How much can a good body bring up your rate?

Deleted member 678

Deleted member 678

MSE Coper
Dec 15, 2018
Say youre average looking facially, how much can a good body bring you up? is it worth even lifting if youre average looking?
Average looking people benefit the most from body. Good looking ppl don't have to lift nor does it matter
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Its always worth lifting bro but it depends on your base and bone structure. If you are average face but 5'10-11 and above with decent frame getting ripped is a huge hailo can bring you from a 5 to a 7 or even 8 depending on bodyfat..
On the other hand if you are a 2/10 ethnic manlet going to the gym will transform you from a 2/10 to a slightly more austistic looking 2/10
But if you are say a 7/10 with average body (which is bad) you can easily make it to chad or even gigachad territory with a solid bulk.
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Its always worth lifting bro but it depends on your base and bone structure. If you are average face but 5'10-11 and above with decent frame getting ripped is a huge hailo can bring you from a 5 to a 7 or even 8 depending on bodyfat..
On the other hand if you are a 2/10 ethnic manlet going to the gym will transform you from a 2/10 to a slightly more austistic looking 2/10
But if you are say a 7/10 with average body (which is bad) you can easily make it to chad or even gigachad territory with a solid bulk.
im 6 ft with decent frame and currently average facially, so i guess gaining muscle would benefit me alot
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Average looking people benefit the most from body. Good looking ppl don't have to lift nor does it matter
Good looking ppl benefit too
As it gives them the complete package look
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Not a ton.
But it's worth it for lifestyle imo. You feel a lot better after working out. It's also healthier, and you can work towards a goal.
Also you can be heavier but still have the same leanness in your face.
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Not a ton.
But it's worth it for lifestyle imo. You feel a lot better after working out. It's also healthier, and you can work towards a goal.
Also you can be heavier but still have the same leanness in your face.
but i feel like body can halo an average person, cause youre not UGLY. i think working out as an ugly guy is pointless, but being average, muscles will have some benefit and itll make some girls think youre above average.
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Lifting doesn't do shit for SMV.

You should only do it if you actually get enjoyment out of it. Like any other hobby, its just a gigacope.
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Not a ton.
But it's worth it for lifestyle imo. You feel a lot better after working out. It's also healthier, and you can work towards a goal.
Also you can be heavier but still have the same leanness in your face.
Abso-fucking-lutely get your ass to the gym with 150g protein + 250-400calorie surplus.
yeah maybe i should, i guess it could be a good cope until i get surgeries
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if you're psl2 subhuman or chad, it could boost you by about a point maybe

if you're average then maybe 2 psl points
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yeah maybe i should, i guess it could be a good cope until i get surgeries
If you are doing it natty you have to take it kinda seriously with consistency (most important) but IMO its the most worth softmaxx. A woman wants to feel smaller and protected by you, its only common sense to gymaxx.
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If you are doing it natty you have to take it kinda seriously with consistency (most important) but IMO its the most worth softmaxx. A woman wants to feel smaller and protected by you, its only common sense to gymaxx.
yeah im fucking skinny af right now its so bad, i weigh 140 at 6 ft. its embarrassing..
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yeah im fucking skinny af right now its so bad, i weigh 140 at 6 ft. its embarrassing..
Shiet, dw bro when I started I weighed 100 pounds (I was emaciated due to health problems) now im 172 pounds (been 2 1/2 years not full consistency tbh) its such a good hailo to have.
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Shiet, dw bro when I started I weighed 100 pounds (I was emaciated due to health problems) now im 172 pounds (been 2 1/2 years not full consistency tbh) its such a good hailo to have.
has your life changed since you gained that much weight?
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0 sadly
it likes putting your know Microsoft word on your resume in 2k20
still lift tho, bc its good to add to your look
0 sadly
it likes putting your know Microsoft word on your resume in 2k20
some ppl say it helps some say it doesnt, so idk, its a good cope until i ascend
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has your life changed since you gained that much weight?
Quite a lot tbh.
Im known as the only buff indian by my relatives JFL
It becomes so much easier to slide into new social groups (great first impression)
Also people are FAR AND I MEAN FAR less likely to push you around
Its like it auto commends respect.
As for foid attention I have gotten obvious ioi's but from filthy sub 5's which is why im currently leanmaxxing, chewing hard, skin and collagen maxxing and height frauding.
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Quite a lot tbh.
Im known as the only buff indian by my relatives JFL
It becomes so much easier to slide into new social groups (great first impression)
Also people are FAR AND I MEAN FAR less likely to push you around
Its like it auto commends respect.
As for foid attention I have gotten obvious ioi's but from filthy sub 5's which is why im currently leanmaxxing, chewing hard, skin and collagen maxxing and height frauding.
yeah obviously the quality of girls that give you attention wont be super high even with a good body(assuming youre a 5), you might get girls that are one rate above yours at most, but it beats nothing at all.
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yeah obviously the quality of girls that give you attention wont be super high even with a good body(assuming youre a 5), you might get girls that are one rate above yours at most, but it beats nothing at all.
Yea my body is mediocre (being natty and all) for 2+ years of lifting which is why I have started taking it very seriously again while simultaneously maxing on other aspects. If you want a better picture heres a side pic of mine.
height is 177.5cm.
That angle is kinda bad downward tilted taken in dark with bad lighting but yea you get the point its quite a nice hailo.


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Yea my body is mediocre (being natty and all) for 2+ years of lifting which is why I have started taking it very seriously again while simultaneously maxing on other aspects. If you want a better picture heres a side pic of mine.
height is 177.5cm.
where do you live?
I went from prettyboy high T ethnic to robust prettyboy high T white.

But then again I have a good face, height, coloring, and had a top percentile physique. The reactions I had when I walked through campus or through lecture hall were quite jarring. I'd post some stories on P/S/L but this entire forum would commit mass seppuku on spot.
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Average looking people benefit the most from body. Good looking ppl don't have to lift nor does it matter


ugly people wont benefit because it will just look like they are coping with muscle (which they are)
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Pretty much useless for the 1-3 PSL range, 4-6 PSL it's a nice halo, 7-8 PSL there's no point but it's a good bonus so why not. Also depends on other factors such as how far you take the physique, height, frame, etc.
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Pretty much useless for the 1-3 PSL range, 4-6 PSL it's a nice halo, 7-8 PSL there's no point but it's a good bonus so why not. Also depends on other factors such as how far you take the physique, height, frame, etc.
im currently 4 psl so i guess it would help me. I wanna get a athletic build body, nothing too crazy but some muscle+lean. Now im just a twig, 135-140 at 6 ft.
like 1-1.5 IRL points
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Sub 15% BF will give you your actual rating. Could be alot or a little additional IRL points depending on your bone structure.

Looking athletic/filled out will give you up to +1 IRL point. Remember that most of your body will be covered in clothes. Lifting only improves your looks if your not a subhuman., Average to GL will benefit from lifting. Even Manlets will benefit from lifting, despite short height being a huge failio.
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Say youre average looking facially, how much can a good body bring you up? is it worth even lifting if youre average looking?
About 76% of a man TOTAL attractiveness is decided by face + body. (pretty brutal Blackpill by the way)
About 52% is face.
About 24% is body.

Women like strong men. Stop looking for excuses to be a pathetic weak cuck. All my exes have drooled over fighters or big dominating guys. I think the people here are just too damn young. Attraction is a desire to create the best and strongest offspring with the best chances of survival. A pretty face and 60-70kg of bodyweight isn't enough. How do you expect to toss around a girl and dominate her? That's what they all crave. Not to mention dealing with other guys. What will you do when I will grab your girls ass? I'm near 100kg shredded with trenbolone going through my veins.
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Does it really make a difference if your like 5'7 tho ?
You mean about the lean part?
Putting on muscle will increase your weight, making it easier to maintain a lean face. Since the amount of leanness in your face correlates to bf%
You're face will look the same at 130 pounds 12% bf as 180 pounds 12% bf
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You mean about the lean part?
Putting on muscle will increase your weight, making it easier to maintain a lean face. Since the amount of leanness in your face correlates to bf%
You're face will look the same at 130 pounds 12% bf as 180 pounds 12% bf
so how do I gain weight without increasing bf%?
so how do I gain weight without increasing bf%?
Lean bulk than cut. Can't help you if you don't understand basic fitness jfl
Lean bulk than cut. Can't help you if you don't understand basic fitness jfl
I do, i just don’t know what the fuck to eat to lean bulk
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