How much higher is a female's smv actually?



Don't hate the player, hate the game
Jul 16, 2020
Like how much can simply having a pussy overcome a male looks status and money? How does the average female smv compares to male models like gandy chico and o pry? What about famous guys like young pitt?
Like for example girls like this lol
Chad and stacy are about equal. Otherwise high tier normie male is SMV matched with low tier normie woman and so on.
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Chad and stacy are about equal. Otherwise high tier normie male is SMV matched with low tier normie woman and so on.
no they absolutely arent lmfao
female looksmatch will always get laid 10x more
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How these girls smv compares to gandy, connor murphy and ronaldo? Or someone like the thor guy idk
Incel vs femcel: 8x, going to around 5x for the normie levels and approaching chad/stacy it's around 1 to 1.
On the very best levels (less than top 1%) the game turns around and men have more smv.

An average male will fuck an ugly but not disgusting woman as long as he can't fuck better ones.

Normie levels, men can find gf's or fuck but need to do a lot of work for it.

Average women can just makeup and post sexy pictures and can form a line of 100 men that they can choose the best ones from.
The ones they most likely choose are the chadlites because chad is busy fucking stacies.

For ugly or otherwise flawed men there's a huge wall to fucking women.
But the ones they want don't have any problems doing the same with a similarly desirable male as how the incel sees them.

Female attractiveness vs male attractiveness: from worst to best, 10x to 0.5x.
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1 male used to breed for every 17 females in old time. So their SMV is at least 17x that of a male.
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Katie ann vs henry cavill

Who smv mogs?
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Most people here are retarded and overestimate either way there’s no point comparing male smv to women smv unless you Bisexual
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Most people here are retarded and overestimate either way there’s no point comparing male smv to women smv unless you Bisexual

I wouldn't be surprised if many men here are secretly homosexual and fantasizes about becoming a woman.
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THIS depends on fame Cavill will have more people simp for him than she would
But who could get more sex? I mean a lot of his followers are male but 99.99% of hers are horny males
But who could get more sex? I mean a lot of his followers are male but 99.99% of hers are horny males
Henry Cavill would he’s simply more famous in society he stands leagues above her
its like comparing Leo Dicaprio to a Thot
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Henry Cavill would he’s simply more famous in society he stands leagues above her
its like comparing Leo Dicaprio to a Thot
What if he wasnt famous?
What if he wasnt famous?
He would still slay due to looks the foid on the right can only slay Low Quality Men while Henry can easily slay High Quality Women

It’s about quality not quantity
A reason why most users are here
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i mean if you are top male % your smv is really high because the average man looks like shit so you stand out hard by girls and less competition because girls looksmax overall more than guys
Well, a 2 psl woman will get sex more effortlessly than a 6 psl man. Through tinder, clubs or approaching on street.

if you are a gl man you still get turned down, and youusually still have to put some effort in the slay. Like some sort of convo. Women can simply approach and say wanna fuck? And will get dick

so smv is really different
Relationship market value is a different story
social hiearchy is this:

top 1% Chads (what women get pumped and dumped and abused by and is their basis for feminism, and apply their dark tried behavior to simps as an excuse for misandry)

9% Stacies

30% Women

Bottom 60% Men
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high tier normie male is SMV matched with low tier normie woman
Can a HTN man go out in the street asking to fuck all women he comes across and have 80% say yes? Not SMV matched with LTN woman.
r/IncelsWithoutHate - True meme bro
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Hard to compare. The main reason why female SMV is higher then male SMV is becuase men have high sex drive, meaning the requirement for a female to be seen as attractive is much lower. There is alot more variance in what an attractive female is in comparison to what a attractive male is.
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Can a HTN man go out in the street asking to fuck all women he comes across and have 80% say yes? Not SMV matched with LTN woman.
Men like sex more and women are more wary by nature. Even chad wouldnt get sex like that from 80% of women. Doesn't mean LTN female fogs chad.
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Here’s how I think it goes from bottom to top
1/10 man
3/10 man
1/10 woman
4/10 man
5/10 man
3/10 woman
6/10 man
4/10 woman
7/10 man
5/10 woman
8/10 man
6/10 woman
7/10 woman
9/10 man
8/10 woman
10/10 man
9/10 woman
10/10 woman

so basically fuck Cucked gynocentric soyciety and fuck simp bitch niggas making woman tutorial mode Just exist mode smv higher fuckkkkk them
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psl 8 women slightly above psl 8 man

all other psl levels the woman is massively more valuable.
take f: N -> N where N = {1..} is the SMV
and g: N -> N is the Rating scale
Lemma 1.1

if x,y in Human and g(x) = g(y ) and x is male and y is female => f(x) * 5 = f(y )

in words, around 5 times
If we're talking about SMV, women always beat men simply because men are not picky at all.
On the other hand, this also entails that men gain status by fucking a lot of women while women lose status by fucking a lot of men.

Women in the PSL range of 2 to 4 are still gonna have no problem at all finding sexual partners, but they'll still feel miserable because they're not as attractive as other women and they therefore cannot have access to the benefits such a level of beauty entails: ego, validation, cozy lifestyle handed on a silver platter, being chased and courted by high-tier men who would otherwise just pump and dump them at best.
As far as the ease of finding sexual partners goes, these women are in the same league as PSL 5 men.

Beckys, or PSL 5 women already have legion of simps. They still don't enjoy all the benefits of a Stacy, but their life is very comfortable and they get easy favours. If foxy enough, these women can get by just off beta bucks. Chads (PSL 6 men) have the same SMV.

Stacys, or PSL 6 women have it all. Their only obstacles are the obstacles all women face in society. Other than that, 99% of men will want to fuck them and generally do almost anything to get in her pants. Unless they fuck up spectacularly, these women won't have to lift a finger their entire lives.

Gigastacys, or PSL 7 women are basically goddesses.
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