Agree. I can respect you by the ideas you transmit in your post.

The problem with this forum is that is flooded by incels/inexperienced kids/subhumans that create a warped reality. You can't even have a serious conversation or share valuable insights, it's a total shit show. From time to time some based users appear, but as expected, they don't stay long or come and go.

I mog 99% of the users of this forum only by my experiences alone, yet they prefer to indulge in shit posting or autismmax instead of focus in real self improvement. They should start to pay attention and try to absorb some insights and attitude of the men that walked the path of self improvement and grinding. Truly a pity.
Yeah quite disappointing.

Guess it's about picking the few based ones and closely following their posts instead. 99% of the rest is just white noise.

Thanks for your comment.
  • +1
Reactions: Staceymaxxing
@Xangsane @AspiringMogger @Korea @PrinceLuenLeoncur @bishounen0bladee @Blackgymmax @GazerGazer @Looks234
Why ping me? I barely use this site anymore.
Great thread from a high IQ individual.

Of course; all true. People enjoy feeling self-pity. It's a brutal cycle that keeps us in place, never able to truly ascend (mentally). That's why I consider the blackpill way of thinking; overall a bad mindset for most people here.

We all cope with "chad has it easy" and bad (genetic) luck, while blue and red pillers will try in spite of their weaknesses, and often live better lives because of the iniciative they will ineviatably take at some point.

Meanwhile we run in circles overthinking pointless topics.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 89153, UrGirlsMcm and Staceymaxxing
Statusmaxxing is not possible for majority here
Great thread from a high IQ individual.

Of course; all true. People enjoy feeling self-pity. It's a brutal cycle that keeps us in place, never able to truly ascend (mentally). That's why I consider the blackpill way of thinking; overall a bad mindset for most people here.

We all cope with "chad has it easy" and bad (genetic) luck, while blue and red pillers will try in spite of their weaknesses, and often live better lives because of the iniciative they will ineviatably take at some point.

Meanwhile we run in circles overthinking pointless topics.
Yes many here use blackpill as a way to cope with their laziness.

I was reading this thread earlier and I'm glad to see someone else who thinks very similar, amongst the unnecessary brain rot. I am going to rant a bit, I guess. @Manana Good thread

Chad, from its origins just referred to the stereotypical college jock, usually get with the hot cheerleaders and are famous at the college and genetically mog on average at least in previous generations. Good looking to some extent weak correlation, muscular, tall etc you get the idea.

This is how I look at it, wholistically.

Not sure when the definition moved to posting perfect ratios 0.00001% 6'3 model on runway with striking features and Tyler Maher level only

Wouldn't it be hilarious that the guy the Chad meme is based on, would be rated HTN next to Tyler Maher few years later?

Unless you're trying to become a megastar Hollywood/millionaire runway model etc. You are probably already what people consider a Chad at your local central clubs and bars.

I have had experiences that the average guy probably dreams of, and I can sense some of the slayers on here have too from their threads. You are Chad irl, ignore the noise.

Also a good point about the situational nature of it.

If I step into a club where I mog most white mtns there, however the girls are into blue eyes, mullets and JBW only (especially east asian girls), I probably wouldn't pull anything. So what? That's just the appeal in that situation which I do not have.

I wouldn't consider them "chads" for the girls flocking due to their mullets or dreads or whatever, and this happens. You won't always get the girls you want, but the quality of the girls wiling to sleep with you will be higher as a "local chad" in your area/city etc

If you have guys coming up to you to leave some girls for them, or staring at your face and frame, or gay guys creepily eye fucking you. This is a sign most of the guys view you as an apex in that situation.

Also about this ^

When most of you ascend, you will realize you won't have muh stacies dropping at your feet everyday. What @Clavicular pulled is quite realistic and quite cute, especially for women that will be STRUCK by your looks for the most part. Any "slayer" here who claims otherwise is probably lying to you, most lite+ women are not going to chase you like a dog chasing a bone as far as I'm aware.

You will get treated better, more opportunities and better quality of women who are struck by your face but for the most part on average, high mtbs(which is actually good). This is coming from a guy who has fucked stacylites here and there and 2 famous gl girls, this is not the NORM unless you have status/moneymaxxed(which defeats the point of it based on RAW looks), do not get your hopes too high about psl stacies flocking to you everyday or some dumb shit like that. You won't even see them irl anyway
Many chads you post date women below their looksmatch and even get dumped later on when they get bored of your looks

Tom Brady's ex wife's new boyfriend
Sean O'pry's ex gf's new boyfriend
I'm sure you get the idea

Brings me to my final point.

I have been to high end clubs where actual ig models and so-called stacies go and especially the ones you guys tend to post who are primal or somewhat into clout and social media

My looks don't even matter in those clubs honestly for 70% of them. I see moneymaxxed/status/rapper mtns with lambos parked outside take these girls back home. Even in conversations with them, they're sussing my economic and finances out with their questions.

If you are moneymaxxed + Lite/strong HTN, the world is your oyster. You will live a better life than Tyler Maher dreams of, as a WHOLE.
So a white chad would only be able to get below avg east asian girls and ethnic/white beckies at the redneck clubs, you say?

I was reading this thread earlier and I'm glad to see someone else who thinks very similar, amongst the unnecessary brain rot. I am going to rant a bit, I guess. @Manana Good thread

Chad, from its origins just referred to the stereotypical college jock, usually get with the hot cheerleaders and are famous at the college and genetically mog on average at least in previous generations. Good looking to some extent weak correlation, muscular, tall etc you get the idea.

This is how I look at it, wholistically.

Not sure when the definition moved to posting perfect ratios 0.00001% 6'3 model on runway with striking features and Tyler Maher level only

Wouldn't it be hilarious that the guy the Chad meme is based on, would be rated HTN next to Tyler Maher few years later?

Unless you're trying to become a megastar Hollywood/millionaire runway model etc. You are probably already what people consider a Chad at your local central clubs and bars.

I have had experiences that the average guy probably dreams of, and I can sense some of the slayers on here have too from their threads. You are Chad irl, ignore the noise.

Also a good point about the situational nature of it.

If I step into a club where I mog most white mtns there, however the girls are into blue eyes, mullets and JBW only (especially east asian girls), I probably wouldn't pull anything. So what? That's just the appeal in that situation which I do not have.

I wouldn't consider them "chads" for the girls flocking due to their mullets or dreads or whatever, and this happens. You won't always get the girls you want, but the quality of the girls wiling to sleep with you will be higher as a "local chad" in your area/city etc

If you have guys coming up to you to leave some girls for them, or staring at your face and frame, or gay guys creepily eye fucking you. This is a sign most of the guys view you as an apex in that situation.

Also about this ^

When most of you ascend, you will realize you won't have muh stacies dropping at your feet everyday. What @Clavicular pulled is quite realistic and quite cute, especially for women that will be STRUCK by your looks for the most part. Any "slayer" here who claims otherwise is probably lying to you, most lite+ women are not going to chase you like a dog chasing a bone as far as I'm aware.

You will get treated better, more opportunities and better quality of women who are struck by your face but for the most part on average, high mtbs(which is actually good). This is coming from a guy who has fucked stacylites here and there and 2 famous gl girls, this is not the NORM unless you have status/moneymaxxed(which defeats the point of it based on RAW looks), do not get your hopes too high about psl stacies flocking to you everyday or some dumb shit like that. You won't even see them irl anyway
Many chads you post date women below their looksmatch and even get dumped later on when they get bored of your looks

Tom Brady's ex wife's new boyfriend
Sean O'pry's ex gf's new boyfriend
I'm sure you get the idea

Brings me to my final point.

I have been to high end clubs where actual ig models and so-called stacies go and especially the ones you guys tend to post who are primal or somewhat into clout and social media

My looks don't even matter in those clubs honestly for 70% of them. I see moneymaxxed/status/rapper mtns with lambos parked outside take these girls back home. Even in conversations with them, they're sussing my economic and finances out with their questions.

If you are moneymaxxed + Lite/strong HTN, the world is your oyster. You will live a better life than Tyler Maher dreams of, as a WHOLE.
high effort but i cant read

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