How I Succeeded and How You Can Too (Lifemaxxers PLEASE READ)



Dec 19, 2018
If you are struggling to succeed, please read my story. This is a long post, but I believe it may help you.

The reason why I am writing this post is not to brag, but to tell you guys about my failures, things I have learned and how I become successful (and will continue to become even more). Why? Because, aside from all the jokes and insults, I like that there are people that are/have been in similar situations in life as me and are, at least, trying to become better versions of themselves.

To put things in perspective, here is a comparison between me in 2016 and 2020.

Finished highschool a year later than I should have because I got kicked out of previous school. I was bullied extremely hard by the whole class which is why I pretty much never went to school. Got a job doing customer support at 19. Did not go to university. Acne, low self-esteem, very skinny and shy. I felt like a complete loser and was ashamed to go out and meet people because of it.

What I started improving in 2016: Started going to the gym, reading books on masculinity and the red pill and taking Accutane for acne

Starting this year with an athletic physique, often receiving comments on how fit I look. Still working at the same job, still lonely because I am ashamed of going out in public because of what a loser I am. My physique was improving and acne was gone. I was also red pilled, so chasing women and being a beta was a thing of the past. I wanted to continue improving and I got addicted to it and I wanted to see how far I can go.

Things that improved in 2017: No longer skinny and athletic physique, red pilled and gained a bit more confidence.
What I started improving in 2017: It was time to become better in different areas of my life. My money and my looks, so I read about investing, personal finance and looksmaxxing. This was my next step towards self-fulfillment.

By the time 2018 came, I was even in better shape, my skincare routine was on point, I was leaner. Thanks to looksmaxxing, I now had thicker eyebrows, better skin, jaw had much more definition and I put fillers in my nose. I had invested my disposable income in various assets (ETFs and crypto) that are still making me profit.

I fixed my gut health which reduced bloating and also zits that I would still get on my face. I also started dressing better (business casual type of style). By improving myself, I had gained much more confidence. I also started going out more and noticed more IOIs, as well as made friends. I was still a loser in my own eyes though and I had to improve even more. My low status customer support job was eating me from the inside and made me still avoid the public.

Things that improved in 2018: More muscle mass, anti-aging & anti-acne skincare routine, leaner face and body, made money from investments, made good friends, started getting IOIs, dressed better.
What I started improving in 2018: Started learning accounting on my own in hopes of getting a job at some startup. I had to ditch the low status job.

By the end of 2018, I was sending out a huge amount of emails to companies asking if I can intern as an accountant and gain some experience. In December I had an interview and on January 5th, 2019 I started interning as an accountant. No pay and long hours. After 3 months, they asked if I would like to work for them since I knew the ins and outs of how things are done at that company. I accepted and got a junior position in accounting with no degree, whilst everyone their had bachelor's or some, even a magister.

I was paid by the hour, so I would not shy away from working longer. Management saw this and promoted me to a senior position, so I could handle the bigger clients that require more work. At this point, I was being paid much more than my peers and I did not even attend college.

For the first time I was not ashamed to tell people what I do for a living if they would ask me. I still invested my disposable income. Finally, I took a vacation to Spain in September and had a blast. Met new friends, slept with 5 women and realized there is much more to life than rotting away in office. I had to get out of accounting and do something, that allows me to work for myself. Not to mention, I hate having people tell me what to do or have higher ups in a company.

Things that improved in 2019: Good job, much more money, slept with more women and finally, a direction in life.
Things I started improving in 2019: At the end of the year, In my free time, I started learning advertising and marketing, because you can freelance, work for yourself and can actually become rich if you start your own venture. I got certifications and practical experience using my own money for ads. I started applying for entry level positions to gain more practical experience, as well as continued practicing on my own ''fake business'' websites. I got a paid internship at an agency in November.

So, it is February and I am no longer an intern, but a full time ad manager at an agency. I currently have 2 clients of my own.. I will still keep my job, but I am will pursue my own business full-time soon and have my own schedule and start traveling.

I currently make $80k (6.7k a month) and additional $2k a month from the contracts I have with my own clients. This has been a journey of 4 years and I sacrificed a lot.

What is missing?
- Social status

By using my free time to improve myself, I never had the chance to focus on social status. I believe, you need to be someone successful to be respected and gain social status, which is why I did not focus on it. Once my business takes off, I will focus on more social media presence and becoming more known.
- More money and materialism
I need to have an expensive watch, some subtle jewelry and a nice apartment. These are stupid purchases (aside from buying an apartment) and money should be invested, but these are the only things I have to blow money on to let people automatically assume I am successful. I will get more clients and this is what my money will go towards.
- More free time
Again, once my main income becomes my business, I will have more free time to enjoy life and travel.

These are the only things I need and in 2020, this is what I will be focusing on.

Becoming successful is hard, but also easy

People underestimate what it takes to become successful, as you will have many problems along the way, as well as it may take longer than expected. Most live in a fantasy of one day being someone but they won't. At least, most won't.

In contrast to that, it is easy to become successful, because people are losers. The standard of being successful is quite low. 99% of people are not doing shit with their time. And yeah, they might have a degree or a decent job, but their lives are BORING, MONOTONOUS AND UNFULFILLING. They are unhealthy, they get fat, they age, they don't get to experience life due to being locked down in their office jobs and they spend time doing things that provide no long term results. Movies, videogames, hanging out with friends, getting drunk etc.

You can MOG every piece of shit that looked down on you. Don't be fooled by their appearances, they are NOTHING. You will have to sacrifice a lot and many will try to deviate you, because they can't do it themselves, therefore, they have to let you know you can't do something. It is not true and they simply are not willing to admit to themselves that they are a loser.

Use your current situation as fuel and the important thing is to start something. By doing that, you will find your path. It might not work at first, but eventually it will.

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Dn read its over
Screen Shot 2019 05 08 at 30015 PM
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dn rd
  • JFL
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How old are you now?
I have money and a good job, im kinda athletic but still its over bro. U probably looked good before, just got rid of acne and from beeing skinny
I have money and a good job, im kinda athletic but still its over bro. U probably looked good before, just got rid of acne and from beeing skinny
Over in terms of what? Women? If you attain some social status and money, it will get you women and I see this time and time again. But to boost your chances, have you ever considered surgery?
  • +1
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Over in terms of what? Women? If you attain some social status and money, it will get you women and I see this time and time again. But to boost your chances, have you ever considered surgery?
Yes i have and i will have surgery. Dont know if it help tho.I look OK rn but still. Im the same age as u
  • +1
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Yes i have and i will have surgery. Dont know if it help tho.I look OK rn but still. Im the same age as u
If it doesn't, you can focus on different areas. And I see many dudes that get laid off of money and status. I mean, the guy from YouTube Graham Stephan is like 5'4, not that good looking, but he has money and status. His girl looks out of his league.


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If it doesn't, you can focus on different areas. And I see many dudes that get laid off of money and status. I mean, the guy from YouTube Graham Stephan is like 5'4, not that good looking, but he has money and status. His girl looks out of his league.
He looks above average tho
  • JFL
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Sounds like giga larp tbh
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If it doesn't, you can focus on different areas. And I see many dudes that get laid off of money and status. I mean, the guy from YouTube Graham Stephan is like 5'4, not that good looking, but he has money and status. His girl looks out of his league.
Hes betabux bro lol, Do you think shes with him because hes got a great personality or because hes good looking? No man shes with him cause hes rich, his personality is shit hes a fucking jew with his money even though he has way more than he needs
Hes betabux bro lol, Do you think shes with him because hes got a great personality or because hes good looking? No man shes with him cause hes rich, his personality is shit hes a fucking jew with his money even though he has way more than he needs
Jfl socialmaxing will take min 3-4 years. Im almost 30 by then
Jfl socialmaxing will take min 3-4 years. Im almost 30 by then
Everything will take 3-4 years bro but you can work on everything at the same time. Work full time and save for surgeries, workout and socialmax. then once u get ur surgeries ur already in shape and have some friends
  • +1
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Everything will take 3-4 years bro but you can work on everything at the same time. Work full time and save for surgeries, workout and socialmax. then once u get ur surgeries ur already in shape and have some friends
I have friends, i workout since 1 year. Its over for me tbh. I should have found a gf 6 years ago when i was 18 like most guys
Wasted my youth :(
  • So Sad
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SmartSelect 20191012 231811 Firefox

Almost believed you until you've said sex with 5 women
  • JFL
Reactions: Ruby, BigBoy and ChaddeusPeuterschmit
If you are struggling to succeed, please read my story. This is a long post, but I believe it may help you.

The reason why I am writing this post is not to brag, but to tell you guys about my failures, things I have learned and how I become successful (and will continue to become even more). Why? Because, aside from all the jokes and insults, I like that there are people that are/have been in similar situations in life as me and are, at least, trying to become better versions of themselves.

To put things in perspective, here is a comparison between me in 2016 and 2020.

Finished highschool a year later than I should have because I got kicked out of previous school. I was bullied extremely hard by the whole class which is why I pretty much never went to school. Got a job doing customer support at 19. Did not go to university. Acne, low self-esteem, very skinny and shy. I felt like a complete loser and was ashamed to go out and meet people because of it.

What I started improving in 2016: Started going to the gym, reading books on masculinity and the red pill and taking Accutane for acne

Starting this year with an athletic physique, often receiving comments on how fit I look. Still working at the same job, still lonely because I am ashamed of going out in public because of what a loser I am. My physique was improving and acne was gone. I was also red pilled, so chasing women and being a beta was a thing of the past. I wanted to continue improving and I got addicted to it and I wanted to see how far I can go.

Things that improved in 2017: No longer skinny and athletic physique, red pilled and gained a bit more confidence.
What I started improving in 2017: It was time to become better in different areas of my life. My money and my looks, so I read about investing, personal finance and looksmaxxing. This was my next step towards self-fulfillment.

By the time 2018 came, I was even in better shape, my skincare routine was on point, I was leaner. Thanks to looksmaxxing, I now had thicker eyebrows, better skin, jaw had much more definition and I put fillers in my nose. I had invested my disposable income in various assets (ETFs and crypto) that are still making me profit.

I fixed my gut health which reduced bloating and also zits that I would still get on my face. I also started dressing better (business casual type of style). By improving myself, I had gained much more confidence. I also started going out more and noticed more IOIs, as well as made friends. I was still a loser in my own eyes though and I had to improve even more. My low status customer support job was eating me from the inside and made me still avoid the public.

Things that improved in 2018: More muscle mass, anti-aging & anti-acne skincare routine, leaner face and body, made money from investments, made good friends, started getting IOIs, dressed better.
What I started improving in 2018: Started learning accounting on my own in hopes of getting a job at some startup. I had to ditch the low status job.

By the end of 2018, I was sending out a huge amount of emails to companies asking if I can intern as an accountant and gain some experience. In December I had an interview and on January 5th, 2019 I started interning as an accountant. No pay and long hours. After 3 months, they asked if I would like to work for them since I knew the ins and outs of how things are done at that company. I accepted and got a junior position in accounting with no degree, whilst everyone their had bachelor's or some, even a magister.

I was paid by the hour, so I would not shy away from working longer. Management saw this and promoted me to a senior position, so I could handle the bigger clients that require more work. At this point, I was being paid much more than my peers and I did not even attend college.

For the first time I was not ashamed to tell people what I do for a living if they would ask me. I still invested my disposable income. Finally, I took a vacation to Spain in September and had a blast. Met new friends, slept with 5 women and realized there is much more to life than rotting away in office. I had to get out of accounting and do something, that allows me to work for myself. Not to mention, I hate having people tell me what to do or have higher ups in a company.

Things that improved in 2019: Good job, much more money, slept with more women and finally, a direction in life.
Things I started improving in 2019: At the end of the year, In my free time, I started learning advertising and marketing, because you can freelance, work for yourself and can actually become rich if you start your own venture. I got certifications and practical experience using my own money for ads. I started applying for entry level positions to gain more practical experience, as well as continued practicing on my own ''fake business'' websites. I got a paid internship at an agency in November.

So, it is February and I am no longer an intern, but a full time ad manager at an agency. I currently have 2 clients of my own.. I will still keep my job, but I am will pursue my own business full-time soon and have my own schedule and start traveling.

I currently make $80k (6.7k a month) and additional $2k a month from the contracts I have with my own clients. This has been a journey of 4 years and I sacrificed a lot.

What is missing?
- Social status

By using my free time to improve myself, I never had the chance to focus on social status. I believe, you need to be someone successful to be respected and gain social status, which is why I did not focus on it. Once my business takes off, I will focus on more social media presence and becoming more known.
- More money and materialism
I need to have an expensive watch, some subtle jewelry and a nice apartment. These are stupid purchases (aside from buying an apartment) and money should be invested, but these are the only things I have to blow money on to let people automatically assume I am successful. I will get more clients and this is what my money will go towards.
- More free time
Again, once my main income becomes my business, I will have more free time to enjoy life and travel.

These are the only things I need and in 2020, this is what I will be focusing on.

Becoming successful is hard, but also easy

People underestimate what it takes to become successful, as you will have many problems along the way, as well as it may take longer than expected. Most live in a fantasy of one day being someone but they won't. At least, most won't.

In contrast to that, it is easy to become successful, because people are losers. The standard of being successful is quite low. 99% of people are not doing shit with their time. And yeah, they might have a degree or a decent job, but their lives are BORING, MONOTONOUS AND UNFULFILLING. They are unhealthy, they get fat, they age, they don't get to experience life due to being locked down in their office jobs and they spend time doing things that provide no long term results. Movies, videogames, hanging out with friends, getting drunk etc.

You can MOG every piece of shit that looked down on you. Don't be fooled by their appearances, they are NOTHING. You will have to sacrifice a lot and many will try to deviate you, because they can't do it themselves, therefore, they have to let you know you can't do something. It is not true and they simply are not willing to admit to themselves that they are a loser.

Use your current situation as fuel and the important thing is to start something. By doing that, you will find your path. It might not work at first, but eventually it will.

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now u can have a good life and pay for surgeries with 80k a year
Everything will take 3-4 years bro but you can work on everything at the same time. Work full time and save for surgeries, workout and socialmax. then once u get ur surgeries ur already in shape and have some friends
looksmaxing will take me tops 1.5 years

gym is 6 months as well as skin

1.5 years is cux my puberty is a bit late

and for facepuiller too

heightmaxing is like 1 year


i will be a giga mogging machine

2m+ psl 7+ framemogging
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how did you get your first clients?

how did you get your first clients?
Reddit actually. In these startup/entrepreneur/small business subreddits you can find plenty of people looking for either tips or help on how to push their product. I simply reached out to them.
you probably have an at least decent face, otherwise gymmaxxing wouldn't help your status much if at all
Reddit actually. In these startup/entrepreneur/small business subreddits you can find plenty of people looking for either tips or help on how to push their product. I simply reached out to them.
interesting, thank you
Not a single word
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Great story, great fuel.
One thing I "disagree" with

but I am will pursue my own business full-time soon and have my own schedule and start traveling.
I don't know business owners that have alot of free time and can travel alot.
If you are struggling to succeed, please read my story. This is a long post, but I believe it may help you.

The reason why I am writing this post is not to brag, but to tell you guys about my failures, things I have learned and how I become successful (and will continue to become even more). Why? Because, aside from all the jokes and insults, I like that there are people that are/have been in similar situations in life as me and are, at least, trying to become better versions of themselves.

To put things in perspective, here is a comparison between me in 2016 and 2020.

Finished highschool a year later than I should have because I got kicked out of previous school. I was bullied extremely hard by the whole class which is why I pretty much never went to school. Got a job doing customer support at 19. Did not go to university. Acne, low self-esteem, very skinny and shy. I felt like a complete loser and was ashamed to go out and meet people because of it.

What I started improving in 2016: Started going to the gym, reading books on masculinity and the red pill and taking Accutane for acne

Starting this year with an athletic physique, often receiving comments on how fit I look. Still working at the same job, still lonely because I am ashamed of going out in public because of what a loser I am. My physique was improving and acne was gone. I was also red pilled, so chasing women and being a beta was a thing of the past. I wanted to continue improving and I got addicted to it and I wanted to see how far I can go.

Things that improved in 2017: No longer skinny and athletic physique, red pilled and gained a bit more confidence.
What I started improving in 2017: It was time to become better in different areas of my life. My money and my looks, so I read about investing, personal finance and looksmaxxing. This was my next step towards self-fulfillment.

By the time 2018 came, I was even in better shape, my skincare routine was on point, I was leaner. Thanks to looksmaxxing, I now had thicker eyebrows, better skin, jaw had much more definition and I put fillers in my nose. I had invested my disposable income in various assets (ETFs and crypto) that are still making me profit.

I fixed my gut health which reduced bloating and also zits that I would still get on my face. I also started dressing better (business casual type of style). By improving myself, I had gained much more confidence. I also started going out more and noticed more IOIs, as well as made friends. I was still a loser in my own eyes though and I had to improve even more. My low status customer support job was eating me from the inside and made me still avoid the public.

Things that improved in 2018: More muscle mass, anti-aging & anti-acne skincare routine, leaner face and body, made money from investments, made good friends, started getting IOIs, dressed better.
What I started improving in 2018: Started learning accounting on my own in hopes of getting a job at some startup. I had to ditch the low status job.

By the end of 2018, I was sending out a huge amount of emails to companies asking if I can intern as an accountant and gain some experience. In December I had an interview and on January 5th, 2019 I started interning as an accountant. No pay and long hours. After 3 months, they asked if I would like to work for them since I knew the ins and outs of how things are done at that company. I accepted and got a junior position in accounting with no degree, whilst everyone their had bachelor's or some, even a magister.

I was paid by the hour, so I would not shy away from working longer. Management saw this and promoted me to a senior position, so I could handle the bigger clients that require more work. At this point, I was being paid much more than my peers and I did not even attend college.

For the first time I was not ashamed to tell people what I do for a living if they would ask me. I still invested my disposable income. Finally, I took a vacation to Spain in September and had a blast. Met new friends, slept with 5 women and realized there is much more to life than rotting away in office. I had to get out of accounting and do something, that allows me to work for myself. Not to mention, I hate having people tell me what to do or have higher ups in a company.

Things that improved in 2019: Good job, much more money, slept with more women and finally, a direction in life.
Things I started improving in 2019: At the end of the year, In my free time, I started learning advertising and marketing, because you can freelance, work for yourself and can actually become rich if you start your own venture. I got certifications and practical experience using my own money for ads. I started applying for entry level positions to gain more practical experience, as well as continued practicing on my own ''fake business'' websites. I got a paid internship at an agency in November.

So, it is February and I am no longer an intern, but a full time ad manager at an agency. I currently have 2 clients of my own.. I will still keep my job, but I am will pursue my own business full-time soon and have my own schedule and start traveling.

I currently make $80k (6.7k a month) and additional $2k a month from the contracts I have with my own clients. This has been a journey of 4 years and I sacrificed a lot.

What is missing?
- Social status

By using my free time to improve myself, I never had the chance to focus on social status. I believe, you need to be someone successful to be respected and gain social status, which is why I did not focus on it. Once my business takes off, I will focus on more social media presence and becoming more known.
- More money and materialism
I need to have an expensive watch, some subtle jewelry and a nice apartment. These are stupid purchases (aside from buying an apartment) and money should be invested, but these are the only things I have to blow money on to let people automatically assume I am successful. I will get more clients and this is what my money will go towards.
- More free time
Again, once my main income becomes my business, I will have more free time to enjoy life and travel.

These are the only things I need and in 2020, this is what I will be focusing on.

Becoming successful is hard, but also easy

People underestimate what it takes to become successful, as you will have many problems along the way, as well as it may take longer than expected. Most live in a fantasy of one day being someone but they won't. At least, most won't.

In contrast to that, it is easy to become successful, because people are losers. The standard of being successful is quite low. 99% of people are not doing shit with their time. And yeah, they might have a degree or a decent job, but their lives are BORING, MONOTONOUS AND UNFULFILLING. They are unhealthy, they get fat, they age, they don't get to experience life due to being locked down in their office jobs and they spend time doing things that provide no long term results. Movies, videogames, hanging out with friends, getting drunk etc.

You can MOG every piece of shit that looked down on you. Don't be fooled by their appearances, they are NOTHING. You will have to sacrifice a lot and many will try to deviate you, because they can't do it themselves, therefore, they have to let you know you can't do something. It is not true and they simply are not willing to admit to themselves that they are a loser.

Use your current situation as fuel and the important thing is to start something. By doing that, you will find your path. It might not work at first, but eventually it will.

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Thanks for this long humblebrag. Here's to you.

Very lifefuel if not LARPING. Haven't seen a solid thread in a while.
If it doesn't, you can focus on different areas. And I see many dudes that get laid off of money and status. I mean, the guy from YouTube Graham Stephan is like 5'4, not that good looking, but he has money and status. His girl looks out of his league.
Is that KuruHS?
How did you start learning accounting by yourself?
Great story, great fuel.
One thing I "disagree" with

I don't know business owners that have alot of free time and can travel alot.
Because it is digital and if I get a place, let's say in Hungary, I can work from there as well. I don't mean ''traveling'' in the sense that I will be lounging at the beach every day and switching up places every few days.

How did you start learning accounting by yourself?
I checked job applications to see what were the requirements for junior accountants and then I learned things such as accounts payable and receivable, preparing balance sheet etc., as well as basic principals. There are a lot of resources online and I took a bunch of courses as well. Also, went to my friend's mother's job to see how they do it, so I can actually see the whole process. Then applied to for internships to get practical experience which resulted in a job later.
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A few questions:

What books did you read to improve your masculinty? What books did you read for finance? And how did you improve in it?

And what is marketing? Im thinking about majoring in marketing management in college because the average salary 6 figures and sounds easy, but idk what it is lol. I want to focus on following my passion and want my day job to be easy and not make me tired so I can work on what I actually want to after work.
I just need to figure out how to make passive income, just 300 dollars a month, Youtube is doing me $100, guess i'll continue
Send ur youtube channen
  • +1
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Woah bro mirin that shit, im tryna youtube gaming maxx rn but doesnt work
As far as gaming goes, i was recording gaming back in 2017, and made $18 literally, just upload great quality stuff
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As far as gaming goes, i was recording gaming back in 2017, and made $18 literally, just upload great quality stuff
Still trying, shit takes a lot of time but i have no visibility, might buy ads :feelspepo:
  • +1
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As far as gaming goes, i was recording gaming back in 2017, and made $18 literally, just upload great quality stuff
Just work a normal job if youre making 18$ a month
  • JFL
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Just work a normal job if youre making 18$ a month
Lol i was 14 back then, what i knew.. but it was great start, wish i had more money to buy PC back then, i used shitty android to upload and edit, i think i had an total of 70K views
A few questions:

What books did you read to improve your masculinty? What books did you read for finance? And how did you improve in it?

And what is marketing? Im thinking about majoring in marketing management in college because the average salary 6 figures and sounds easy, but idk what it is lol. I want to focus on following my passion and want my day job to be easy and not make me tired so I can work on what I actually want to after work.

Masculinity: The Rational Male, 48 Laws of Power, Can't Hurt Me, Total Recall
Additional resource: Entrepreneurs in Cars (YouTube)

I only listed these, since they were the most important. Beware of most ''alpha male'' books and gurus, as most of them are promoting stuff that doesn't matter in a civilized society (e.g. hunting, focusing only on fitness and combat sports etc.). They are basically wannabe pagans.

Personal finance: Richest Man in Babylon (don't read it, it basically gives examples of how people save every penny they have and invest in assets)
Investing: Security Analysis, The Intelligent Investor, Common Sense on Mutual Funds, Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits (timeless stuff, but pretty thick books, so only get them if you really want to learn)

If you want to study marketing management, then only do it if you plan on climbing the corporate ladder. It will definitely teach you some principals, but most stuff is outdated. You will still be required to learn on your own or at your job, because digital marketing is quite new. The field is rather easy to break into if you have taken the time to get some certifications, like the Google and Hubspot ones.

You will have to learn mostly on your own. Traditional marketing is dying and everything is becoming digital. It is great, because it is opening doors for people who don't have degrees, but can do the damn job because they learned it themselves.
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how do i become smart and capable? i just got my first job and im afraid they will fire me. i am really slow and get things wrong all the time. my manager thinks im retarded. i can see it in his eyes when i admit that i made a mistake
  • +1
Reactions: BigBoy
how do i become smart and capable? i just got my first job and im afraid they will fire me. i am really slow and get things wrong all the time. my manager thinks im retarded. i can see it in his eyes when i admit that i made a mistake
Legit me ngl everyone thinks im retarded bc i do the same thing😞
Because it is digital and if I get a place, let's say in Hungary, I can work from there as well. I don't mean ''traveling'' in the sense that I will be lounging at the beach every day and switching up places every few days.
Locationmaxxing, is also very legit.
Like ging to a place where the female/male ratio is skewed in a man his favour. If dating/sex life is important to you
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If you are struggling to succeed, please read my story. This is a long post, but I believe it may help you.

The reason why I am writing this post is not to brag, but to tell you guys about my failures, things I have learned and how I become successful (and will continue to become even more). Why? Because, aside from all the jokes and insults, I like that there are people that are/have been in similar situations in life as me and are, at least, trying to become better versions of themselves.

To put things in perspective, here is a comparison between me in 2016 and 2020.

Finished highschool a year later than I should have because I got kicked out of previous school. I was bullied extremely hard by the whole class which is why I pretty much never went to school. Got a job doing customer support at 19. Did not go to university. Acne, low self-esteem, very skinny and shy. I felt like a complete loser and was ashamed to go out and meet people because of it.

What I started improving in 2016: Started going to the gym, reading books on masculinity and the red pill and taking Accutane for acne

Starting this year with an athletic physique, often receiving comments on how fit I look. Still working at the same job, still lonely because I am ashamed of going out in public because of what a loser I am. My physique was improving and acne was gone. I was also red pilled, so chasing women and being a beta was a thing of the past. I wanted to continue improving and I got addicted to it and I wanted to see how far I can go.

Things that improved in 2017: No longer skinny and athletic physique, red pilled and gained a bit more confidence.
What I started improving in 2017: It was time to become better in different areas of my life. My money and my looks, so I read about investing, personal finance and looksmaxxing. This was my next step towards self-fulfillment.

By the time 2018 came, I was even in better shape, my skincare routine was on point, I was leaner. Thanks to looksmaxxing, I now had thicker eyebrows, better skin, jaw had much more definition and I put fillers in my nose. I had invested my disposable income in various assets (ETFs and crypto) that are still making me profit.

I fixed my gut health which reduced bloating and also zits that I would still get on my face. I also started dressing better (business casual type of style). By improving myself, I had gained much more confidence. I also started going out more and noticed more IOIs, as well as made friends. I was still a loser in my own eyes though and I had to improve even more. My low status customer support job was eating me from the inside and made me still avoid the public.

Things that improved in 2018: More muscle mass, anti-aging & anti-acne skincare routine, leaner face and body, made money from investments, made good friends, started getting IOIs, dressed better.
What I started improving in 2018: Started learning accounting on my own in hopes of getting a job at some startup. I had to ditch the low status job.

By the end of 2018, I was sending out a huge amount of emails to companies asking if I can intern as an accountant and gain some experience. In December I had an interview and on January 5th, 2019 I started interning as an accountant. No pay and long hours. After 3 months, they asked if I would like to work for them since I knew the ins and outs of how things are done at that company. I accepted and got a junior position in accounting with no degree, whilst everyone their had bachelor's or some, even a magister.

I was paid by the hour, so I would not shy away from working longer. Management saw this and promoted me to a senior position, so I could handle the bigger clients that require more work. At this point, I was being paid much more than my peers and I did not even attend college.

For the first time I was not ashamed to tell people what I do for a living if they would ask me. I still invested my disposable income. Finally, I took a vacation to Spain in September and had a blast. Met new friends, slept with 5 women and realized there is much more to life than rotting away in office. I had to get out of accounting and do something, that allows me to work for myself. Not to mention, I hate having people tell me what to do or have higher ups in a company.

Things that improved in 2019: Good job, much more money, slept with more women and finally, a direction in life.
Things I started improving in 2019: At the end of the year, In my free time, I started learning advertising and marketing, because you can freelance, work for yourself and can actually become rich if you start your own venture. I got certifications and practical experience using my own money for ads. I started applying for entry level positions to gain more practical experience, as well as continued practicing on my own ''fake business'' websites. I got a paid internship at an agency in November.

So, it is February and I am no longer an intern, but a full time ad manager at an agency. I currently have 2 clients of my own.. I will still keep my job, but I am will pursue my own business full-time soon and have my own schedule and start traveling.

I currently make $80k (6.7k a month) and additional $2k a month from the contracts I have with my own clients. This has been a journey of 4 years and I sacrificed a lot.

What is missing?
- Social status

By using my free time to improve myself, I never had the chance to focus on social status. I believe, you need to be someone successful to be respected and gain social status, which is why I did not focus on it. Once my business takes off, I will focus on more social media presence and becoming more known.
- More money and materialism
I need to have an expensive watch, some subtle jewelry and a nice apartment. These are stupid purchases (aside from buying an apartment) and money should be invested, but these are the only things I have to blow money on to let people automatically assume I am successful. I will get more clients and this is what my money will go towards.
- More free time
Again, once my main income becomes my business, I will have more free time to enjoy life and travel.

These are the only things I need and in 2020, this is what I will be focusing on.

Becoming successful is hard, but also easy

People underestimate what it takes to become successful, as you will have many problems along the way, as well as it may take longer than expected. Most live in a fantasy of one day being someone but they won't. At least, most won't.

In contrast to that, it is easy to become successful, because people are losers. The standard of being successful is quite low. 99% of people are not doing shit with their time. And yeah, they might have a degree or a decent job, but their lives are BORING, MONOTONOUS AND UNFULFILLING. They are unhealthy, they get fat, they age, they don't get to experience life due to being locked down in their office jobs and they spend time doing things that provide no long term results. Movies, videogames, hanging out with friends, getting drunk etc.

You can MOG every piece of shit that looked down on you. Don't be fooled by their appearances, they are NOTHING. You will have to sacrifice a lot and many will try to deviate you, because they can't do it themselves, therefore, they have to let you know you can't do something. It is not true and they simply are not willing to admit to themselves that they are a loser.

Use your current situation as fuel and the important thing is to start something. By doing that, you will find your path. It might not work at first, but eventually it will.

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Potent Lifefuel Man, Can you give a guide for investing for low-income beginner and explain the basics for us ?
Potent Lifefuel Man, Can you give a guide for investing for low-income beginner and explain the basics for us ?
If you have a low-income, then the main goal should be to increase it ASAP. I'd use that money to invest in yourself. Learn a skill that will pay you more money.

I invest in ETFs, but the return is 7-10% a year on average, so you can't expect to get rich off of that quickly. If you live a frugal lifestyle and invest little amounts every month, in the long run it will pay off. Compound interest is a beautiful thing.

You can also invest in real estate, but via crowdfunding, like Fundrise for example. But, if I remember correctly, that money will stay there for like 5 years and you won't be able to withdraw it. Return was slightly higher, at about 8-12% a year.

IMO, best bet is to get a skill that will pay you more or at the very least start your own little business to add more money (commercial cleaning, landscaping etc.), not to mention, at the same time there is a potential to scale these businesses. And when you have plenty of a good, steady income - then invest it.

Living frugal and investing tiny bits if better than nothing, though.
ok buddy customer support jobs are not given to any subhuman in the west lmao. U prob mentalcel and failed normie during HS. Anyw congrats.

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