How Long Until All Currencies go Through Hyperinflation to Hit Their Mathematical Intrinsic Value of Zero (Global Digital Currency/END GAME)?

King Solomon

King Solomon

Aug 8, 2021
How Long Until The International Currencies All go Through Hyperinflation to Hit Their Mathematical Intrinsic Value Of Zero (Global Digital Currency)?

This international death and debt fiat Ponzi scheme currency monopoly money which is essentially time theft that is designed obsolescence of all currencies on earth as it's designed to fail because all paper currencies go to their mathematical intrinsic of zero. The destruction of currencies has lead to the destruction of empires every single time.

All Nations are currently on the Jevv paper currencies which has slowed the inevitable collapse. Mathematically a country must double the currency every specific time period or system implodes. Over time the currency must double faster and faster and that's y at the end of a currency you see hyperinflation where one day a roll of toilet paper is a billion dollars then one day later it's 3 billion dollars. There are pictures of countries going through hyperinflations and you'll see billion dollar or even trillion dollar bills. There are photos of people using their currency paper to keep warm or caring it in wheel barrels for food at the grocery store. So how long is this boom and bust system going to last? The national debt is going to be over 100 trillion dollars during our next presidency, the international debt is going to be over a quadrillion dollars soon and if you include derivatives and crypto currencies then the debt bubble internationally is closer to 100's of quadrillions of dollars. The UN's goal is to have the global population down to 500 million and to have nobody own anything (except the fake chosen ones) but to rent everything (house, car, etc). They qant everyone in 15 minute mega cities and use weather manipulation, fires, designed explosions or disasters to move us like cattle out of our homes and into these 15 minute cities in mega apartments stacked on top of each other like sardines.

I believe the entire system is designed to fail by 2030. People will be losing their homes, property, and lives due to the hyperinflation. The people on earth are going to demand their government will provide a solution to the problem they started or the Jevvs started and that solution is the one world digital currency to track, tax and trace you. It will be connected to your vaccinations and connected to a Universal Basic Income (UBI) and a Social Credit Score (SCS). Everything you do shall be added to your SCS.

During normal inflation the things that inflate the fastest are your assets like houses, stocks, crypto, etc. During hyperinflation things like electricity, food, and precious metals inflate the fastest.

I.) Biggest Losers:
A.) Those who have most of their wealth as digital assets, loans on their house, car, etc. (Fiat, stocks, crypto, etc is all going to 0).
B.) Those who rely on the government for anything aka dependents
C.) Those who need to spend fiat for survival (house, power, water, food, etc)
D.) Those who received the CV 19 death shots
E.) Those who are located in the cities.
F.) Those who lack survival skills.
G.) Those who lack a tight community that helps each other.
F.) Obese/unhealthy people

The people in this category will either die or be permanently stuck in the one world digital currency slavery system and receive their UBI for life. They'll be vaxxed, taxed, tracked, traced, and live as slaves in their own homes or 15 minute cities and barely have enough to live. This is basically communism with no work so you're forced to take their injections to lull you to sleep as a sheep and you'll never realize you're a slave and can never free yourself. There isn't going to be anymore governments, politicians, etc just AI and algorithms that run everything.

Even if you do not have a loan on the home or car and make all your own food, the property taxes and electricity will be eventually too much that you can no longer afford them and lose your home.

II.) Biggest Winners:
1.) People who are off grid, self sufficient (generate their own electricity, water, clothes, food, filtration, etc) and out of the cities.
2.) The unvaxxed
3.) People who have land patents and own their land and not legally required to pay rent aka property taxes.
4.) Christians
5.) People that have excellent survival skills
6.) People that invested in land, precious metals, food, water, and supplies.
7.) People that freed themselves by changing their political status and no longer being a part of the Governments/corporations (no ID, no birth certificate, no SSID, etc.
8.) Those that use free wireless/non internet communications that have almost no distance restrictions aka HAM Radios.

  • +1
Reactions: Debetro and iloveboobs
hyperinflation is inevitbale, otherwise those debts would be physically unpayable, ever
  • +1
Reactions: Latinolooksmaxxer
How Long Until The International Currencies All go Through Hyperinflation to Hit Their Mathematical Intrinsic Value Of Zero (Global Digital Currency)?

This international death and debt fiat Ponzi scheme currency monopoly money which is essentially time theft that is designed obsolescence of all currencies on earth as it's designed to fail because all paper currencies go to their mathematical intrinsic of zero. The destruction of currencies has lead to the destruction of empires every single time.

All Nations are currently on the Jevv paper currencies which has slowed the inevitable collapse. Mathematically a country must double the currency every specific time period or system implodes. Over time the currency must double faster and faster and that's y at the end of a currency you see hyperinflation where one day a roll of toilet paper is a billion dollars then one day later it's 3 billion dollars. There are pictures of countries going through hyperinflations and you'll see billion dollar or even trillion dollar bills. There are photos of people using their currency paper to keep warm or caring it in wheel barrels for food at the grocery store. So how long is this boom and bust system going to last? The national debt is going to be over 100 trillion dollars during our next presidency, the international debt is going to be over a quadrillion dollars soon and if you include derivatives and crypto currencies then the debt bubble internationally is closer to 100's of quadrillions of dollars. The UN's goal is to have the global population down to 500 million and to have nobody own anything (except the fake chosen ones) but to rent everything (house, car, etc). They qant everyone in 15 minute mega cities and use weather manipulation, fires, designed explosions or disasters to move us like cattle out of our homes and into these 15 minute cities in mega apartments stacked on top of each other like sardines.

I believe the entire system is designed to fail by 2030. People will be losing their homes, property, and lives due to the hyperinflation. The people on earth are going to demand their government will provide a solution to the problem they started or the Jevvs started and that solution is the one world digital currency to track, tax and trace you. It will be connected to your vaccinations and connected to a Universal Basic Income (UBI) and a Social Credit Score (SCS). Everything you do shall be added to your SCS.

During normal inflation the things that inflate the fastest are your assets like houses, stocks, crypto, etc. During hyperinflation things like electricity, food, and precious metals inflate the fastest.

I.) Biggest Losers:
A.) Those who have most of their wealth as digital assets, loans on their house, car, etc. (Fiat, stocks, crypto, etc is all going to 0).
B.) Those who rely on the government for anything aka dependents
C.) Those who need to spend fiat for survival (house, power, water, food, etc)
D.) Those who received the CV 19 death shots
E.) Those who are located in the cities.
F.) Those who lack survival skills.
G.) Those who lack a tight community that helps each other.
F.) Obese/unhealthy people

The people in this category will either die or be permanently stuck in the one world digital currency slavery system and receive their UBI for life. They'll be vaxxed, taxed, tracked, traced, and live as slaves in their own homes or 15 minute cities and barely have enough to live. This is basically communism with no work so you're forced to take their injections to lull you to sleep as a sheep and you'll never realize you're a slave and can never free yourself. There isn't going to be anymore governments, politicians, etc just AI and algorithms that run everything.

Even if you do not have a loan on the home or car and make all your own food, the property taxes and electricity will be eventually too much that you can no longer afford them and lose your home.

II.) Biggest Winners:
1.) People who are off grid, self sufficient (generate their own electricity, water, clothes, food, filtration, etc) and out of the cities.
2.) The unvaxxed
3.) People who have land patents and own their land and not legally required to pay rent aka property taxes.
4.) Christians
5.) People that have excellent survival skills
6.) People that invested in land, precious metals, food, water, and supplies.
7.) People that freed themselves by changing their political status and no longer being a part of the Governments/corporations (no ID, no birth certificate, no SSID, etc.
8.) Those that use free wireless/non internet communications that have almost no distance restrictions aka HAM Radios.

View attachment 3220447
  • +1
Reactions: Latinolooksmaxxer
STFU fag
Chad fucks Stacy, while beta cares about meaningless hyperinflation like a loser
tales from your mom's basement
Kiss my candy ass
Suck my dick faggot
lick my balls
Kill yourself
Nobody cares
Dude is on the spectrum
take your meds old man
conspiracy theorist
  • JFL
Reactions: HighLtn
STFU fag
Chad fucks Stacy, while beta cares about meaningless hyperinflation like a loser
tales from your mom's basement
Kiss my candy ass
Suck my dick faggot
lick my balls
Kill yourself
Nobody cares
Dude is on the spectrum
take your meds old man
conspiracy theorist
German stare + jamaican smile + adrenaline + noradrenaline + english or spanish + balkan parents + sigma
  • +1
Reactions: King Solomon
hyperinflation is inevitbale, otherwise those debts would be physically unpayable, ever
They'll never be paid. Just kick the can down the road until it all implodes.
  • +1
Reactions: iloveboobs
German stare + jamaican smile + adrenaline + noradrenaline + english or spanish + balkan parents + sigma
12x6 D
6'6" tall
666 HP car
6+ Mill total wealth
6 years of pumping and dumping
6 Pack
hyperinflation is inevitbale, otherwise those debts would be physically unpayable, ever
kick the can down the road type beat until eventually the economy gets nuked and the ppl revolt
  • +1
Reactions: King Solomon and iloveboobs
with enough inflation the debts will become pocket change
But that's not what they do, they'll just continue to borrow more and more and never pay them off. The inflation is caused by the borrowing by the governments aka corporations.
  • +1
Reactions: iloveboobs
kick the can down the road type beat until eventually the economy gets nuked and the ppl revolt
This makes me qonder hoq out of control they'll let the system fail. They need it to fail enough for people to demand for the one qorld global digital currency so there's no resistance against the reset.
  • +1
Reactions: tombradylover
This makes me qonder hoq out of control they'll let the system fail. They need it to fail enough for people to demand for the one qorld global digital currency so there's no resistance against the reset.
i dont see it happening in our life times The US is lucky they are global reserve currency and can keep printing money but eventually hyperinflation will come to nuke our economy and their will be a "reset" i just don't know when but its becoming sooner rather then later. Just look at what happened in Venezuela and Argentina that would be US right now if they weren't global reserve currency.
  • +1
Reactions: King Solomon
i dont see it happening in our life times The US is lucky they are global reserve currency and can keep printing money but eventually hyperinflation will come to nuke our economy and their will be a "reset" i just don't know when but its becoming sooner rather then later. Just look at what happened in Venezuela and Argentina that would be US right now if they weren't global reserve currency.
I am interested to find out if there's a mathematical equation to figure out when a currency becomes unsustainable and goes through hyperinflation and collapses. All currencies going on the fiat ponzi scheme at the same time has delayed the inevitable for this global event. They say they qant this to occur before 2030 and I don't have the numbers currently to conclusively state that this is an impossibility at this time. My guess is the US is going to be the last to completely collapse but just like dominos that are properly stacked, it's just a matter of time and the game of musical chairs is over once the music stops and the people left carrying the largest bags are either going to die naturally or kill themselves or somebody else kills them first. I'm beggining to qonder if they'll depoulate us to qell under 500 million souls on earth.
  • +1
Reactions: tombradylover

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