How much do you need to sacrifice face for gym gains?

Deleted member 3795

Deleted member 3795

Nov 4, 2019
Please help me. It's a genuine dilemma. I want to look more dom but at the same time I don't want to have to sacrifice my face leanness.

What is the highest bodyfat% you have to put on when bulking? How will this affect face? How much will a clean bulk bloat you?

Btw, I don't want to look like a bloated ogre like Eddie Hall. I have prettyboy pheno so basically I want to have big arms, chest and back while remaining at low bf%

This would be my long-term goal (Logan Paul, right) or at least as close to this as my genes would allow me.

How much would I have to bloat my face for this? I'd be okay to settle for less if it means getting less facial bloat.

I don't want to end up like this subhuman

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If you have the patience you absolutely can gain muscle without body fat, it will take planning and effort though
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Gym is cope
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  • JFL
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if you are clean bulking then you will put lean mass only or negligible amounts of fat
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Gym is cope
No it’s not. Why do people here say this shit. Sure looking like a bodybuilder won’t ascend you if your face looks bad but having a nice body and looking like you lift in clothes is a huge halo.
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No it’s not. Why do people here say this shit. Sure looking like a bodybuilder won’t ascend you if your face looks bad but having a nice body and looking like you lift in clothes is a huge halo.
Fair, fair
No it’s not. Why do people here say this shit. Sure looking like a bodybuilder won’t ascend you if your face looks bad but having a nice body and looking like you lift in clothes is a huge halo.
Let them delude themselves
Less competition for us
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No it’s not. Why do people here say this shit. Sure looking like a bodybuilder won’t ascend you if your face looks bad but having a nice body and looking like you lift in clothes is a huge halo.
Gym is only cope if you have a shit base like if your a manlet or framlet. Gym body is just like an add on or perk. Also roided powerlifter bodies are so fucking ugly idk why people think that gets you bitches you wanna be defined and lean.
Gym is only cope if you have a shit base like if your a manlet or framlet. Gym body is just like an add on or perk. Also roided powerlifter bodies are so fucking ugly idk why people think that gets you bitches you wanna be defined and lean.

Logan Paul has ideal male body
Let them delude themselves
Less competition for us
It’s such a convenient way to looksmax that it blows my mind a lot of people on this site don’t do it. My one friend is 5’6 with a plain face and he would get NO girls if he didn’t have big arms and a nice V taper from gymcelling. A couple years ago when he was skinny his body count was 1 (with a fat chick) and now that his body looks a lot better it’s something like 20.

If you’re below 5’10 especially you HAVE to lift because you need to make up for the lack of intimidation and dominance. You can’t be short and skinny or else you’ll have zero sex appeal.
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Just use SARMs
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Logan Paul has ideal male body
Yeah he does have a really good body. The Dolan twins are my realistic short term goal since I’m closer to their height.

Gym is only cope if you have a shit base like if your a manlet or framlet. Gym body is just like an add on or perk. Also roided powerlifter bodies are so fucking ugly idk why people think that gets you bitches you wanna be defined and lean.
Bro even if you’re a manlet it’s not cope. Sure you’ll still be a manlet afterwards but trust me it helps a lot. My friend is a good example of that. And yeah definitely you don’t want to look like a bloated powerlifter. You have to maximize aesthetics not strength.
You don't. Just use compounds that are used to gain muscle and don't retain water.
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You should never ever accept face fat gain when trying to build muscle. Not only is it not worth it, because girls don't care that much about physique compared to face, but it is also just plain doing it wrong. Only slight surplus with almost unnoticable fat gain is necessary. Being consistent in the gym is what matters.
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You should never ever accept face fat gain when trying to build muscle. Not only is it not worth it, because girls don't care that much about physique compared to face, but it is also just plain doing it wrong. Only slight surplus with almost unnoticable fat gain is necessary. Being consistent in the gym is what matters.

But isn't your diet the most important for gym gains?
Are you saying I can still look good lifting without bulking enough to bloat my face?
You should never ever accept face fat gain when trying to build muscle. Not only is it not worth it, because girls don't care that much about physique compared to face, but it is also just plain doing it wrong. Only slight surplus with almost unnoticable fat gain is necessary. Being consistent in the gym is what matters.
U will have to sacricice ur face for 9month then when u shredded u become PSL+1

Look at this dude is only 15%bf when bulking and his face is like 5.5PSL, after being 8% his legit 7 PSL + 9body or even 9.5


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JFL his body is not ideal

Get something like this
4A44F87D D574 4CD2 AFAA 93B6F05AE173

Ottermode is better
  • Ugh..
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U will have to sacricice ur face for 9month then when u shredded u become PSL+1

Look at this dude is only 15%bf when bulking and his face is like 5.5PSL, after being 8% his legit 7 PSL + 9body or even 9.5

I probably already am about 15% bf. I don't mind it like this and I definitely am willing to stay at 15 for gym gains.
Are you saying that only 15 is necessary for bulking???
I probably already am about 15% bf. I don't mind it like this and I definitely am willing to stay at 15 for gym gains.
Are you saying that only 15 is necessary for bulking???
get to 10%bf then bulk to 15%, u dont need to go above 15%. Only people eating junkfood go above 15% when bulking.
If you start bulking at 15% u will end at 20% if you eat clean.
Also 15% is not the magic number for face aesthetic, its 8%, this is my lower third at 15% vs at 8%


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get to 10%bf then bulk to 15%, u dont need to go above 15%. Only people eating junkfood go above 15% when bulking.
If you start bulking at 15% u will end at 20% if you eat clean.
Also 15% is not the magic number for face aesthetic, its 8%, this is my lower third at 15% vs at 8%

Lifefuel. Thanks bro.
How many years have you been gymcelling?
Lifefuel. Thanks bro.
How many years have you been gymcelling?

Thoses pictures are from 2017, i have been gymcelling for 3years. But now i quit gym since begining of 2019 because of depression now im like 20%bf and lost mlre than 25pounds of muscle.
I dont really care about my look for now i need to fix other problems in my life before ,then i will be back to gymcelling and looksmaxing

But remember its all a long term run. Looksmaxing take month to years and gymceling is the same. You sacrifice 1/2year your face then u will look better with good body which can add 0.75/1PSL that is HUGE
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Thoses pictures are from 2017, i have been gymcelling for 3years. But now i quit gym since begining of 2019 because of depression now im like 20%bf and lost mlre than 25pounds of muscle.
I dont really care about my look for now i need to fix other problems in my life before ,then i will be back to gymcelling and looksmaxing

So you really put on that much muscle without going past 15% in 3 years?

And good luck. I hope you manage to get your shit back together. I'm trying to do that now.
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So you really put on that much muscle without going past 15% in 3 years?

And good luck. I hope you manage to get your shit back together. I'm trying to do that now.
No sometimes i went to 20% bf but it was because of eating ton of junkfood so u can easily cleannulk without going above 15% not hard at all and ty
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Bulking will give you ball cancer look at furious peter
the fact you even made this thread is more than enough proof you will never achieve an impressive physique
the fact you even made this thread is more than enough proof you will never achieve an impressive physique

No offense, you just sound clueless and like you’ve never even tried to exercise before. Which is okay if you’re like 14 yrs old. In order to make serious physique gains you need serious passion and dedication for lifting. The good news is that it is more than possible to gain a muscular physique like the one you referenced as a goal. (without “sacrificing” facial aesthetics lol.) You need to get on a serious program hitting the gym at least 3x per week (I prefer to do 4x or 5x personally) lifting with high intensity. You need to eat a caloric surplus but no junk food. Lean, whole foods only. It really is simple it just requires dedication and passion like I said. You need to bust your ass to make progress and more importantly to make mistakes. This path is all about trial and error, the sooner you start working the sooner you start learning
No offense, you just sound clueless and like you’ve never even tried to exercise before. Which is okay if you’re like 14 yrs old. In order to make serious physique gains you need serious passion and dedication for lifting. The good news is that it is more than possible to gain a muscular physique like the one you referenced as a goal. (without “sacrificing” facial aesthetics lol.) You need to get on a serious program hitting the gym at least 3x per week (I prefer to do 4x or 5x personally) lifting with high intensity. You need to eat a caloric surplus but no junk food. Lean, whole foods only. It really is simple it just requires dedication and passion like I said. You need to bust your ass to make progress and more importantly to make mistakes. This path is all about trial and error, the sooner you start working the sooner you start learning

Well obviously i'm clueless. That's why i'm posting here. Everyone has to start somewhere.
I want to gain muscle and stop looking like a twig but as this is a looksmaxxing forum I want to make sure I can do this without sacrificing my most important asset.

How long have you been lifting? What bf% do you bulk and cut at?
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Well obviously i'm clueless. That's why i'm posting here. Everyone has to start somewhere.
I want to gain muscle and stop looking like a twig but as this is a looksmaxxing forum I want to make sure I can do this without sacrificing my most important asset.

How long have you been lifting? What bf% do you bulk and cut at?
No worries man, I didn’t mean to come across as insulting, if anything I hope to help you out here. I was fucking around with 10 lb dumbbells I bought at a thrift store as early as middle school. Freshman year of highschool I would be in the weightroom during various sports’ practices. So I would say high school is when I truly started to get into it. I’m now in my mid 20s so it had been about a full decade now. The lowest my bf% has ever been was about 10% and the highest it has been was about 16-17%. This is a small range because I value being lean more than anything. (Btw...both of these numbers, the high end and the low end, are both considered ripped by normie standards if you have muscle mass.) My philosophy with cut and bulk cycles is to take it slow and steady and to not overdo it because I have always been natural and I would rather have abs/veins popping year round than anything else. I was blessed with a fast metabolism, so I was ALWAYS a twig growing up, which is why I was drawn to lifting at a young age. I absolutely blew up in high school, going from lanky awkward 150 lbs freshman year to a lean muscular 6’4” 185 senior year. You will make the most of your gains during the first few years, especially if you’re utilizing those teenage years of high test production. Now I am a lean 215 and extremely satisfied with my transformation, also lifting is legitimately fun as fuck in my opinion, I love it and will probably never stop
Stop being a bitch about it... Consuming excess calories alone will cause you to hold more water everywhere TEMPORARILY. It's not like your face is going to stay bloated forever. Gain some muscle and get cut again. You don't have to gain any fat if you bulk slowly.

I'll just leave my ridiculous before/after bloat pic here. This wont happen to you on bulk. This will happen if you bulk like a fucking pig on steroids and then get shredded.

But isn't your diet the most important for gym gains?
Are you saying I can still look good lifting without bulking enough to bloat my face?

No, diet is the most importance as far as fat percentage goes - low fat % = shows muscle and more importantly facial structure. Muscle gain is more about the training. With that being said, having enough energy and protein is also important - but the details and precision of diet isn't really that important in muscle gain in the same way it is for fat percentage control.
or pin tren and lose fat while gaining muscle :lul:
To all the gym deniers; if you don’t work out during the prime years of your life you are retarded.

You’re literally wasting your youth and throwing away the endless benefits of training.
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To all the gym deniers; if you don’t work out during the prime years of your life you are retarded.

You’re literally wasting your youth and throwing away the endless benefits of training.
What benefits?
What benefits?

Too many to name, but here’s a few:
- Burning calories
- Muscle building/maintenance
- Posture
- Mental benefits
- Health benefits
Basically you just pick the weights up and then put them down and then go home and eat food and sleep
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Too many to name, but here’s a few:
- Burning calories
- Muscle building/maintenance
- Posture
- Mental benefits
- Health benefits
What about facial bones? Does it make your bones grow ?
What about facial bones? Does it make your bones grow ?
Obviously not, but why should that stop you from doing it to reap the other rewards? It’s not going to make your facial bones smaller either.
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I'm happy with my face for the most part, I am a scrawny weakling though.
Lean bulk, small surplus. Do mini cuts every 4 months. You should stay at a relatively lean bf.
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Height and weight?
Sure when you want more muscle you have to bulk and your face will be bloated, but it's just for 8-10 month, after you can be shredded for the rest of your life.
Be a man, bulk ! You can always slay if you're bloated bro, you will be more confident with big arms

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