How many PSL 5 (according to this site, which is lookism 6) do u see everyday ?



Sep 16, 2018
I see 0 at average

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I see 0 at average

i swear i don't either to be sinceer.
if i'm lucky 2-3 on a good day, and i'm walking and visiting a lot each day
I will doxx them wait a time
Several dozen of both genders tbh but I live on a uni campus. Really is gonna vary a lot depending on where you reside
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why do you call it psl when it’s puahate sluthate lookism?
1 in ever 2000 perhaps
  • JFL
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Out of 50 guys I see 5 psl 5 guys
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one or two psl5s a day
one psl6 in a year probably
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1 a day id say on average, i see around 100 people per day

ive only seen two 7s IRL in my whole life
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in broad daylight i see 1 in 10

at night its like every 2nd guy being 5psl and plus
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If i go out . Alot of 5s and some 6s but i dont really count them
one or two psl5s a day
one psl6 in a year probably

PSL 6 is rare but not THAT rare. My best friend has a legit psl 6 face.
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PSL 6 is rare but not THAT rare. My best friend has a legit psl 6 face.
it is bro. i have only see just one high 6 in my whole life
he mogs everybody in 10 km
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it is bro. i have only see just one high 6 in my whole life
he mogs everybody in 10 km
he is 5'8 with a weaker frame tho

his eye area, lower third and compact midface are just insane. Also very good hair
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he is 5'8 with a weaker frame tho

his eye area, lower third and compact midface are just insane
mine is your height and giga skull even bigger than mine ffs.
overall harmony is close to Chico tier tbh
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PSL 6 is rare but not THAT rare. My best friend has a legit psl 6 face.
idk man i rarely see people that are actually super good looking. uk is filled with truecels tbh
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many many men
You've got to be kidding. Less than 1% for 5psl? Do you live in subhumanistan?
Apparently yeah

Why do you think models are so rare? Like in every state for instance 30 or 40 could become good fashion model a state with 4 million people
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Because face is different on instagram(you can slowly focus on details) and in reality.
Go to clubs, they're full of 4.5+ guys
It's extremely rare. Most people I see I 3-4 PSL.
Working at a nightclub that usually age range 21-30 primarily its so freaking rare that I see a guy I'd be like, ok PSL would give him a high rating. It's so rare, but the demographics of ppl in my city are like lots of mexicans and mixed meat so I dunno
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Working at a nightclub that usually age range 21-30 primarily its so freaking rare that I see a guy I'd be like, ok PSL would give him a high rating. It's so rare, but the demographics of ppl in my city are like lots of mexicans and mixed meat so I dunno
Out of 4 million maybe there is 20-30 guys who could go to fashion model in talking Barrett level
Working at a nightclub that usually age range 21-30 primarily its so freaking rare that I see a guy I'd be like, ok PSL would give him a high rating. It's so rare, but the demographics of ppl in my city are like lots of mexicans and mixed meat so I dunno
You mean high psl as in 6+ right? Easily 1/100 in college
  • JFL
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You mean high psl as in 6+ right? Easily 1/100 in college
yeah maybe but I hang out with post college aged ppl. And guys drop off fast after college age, get fat, bald, etc. Its easier the older u get if u take care of urself
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I work in the trades and I am an unmoggable machine at PSL 4.5. Everyone is busted, ethnic or both.
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Depends on where I am
Its common though
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I see so many PSL 5s, they arent rare. Stop coping.
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I see so many PSL 5s, they arent rare. Stop coping.
Where? Are u still in college?

I dunno, once i got out of the school bubble atmosphere and into the real world it was so rare to see GL guys in day to day activities and places
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only see psl 4 when i went to chadstralian beach cos my parents forced me i saw so many chads and kids my age with girls life mogging me while i sat there with my subhuman dad(n)
  • JFL
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Where? Are u still in college?

I dunno, once i got out of the school bubble atmosphere and into the real world it was so rare to see GL guys in day to day activities and places
I go a subhuman ethnic gook high school. and there are still plenty of 5psl foids and guys. 5psl isnt very rare.
if i think about my school class (25 guys), about 4 are PSL 5-5.5 (1 has no chin, jaw, frame, ugly nose but his opry tier eye area saves him hard)
if i think of my workplace (close colleagues 8 guys) 1 is 5.5
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one or two psl5s a day
one psl6 in a year probably
saw a psl 6.5 yesterday hunter eyes, hunter skull, insane lower third, good midface it was scary the mog was hard.
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Everytime I look in the mirror
i see many of them
Most people I see are untermenschen
Like 1/20 young white guys in sweden, most are ugly twinks

PSL6 is rare tho
I see one in the mirror everyday :love: :love: :love:

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