Women dating rich guys is complete cope

I know she didn't actually show you love cause you're 5'8 and I have a bigger dick than you
Yeah you’re directing that insult to the wrong person if that’s what you mean by over I don’t really care. Also boyo you might have higher SMV but remember hypergamy is endless
do you not understand i dont care, money is manlet cope while height is typical tallcel cope, we both win here.
I agree with you. But being short and rich mogs being tall/ poor to death. Let’s call it truce and rep each other
Yeah you’re directing that insult to the wrong person if that’s what you mean by over I don’t really care. Also boyo you might have higher SMV but remember hypergamy is endless
Again I dont remotely care about my smv I already have a girlfriend.
I agree with you. But being short and rich mogs being tall/ poor to death. Let’s call it truce and rep each other
the short will never be tall and rich, but the poor tall can be rich and tall

i think health is law imo
Again I dont remotely care about my smv I already have a girlfriend.
Not the point to takeaway, I’m simply saying there’s always a chance of getting cucked regardless of where you stand on the SMV scale.
the short will never be tall and rich, but the poor tall can be rich and tall
Yeah but short brah can get LL and face surgeries with his money and it would probably take poor tall brah at the very least a decade to become rich if he’s lucky/smart
i think health is law imo
Why? Also rep my replies don’t be narcy boyo
Not the point to takeaway, I’m simply saying there’s always a chance of getting cucked regardless of where you stand on the SMV scale.
That's not a concern to me.
Yeah but short brah can get LL and face surgeries with his money and it would probably take poor tall brah at the very least a decade to become rich if he’s lucky/smart
short guy can get LL, poor guy can get money.

Which one is easier, hmmmm.
Why? Also rep my replies don’t be narcy boyo
I don't care what incels care about me on an incel website.
I think rich people are winners at life. Especially trustfunds. They lifemog poor.
That's not a concern to me.
You called me unlovable for my falios but when I said the same can happen to you despite having higher SMV you claim to not care. Why even throw the insult?
short guy can get LL, poor guy can get money.

Which one is easier, hmmmm.
With new LL technology probably the short guy, but it also depends on what we mean by short. If we’re talking 5’7-5’9 it would only require one LL procedure to reach a non short height. Even with two LL procedures it would take less than twoish years and he could get face surgeries in between ig
I don't care what incels care about me on an incel website.
Go kill yourself then you larping faggot
I think rich people are winners at life. Especially trustfunds. They lifemog poor.
do you even know what trustfund means?

women steal men's money like that
You called me unlovable for my falios but when I said the same can happen to you despite having higher SMV you claim to not care. Why even throw the insult?

With new LL technology probably the short guy, but it also depends on what we mean by short. If we’re talking 5’7-5’9 it would only require one LL procedure to reach a non short height. Even with two LL procedures it would take less than twoish years and he could get face surgeries in between ig

Go kill yourself then you larping faggot
what am i larping about? didnt read the top stuff
do you even know what trustfund means?

women steal men's money like that
That is mixing rich people with people who lose money in divorce. Generally rich men win live life without money as a factor in decisions. You are using exceptions of rich men losing money in divorce as general example.

Rich = bang hot hookers and can do whatever you want with your time while not having to worry about money
Rather be Rich Normie than a Chad
That is mixing rich people with people who lose money in divorce. Generally rich men win live life without money as a factor in decisions. You are using exceptions of rich men losing money in divorce as general example.

Rich = bang hot hookers and can do whatever you want with your time while not having to worry about money
no you said "especially trustfunds"

you can setup a trustfund pretty much at any stage of your income the "especially" made no sense especially since those kinds of people are at a higher risk of losing their money.
no you said "especially trustfunds"

you can setup a trustfund pretty much at any stage of your income the "especially" made no sense especially since those kinds of people are at a higher risk of losing their money.
trustfund = kids raised with rich parents who sponsor their lifestyle. They dont have to work for anything.

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