How much of an SMV BOOST would you get by being A COMPETING MMA FIGHTER OR BOXER?


Deleted member 17829

Feb 16, 2022
Yes I know, all that matters is genes. But you can't deny that physically dominant people often are the ones who get the most girls. For example the thugmaxxers, gangsters, boxers, wrestlers in school and college.

Even in this study shows:

"Once a looks threshold was reached, the only thing that predicted a males dating success, was his physical dominance over other men. "

It is largely predetermined and genetic. Includes, height, muscle, frame, weight(obviously just under bloatmaxxed). But also fight ability, which isnt genetic

So how much of an SMV boost would a competing MMA fighter/boxer get compared to if he was just a normal guy?

(doesnt have to be pro fighter, could just be competing, having fights every few months at events , winning some, losing some, getting pics of winning/videos of u knocking some guy out to post on ur IG)

Tagging based mmamaxxer @FailedNormieManlet
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Yes I know, all that matters is genes. But you can't deny that physically dominant people often are the ones who get the most girls. For example the thugmaxxers, gangsters, boxers, wrestlers in school and college.

Even in this study shows:

"Once a looks threshold was reached, the only thing that predicted a males dating success, was his physical dominance over other men. "

It is largely predetermined and genetic. Includes, height, muscle, frame, weight(obviously just under bloatmaxxed). But also fight ability, which isnt genetic

So how much of an SMV boost would a competing MMA fighter/boxer get compared to if he was just a normal guy?
(doesnt have to be pro fighter, could just be competing, having fights every few months at events , winning some, losing some, getting pics of winning/videos of u knocking some guy out to post on ur IG)

Tagging based mmamaxxer @FailedNormieManlet
this is why I have been spouting this MMAmaxxing shit, I am going to find out eventually
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seems like a long shot to get girls
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It's a good halo
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Fighting ability is genetic as well tho @Kingkellz
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seems like a long shot to get girls
I just do it for fun, I geniunely enjoy the sport. The girls are a bonus I guess
Fighting ability is genetic as well tho @Kingkellz
Yes that is why things like muscles matter, but I do think the status halo will help tbh. Having a pic like this

Would probably help on OLD. Idk though, I am speculating tbh. It obvs won't be as flashy as mcgregors, but u get the point
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physical dominance = height, frame, weight

looking like you can fight >>> knowing how to fight
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wont doo shit if truecel
Yes that is why things like muscles matter, but I do think the status halo will help tbh. Having a pic like this
View attachment 1604232

Would probably help on OLD. Idk though, I am speculating tbh. It obvs won't be as flashy as mcgregors, but u get the point
nah just in general

they did a composite avg of mma fighters
it was all low trust features

high prenatal T facially = good fighter for the most part.
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nah just in general

they did a composite avg of mma fighters
it was all low trust features

high prenatal T facially = good fighter for the most part.
Perhaps. Speaking from my experience most guys at my gym look low trust tbh. But the whole "high natal t = good fighter" idea is pretty stupid tbh. Fighting is a lot more than just pure force and power, if you have good fight IQ and can pick shit up fast then you will be a good fighter. There are a lot "low trust high T bad boys" which are fucking awful at fighting because they are brutes who cannot pick shit up.

I do think fighting does just make you more masculine in general, most fighters who are high level in my gym deffo carry a different aura
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Nobody will care if the fighter is ugly
Handsome WWE wrestlers or handsome ctors pretending to be tough have million times smv of ugly MMA and UFC fighters
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Been wanting to start boxing for fitness for years
Knowing me I'll get too into it and start sparring and competing fucking up my face lol
Love the sport wanna know how to hit properly combos movement etc
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it can't hurt
just beat the shit out of yourself for foids theory
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It's one positive characteristic it would depend on the person. The better looking you are the more it adds. Also depending on location but maybe that's me being spergy.
It's one positive characteristic it would depend on the person. The better looking you are the more it adds. Also depending on location but maybe that's me being spergy.
I'd say it adds equally at every smv. like a cherry on top to whatever u are.
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If you're a superstar like Conor Mcgregor, that's a big deal. Otherwise, no one cares. How many people who aren't into the sport have heard of Khamzat Chimaev, or Glover Texiera, or Stipe Miocic? Not to mention, a lot of the guys who aren't professional or are small-time professional have weird emotional issues. Look up the fighter "War Machine" as an example.
Absolutely insane. Doesnt matter though because you Are dyel soyboy
Yeah destroy your enemies and get pussy

Wait its 2022 you dont really need that. Focus on looks and just dont act like a faggot.
If you're a superstar like Conor Mcgregor, that's a big deal. Otherwise, no one cares. How many people who aren't into the sport have heard of Khamzat Chimaev, or Glover Texiera, or Stipe Miocic? Not to mention, a lot of the guys who aren't professional or are small-time professional have weird emotional issues. Look up the fighter "War Machine" as an example.
Its not about being famous and people knowing you. It's about people you know seeing u on ig knocking people out and knowing ur hard asf
Its not about being famous and people knowing you. It's about people you know seeing u on ig knocking people out and knowing ur hard asf
I doubt you will acquire any prime qt's with this plan. Fighting is really a man's world
I doubt you will acquire any prime qt's with this plan. Fighting is really a man's world
ugh u just dont understand do you...

@FailedNormieManlet im sick of autists on this site not understanding these blatantly obvious, undenyable things
ugh u just dont understand do you...
No, I really do understand, you dense crybaby. Not everyone who disagrees with you doesn't understand.

If you really think MMA practice will help your SMV, you're welcome to try that. Tell people about your training, see how many women want your attention after that. Girls who are middle class and over (most attractive women are in this category) live in a whole different world. They like pretty boys with trendy interests, or maybe athletic men who are friendly and well-adjusted. Cage fighting (whether you compete or just practice) is to most people in the modern West a barbaric, lower class activity. A lot of people will think less of you just because you practice it in any capacity.

Being a badass is a man's interest. Moody, vain men appeal to women. I do not advocate the PUA worldview, but this article is spot-on in terms of the difference between what men and women value:

I personally love the world of MMA and martial arts but it is absolutely wrong to thing this will appeal to women in any way. You need to start talking to more women instead of creating these frameworks in your head about what women are supposed to be like.
No, I really do understand, you dense crybaby. Not everyone who disagrees with you doesn't understand.

If you really think MMA practice will help your SMV, you're welcome to try that. Tell people about your training, see how many women want your attention after that. Girls who are middle class and over (most attractive women are in this category) live in a whole different world. They like pretty boys with trendy interests, or maybe athletic men who are friendly and well-adjusted. Cage fighting (whether you compete or just practice) is to most people in the modern West a barbaric, lower class activity. A lot of people will think less of you just because you practice it in any capacity.

Being a badass is a man's interest. Moody, vain men appeal to women. I do not advocate the PUA worldview, but this article is spot-on in terms of the difference between what men and women value:

I personally love the world of MMA and martial arts but it is absolutely wrong to thing this will appeal to women in any way. You need to start talking to more women instead of creating these frameworks in your head about what women are supposed to be like.
"Once a looks threshold was reached, the only thing that predicted a males dating success, was his physical dominance over other men. "

Cage fighting (whether you compete or just practice) is to most people in the modern West a barbaric, lower class activity. A lot of people will think less of you just because you practice it in any capacity.
that was the most retarded thing ive ever heard. I can tell what type of person you are just by this statement. id 100% bully you IRL
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If a girl hears that you do mma/boxing she'll probably consider it only a minor halo. However, if she sees you apply those skills by defending yourself in a bar fight then her attraction to you will skyrocket. Also, you will be more low inhib and confident if you have fighting ability in your locker which can only benefit you in life generally.
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"Once a looks threshold was reached, the only thing that predicted a males dating success, was his physical dominance over other men. "
"A study by Kordsmeyer et al. 2018 found that men's mating success...among university students was only related to how dominant other men perceived them."

In other words, appearance ("perceived"). The L and maybe S in LMS. Not brawling. If you're in a middle class or above in a Western country, doing serious martial arts is either neutral or negative for your status. The guy who works in a hedge fund and drives a Porsche is much more dominant than teh guy who knows how to execute a perfect kimura. (This is to the extent that the study in question matters; most scientific studies cannot be replicated.)

If you happen to get in a fight, MMA training is excellent to have. Getting beaten in a fistfight is humiliating. But if you are a well-adjusted person in a middle to upper class social setting, the chance of that happening is minimal. There are plenty of people in Western countries who haven't been in a fight since high school. So in terms of lifestyle choices that are relevant to attraction, martial arts will do little.

I don't know you. Maybe you're lower class or something. Maybe you're from some exotic non-Western culture where combat sports are huge. If that's the case, disregard what I'm saying. But if you want to be attractive to middle to upper class women, combat sports are a stupid and pointless thing to do. I would recommend spending more time actually meeting people instead of basing your worldview on scientific studies that you don't know how to apply. Though this is an overused term on this site, that is an extremely "autistic" way of viewing the world.

I hope if you respond to this comment, it will be something other than the whiny "OMG why are you still responding this is so stupid" responses you tend to give.
perceived them."
yeah and showing your skills on for example instagram will help them 'perceive' you as physically dominant.

If you happen to get in a fight, MMA training is excellent to have. Getting beaten in a fistfight is humiliating. But if you are a well-adjusted person in a middle to upper class social setting, the chance of that happening is minimal. There are plenty of people in Western countries who haven't been in a fight since high school. So in terms of lifestyle choices that are relevant to attraction, martial arts will do little.

I don't know you. Maybe you're lower class or something. Maybe you're from some exotic non-Western culture where combat sports are huge. If that's the case, disregard what I'm saying. But if you want to be attractive to middle to upper class women, combat sports are a stupid and pointless thing to do. I would recommend spending more time actually meeting people instead of basing your worldview on scientific studies that you don't know how to apply. Though this is an overused term on this site, that is an extremely "autistic" way of viewing the world.

I hope if you respond to this comment, it will be something other than the whiny "OMG why are you still responding this is so stupid" responses you tend to give.
idk man u need to forget about this class shit, ive lived in london and another city in the UK and its the same everywhere. no one cares about class. if anything the rich kids get bullied and left out or are just not respected. Physical dominance and intimidation wins everywhere.

And id argue that high and middle class women gag for 'low class' cock even more. No girl wants a golfer posh dweeb. they want an mma fighter boyfriend
I would recommend spending more time actually meeting people instead of basing your worldview on scientific studies that you don't know how to apply.
and it wasnt based on scientific studies originally. I knew this before, from observation in the real world. I just found the study recently which backs up an obvious fact.
It depends on how it effects your body.
Yes I know, all that matters is genes. But you can't deny that physically dominant people often are the ones who get the most girls. For example the thugmaxxers, gangsters, boxers, wrestlers in school and college.

Even in this study shows:

"Once a looks threshold was reached, the only thing that predicted a males dating success, was his physical dominance over other men. "

It is largely predetermined and genetic. Includes, height, muscle, frame, weight(obviously just under bloatmaxxed). But also fight ability, which isnt genetic

So how much of an SMV boost would a competing MMA fighter/boxer get compared to if he was just a normal guy?
(doesnt have to be pro fighter, could just be competing, having fights every few months at events , winning some, losing some, getting pics of winning/videos of u knocking some guy out to post on ur IG)

Tagging based mmamaxxer @FailedNormieManlet
Lethality and personality are key factors right after looks so if your rival looks as good as you then girls will automatically check your personality and lethality to pick the one who wins in that field
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Yes I know, all that matters is genes. But you can't deny that physically dominant people often are the ones who get the most girls. For example the thugmaxxers, gangsters, boxers, wrestlers in school and college.

Even in this study shows:

"Once a looks threshold was reached, the only thing that predicted a males dating success, was his physical dominance over other men. "

It is largely predetermined and genetic. Includes, height, muscle, frame, weight(obviously just under bloatmaxxed). But also fight ability, which isnt genetic

So how much of an SMV boost would a competing MMA fighter/boxer get compared to if he was just a normal guy?
(doesnt have to be pro fighter, could just be competing, having fights every few months at events , winning some, losing some, getting pics of winning/videos of u knocking some guy out to post on ur IG)

Tagging based mmamaxxer @FailedNormieManlet
Combat talent can be genetic, there were soldiers who haven't undergone proper training and were able to decimate their enemies
It's great boost for your attractiveness which can be damaged with injuries, for example boxers often have damaged noses even if they're elite.
People that are saying you won't get SMV boost, let alone benefits - are coping harder than last time or are lazy fartasses.

Learn a striking and grappling MA, preferably, 1) Muay Thai (and maybe supplement it with Boxing later) / Kickboxing and 2) Judo / BJJ and do heavy strength training OR if you're short / framecel, strength training AND 250mg/week + AI "HRT".

You'll increase your confidence and just the way you're carrying yourself in front of girls, won't act like a pussy in difficult situation when the shit hits the fan, just don't become a cocky bitch from the gear or an utter disrespectful trash like this

Came from the Judo thread where the manlet made the tall faggot pee himself lol
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