How I plan to get rich (high IQ)

You can do all the "genuine research and understanding" you want, and yet most assets will still tank. Only a tiny percentage make it. That happens in all markets. Most stocks that were considered bulletproof a few decades ago are now gone, and I'm sure there were legions of smart investors who did their "research" on them and were convinced they were winners.
im not saying there is no risk involved but generally if you make smart well informed investments it's not going to rug on you
Step 4: Lose all of your money and get cucked
In 2025, we be looking at big (more than 2x) crypto gains, compared to todays prices. I feel 90% sure about that.
Cope. Hating on crypto is actually a normie trait.
true that. bitcoin, and some other cryptos. is imo the asset class, to put ones money that don't need/is unused. And if one likes trading and good at it, than bitcoin/crypto is also the place to be, with it's nice volatility.

caging at u
put your excess money that don't use for years in bitcoin brav, and than thank me in 2025 when you sell it at nice gains during mania phase in da cycle.
  • +1
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put your excess money that don't use for years in bitcoin brav, and than thank me in 2025 when you sell it at nice gains during mania phase in da cycle.
put my spare cash into businesses which generate cash or property which is guaranteed to generate cash

not gambling it on some shitcoin
  • +1
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put my spare cash into businesses which generate cash or property which is guaranteed to generate cash
As i said:
excess money that don't use for years .

business will always have the highest return potential.
rela estate returns, I think bitcoin will outperform them massivily the next 2 years
As i said:
excess money that don't use for years
why would you waste your excess money on gambling when u could put it towards guaranteed making more cash
why would you waste your excess money on gambling when u could put it towards guaranteed making more cash
business will always have the highest return potential.
real estate returns, I think bitcoin will outperform them massivily the next 2 years

i don't see it as a big gamble.
since I feel 90% certain about this.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 26859
do you have a source for IQ predicting learning speed? There must be a study where they compare learning speeds of various IQ'd people

If IQ can't predicting learning speed, it's a measure of obtained knowledge, not "intelligence". At most, iq test taking ability is a (weak) estimate of knowledge seeking behavior and social class
Non-sequitur. U are suggesting everybody has the same potential of ineight depth. Certain problems can not be solved by certain people, no matter the given time.
  • +1
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You can do all the "genuine research and understanding" you want, and yet most assets will still tank. Only a tiny percentage make it. That happens in all markets. Most stocks that were considered bulletproof a few decades ago are now gone, and I'm sure there were legions of smart investors who did their "research" on them and were convinced they were winners.
The dumbest shit I’ve ever read.
You will need a good degree from a top tier university to get a high salary straight out of the gate
Have you been living under a rock?
You're extremely late to the game and you're following 2017 crypto investing advice. JFL.
im not saying invest into retarded old 2017 coins...

because its general investing advice not particular to crypto
why dont you make your point instead of being like this
You're completely out of touch.
im not saying invest into retarded old 2017 coins...

because its general investing advice not particular to crypto
The 'advice' you're parroting is extremely outdated. You're setting yourself up and others for failure.

How old are you?
You're completely out of touch.

The 'advice' you're parroting is extremely outdated. You're setting yourself up and others for failure.

How old are you?
your retarded my guy, your criticising without actually saying anything
your retarded my guy, your criticising without actually saying anything

I've already stated multiple times that your 'advice' is ancient. You know nothing you stupid little shit.
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Certain problems can not be solved by certain people, no matter the given time.
Yea, IQ test questions are almost purely knowledge based lol. You can only answer it if you were previously exposed to knowledge that the IQ test question is testing
  • +1
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Also the dudes with tens of millions from oil or real estate that go on podcasts and run courses and shit.
lol those people do not have high IQs. "intelligence" could be the reason they were successful, but iq doesnt measure intelligence.

Iq predicts speed. If you cannot answer a question in a certain amount of time, it is marked incorrect.
IQ tests dont need/have a real time limit since the questions are knowledge based. You were either exposed to the question material in the past, or you werent. (other than process speed subtests)
If by "does iq make you learn faster?" You mean "do higher iq people learn faster than lower iq people?" Yes.
"IQ" doesnt make you learn "faster". IQ can't predict learning speed:

1. Does fluid intelligence facilitate the learning of English as a foreign language?—A longitudinal latent growth curve analysis
Fluid intelligence and intrinsic motivation were found to be related to the initial level of English achievement. However, neither fluid intelligence nor intrinsic motivation predicted the rate of change concerning the English scores. These findings extend the growing body of evidence that the relation between intelligence and rate of academic long-term learning may not be as strong as traditionally expected.

2. Predicting Long-Term Growth in Students' Mathematics Achievement: The Unique Contributions of Motivation and Cognitive Strategies
Results showed that the initial level of achievement was strongly related to intelligence, with motivation and cognitive strategies explaining additional variance. In contrast, intelligence had no relation with the growth of achievement over years, whereas motivation and learning strategies were predictors of growth.

3. Correlates of individual, and age-related, differences in short-term learning
Although significant individual differences in both initial level of performance and subsequent learning were found in both tasks, age differences were found only in mean initial level, and not in mean learning. In neither task was fluid or crystallized intelligence associated with learning. Although there were moderate correlations among the level parameters across the verbal and spatial tasks, the learning parameters were not significantly correlated with one another across task modalities. These results are inconsistent with the existence of a general (e.g., material-independent) learning ability.

4. An astonishing regularity in student learning rate
These results provide a challenge for learning theory to explain this striking similarity in student learning rate. They also suggest that educational achievement gaps come from differences in learning opportunities and that better access to such opportunities can help close those gaps.

The best iq tests have 0 general knowledge questions and are solving various types of puzzles that require different brain functions to solve. Such as finishing a pattern of shapes-rotating a 3d object in your "minds-eye."
The "best subtest" is also the least g-loaded? Shouldnt the most g-loaded subtest be the best subtest?

Voc = Vocabulary, Info = Information, Comp = Comprehension, Arith = Arithmetic, BD = Block Design,
Dspan = Digit Span, PC = Picture Completion, PA= Picture Arrangement, OA = Object Assembly, Sim = Similar-
ities, DSym = Digit Symbol

Vocabulary: purely knowledge based

Info/general knowledge: purely knowledge based

Verbal comprehension: purely knowledge based

Arithmetic: almost purely knowledge based

Why are the most g-loaded subtests also the most obviously culturally loaded? because g = culturally loaded,
A lot of high iq people can learn slowly due to disorders/learning disabilities. High iq people can think deeper. If you ever think about a complex issue and feel like you hit a wall don't know how to get past it but u have a feeling it's possible. There is a person with a significantly higher enough iq than you that would not have hit that wall.
IQ isnt a measure of whatever you're describing
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  • +1
Reactions: mogger123
Step 1: get a high paying job. You can't become wealthy from being a neet. You will need a good degree from a top tier university to get a high salary straight out of the gate. I would recommend computer science

Step 2: invest a large percentage of each paycheck into an undervalued cryptocurrency. Do proper research and make sure your not buying a scam. Also do not diversify. Make sure you are putting all of your money into the same asset. Diversification is for wealth preservation, not wealth generation. Do not fall for the diversification meme.

Step 3: insane profit when next bull run comes around
dont listen g, u are right. obviously u oversimplified it but that is basically it. and yes getting a high paying job is the first and most important step
  • +1
Reactions: mogger123
The g factor? General intelligence? Nah. The Flynn effect? Rapid increase in iq in 1900s? Nah. Dunning Kruger? Average-high iq ppl accurately estimate themselves while low iq tend to overestimate? Nah. Visual-spatial intelligence? Verbal processing? Fluid reasoning? Working memory? Nah. Matrix reasoning? Nah. I don't know anything about psychometrics. Maybe you don't believe in iq as a concept because you weren't happy with your score.☹️
-What is the unit of measurement used to measure g/IQ on iq tests?

-I find it cute/endearing when people with high IQ test taking ability become g-purists to give themselves a boost in motivation/intellect confidence. like while knowing 0 about IQ, they just choose to believe in it. (many such cases)
lol those people do not have high IQs. "intelligence" could be the reason they were successful, but iq doesnt measure intelligence.
I used them as examples of people that do NOT have high iqs but are successful. An example of industriousness.
The "best subtest" is also the least g-loaded? Shouldnt the most g-loaded subtest be the best subtest?
No. General knowledge, as in, trivia. Also I didn't say "best subtest" so why did u quote it as if I did?
IQ tests dont need/have a real time limit since the questions are knowledge based. You were either exposed to the question material in the past, or you werent. (other than process speed subtests)

"IQ" doesnt make you learn "faster". IQ can't predict learning speed:
I have examined over 30 iq tests, created by researchers. I have personally had 2 administered onto me. Every single one had a time limit on individual questions.
Higher iq individuals are proven to be quicker at simple tasks and slower, more meticulous, with complex tasks; All while making less mistakes at both, than their lower iq counterparts.

The most widely used, most esteemed iq tests are not knowledge-based.
Vocabulary: purely knowledge based

Info/general knowledge: purely knowledge based

Verbal comprehension: purely knowledge based

Arithmetic: almost purely knowledge based
There is no vocabulary on the WAIS. Or almost any respected iq test.
There is no info/general knowledge on the WAIS or almost any respected IQ test.

(It's funny how u use "general knowledge" here exactly how I meant it earlier. But when I said it earlier you mistook it as me talking about g factor. Unless you are conflating the two. In either case, bravo. That really shows off your intellect.)

Verbal comprehension is not knowledge based. If you speak English, you will understand every word that is said. They are testing your ability to comprehend and remember the meaning of gradually more complex sentences, using simple, low level vocabulary.

Arithmetic is not on WAIS or almost any respected IQ test. It is on ACADEMIC ABILITY tests, which are often mistaken for iq tests. They are not the same. Vocabulary is also on these academic ability tests.
-What is the unit of measurement used to measure g/IQ on iq tests?

-I find it cute/endearing when people with high IQ test taking ability become g-purists to give themselves a boost in motivation/intellect confidence. like while knowing 0 about IQ, they just choose to believe in it. (many such cases)
There is no unit of measurement for iq. It is calculated by
how many answers you got right÷how Many answers the average person in your age group got right ×100= your score
Usually then turned into a percentile.
I find it cute/endearing when people who have scored low on iq tests sufficiently convince themselves that they can be a functioning part of the intellectual community. When they think they can conversate about things that are more complex than arguing about sports or cartoons. U completely misunderstood multiple things I said. I can completely see you shifting what you present as facts, subtly enough to convince low iq readers to agree with you, to fit your argument.
We are not on the same level.
Step 1: get a high paying job. You can't become wealthy from being a neet. You will need a good degree from a top tier university to get a high salary straight out of the gate. I would recommend computer science

Step 2: invest a large percentage of each paycheck into an undervalued cryptocurrency. Do proper research and make sure your not buying a scam. Also do not diversify. Make sure you are putting all of your money into the same asset. Diversification is for wealth preservation, not wealth generation. Do not fall for the diversification meme.

Step 3: insane profit when next bull run comes around
invest in house plants 2) water them 3) water
I used them as examples of people that do NOT have high iqs but are successful. An example of industriousness.
joe rogan notoriously has a 130 iq tho, you werent being clear. "industriousness" is a made up word that means nothing
No. General knowledge, as in, trivia. Also I didn't say "best subtest" so why did u quote it as if I did?
I said "proxy knowledge questions" and you responded with "general knowledge" and a non g-loaded subtest. You arent being clear so I didnt understand you(?) I inferred you meant best subtests since "the best IQ tests" do test general knowledge.


I have examined over 30 iq tests, created by researchers. I have personally had 2 administered onto me. Every single one had a time limit on individual questions.
Higher iq individuals are proven to be quicker at simple tasks and slower, more meticulous, with complex tasks; All while making less mistakes at both, than their lower iq counterparts.
its not a real time limit lol, the intended function of the limit is a cost saving measure. (other than processing speed). The time limit is large enough that it doesnt impede test scores.

why dont you know this: this is a known fact, you are unaware.
The most widely used, most esteemed iq tests are not knowledge-based.
What does knowledge based mean? Why are the most g-loaded subtests also the most knowledge based?
There is no vocabulary on the WAIS. Or almost any respected iq test.
There is no info/general knowledge on the WAIS or almost any respected IQ test.
You are lying. please post a source. Are you on drugs? i am so confused/mindblown
(It's funny how u use "general knowledge" here exactly how I meant it earlier. But when I said it earlier you mistook it as me talking about g factor. Unless you are conflating the two. In either case, bravo. That really shows off your intellect.)
Yes you werent being clear idk what you want me to say. I assumed you were knowledge about IQ so I inferred what you meant? You know nothing
Verbal comprehension is not knowledge based. If you speak English, you will understand every word that is said. They are testing your ability to comprehend and remember the meaning of gradually more complex sentences, using simple, low level vocabulary.\
The word selection used in verbal comp subtests are not "low vocab". All verbal subtests being vocab-loaded explains the large g-loading of verbal

No, I think its knowledge based. The ability to comprehend meaning doesnt magically spawn in your brain, its the result of education
Arithmetic is not on WAIS or almost any respected IQ test. It is on ACADEMIC ABILITY tests, which are often mistaken for iq tests. They are not the same. Vocabulary is also on these academic ability tests.
Its a working memory subtest? again, wtf are you saying. How is it so g-loaded if its a "bad" subtest that isnt used on respectable IQ tests (even though it is LOL)
There is no unit of measurement for iq. It is calculated by
how many answers you got right÷how Many answers the average person in your age group got right ×100= your score
Usually then turned into a percentile.
If theres no unit of measurement, "IQ tests" cant be a measure of anything
I find it cute/endearing when people who have scored low on iq tests sufficiently convince themselves that they can be a functioning part of the intellectual community. When they think they can conversate about things that are more complex than arguing about sports or cartoons. U completely misunderstood multiple things I said. I can completely see you shifting what you present as facts, subtly enough to convince low iq readers to agree with you, to fit your argument.
We are not on the same level.
Almost everything you wrote is factually wrong, you're an unaware teenager making up random bs
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  • +1
Reactions: mogger123
fine, I can help you fill in your gain in knowledge but why didnt you respond to the point on IQ not predicting learning speed? WE ARE "DEBATING" GOOGLABLE INFORMATION LOL. seriously, ask chat gdt

I am arguing at a much higher level of IQ knowledge, you really need to educate yourself:

Genes, Brains, and Human Potential: The Science and Ideology of Intelligence (Richardson 2017)

Essentials of WAIS-IV Assessment (2012)
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  • +1
Reactions: mogger123

I've already stated multiple times that your 'advice' is ancient. You know nothing you stupid little shit.
Still not a single actual criticism. Something being old is not valid unless you explain why it no longer works
lol those people do not have high IQs. "intelligence" could be the reason they were successful, but iq doesnt measure intelligence.

IQ tests dont need/have a real time limit since the questions are knowledge based. You were either exposed to the question material in the past, or you werent. (other than process speed subtests)

"IQ" doesnt make you learn "faster". IQ can't predict learning speed:

1. Does fluid intelligence facilitate the learning of English as a foreign language?—A longitudinal latent growth curve analysis

2. Predicting Long-Term Growth in Students' Mathematics Achievement: The Unique Contributions of Motivation and Cognitive Strategies

3. Correlates of individual, and age-related, differences in short-term learning

4. An astonishing regularity in student learning rate

The "best subtest" is also the least g-loaded? Shouldnt the most g-loaded subtest be the best subtest?

Voc = Vocabulary, Info = Information, Comp = Comprehension, Arith = Arithmetic, BD = Block Design,
Dspan = Digit Span, PC = Picture Completion, PA= Picture Arrangement, OA = Object Assembly, Sim = Similar-
ities, DSym = Digit Symbol

Vocabulary: purely knowledge based

Info/general knowledge: purely knowledge based

Verbal comprehension: purely knowledge based

Arithmetic: almost purely knowledge based

Why are the most g-loaded subtests also the most obviously culturally loaded? because g = culturally loaded,

IQ isnt a measure of whatever you're describing
Holy shit you destroyed him lmao
  • +1
Reactions: Crusile
fine, I can help you fill in your gain in knowledge but why didnt you respond to the point on IQ not predicting learning speed? WE ARE "DEBATING" GOOGLABLE INFORMATION LOL. seriously, ask chat gdt

I am arguing at a much higher level of IQ knowledge, you really need to educate yourself:

Genes, Brains, and Human Potential: The Science and Ideology of Intelligence (Richardson 2017)

Essentials of WAIS-IV Assessment (2012)

He's a brainlet. He is convinced WAIS IV doesnt have vocabulary or general knowledge questions even though you can confirm this in 5 seconds with a Google search

I get the impression he has never even read the abstract of a study before yet he worships g like it's a deity (º~º)
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  • JFL
Reactions: Crusile
Something being old is not valid unless you explain why it no longer works
You're so simple. It's not even funny. In order to succeed in this world. A man must be a step ahead of the curve. Duh!

lol those people do not have high IQs. "intelligence" could be the reason they were successful, but iq doesnt measure intelligence.

IQ tests dont need/have a real time limit since the questions are knowledge based. You were either exposed to the question material in the past, or you werent. (other than process speed subtests)

"IQ" doesnt make you learn "faster". IQ can't predict learning speed:

1. Does fluid intelligence facilitate the learning of English as a foreign language?—A longitudinal latent growth curve analysis

2. Predicting Long-Term Growth in Students' Mathematics Achievement: The Unique Contributions of Motivation and Cognitive Strategies

3. Correlates of individual, and age-related, differences in short-term learning

4. An astonishing regularity in student learning rate

The "best subtest" is also the least g-loaded? Shouldnt the most g-loaded subtest be the best subtest?

Voc = Vocabulary, Info = Information, Comp = Comprehension, Arith = Arithmetic, BD = Block Design,
Dspan = Digit Span, PC = Picture Completion, PA= Picture Arrangement, OA = Object Assembly, Sim = Similar-
ities, DSym = Digit Symbol

Vocabulary: purely knowledge based

Info/general knowledge: purely knowledge based

Verbal comprehension: purely knowledge based

Arithmetic: almost purely knowledge based

Why are the most g-loaded subtests also the most obviously culturally loaded? because g = culturally loaded,

IQ isnt a measure of whatever you're describing
This Jew loves to cherry pick, so typical. If IQ tests were purely knowledge based. 80+ year olds would be scoring the highest. Obviously, this isn't the case.
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  • +1
Reactions: Crusile
You're so simple. It's not even funny. In order to succeed in this world. A man must be a step ahead of the curve. Duh!

This Jew loves to cherry pick, so typical. If IQ tests were purely knowledge based. 80+ year olds would be scoring the highest. Obviously, this isn't the case.
And what if being one step ahead of the curve is realising the old strategies were solid and not wildly chasing the new trends with all the the other brainlets?
You're so simple. It's not even funny. In order to succeed in this world. A man must be a step ahead of the curve. Duh!

This Jew loves to cherry pick, so typical. If IQ tests were purely knowledge based. 80+ year olds would be scoring the highest. Obviously, this isn't the case.
Yes IQ tests arent intended to do that, i say "proxy knowledge", not total knowledge

proxy knowledge questions were selected/reversed engineered to predict social class in children. Its all about question selection, you can yield any result you want with reverse engineered question selection. Racist IQ inventors literally selected questions that black people couldnt answer lol
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  • +1
Reactions: mogger123
He's a brainlet. He is convinced WAIS IV doesnt have vocabulary or general knowledge questions even though you can confirm this in 5 seconds with a Google search

I get the impression he has never even read the abstract of a study before yet he worships g like it's a deity (º~º)
it ok, cute liddle g-men need g to self motivate themselves. why do math homework if not hove g to fuel me, tbh? aaaaah, so cute indeed
  • +1
Reactions: mogger123
proxy knowledge questions were selected/reversed engineered to predict social class in children. Its all about question selection, you can yield any result you want with reverse engineered question selection. Racist IQ inventors literally selected questions that black people couldnt answer lol
Nonsense. I know someone who was born in the ghetto and he has a language disability and he scored high on the IQ test.
  • JFL
Reactions: Crusile
This is a natural biological behaviour for self preservation. Every animal on this Earth seeks preservation. Humans are a group selected species, thus this instinct extends over the extended genome e.g the group.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Crusile
Yes IQ tests arent intended to do that, i say "proxy knowledge", not total knowledge

proxy knowledge questions were selected/reversed engineered to predict social class in children. Its all about question selection, you can yield any result you want with reverse engineered question selection. Racist IQ inventors literally selected questions that black people couldnt answer lol
Culturally fair IQ tests remove this bias...
  • JFL
Reactions: Crusile
OP is delusional full-retard
  • JFL
Reactions: Crusile
Step 1: get a high paying job. You can't become wealthy from being a neet. You will need a good degree from a top tier university to get a high salary straight out of the gate. I would recommend computer science

Step 2: invest a large percentage of each paycheck into an undervalued cryptocurrency. Do proper research and make sure your not buying a scam. Also do not diversify. Make sure you are putting all of your money into the same asset. Diversification is for wealth preservation, not wealth generation. Do not fall for the diversification meme.

Step 3: insane profit when next bull run comes around
Better invest in business
You're extremely late to the game and you're following 2017 crypto investing advice. JFL.
I have to agree
The days of low market cap crypto going big are long over
Mogga just needs to be alone. He just needs to cope at home. Understand what am speaking if time is money rotting he needs a loan.
Yea, IQ test questions are almost purely knowledge based lol. You can only answer it if you were previously exposed to knowledge that the IQ test question is testing
How is recognising a pattern of shapes knowledge based? I agree that some questions are but the majority are not
joe rogan notoriously has a 130 iq tho, you werent being clear. "industriousness" is a made up word that means nothing

I said "proxy knowledge questions" and you responded with "general knowledge" and a non g-loaded subtest. You arent being clear so I didnt understand you(?) I inferred you meant best subtests since "the best IQ tests" do test general knowledge.


its not a real time limit lol, the intended function of the limit is a cost saving measure. (other than processing speed). The time limit is large enough that it doesnt impede test scores.

why dont you know this: this is a known fact, you are unaware.

What does knowledge based mean? Why are the most g-loaded subtests also the most knowledge based?

You are lying. please post a source. Are you on drugs? i am so confused/mindblown

Yes you werent being clear idk what you want me to say. I assumed you were knowledge about IQ so I inferred what you meant? You know nothing

The word selection used in verbal comp subtests are not "low vocab". All verbal subtests being vocab-loaded explains the large g-loading of verbal

No, I think its knowledge based. The ability to comprehend meaning doesnt magically spawn in your brain, its the result of education

Its a working memory subtest? again, wtf are you saying. How is it so g-loaded if its a "bad" subtest that isnt used on respectable IQ tests (even though it is LOL)

If theres no unit of measurement, "IQ tests" cant be a measure of anything

Almost everything you wrote is factually wrong, you're an unaware teenager making up random bs
also compsci is gonna be dead because of ai in like 10 years jfl

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