How many of you go to the gym?

That works if you go to premium class gym and make connections here. but when I go to busy times especially after new year time I will be in line with 5 guys on bench press.
Depends on ur work routine. Now I can work from home allot I like going at 10am or so when allot of security are their after night shift.

Peak times can be dependant on the gym but best to avoid. Although 99% of the time I ask some1 to drop in and take turns they do. If they don't just them to fk off its basic gym etiquette to share especially during peak hours.
I try to do it consistently but it’s fucking boring and fitness doesn’t interest me
Although 99% of the time I ask some1 to drop in and take turns they do
Yeah it works just ask but I am really not like to be with people. Neanderthal genes kicking in.
Depends on ur work routine
I go to college gym(jfl). None of my classes are mandatory(another jfl) and I go at mornings, then do my online tutor job for 6 hours then go study.
Fk i cnt stand moroccans no offense. I heard the countries nice but UK gets all the degenerate drug dealers coming here.

Is it a good place to visit for holiday tho? for westerners. Also Morocco seems to have allot of good looking girls they kinda remind me of latino girls (altho not identical) which are top tier to me aswell.
Nahhh its really dangerous if you wanna come avoid casablanca and sale and jdida
Go to the north citys the closer to spain the better
And yes we have some really good looking girl but they usually end up as prostitutes or go outside of the city or married to a rich old guy whne she was 16 so good lick slaying their you can go to marrakech their is some clubs whete you can slay morrocan girls but also westerner that come to visit morroco i personally go their i just bring a fake id cuz im 16 its dirt cheap like 20$ aslong you don’t abuse the shots of alcohol it would take you less than 100$ for slaying
  • Ugh..
  • +1
Reactions: Iblamelife08 and TitusA
Brother no one agree with me cuz no one is watchubg yiur shitty thread anyway
i didnt make it dumb fuck ima give you a like for effort sincw your dumbass thinks you can get more muscles doiny push ups then working out to failure in the gym.
I do not have the availability of attending a Public Gym Facility but I conduct a curriculum of exercise at home, for around 45-70 minutes, every day, in some instances once every other day.
i didnt make it dumb fuck ima give you a like for effort sincw your dumbass thinks you can get more muscles doiny push ups then working out to failure in the gym.
I believe doing Weighted push ups at home while being on gear >>> doing optimized chest program while being natural
i only train at home calisthenics
  • +1
Reactions: 20/04/2008
@Iblamelife08 see im not the only one dumb fuck do you know how many guys got jacked doing only Calihestenics ????
only people i knew who look decent do calisthenics
@Iblamelife08 see im not the only one dumb fuck do you know how many guys got jacked doing only Calihestenics ????
Again this doesn’t prove its better then going to the gym your just proving a individual on a incel website who claims he is jacked using calihestencis he would be doing it at the gym at the park this is a whole different claim. ( put the fries in the bag)
Physique is super overrated obviously but still how many of you do strength training for hormones/frame?
Physiques arnt overrated bro what 😭 and frame and physique is the same thing jfl
Again this doesn’t prove its better then going to the gym your just proving a individual on a incel website who claims he is jacked using calihestencis he would be doing it at the gym at the park this is a whole different claim. ( put the fries in the bag)
I also train at the Gym when l want to
Its Calihestenics is so mych better
Go see natural Calihestenics competition you’ll see mindblowing physique while those nigga only do variation of pull ups and dips
Physique is super overrated obviously but still how many of you do strength training for hormones/frame?
Training for hormones is super dumb If you don’t know what your doing
And even if you did wow you just increased your test by 50% for like 30 min then it came back to baseline now you have increased yiur total T by 5%
Training for frame is actually smart
I really think anyone on this forum could get to 22 inches bidelt
And you could even make it look ynfrauded if you have wide clavicles like david laid or androgenic
I go to a gym where there I practice mma and also lift weights for muscle mass and aesthetics. So yeah it works for me.
It's overrated but still very important
Just saying
Yes I do gym but I rely on cardio & diet more
What do you mainly do for cardio in the gym? Shit like stairmaster? You do it for maintaining leanness?

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