most of the agrochemicals which are harmful and toxic to your body ( These can cause hormonal issues, cancer, prenatal development effects to name a few.

- Consume high amount of saturated fats

Your body actually needs a high amount of cholesterol, and are not the cause of heart problems. (Plant oils cause heart problems). Your brain is made up of 80% cholesterol and your cells are made out of it as well, it’s a basic building block for you whole body.

- Grass fed where you can

This greatly enhances the amount of nutrients in the animal foods and eliminates estrogenic content from soy or other GMO feed etc.

- Cook your own food, avoid eating out. Saves money and your health

- Avoid leavy green vegetables and vegetables in general

Vegetables are mostly made of indigestible fibre which is bad for your gut health. They contain the most agrochemicals and contain only a small amount of nutrients because they get hardly digested by your body. Most plants are GMO nowadays. You should see vegetables as a food that tastes nice as a side dish to the main meal being centred around starches, fat and meat.

- Try to avoid artificial sweeteners

While some studies show no side effects, it could be a possible neurotoxin. And we can say for sure that our ancestors didn’t consume them and you can use honey instead. (

- Don’t use plastics as a package or mug, use something else instead. Glass is best.

Plastics have a hormonal affect, and some others negatives as well. (

- Cook in stainless steel, cast iron or enamelled iron and possibly even glass cookware

Heavy metals like, copper, aluminium, nickel can all leech into your food and cause harmful effects to your health like Alzheimer’s. Try to avoid everything that’s not mentioned above. (,


Now a list of some of the best foods that you should focus on getting into your diet. This is not the only thing you should or must eat. Generally, if you consume a diet that has most of these and other high-quality organic foods you can get away with eating some kit cat once or twice a month.

- Liver

Great source of almost all vitamins you need, and in a good bio available form. Contains insane amounts of real Vit A (no beta carotene cope), Vit B-12 and copper. Also has a good amount of quality protein and fats. Per calorie, liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods there is and literally kills muscle meat in terms of nutrition per gram.

- Other organ meats

This could be heart, brain, kidneys. Liver is still the king of organ meats but you can try what you like with other organs, hard to go wrong here. All organs contain great amounts of vitamins, fats etc.

- Fatty meat cuts

Good source of vitamins, protein and healthy fats. The fats parts contain high amounts of bio available Vit D3, not found in plant foods at all.

- Eggs

A little multivitamin that’s actually bio available instead of multivitamin pills. Most multivitamins are toxic and made of synthetic materials. Eggs (the yolks) contain high amounts of cholesterol and a whole bunch of good vitamins (vit A, vit B’s) and minerals. Has high amounts of bio available protein.

- Butter

Good source of quality calories and fats and is rich in vitamins and minerals like Vit D, Vit A, Vit E, Vit B-12, Vit K2 (which is often over looked as essential vitamin).

- Milk (if you are lactose intolerant leave out dairy or try to opt for A2A2 dairy forms)

Good replacement for tap water. Don’t go for skimmed milk, with skimmed milk you lose the vitamins and nutrients of milk. Milk has a lot of quality protein, fats and contains a little bit of carbs. And also has casein (casein increases the absorption of minerals). If you can opt for raw milk, these contain natural bacteria which are important for gut health and for your immune system.

- For the sugar addicts among us, honey

Way better option for your sweet tooth than other artificial sugars. It’s a good source of carbs (I take this before going to the gym as a pre-workout). Don’t over eat honey though, one spoon a day is all I take. It’s still sugar but it actually lowers your blood pressure a bit.

- Rice, potato or any other starch. Try to remain true to what your ancestor would have consumed.

A good quality carb source is necessary for optimal energy levels as being in ketosis makes you sluggish and is unhealthy for most long term. Choose an easily digestible starch. For example, white rice won’t put as much stress on your digestive tract as other carb sources or processed foods will.

- Fish eggs (the APEX food on this list)

Probably the best food known to mankind. Fish eggs have a great and balanced nutritional profile containing the best omega 3’s you could wish for. Also includes good fats, protein and has a high amount of vitamin B-12 (this is one of the most important vitamins you need).

- Shell fish (shrimp, crayfish, crab, lobster, clams, etc.)

Low cal, high in quality protein and omega 3's and high amounts of iron, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B12.

- Cheeses

Most cheeses are good, it’s a fermented food. Contains high amount of quality proteins, fats Vit B-12/B-6, calcium, sodium, phosphor, zinc and high amounts of Vit K2 which is needed for bone growth and development. This is one of the reasons why the Dutch are so forward grown and tall.

- Fermented plant foods like sauerkraut

Fermented plant foods like sauerkraut are digestible for humans and healthy as well, because of the fermentation process. Contains high amounts of Vit C, K1, B6 and copper.

- Citrus fruits

Good source of Vit C which is low in most animal foods. Contains carbs in the form of fructose which you want to avoid, but because of daily Vit C need this is a quality and organic option over a Vit C supplement.


Supplements you want to add:

- Cod liver oil

The most important supplement on this list. Don’t get the fish oil variants, make sure it’s cod liver oil. Contains good omega 3’s and has high amounts of bio available Vit A and D3.

- Iodine

Most people should use this, as they have built up a large quantity of toxins in your body. Iodine makes you get rid of these. (

- Vit C

Always use a vitamin c. It helps neutralize negative chemicals in our body from the toxic environments we live in. Best form: doesn’t matter.

- Magnesium

Almost everybody is deficient in this, it’s the number 1 most needed and used mineral in our bodies. It’s also needed as a balancing factor for calcium, best form: citrate and glycinate

- Beef liver capsules

If you can’t stand the taste of liver, liver capsules are a great option. Other organ supplements exist as well. This won’t beat real liver but it’s still very healthy. Get the grass-fed options.

- Vit D3

70% of the world’s population is deficient in vitamin d3. You should supplement this at all times, next summer go outside and enjoy the sun. Our ancestors were 24/7 in the sun and had insane amounts of this vitamin available, that’s why you should take about 10-20K IU every day, especially during the winter.

Extra quality of life supplements:

- Berberine + mk677 for HGH maxxing

- Creatine for DHT maxxing

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Good post! But what about wrists? Whats your take on that? Does diet influence wrists? You can clearly seen extremely tall and facially masculine men with thin wrists, like guys on NBA or MMA fighters John Jones and Anderson Silva. At the same time, you have short guys with normal faces with very thick wrists, like MMA fighter Alex Volkanovski. Whats your take on it? There is minimal research on wrist size, its heritability etc. All the data just say if one is very overweight they might have bigger wrists due to fat layer. But thats not the point, I am talking about wrist size considering normal BMI.
  • +1
Reactions: Pandora
Good post! But what about wrists? Whats your take on that? Does diet influence wrists? You can clearly seen extremely tall and facially masculine men with thin wrists, like guys on NBA or MMA fighters John Jones and Anderson Silva. At the same time, you have short guys with normal faces with very thick wrists, like MMA fighter Alex Volkanovski. Whats your take on it? There is minimal research on wrist size, its heritability etc. All the data just say if one is very overweight they might have bigger wrists due to fat layer. But thats not the point, I am talking about wrist size considering normal BMI.
Tall people have longer arms and proportions leading to long wrist, exactly different for the short people
no ppl here dont understand the fact that genes play a very small role in jaw growth , bone density , forward growth , its mostly environment
Then why are identical twins who are separated at birth pretty much identical in face and the height? Have you ever thought about that fuckface?
  • +1
Reactions: diditeverbegin
Lets say you have normal genes , everything average and nothing crazy
If you've been breastfed as a child , had a good environment, had good pubertal T and chewed hard food growing up , you'd be one of those chads that look mtn-ish t thr same time
Being a chad is a genetic category, if you had good environment and good tongue posture, It means your jaws and face grows properly but doesn't mean you'll be chad.
  • +1
Reactions: Pandora
Then why are identical twins who are separated at birth pretty much identical in face and the height? Have you ever thought about that fuckface?
lol look at john mew experiments , they are enough
  • JFL
Reactions: diditeverbegin and Davidproton
Being a chad is a genetic category, if you had good environment and good tongue posture, It means your jaws and face grows properly but doesn't mean you'll be chad.
having a good jaw and maxilla is already enough , with average everything else you are easily chadlite
also you will be most likely to have compact orbitals , high zygos so you will be chad
having a good jaw and maxilla is already enough , with average everything else you are easily chadlite
also you will be most likely to have compact orbitals , high zygos so you will be chad
You are coping hard, your ramus length and skull shape and thickness of your mandible is genetic, Chad is still a genetic category
  • +1
Reactions: diditeverbegin and PSLdemigod
You are coping hard, your ramus length and skull shape and thickness of your mandible is genetic, Chad is still a genetic category
the other time i saw a girl with her father
the father was your generic oldcel with a downgrown face
the girl had insane forward growth it was Angelina jolie tier
both shared the same shit curry like eye area tho ( eye area is brutally genetic )
the other time i saw a girl with her father
the father was your generic oldcel with a downgrown face
the girl had insane forward growth it was Angelina jolie tier
both shared the same shit curry like eye area tho ( eye area is brutally genetic )
Genetic Recombination and also Old people can get more recessed with time due to bad habits.
  • +1
Reactions: diditeverbegin
dnr cope
  • +1
Reactions: diditeverbegin
Good yhread

Epigenetics is the field of research concerned with how genes are expressed and are inherited. In epigenetics changes are discovered in a phenotype that do not change underlying gene expression. Instead an epigenome is what is recorded to change and be inherited amongst a generation of people.

Your genome is what is passed down to you from your race meaning you'll inherit characteristics within your race. Your genome doesn't change a lot. However your epigenome if passed down generation to generation and is highly adaptive to your environment. It filters genes from your genome to be expressed in you depending on your environment.

This means that it is impossible for a Sudanid or Indid to have blue eyes unless they develop a gene mutation that has the same effect as OCA2 (The gene mutation that caused blue eyes in northern Europeans originally.) Or have a mixed genome with other races. But on the other hand height and intelligence have some epigenetic variability over generations. This is because a persons epigenome can draw from a person's genome in order to increase height or intelligence.

In this thread I have used the terms "drawn from the genome" and other similar terms. This analogy is incorrect when referring to epigenetics but get my point over of the logistics of how it works. In actuality our DNA is controlled by DNA Methylation and Histone Acetylation and miRNA. These are natural processes that happen within the body as they allow for cell specialisation in the body (This means that eye cells will grow in the right place, heart cells will grow in the right place etc.) DNA Methylation works by adding a methyl group to a nuclear type of DNA (Cytosine, Adenine, Guanine and Thymine). This has the effect of turning a gene off. A Histone is a protein that DNA wraps itself around it is made out of Lysine. If DNA is wrapped around a histone tightly it means that those genes will not express when the RNA Polymerase comes around. Histone Accetylation allows DNA around a Histone to loosen by adding an acetyl group to the Lysine Histone meaning more of that gene will be expressed. DNA around a Histone is like a dial whilst DNA Methylation is like a switch. The opposite affect can occur if you remove acetyl group from Histones. These reactions happen all the time. miRNA (mircoRNA) is produced in our body. They don't code for proteins instead they bond to mRNA and block the Ribsome meaning that specific enzyme or protein can't be coded for.

Our Epigenome mutations are controlled by many environmental factors but the ones you should look out for are:

  • Development within the uterus and childhood.
  • Enviornmential pollution and chemicals.
  • Aging
  • Diet
By optimising these factors you can maintain your health and pass on healthy genes to your offspring.

Diet is the number 2 most important factor for how you will look like after puberty. Raw genetics are number 1 and if you have subhuman genetics you will always become a subhuman regardless. But most people aren’t subhuman, even some of the most unattractive people. Most likely the reason you are recessed is because your mom had a lack of good animal nutrients and a large number of pesticides from vegetables, estrogen in the water and passed it on to you for 9 months. Then during puberty, you most likely consumed a shit ton of bad chemicals, low quality high estrogen food and fortified soy baby formula instead of breast milk.

To achieve how you should look like is only possible with adequate amounts of high-quality animal nutrition during pregnancy and after. Yes, throw out your vegan beliefs because this thread will be largely based on evidence found from Weston Prices work, carnivores and actual nutrition science.


Weston Price was a Canadian dentist known for his theories on the relationship between nutrition, dental health, and physical health. What he found was that indigenous populations living the same way as their ancestors did decades ago, were extremely healthy. They had perfect teeth, healthy bones, hair and of course they weren’t recessed in the face. What Mike Mew doesn’t tell you is that not only correct posture is important, diet is even more important. The indigenous didn’t live in cities crowded with people to cause widespread sicknesses that gave you a cold that forced you to breathe through the mouth subconsciously. And they had optimal nutrition to achieve their full potential after puberty and of course didn’t need braces in the wild (JFL).

A few examples from his book (left: indigenous diet, right: modern day high carb, low fat diets)




Native Americans



Maasai tribe





Why does this matter now f*g? Why should we care about our diets now if it only mattered during puberty?

A quick answer to this is, even though you didn’t achieve your full potential during puberty you can still be in optimal health now. After following my diet guide, you will be able to perform at a high level while maintaining good energy levels, and have no brain fog. You will also be able build a physique as efficiently as possible from a nutritional standpoint. You will live longer and you will be in a good mood. Everything about your life and physical health WILL improve. Also, when you have kids, they shouldn’t become recessed if you incorporate a high-quality animal-based diet in their lives.

Now what is the perfect diet for humans for optimal health?

This depends on your DNA and the number of high-quality animal products you consume. In general, you would want to consume roughly the same as your ancestors would have done a long time ago. But this isn’t paleo or carnivore. No, most indigenous people actually also ate starches and fruits for calories, minerals and vitamins. Their diets would have consisted of roughly 70% animal foods and 30% plant foods. Exceptions to the rule are the Eskimos or the Maasai who only consume animal foods. But one thing to keep in mind is that the plant foods of today are NOT comparable to what our ancestors consumed. This is why you should focus on animal foods instead.

First you will need to know what your ancestry is like. For Europeans this would mean a very high amount of dairy and meat, for Asians this would be rice with fish, just to give you a quick example. You basically want to try to stay true to what your ancestors consumed.


Now let’s look at the basics for optimal human health in a modern society:

- The average balanced macro nutrient profile (still depends on your ancestry for what is likely optimal for your DNA):

- Protein: 40%

- Fats: 30%

- Carbs: 30%

You generally want to try to have high protein intake and a balanced fat and carb intake. Keto diet is a meme and not optimal, it is good however for those who want to lose fat very quickly (but you could just lower calories instead). Keto diet makes you feel like shit and puts you in constant stress, raising your cortisol levels and in turn reducing your T level.

- No processed foods

Examples are: Mc. Donald’s, Burger king, kit kat, chips, etc.

- No sugars except for honey

This includes foods like maple syrup or agave syrup. Raw honey is preferred as this tastes just as good, if not better and contains useful enzymes.

- No plant oils except for coconut oil

Coconut oil is high in saturated fat, low in other anti-nutrients. Of course, if you can use grass fed butter that’s good as well.

- No tap water. Filter it instead

Water contains estrogen, heavy metals like mercury or aluminium and other things you don’t want to consume.

- Generally, try to avoid GMO

GMO is vastly different from the plants our ancestors ate, they are low in vitamins and minerals and high in calories. Its not comparable to what our ancestors actually ate. The number 1 and 2 GMO foods are soy and corn.
For example, this is how an avocado would have looked like vs now.


- Organic fruits and vegetables only

This will eliminate most of the agrochemicals which are harmful and toxic to your body ( These can cause hormonal issues, cancer, prenatal development effects to name a few.

- Consume high amount of saturated fats

Your body actually needs a high amount of cholesterol, and are not the cause of heart problems. (Plant oils cause heart problems). Your brain is made up of 80% cholesterol and your cells are made out of it as well, it’s a basic building block for you whole body.

- Grass fed where you can

This greatly enhances the amount of nutrients in the animal foods and eliminates estrogenic content from soy or other GMO feed etc.

- Cook your own food, avoid eating out. Saves money and your health

- Avoid leavy green vegetables and vegetables in general

Vegetables are mostly made of indigestible fibre which is bad for your gut health. They contain the most agrochemicals and contain only a small amount of nutrients because they get hardly digested by your body. Most plants are GMO nowadays. You should see vegetables as a food that tastes nice as a side dish to the main meal being centred around starches, fat and meat.

- Try to avoid artificial sweeteners

While some studies show no side effects, it could be a possible neurotoxin. And we can say for sure that our ancestors didn’t consume them and you can use honey instead. (

- Don’t use plastics as a package or mug, use something else instead. Glass is best.

Plastics have a hormonal affect, and some others negatives as well. (

- Cook in stainless steel, cast iron or enamelled iron and possibly even glass cookware

Heavy metals like, copper, aluminium, nickel can all leech into your food and cause harmful effects to your health like Alzheimer’s. Try to avoid everything that’s not mentioned above. (,


Now a list of some of the best foods that you should focus on getting into your diet. This is not the only thing you should or must eat. Generally, if you consume a diet that has most of these and other high-quality organic foods you can get away with eating some kit cat once or twice a month.

- Liver

Great source of almost all vitamins you need, and in a good bio available form. Contains insane amounts of real Vit A (no beta carotene cope), Vit B-12 and copper. Also has a good amount of quality protein and fats. Per calorie, liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods there is and literally kills muscle meat in terms of nutrition per gram.

- Other organ meats

This could be heart, brain, kidneys. Liver is still the king of organ meats but you can try what you like with other organs, hard to go wrong here. All organs contain great amounts of vitamins, fats etc.

- Fatty meat cuts

Good source of vitamins, protein and healthy fats. The fats parts contain high amounts of bio available Vit D3, not found in plant foods at all.

- Eggs

A little multivitamin that’s actually bio available instead of multivitamin pills. Most multivitamins are toxic and made of synthetic materials. Eggs (the yolks) contain high amounts of cholesterol and a whole bunch of good vitamins (vit A, vit B’s) and minerals. Has high amounts of bio available protein.

- Butter

Good source of quality calories and fats and is rich in vitamins and minerals like Vit D, Vit A, Vit E, Vit B-12, Vit K2 (which is often over looked as essential vitamin).

- Milk (if you are lactose intolerant leave out dairy or try to opt for A2A2 dairy forms)

Good replacement for tap water. Don’t go for skimmed milk, with skimmed milk you lose the vitamins and nutrients of milk. Milk has a lot of quality protein, fats and contains a little bit of carbs. And also has casein (casein increases the absorption of minerals). If you can opt for raw milk, these contain natural bacteria which are important for gut health and for your immune system.

- For the sugar addicts among us, honey

Way better option for your sweet tooth than other artificial sugars. It’s a good source of carbs (I take this before going to the gym as a pre-workout). Don’t over eat honey though, one spoon a day is all I take. It’s still sugar but it actually lowers your blood pressure a bit.

- Rice, potato or any other starch. Try to remain true to what your ancestor would have consumed.

A good quality carb source is necessary for optimal energy levels as being in ketosis makes you sluggish and is unhealthy for most long term. Choose an easily digestible starch. For example, white rice won’t put as much stress on your digestive tract as other carb sources or processed foods will.

- Fish eggs (the APEX food on this list)

Probably the best food known to mankind. Fish eggs have a great and balanced nutritional profile containing the best omega 3’s you could wish for. Also includes good fats, protein and has a high amount of vitamin B-12 (this is one of the most important vitamins you need).

- Shell fish (shrimp, crayfish, crab, lobster, clams, etc.)

Low cal, high in quality protein and omega 3's and high amounts of iron, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B12.

- Cheeses

Most cheeses are good, it’s a fermented food. Contains high amount of quality proteins, fats Vit B-12/B-6, calcium, sodium, phosphor, zinc and high amounts of Vit K2 which is needed for bone growth and development. This is one of the reasons why the Dutch are so forward grown and tall.

- Fermented plant foods like sauerkraut

Fermented plant foods like sauerkraut are digestible for humans and healthy as well, because of the fermentation process. Contains high amounts of Vit C, K1, B6 and copper.

- Citrus fruits

Good source of Vit C which is low in most animal foods. Contains carbs in the form of fructose which you want to avoid, but because of daily Vit C need this is a quality and organic option over a Vit C supplement.


Supplements you want to add:

- Cod liver oil

The most important supplement on this list. Don’t get the fish oil variants, make sure it’s cod liver oil. Contains good omega 3’s and has high amounts of bio available Vit A and D3.

- Iodine

Most people should use this, as they have built up a large quantity of toxins in your body. Iodine makes you get rid of these. (

- Vit C

Always use a vitamin c. It helps neutralize negative chemicals in our body from the toxic environments we live in. Best form: doesn’t matter.

- Magnesium

Almost everybody is deficient in this, it’s the number 1 most needed and used mineral in our bodies. It’s also needed as a balancing factor for calcium, best form: citrate and glycinate

- Beef liver capsules

If you can’t stand the taste of liver, liver capsules are a great option. Other organ supplements exist as well. This won’t beat real liver but it’s still very healthy. Get the grass-fed options.

- Vit D3

70% of the world’s population is deficient in vitamin d3. You should supplement this at all times, next summer go outside and enjoy the sun. Our ancestors were 24/7 in the sun and had insane amounts of this vitamin available, that’s why you should take about 10-20K IU every day, especially during the winter.

Extra quality of life supplements:

- Berberine + mk677 for HGH maxxing

- Creatine for DHT maxxing

- too

Epigenetics is the field of research concerned with how genes are expressed and are inherited. In epigenetics changes are discovered in a phenotype that do not change underlying gene expression. Instead an epigenome is what is recorded to change and be inherited amongst a generation of people.

Your genome is what is passed down to you from your race meaning you'll inherit characteristics within your race. Your genome doesn't change a lot. However your epigenome if passed down generation to generation and is highly adaptive to your environment. It filters genes from your genome to be expressed in you depending on your environment.

This means that it is impossible for a Sudanid or Indid to have blue eyes unless they develop a gene mutation that has the same effect as OCA2 (The gene mutation that caused blue eyes in northern Europeans originally.) Or have a mixed genome with other races. But on the other hand height and intelligence have some epigenetic variability over generations. This is because a persons epigenome can draw from a person's genome in order to increase height or intelligence.

In this thread I have used the terms "drawn from the genome" and other similar terms. This analogy is incorrect when referring to epigenetics but get my point over of the logistics of how it works. In actuality our DNA is controlled by DNA Methylation and Histone Acetylation and miRNA. These are natural processes that happen within the body as they allow for cell specialisation in the body (This means that eye cells will grow in the right place, heart cells will grow in the right place etc.) DNA Methylation works by adding a methyl group to a nuclear type of DNA (Cytosine, Adenine, Guanine and Thymine). This has the effect of turning a gene off. A Histone is a protein that DNA wraps itself around it is made out of Lysine. If DNA is wrapped around a histone tightly it means that those genes will not express when the RNA Polymerase comes around. Histone Accetylation allows DNA around a Histone to loosen by adding an acetyl group to the Lysine Histone meaning more of that gene will be expressed. DNA around a Histone is like a dial whilst DNA Methylation is like a switch. The opposite affect can occur if you remove acetyl group from Histones. These reactions happen all the time. miRNA (mircoRNA) is produced in our body. They don't code for proteins instead they bond to mRNA and block the Ribsome meaning that specific enzyme or protein can't be coded for.

Our Epigenome mutations are controlled by many environmental factors but the ones you should look out for are:

  • Development within the uterus and childhood.
  • Enviornmential pollution and chemicals.
  • Aging
  • Diet
By optimising these factors you can maintain your health and pass on healthy genes to your offspring.

Diet is the number 2 most important factor for how you will look like after puberty. Raw genetics are number 1 and if you have subhuman genetics you will always become a subhuman regardless. But most people aren’t subhuman, even some of the most unattractive people. Most likely the reason you are recessed is because your mom had a lack of good animal nutrients and a large number of pesticides from vegetables, estrogen in the water and passed it on to you for 9 months. Then during puberty, you most likely consumed a shit ton of bad chemicals, low quality high estrogen food and fortified soy baby formula instead of breast milk.

To achieve how you should look like is only possible with adequate amounts of high-quality animal nutrition during pregnancy and after. Yes, throw out your vegan beliefs because this thread will be largely based on evidence found from Weston Prices work, carnivores and actual nutrition science.


Weston Price was a Canadian dentist known for his theories on the relationship between nutrition, dental health, and physical health. What he found was that indigenous populations living the same way as their ancestors did decades ago, were extremely healthy. They had perfect teeth, healthy bones, hair and of course they weren’t recessed in the face. What Mike Mew doesn’t tell you is that not only correct posture is important, diet is even more important. The indigenous didn’t live in cities crowded with people to cause widespread sicknesses that gave you a cold that forced you to breathe through the mouth subconsciously. And they had optimal nutrition to achieve their full potential after puberty and of course didn’t need braces in the wild (JFL).

A few examples from his book (left: indigenous diet, right: modern day high carb, low fat diets)




Native Americans



Maasai tribe





Why does this matter now f*g? Why should we care about our diets now if it only mattered during puberty?

A quick answer to this is, even though you didn’t achieve your full potential during puberty you can still be in optimal health now. After following my diet guide, you will be able to perform at a high level while maintaining good energy levels, and have no brain fog. You will also be able build a physique as efficiently as possible from a nutritional standpoint. You will live longer and you will be in a good mood. Everything about your life and physical health WILL improve. Also, when you have kids, they shouldn’t become recessed if you incorporate a high-quality animal-based diet in their lives.

Now what is the perfect diet for humans for optimal health?

This depends on your DNA and the number of high-quality animal products you consume. In general, you would want to consume roughly the same as your ancestors would have done a long time ago. But this isn’t paleo or carnivore. No, most indigenous people actually also ate starches and fruits for calories, minerals and vitamins. Their diets would have consisted of roughly 70% animal foods and 30% plant foods. Exceptions to the rule are the Eskimos or the Maasai who only consume animal foods. But one thing to keep in mind is that the plant foods of today are NOT comparable to what our ancestors consumed. This is why you should focus on animal foods instead.

First you will need to know what your ancestry is like. For Europeans this would mean a very high amount of dairy and meat, for Asians this would be rice with fish, just to give you a quick example. You basically want to try to stay true to what your ancestors consumed.


Now let’s look at the basics for optimal human health in a modern society:

- The average balanced macro nutrient profile (still depends on your ancestry for what is likely optimal for your DNA):

- Protein: 40%

- Fats: 30%

- Carbs: 30%

You generally want to try to have high protein intake and a balanced fat and carb intake. Keto diet is a meme and not optimal, it is good however for those who want to lose fat very quickly (but you could just lower calories instead). Keto diet makes you feel like shit and puts you in constant stress, raising your cortisol levels and in turn reducing your T level.

- No processed foods

Examples are: Mc. Donald’s, Burger king, kit kat, chips, etc.

- No sugars except for honey

This includes foods like maple syrup or agave syrup. Raw honey is preferred as this tastes just as good, if not better and contains useful enzymes.

- No plant oils except for coconut oil

Coconut oil is high in saturated fat, low in other anti-nutrients. Of course, if you can use grass fed butter that’s good as well.

- No tap water. Filter it instead

Water contains estrogen, heavy metals like mercury or aluminium and other things you don’t want to consume.

- Generally, try to avoid GMO

GMO is vastly different from the plants our ancestors ate, they are low in vitamins and minerals and high in calories. Its not comparable to what our ancestors actually ate. The number 1 and 2 GMO foods are soy and corn.
For example, this is how an avocado would have looked like vs now.


- Organic fruits and vegetables only

This will eliminate most of the agrochemicals which are harmful and toxic to your body ( These can cause hormonal issues, cancer, prenatal development effects to name a few.

- Consume high amount of saturated fats

Your body actually needs a high amount of cholesterol, and are not the cause of heart problems. (Plant oils cause heart problems). Your brain is made up of 80% cholesterol and your cells are made out of it as well, it’s a basic building block for you whole body.

- Grass fed where you can

This greatly enhances the amount of nutrients in the animal foods and eliminates estrogenic content from soy or other GMO feed etc.

- Cook your own food, avoid eating out. Saves money and your health

- Avoid leavy green vegetables and vegetables in general

Vegetables are mostly made of indigestible fibre which is bad for your gut health. They contain the most agrochemicals and contain only a small amount of nutrients because they get hardly digested by your body. Most plants are GMO nowadays. You should see vegetables as a food that tastes nice as a side dish to the main meal being centred around starches, fat and meat.

- Try to avoid artificial sweeteners

While some studies show no side effects, it could be a possible neurotoxin. And we can say for sure that our ancestors didn’t consume them and you can use honey instead. (

- Don’t use plastics as a package or mug, use something else instead. Glass is best.

Plastics have a hormonal affect, and some others negatives as well. (

- Cook in stainless steel, cast iron or enamelled iron and possibly even glass cookware

Heavy metals like, copper, aluminium, nickel can all leech into your food and cause harmful effects to your health like Alzheimer’s. Try to avoid everything that’s not mentioned above. (,


Now a list of some of the best foods that you should focus on getting into your diet. This is not the only thing you should or must eat. Generally, if you consume a diet that has most of these and other high-quality organic foods you can get away with eating some kit cat once or twice a month.

- Liver

Great source of almost all vitamins you need, and in a good bio available form. Contains insane amounts of real Vit A (no beta carotene cope), Vit B-12 and copper. Also has a good amount of quality protein and fats. Per calorie, liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods there is and literally kills muscle meat in terms of nutrition per gram.

- Other organ meats

This could be heart, brain, kidneys. Liver is still the king of organ meats but you can try what you like with other organs, hard to go wrong here. All organs contain great amounts of vitamins, fats etc.

- Fatty meat cuts

Good source of vitamins, protein and healthy fats. The fats parts contain high amounts of bio available Vit D3, not found in plant foods at all.

- Eggs

A little multivitamin that’s actually bio available instead of multivitamin pills. Most multivitamins are toxic and made of synthetic materials. Eggs (the yolks) contain high amounts of cholesterol and a whole bunch of good vitamins (vit A, vit B’s) and minerals. Has high amounts of bio available protein.

- Butter

Good source of quality calories and fats and is rich in vitamins and minerals like Vit D, Vit A, Vit E, Vit B-12, Vit K2 (which is often over looked as essential vitamin).

- Milk (if you are lactose intolerant leave out dairy or try to opt for A2A2 dairy forms)

Good replacement for tap water. Don’t go for skimmed milk, with skimmed milk you lose the vitamins and nutrients of milk. Milk has a lot of quality protein, fats and contains a little bit of carbs. And also has casein (casein increases the absorption of minerals). If you can opt for raw milk, these contain natural bacteria which are important for gut health and for your immune system.

- For the sugar addicts among us, honey

Way better option for your sweet tooth than other artificial sugars. It’s a good source of carbs (I take this before going to the gym as a pre-workout). Don’t over eat honey though, one spoon a day is all I take. It’s still sugar but it actually lowers your blood pressure a bit.

- Rice, potato or any other starch. Try to remain true to what your ancestor would have consumed.

A good quality carb source is necessary for optimal energy levels as being in ketosis makes you sluggish and is unhealthy for most long term. Choose an easily digestible starch. For example, white rice won’t put as much stress on your digestive tract as other carb sources or processed foods will.

- Fish eggs (the APEX food on this list)

Probably the best food known to mankind. Fish eggs have a great and balanced nutritional profile containing the best omega 3’s you could wish for. Also includes good fats, protein and has a high amount of vitamin B-12 (this is one of the most important vitamins you need).

- Shell fish (shrimp, crayfish, crab, lobster, clams, etc.)

Low cal, high in quality protein and omega 3's and high amounts of iron, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B12.

- Cheeses

Most cheeses are good, it’s a fermented food. Contains high amount of quality proteins, fats Vit B-12/B-6, calcium, sodium, phosphor, zinc and high amounts of Vit K2 which is needed for bone growth and development. This is one of the reasons why the Dutch are so forward grown and tall.

- Fermented plant foods like sauerkraut

Fermented plant foods like sauerkraut are digestible for humans and healthy as well, because of the fermentation process. Contains high amounts of Vit C, K1, B6 and copper.

- Citrus fruits

Good source of Vit C which is low in most animal foods. Contains carbs in the form of fructose which you want to avoid, but because of daily Vit C need this is a quality and organic option over a Vit C supplement.


Supplements you want to add:

- Cod liver oil

The most important supplement on this list. Don’t get the fish oil variants, make sure it’s cod liver oil. Contains good omega 3’s and has high amounts of bio available Vit A and D3.

- Iodine

Most people should use this, as they have built up a large quantity of toxins in your body. Iodine makes you get rid of these. (

- Vit C

Always use a vitamin c. It helps neutralize negative chemicals in our body from the toxic environments we live in. Best form: doesn’t matter.

- Magnesium

Almost everybody is deficient in this, it’s the number 1 most needed and used mineral in our bodies. It’s also needed as a balancing factor for calcium, best form: citrate and glycinate

- Beef liver capsules

If you can’t stand the taste of liver, liver capsules are a great option. Other organ supplements exist as well. This won’t beat real liver but it’s still very healthy. Get the grass-fed options.

- Vit D3

70% of the world’s population is deficient in vitamin d3. You should supplement this at all times, next summer go outside and enjoy the sun. Our ancestors were 24/7 in the sun and had insane amounts of this vitamin available, that’s why you should take about 10-20K IU every day, especially during the winter.

Extra quality of life supplements:

- Berberine + mk677 for HGH maxxing

- Creatine for DHT maxxing

Good thread morons here don't deserve it
I hope all the people who cal this cope Ofer the rope

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