How long would it take HTN/Chad to get sex/meet girls in a real life setting?

Crayola CØck

Crayola CØck

You Will Never Be What A Man Should Be
Oct 10, 2023
I am brainstorming here, I am nowhere near Chad obviously. How long do you think it'd take a Chad to get a harem, hookup, gf, etc.?

Say we throw an experimental 17 year old Chad in to any random school environment, and don't have him try to make any major effort to fit in.

What's the longest you think a textbook Chad would need to go before he finds pussy in his grasp? How long would a newly broken in Chad in any IRL environment need to wait?

How long would a Chad in school, IRL/walking down the street, etc. need to be starved of willing females? Will he find himself with girls faster than most men would dream of, even if non NT?

We know most normies can go through super-long dry spells, struggle, try and run "game"/"long game" to see if they get a conversion.

But realistically, how long would a Chad have to go in 'X' environment (not online dating but IRL) before a girl breaks the ice/he gets a golden opportunity & can score?

1 week? Same day? No more than a month, right? I can't imagine a Chad having to wait even a week before a girl shoots her shot -- a HTN maybe 1+ month if non NT tho.
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I think girls would be scared to approach tbh. They want to have the upper hand and they would be at his whims
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  • JFL
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ultra cope
Surprised Nicolas Cage GIF
  • JFL
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I mean I know most here don't go outside, but this is purely hypothetical, i.e., how long do YOU think it'd logically take?

A normal Chad, not a super extroverted nor introverted one but just, say, take an average LTN's conscious & put it in to 7 PSL Chad.

How long till first IOI? First convo? First chance at sex? We know ovulation & whatnot, so maybe a timeframe every month he scores?

Like, say, all of the girl's period's sync and then they line up and go through Chad until his seed has spread the loins of jailbaits & MILFs?
Just go outside and you’ll have girls try to talk to you, they just gotta see you. It’s just that easy for chadlite+. You can just walk down the street and get approached. Normies don’t believe this or that women EVER approach but it’s just how it is.

If you’re a rotter Chad you’ll have Jehovah Witnesses come to your door and you can slay them. Whoever said pussy doesn’t come to your door was coping.
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  • JFL
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17 yo chad in highschool? a week max
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I am brainstorming here, I am nowhere near Chad obviously. How long do you think it'd take a Chad to get a harem, hookup, gf, etc.?

Say we throw an experimental 17 year old Chad in to any random school environment, and don't have him try to make any major effort to fit in.

What's the longest you think a textbook Chad would need to go before he finds pussy in his grasp? How long would a newly broken in Chad in any IRL environment need to wait?

How long would a Chad in school, IRL/walking down the street, etc. need to be starved of willing females? Will he find himself with girls faster than most men would dream of, even if non NT?

We know most normies can go through super-long dry spells, struggle, try and run "game"/"long game" to see if they get a conversion.

But realistically, how long would a Chad have to go in 'X' environment (not online dating but IRL) before a girl breaks the ice/he gets a golden opportunity & can score?

1 week? Same day? No more than a month, right? I can't imagine a Chad having to wait even a week before a girl shoots her shot -- a HTN maybe 1+ month if non NT tho.
Even HTN is 1 week
  • Ugh..
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Even HTN is 1 week

No that is strong Chadlite or full on Chad numbers.

HTN is a few slays a year at best (15 max), or a weak, low-grade harem.

Not that it is anything a guy should complain about (being HTN) as most guys get nearly nada lifelong, let alone weekly or monthly.

So 1 a week is insane -- 3 or 4 a year is good enough to most tho.
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  • JFL
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No that is strong Chadlite or full on Chad numbers.

HTN is a few slays a year at best (15 max), or a weak, low-grade harem.

Not that it is anything a guy should complain about (being HTN) as most guys get nearly nada lifelong, let alone weekly or monthly.

So 1 a week is insane -- 3 or 4 a year is good enough to most tho.

You have zero idea what you’re talking about, you haven’t considered that most men’s main priority isn’t to get laid.

I slayed 5 women in last month, easily could’ve been 10 if I had more time on my hands. I’m manlet 5’11 and MTN/HTN?

1 week being chad numbers is hilarious, you mean 48 hours.
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  • Ugh..
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You have zero idea what you’re talking about, you haven’t considered that most men’s main priority isn’t to get laid.

I slayed 5 women in last month, easily could’ve been 10 if I had more time on my hands. I’m manlet 5’11 and MTN/HTN?

1 week being chad numbers is hilarious, you mean 48 hours.
How did you slay 5 women in 1 month as a 5'11 manlet and M/HTN?
How did you slay 5 women in 1 month as a 5'11 manlet and M/HTN?


BBC halo maybe but my other friends have similar results. 2 LTB 2 MTB 1HTB

I’m very NT , my OLD are just mirror shots. If I can get a girl to meet me I can almost guarantee I’ll slay. Spend like 30$ for each foid including Uber/dates.
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BBC halo maybe but my other friends have similar results. 2 LTB 2 MTB 1HTB

I’m very NT , my OLD are just mirror shots. If I can get a girl to meet me I can almost guarantee I’ll slay. Spend like 30$ for each foid including Uber/dates.
Lifefuel tbh I gave OLD a go and slayed a two foids for 30 bucks aswell. The problem was I exhausted my options and after two weeks the apps went dead on me so I deleted them. I think you gotta keep creating new accounts so you get the new user halo and get matches again. It seems like some foids are just easy even tho we can get caught up believing they are Chad only. Maybe I am coping tho.
Lifefuel tbh I gave OLD a go and slayed a two foids for 30 bucks aswell. The problem was I exhausted my options and after two weeks the apps went dead on me so I deleted them. I think you gotta keep creating new accounts so you get the new user halo and get matches again. It seems like some foids are just easy even tho we can get caught up believing they are Chad only. Maybe I am coping tho.

Not cope, OLD is just a numbers game. For “Chad” it’s easy picking but I don’t see why that should dishearten me tbh. If I rotted here 24/7 then it would but as you said your reality contradicts what is said here, same for me without my reality I would’ve fell 100% into incel pipeline.

New accounts and I’m taking new pictures that acc show im NT, should help.
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Not cope, OLD is just a numbers game. For “Chad” it’s easy picking but I don’t see why that should dishearten me tbh. If I rotted here 24/7 then it would but as you said your reality contradicts what is said here, same for me without my reality I would’ve fell 100% into incel pipeline.

New accounts and I’m taking new pictures that acc show im NT, should help.
they could but most chads don't do that for std risk
Not cope, OLD is just a numbers game. For “Chad” it’s easy picking but I don’t see why that should dishearten me tbh. If I rotted here 24/7 then it would but as you said your reality contradicts what is said here, same for me without my reality I would’ve fell 100% into incel pipeline.

New accounts and I’m taking new pictures that acc show im NT, should help.
u also gotta take in the fact that a lot of women will need atleast 1 date first just so they don't seem like a slut
Im softmaxxed mtn and it takes me 3 months max. If I do my best my average would be 1 girl every 1.5 months. Probably more but Im not desperate.
Spend like 30$ for each foid including Uber/dates.

LMAO paying for dates = cucked. Over. If you can't get it free, you're one step behind escortcelling or betabuxxing; one notch of wind at most.
I think girls would be scared to approach tbh. They want to have the upper hand and they would be at his whims
in my expirience a lot of the time hotter girls can be easier to slay or give more iois because they are confident and assume you'd want to fuck them
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LMAO paying for dates = cucked. Over. If you can't get it free, you're one step behind escortcelling or betabuxxing; one notch of wind at most.

Call it what you want lmao, cucked for going 50/50 this forum is full of rotters. 1 of them I literally slept with , without a date hence “Uber/“.

I like to go out with them, shocking I know. Get to experience new spots & have a better social life.
u also gotta take in the fact that a lot of women will need atleast 1 date first just so they don't seem like a slut

Made a thread of this just use coffee dates, it’s $10? Really like them to improve conversational skills & weeds out low interest girls. If a girl won’t grab even a coffee, most likely she won’t sleep with you without heavy betabuxxing.
  • JFL
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if u use condoms you'll never expiernce it fully

Have you had sex? The difference is not night and day with expensive condoms. They’re even better because they help with delaying your nut. Helps her to get her orgasm too. No condom usually 10 mins first round, I can easily do 30 with one.
  • +1
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Have you had sex? The difference is not night and day with expensive condoms. They’re even better because they help with delaying your nut. Helps her to get her orgasm too. No condom usually 10 mins first round, I can easily do 30 with one.
niggas paying for expensive comdoms, it's over.
  • JFL
Reactions: anon_will_overcome
Call it what you want lmao, cucked for going 50/50 this forum is full of rotters. 1 of them I literally slept with , without a date hence “Uber/“.

I like to go out with them, shocking I know. Get to experience new spots & have a better social life.

DNR. It is cucked if you shell out cash to girls.

Only exception is if it's your car/bike or your house/food already paid for mostly.

I know paying for their rides, offering stuff, etc. is cucked.

You are giving them a grander experience through finances than what you personally offer with looks = cucked beta shit.
DNR. It is cucked if you shell out cash to girls.

Only exception is if it's your car/bike or your house/food already paid for mostly.

I know paying for their rides, offering stuff, etc. is cucked.

You are giving them a grander experience through finances than what you personally offer with looks = cucked beta shit.

Lmao, I know literal models that still take people on dates. NT people don’t hate women to that extent where a date is cucked.

I will happily take a girl out because I want a good time, I don’t believe you have a social life tbh otherwise this would be water

I can easily step 1 level below my looks match and slay without it’s not as enjoyable to have sex with a complete stranger compared to someone who I’ve actually had a night out with, soz
No that is strong Chadlite or full on Chad numbers.

HTN is a few slays a year at best (15 max), or a weak, low-grade harem.

Not that it is anything a guy should complain about (being HTN) as most guys get nearly nada lifelong, let alone weekly or monthly.

So 1 a week is insane -- 3 or 4 a year is good enough to most tho.
No as a HTN I can easily just get a girl in a week and any HTN can. god forbid U talk for a girl longer than 2 weeks. The first day at school I got 2 girls who clearly showed interest in my class, the first day. ( They weren't good-looking ngl) but my point stands .
Not cope, OLD is just a numbers game. For “Chad” it’s easy picking but I don’t see why that should dishearten me tbh. If I rotted here 24/7 then it would but as you said your reality contradicts what is said here, same for me without my reality I would’ve fell 100% into incel pipeline.

New accounts and I’m taking new pictures that acc show im NT, should help.
I have rotted in the incel community 24/7, I was disheartened. Then I lucked out by getting a gf. I told her I was an incel and virgin, so she said I can get girls. I said she wouldnt understand so she made me an account and I managed to fuck 2 girls in one day. She got jealous so she messaged the girls how toxic I am. My luck ran out on the apps so I deleted them. I broke up with my ex and went back to my OLD hookup to keep her as an fwb. I still feel I am an incel manlet at 5'11 who got lucky.
they could but most chads don't do that for std risk
are chads really that bothered about STD risk? I feel like their high t and low inhib will mean they dont care. My mate whos a Chad said STDs are part of the fun and he never wears condoms
I have rotted in the incel community 24/7, I was disheartened. Then I lucked out by getting a gf. I told her I was an incel and virgin, so she said I can get girls. I said she wouldnt understand so she made me an account and I managed to fuck 2 girls in one day. She got jealous so she messaged the girls how toxic I am. My luck ran out on the apps so I deleted them. I broke up with my ex and went back to my OLD hookup to keep her as an fwb. I still feel I am an incel manlet at 5'11 who got lucky.

Scarcity mindset, stop being mentalcel. Not tryna be redpill pua but if you’ve literally proved to yourself you can do it. It’s not luck. Your worst version was able to get two women, if you improve from looksmax, moneymaxx & NTmaxx obviously you can get more.
Connor Murphy mentioned he didn't get many girls back in college, when he was already gymmaxxed but non NT and without status.
I am brainstorming here, I am nowhere near Chad obviously. How long do you think it'd take a Chad to get a harem, hookup, gf, etc.?

Say we throw an experimental 17 year old Chad in to any random school environment, and don't have him try to make any major effort to fit in.

What's the longest you think a textbook Chad would need to go before he finds pussy in his grasp? How long would a newly broken in Chad in any IRL environment need to wait?

How long would a Chad in school, IRL/walking down the street, etc. need to be starved of willing females? Will he find himself with girls faster than most men would dream of, even if non NT?

We know most normies can go through super-long dry spells, struggle, try and run "game"/"long game" to see if they get a conversion.

But realistically, how long would a Chad have to go in 'X' environment (not online dating but IRL) before a girl breaks the ice/he gets a golden opportunity & can score?

1 week? Same day? No more than a month, right? I can't imagine a Chad having to wait even a week before a girl shoots her shot -- a HTN maybe 1+ month if non NT tho.
No that is strong Chadlite or full on Chad numbers.

HTN is a few slays a year at best (15 max), or a weak, low-grade harem.

Not that it is anything a guy should complain about (being HTN) as most guys get nearly nada lifelong, let alone weekly or monthly.

So 1 a week is insane -- 3 or 4 a year is good enough to most tho.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Crayola CØck and Xangsane
I am brainstorming here, I am nowhere near Chad obviously. How long do you think it'd take a Chad to get a harem, hookup, gf, etc.?

Say we throw an experimental 17 year old Chad in to any random school environment, and don't have him try to make any major effort to fit in.

What's the longest you think a textbook Chad would need to go before he finds pussy in his grasp? How long would a newly broken in Chad in any IRL environment need to wait?

How long would a Chad in school, IRL/walking down the street, etc. need to be starved of willing females? Will he find himself with girls faster than most men would dream of, even if non NT?

We know most normies can go through super-long dry spells, struggle, try and run "game"/"long game" to see if they get a conversion.

But realistically, how long would a Chad have to go in 'X' environment (not online dating but IRL) before a girl breaks the ice/he gets a golden opportunity & can score?

1 week? Same day? No more than a month, right? I can't imagine a Chad having to wait even a week before a girl shoots her shot -- a HTN maybe 1+ month if non NT tho.
it’s taken me literally 10 minutes before she was sober i was drunk

And you talk like a retard with caps lock stuck on who won't change his keyboard.

But the biggest slayers are obviously not MTN. Who the fuck would honestly believe that? Slayers of what, dragons?

Never seen a MTN slay. They have been seen with girlfriends and whale/chubby hookups, but getting decent girls easily, left and right?

JFL. Looks like you've been taking too many of the wrong drugs, man. You've become retarded and lost your memory as well.
I am brainstorming here, I am nowhere near Chad obviously. How long do you think it'd take a Chad to get a harem, hookup, gf, etc.?

Say we throw an experimental 17 year old Chad in to any random school environment, and don't have him try to make any major effort to fit in.

What's the longest you think a textbook Chad would need to go before he finds pussy in his grasp? How long would a newly broken in Chad in any IRL environment need to wait?

How long would a Chad in school, IRL/walking down the street, etc. need to be starved of willing females? Will he find himself with girls faster than most men would dream of, even if non NT?

We know most normies can go through super-long dry spells, struggle, try and run "game"/"long game" to see if they get a conversion.

But realistically, how long would a Chad have to go in 'X' environment (not online dating but IRL) before a girl breaks the ice/he gets a golden opportunity & can score?

1 week? Same day? No more than a month, right? I can't imagine a Chad having to wait even a week before a girl shoots her shot -- a HTN maybe 1+ month if non NT tho.

HTN 1 date chad does not even date
Im softmaxxed mtn and it takes me 3 months max. If I do my best my average would be 1 girl every 1.5 months. Probably more but Im not desperate.
try 19 years noob
I think girls would be scared to approach tbh. They want to have the upper hand and they would be at his whims
I have had girls aproach my mom instead jfl in irl but in clubs they approach me
I mean I know most here don't go outside, but this is purely hypothetical, i.e., how long do YOU think it'd logically take?

A normal Chad, not a super extroverted nor introverted one but just, say, take an average LTN's conscious & put it in to 7 PSL Chad.

How long till first IOI? First convo? First chance at sex? We know ovulation & whatnot, so maybe a timeframe every month he scores?

Like, say, all of the girl's period's sync and then they line up and go through Chad until his seed has spread the loins of jailbaits & MILFs?
More or less a week. No more then that if you know she's interested
I just spent a week in playa del carmen, I'm a htn at best

I literally walked up to girls in the street and hit on them every day

I fucked 3 girls in 7days, my friend witnessed and was I'm awe

The black pill is real but a upper tier chad with zero game and mental issues is not doing shit
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