How not to grow taller!



Nov 15, 2022

TLDR Summary:

  1. Avoid Estrogenic Lifestyle and Diet Choices
  2. Avoid Excessive or Insufficient Intake of Compounds
  3. Avoid Impatience and Quitting Your Stack Prematurely
  4. Maintain Consistent Routine and Take Breaks
  5. Avoid Not Getting a Blood Test/Checkup on Cycle


Often on this forum, we see threads about how to grow taller, but rarely do we see any threads about the opposite. So today, I compiled a list of things not to do if you are interested in growing taller and can still grow taller! I tried to avoid mentioning the most obvious things that would significantly reduce height growth, like sleep deprivation and managing stress. The list pertains to all heightmaxxers, regardless if you use synthetic compounds or not to grow taller!

Word Bank:​

Cycle: Practice of using and taking synthetic substances for a specific length of time!
Stack: List of compounds/substances taken during cycle!
Both terms can be used somewhat interchangeably!

The List​

#1 CHOICE TO AVOID: Estrogenic Lifestyle Choices

This is probably the biggest thing that you want to avoid doing if you want to grow taller. While increased estradiol (the primary form of estrogen) levels lead to an increased growth rate for a short period, it will also quickly mature your growth plates and reduce overall height growth. I strongly recommend that you try to reduce your estradiol levels for some time to maximize growth.

  • This should first be attempted through losing body fat, as aromatase (the enzyme that converts test to estradiol) is highly active in body fat cells, so the more body fat that you have, the more conversion of test to estradiol.
  • Next, while this tip could be considered pointless, avoiding overconsuming things like soy products, dairy products, and alcohol can help with reducing estradiol if it's a possible cause.
  • Last but not least, using either natural or synthetic aromatase inhibitors will help the most with reducing estradiol levels to a point where you will be putting your body in the best position to grow. However, keep in mind, that if your estradiol gets too low without the presence of increased IGF-1 or HGH, you will have to suffer the consequences of low estradiol without any of the benefits. As lower estradiol leads to reduced IGF-1 levels, so make sure you are using something that boosts your HGH and IGF-1 levels alongside it!


One thing that I noticed about heightmaxers is that after they have done their research, they either make a regiment that's too minimal in terms of substance and # of compounds, or a regiment that has too many compounds. To help showcase what I mean, I'll show two different stacks published on this website.

Example #1: Not enough compounds


While I understand this is an extreme example and this person was coming from a place of ignorance (not stupidity), it showcases how often people try to grow taller without the proper foundation, as none of the compounds listed have ever been proven to provide significant height growth unless given to people dealing with malnutrition or serious mineral deficiencies. Almost every week, a stack like this is posted on the forum, but usually, it will at least contain MK677, and I want to tell anyone reading this that’s on a stack like this and doesn’t have a bone age of around 14-15.5, you most likely won’t grow more than a 1-2 cm’s if you are lucky.

Suppose you are on a shorter budget and can't inject. In that case, you will need at a minimum both an aromatase inhibitor and growth hormone secretagogue and a few other natural compounds that also help increase IGF-1 and reduce estradiol.

Example #2: Too many compounds


While I also once thought that the bigger the stack, the better it is for height growth as you can maximize more factors that affect height growth with more compounds, I realized that this could lead to some overcomplication and more money being spent than needed. Looking at the example, while it would most likely lead to significant amounts of height growth gains, it will come at a cost that could’ve been reduced if better planning was implemented. The main issue is that the more compounds that you include, the more variables, and the less you know what is working or not. The person’s stack contains BPC, DSIP, and IGF-1 LRD3, and while those compounds seem like they’d help add even more height, in reality, none of them besides DSIP increases IGF-1, and DSIP desensitizes extremely quickly.

If any of these compounds were causing him side effects, he would be forced to essentially stop his whole stack because it would be hard to pinpoint which specific compound was causing his issues as many of the compounds in his stack have similar side effects. And this is not even mentioning the crazy amount of HGH he is doing. You should only consider 16 IU’s once you haven’t grown at all (not even a cm) for a very long period while on cycle (6-9 months) and you have tried every other dosage beforehand.

Overall, when you are making a stack, please use compounds that are scientifically proven to maximize a factor of height growth (thyroxine, IGF-1, estradiol, etc), and do not overlap each other in use. The best way to do this is by remembering that HGH will always be king over all other compounds, so mainly focus on HGH dosing and organize everything else accordingly afterward. Don’t confuse yourself with more advanced stuff like peptides (GHRPs, GHRHs, IGF-1 LR3, etc) and oral secretagogues if you can already afford to use high-dose HGH and don’t have a strong understanding of them. And if peptides and secretagogues are your only options, keep it simple, and use a GHRP and GHRH combo that you know how to dose and time properly before desensitization occurs.


This may be the most important thing to avoid if you want to grow taller, and that’s literally to not impatient and stop your stack/routine to maximize height. I am telling you, the biggest cause of failure to grow during your heightmaxxing journey aside from having growth plates closed beyond the point of return is becoming impatient and stopping your stack. There are hundreds of threads on this site where people have announced they are quitting their heightmaxxing journey prematurely because they feel like they aren’t seeing results fast enough, despite having x-ray scans showcasing they have open growth plates and growing recently in the past year.

What people fail to realize, especially as older teenagers (16-18 yrs old), height growth in most cases won’t come rapidly regardless of what drug you use as your growth plates are closer to being completely sealed. So you have to be patient. Humans don’t grow in a linear line, so while maybe for six months into your stack, you don’t grow a single centimeter, by the eighth or ninth month, you could grow an inch or two.


Furthermore, in one of the only studies ever published to give high-dose HGH and aromatase inhibitors to naturally short-stature adolescents who were older and had almost closed growth plates, the patients grew around 10 cm and they were dosed for 19 months.


While this is an extreme example, it showcases how you need to at least run your stack consistently for around a year and a half before officially giving up if you have seen no results in that period. If you stop before then and it’s not due to financial reasons, you are missing out on legitimate height growth gains that you could’ve got if you kept going!


Lastly, choosing not to take any breaks, having a consistent routine, or taking any blood tests, may seem obvious to some, but those 3 things are often the underlying cause of failure to get any results from your height growth stack.

Specifically, not taking any breaks during your cycle will lead to more intense side effects from your compounds, and often, can lead to your body creating a tolerance to some compounds, forcing you to increase dosage. Not taking any breaks in your cycle is usually a symptom of not having a consistent routine.

It would help if you were taking your compounds in the same order, time, and dose every day. You should also be taking the same amount of compounds each day, and if you want to introduce a new compound, it should be a slow and gradual process! This is so that you can reduce fluctuations in your hormone levels throughout the process and diminish possible side effects from fluctuations in your E2 and T levels! Things like weight gain, hair loss, acne, insomnia, and others can occur from constant hormone fluctuations from inconsistent dosing periods!

Hormonal Imbalance


Never go through a cycle period without getting at least one blood test or a checkup at least once! While we often think we know our bodies very well, many times, people will experience intense side effects, but don’t even realize it and try to attribute it to something else in their life and not their cycle! There have been multiple instances where I’ve had people say to me that they aren’t experiencing any side effects from a compound, yet describe symptoms that match known side effects. This is common with aromatase inhibitors, where side effects may not be noticeable initially but develop gradually, making it difficult to distinguish them from other bodily changes.

And this is why it’s so important to get a blood test/doctor checkup of some kind while taking these compounds. I know depending on age, location, and budget, it can be difficult to get a blood test, but at the very least, you can get a checkup from your doctor and ask for a basic blood test. This will allow you to see if your stack has been causing changes in even your most basic of blood markers like your cholesterol levels, RBC, WBC, calcium levels, glucose levels, and many others! However, the best blood markers to get tested regularly if you can in regards to your height growth journey are total & free testosterone, estradiol, IGF-1, TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Calcium, Vitamin D, and GH! To get a more comprehensive blood test from your family doctor, you could simply tell them that you have been experiencing symptoms that are correlated to changes in the blood marker that you are looking to be tested for!

Doing this will allow you to go about this process much more safely and make appropriate changes to your stack based on your body's response to the compounds! I have seen cases where people have dealt with serious skin issues, blood sugar issues, water retention issues, and many others all because they never seriously checked up on their health throughout the entire process. If you don't want that to be you and are considering heightmaxxing, I recommend that you checkup on your body regularly. If you guys want me to make a more comprehensive thread on the best blood markers to test for in regards to heightmaxxing, just say it in the replies and I will!

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Reactions: Fartmaxxing, VisageVirtuoso√, Pandora and 14 others

TLDR Summary:

  1. Avoid Estrogenic Lifestyle and Diet Choices
  2. Avoid Excessive or Insufficient Intake of Compounds
  3. Avoid Impatience and Quitting Your Stack Prematurely
  4. Maintain Consistent Routine and Take Breaks
  5. Avoid Not Getting a Blood Test/Checkup on Cycle


Often on this forum, we see threads about how to grow taller, but rarely do we see any threads about the opposite. So today, I compiled a list of things not to do if you are interested in growing taller and can still grow taller! I tried to avoid mentioning the most obvious things that would significantly reduce height growth, like sleep deprivation and managing stress. The list pertains to all heightmaxxers, regardless if you use synthetic compounds or not to grow taller!

Word Bank:​

Cycle: Practice of using and taking synthetic substances for a specific length of time!
Stack: List of compounds/substances taken during cycle!
Both terms can be used somewhat interchangeably!

The List​

#1 CHOICE TO AVOID: Estrogenic Lifestyle Choices

This is probably the biggest thing that you want to avoid doing if you want to grow taller. While increased estradiol (the primary form of estrogen) levels lead to an increased growth rate for a short period, it will also quickly mature your growth plates and reduce overall height growth. I strongly recommend that you try to reduce your estradiol levels for some time to maximize growth.

  • This should first be attempted through losing body fat, as aromatase (the enzyme that converts test to estradiol) is highly active in body fat cells, so the more body fat that you have, the more conversion of test to estradiol.
  • Next, while this tip could be considered pointless, avoiding overconsuming things like soy products, dairy products, and alcohol can help with reducing estradiol if it's a possible cause.
  • Last but not least, using either natural or synthetic aromatase inhibitors will help the most with reducing estradiol levels to a point where you will be putting your body in the best position to grow. However, keep in mind, that if your estradiol gets too low without the presence of increased IGF-1 or HGH, you will have to suffer the consequences of low estradiol without any of the benefits. As lower estradiol leads to reduced IGF-1 levels, so make sure you are using something that boosts your HGH and IGF-1 levels alongside it!


One thing that I noticed about heightmaxers is that after they have done their research, they either make a regiment that's too minimal in terms of substance and # of compounds, or a regiment that has too many compounds. To help showcase what I mean, I'll show two different stacks published on this website.

Example #1: Not enough compounds


While I understand this is an extreme example and this person was coming from a place of ignorance (not stupidity), it showcases how often people try to grow taller without the proper foundation, as none of the compounds listed have ever been proven to provide significant height growth unless given to people dealing with malnutrition or serious mineral deficiencies. Almost every week, a stack like this is posted on the forum, but usually, it will at least contain MK677, and I want to tell anyone reading this that’s on a stack like this and doesn’t have a bone age of around 14-15.5, you most likely won’t grow more than a 1-2 cm’s if you are lucky.

Suppose you are on a shorter budget and can't inject. In that case, you will need at a minimum both an aromatase inhibitor and growth hormone secretagogue and a few other natural compounds that also help increase IGF-1 and reduce estradiol.

Example #2: Too many compounds


While I also once thought that the bigger the stack, the better it is for height growth as you can maximize more factors that affect height growth with more compounds, I realized that this could lead to some overcomplication and more money being spent than needed. Looking at the example, while it would most likely lead to significant amounts of height growth gains, it will come at a cost that could’ve been reduced if better planning was implemented. The main issue is that the more compounds that you include, the more variables, and the less you know what is working or not. The person’s stack contains BPC, DSIP, and IGF-1 LRD3, and while those compounds seem like they’d help add even more height, in reality, none of them besides DSIP increases IGF-1, and DSIP desensitizes extremely quickly.

If any of these compounds were causing him side effects, he would be forced to essentially stop his whole stack because it would be hard to pinpoint which specific compound was causing his issues as many of the compounds in his stack have similar side effects. And this is not even mentioning the crazy amount of HGH he is doing. You should only consider 16 IU’s once you haven’t grown at all (not even a cm) for a very long period while on cycle (6-9 months) and you have tried every other dosage beforehand.

Overall, when you are making a stack, please use compounds that are scientifically proven to maximize a factor of height growth (thyroxine, IGF-1, estradiol, etc), and do not overlap each other in use. The best way to do this is by remembering that HGH will always be king over all other compounds, so mainly focus on HGH dosing and organize everything else accordingly afterward. Don’t confuse yourself with more advanced stuff like peptides (GHRPs, GHRHs, IGF-1 LR3, etc) and oral secretagogues if you can already afford to use high-dose HGH and don’t have a strong understanding of them. And if peptides and secretagogues are your only options, keep it simple, and use a GHRP and GHRH combo that you know how to dose and time properly before desensitization occurs.


This may be the most important thing to avoid if you want to grow taller, and that’s literally to not impatient and stop your stack/routine to maximize height. I am telling you, the biggest cause of failure to grow during your heightmaxxing journey aside from having growth plates closed beyond the point of return is becoming impatient and stopping your stack. There are hundreds of threads on this site where people have announced they are quitting their heightmaxxing journey prematurely because they feel like they aren’t seeing results fast enough, despite having x-ray scans showcasing they have open growth plates and growing recently in the past year.

What people fail to realize, especially as older teenagers (16-18 yrs old), height growth in most cases won’t come rapidly regardless of what drug you use as your growth plates are closer to being completely sealed. So you have to be patient. Humans don’t grow in a linear line, so while maybe for six months into your stack, you don’t grow a single centimeter, by the eighth or ninth month, you could grow an inch or two.


Furthermore, in one of the only studies ever published to give high-dose HGH and aromatase inhibitors to naturally short-stature adolescents who were older and had almost closed growth plates, the patients grew around 10 cm and they were dosed for 19 months.


While this is an extreme example, it showcases how you need to at least run your stack consistently for around a year and a half before officially giving up if you have seen no results in that period. If you stop before then and it’s not due to financial reasons, you are missing out on legitimate height growth gains that you could’ve got if you kept going!


Lastly, choosing not to take any breaks, having a consistent routine, or taking any blood tests, may seem obvious to some, but those 3 things are often the underlying cause of failure to get any results from your height growth stack.

Specifically, not taking any breaks during your cycle will lead to more intense side effects from your compounds, and often, can lead to your body creating a tolerance to some compounds, forcing you to increase dosage. Not taking any breaks in your cycle is usually a symptom of not having a consistent routine.

It would help if you were taking your compounds in the same order, time, and dose every day. You should also be taking the same amount of compounds each day, and if you want to introduce a new compound, it should be a slow and gradual process! This is so that you can reduce fluctuations in your hormone levels throughout the process and diminish possible side effects from fluctuations in your E2 and T levels! Things like weight gain, hair loss, acne, insomnia, and others can occur from constant hormone fluctuations from inconsistent dosing periods!

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Never go through a cycle period without getting at least one blood test or a checkup at least once! While we often think we know our bodies very well, many times, people will experience intense side effects, but don’t even realize it and try to attribute it to something else in their life and not their cycle! There have been multiple instances where I’ve had people say to me that they aren’t experiencing any side effects from a compound, yet describe symptoms that match known side effects. This is common with aromatase inhibitors, where side effects may not be noticeable initially but develop gradually, making it difficult to distinguish them from other bodily changes.

And this is why it’s so important to get a blood test/doctor checkup of some kind while taking these compounds. I know depending on age, location, and budget, it can be difficult to get a blood test, but at the very least, you can get a checkup from your doctor and ask for a basic blood test. This will allow you to see if your stack has been causing changes in even your most basic of blood markers like your cholesterol levels, RBC, WBC, calcium levels, glucose levels, and many others! However, the best blood markers to get tested regularly if you can in regards to your height growth journey are total & free testosterone, estradiol, IGF-1, TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Calcium, Vitamin D, and GH! To get a more comprehensive blood test from your family doctor, you could simply tell them that you have been experiencing symptoms that are correlated to changes in the blood marker that you are looking to be tested for!

Doing this will allow you to go about this process much more safely and make appropriate changes to your stack based on your body's response to the compounds! I have seen cases where people have dealt with serious skin issues, blood sugar issues, water retention issues, and many others all because they never seriously checked up on their health throughout the entire process. If you don't want that to be you and are considering heightmaxxing, I recommend that you checkup on your body regularly. If you guys want me to make a more comprehensive thread on the best blood markers to test for in regards to heightmaxxing, just say it in the replies and I will!
Who’s this dude



Bro finnaly post a thread, osie are u in a discord server with elixir and other high IQ user?
  • +1
Reactions: WhoTookVendetta
unique user too I think
Bro finnaly post a thread, osie are u in a discord server with elixir and other high IQ user?
No, no such thing! He left .org a while ago! He wanted to invest his time into other ventures
  • +1
Reactions: coispet
a person's height depends only on genetics, on gender and on what you eat
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: TrveShortcel, Deleted member 65825 and datboijj
Good thread

back in the day somatostatin was the bogeyman and we all tried to decrease it with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.

realistically some growth + letrozole is the best combination and there aren't many drawbacks besides the potentiality (inevitability) of insulin resistance.

thiazolidinediones should/will abate any deleterious effects on insulin sensitivity. Pioglitazone is the best because it won't stimulate lipogenesis in sebaceous glands and it isn't liver/cardio toxic like other glitazones. It doesn't decrease IGF1 either like metformin (shit drug).

A good and healthy stack would be GH + letrozole (exemestane is highly androgenic) with pioglitazone and maybe hydrochlorothiazide to remove any water retention from GH.

I used 7.5iu daily for a year in 2020 and grew to 6'2 but whether that was GH's doing or just genetics I'll never know.
  • +1
Reactions: lucifer6969, masseter and Clavicular
Good thread

back in the day somatostatin was the bogeyman and we all tried to decrease it with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.

realistically some growth + letrozole is the best combination and there aren't many drawbacks besides the potentiality (inevitability) of insulin resistance.

thiazolidinediones should/will abate any deleterious effects on insulin sensitivity. Pioglitazone is the best because it won't stimulate lipogenesis in sebaceous glands and it isn't liver/cardio toxic like other glitazones. It doesn't decrease IGF1 either like metformin (shit drug).

A good and healthy stack would be GH + letrozole (exemestane is highly androgenic) with pioglitazone and maybe hydrochlorothiazide to remove any water retention from GH.

I used 7.5iu daily for a year in 2020 and grew to 6'2 but whether that was GH's doing or just genetics I'll never know.
Why the pick of letrozole over Adex? Not saying it's matters but just curious.

And yes, I have been interested for a long time in using anti-diabetes drugs for height growth. However, I know the risks far outweigh the benefits!

And what was your height starting point?
Welcome back , I think i told you long ago my stuff got seized. I want to do a reship but im worried it will get seized again
Welcome back , I think i told you long ago my stuff got seized. I want to do a reship but im worried it will get seized again
PM me, I'll try to find another source for you!
Why the pick of letrozole over Adex? Not saying it's matters but just curious.

And yes, I have been interested for a long time in using anti-diabetes drugs for height growth. However, I know the risks far outweigh the benefits!

And what was your height starting point?
Adex and letrozole are interchangeable. I started at 6 foot.

I used peptides and abused growth hormone. Ate like a pig too.
a person's height depends only on genetics, on gender and on what you eat
that's why Asians randomly went from midgets to able to compete in under 15 years?
  • +1
Reactions: masseter
I cannot complete 3k calories without taking high carbohydrates, and since I consume high carbohydrates, my fasting blood sugar increased from 90 to 98 (my weight decreased from 60 to 65, but there are also gains in muscle).

There are many fake 12 mg genotropin pens in my country, even in pharmacies. I will continue with the 5.3mg pen but I only have 2.5 daily doses in it.

I grew in 1 week with a dose of 3 units in the first week, now I haven't grown in 2 months with 6 units, I think my pen is fake jfl
Good thread

back in the day somatostatin was the bogeyman and we all tried to decrease it with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.

realistically some growth + letrozole is the best combination and there aren't many drawbacks besides the potentiality (inevitability) of insulin resistance.

thiazolidinediones should/will abate any deleterious effects on insulin sensitivity. Pioglitazone is the best because it won't stimulate lipogenesis in sebaceous glands and it isn't liver/cardio toxic like other glitazones. It doesn't decrease IGF1 either like metformin (shit drug).

A good and healthy stack would be GH + letrozole (exemestane is highly androgenic) with pioglitazone and maybe hydrochlorothiazide to remove any water retention from GH.

I used 7.5iu daily for a year in 2020 and grew to 6'2 but whether that was GH's doing or just genetics I'll never know.
If I need androgens, does it make more sense to choose aromasin? (testosterone e. is not sold in my country)
that's why Asians randomly went from midgets to able to compete in under 15 years?
The production of growth hormone is determined by genetics and what you eat
it seems like you haven't read the article you posted yourself, because even there it says so,
And it also says there are no guarantees that growth hormone injections will work.
The production of growth hormone is determined by genetics and what you eat
it seems like you haven't read the article you posted yourself, because even there it says so,
And it also says there are no guarantees that growth hormone injections will work.
over for you
don't go outside in 2027

TLDR Summary:

  1. Avoid Estrogenic Lifestyle and Diet Choices
  2. Avoid Excessive or Insufficient Intake of Compounds
  3. Avoid Impatience and Quitting Your Stack Prematurely
  4. Maintain Consistent Routine and Take Breaks
  5. Avoid Not Getting a Blood Test/Checkup on Cycle


Often on this forum, we see threads about how to grow taller, but rarely do we see any threads about the opposite. So today, I compiled a list of things not to do if you are interested in growing taller and can still grow taller! I tried to avoid mentioning the most obvious things that would significantly reduce height growth, like sleep deprivation and managing stress. The list pertains to all heightmaxxers, regardless if you use synthetic compounds or not to grow taller!

Word Bank:​

Cycle: Practice of using and taking synthetic substances for a specific length of time!
Stack: List of compounds/substances taken during cycle!
Both terms can be used somewhat interchangeably!

The List​

#1 CHOICE TO AVOID: Estrogenic Lifestyle Choices

This is probably the biggest thing that you want to avoid doing if you want to grow taller. While increased estradiol (the primary form of estrogen) levels lead to an increased growth rate for a short period, it will also quickly mature your growth plates and reduce overall height growth. I strongly recommend that you try to reduce your estradiol levels for some time to maximize growth.

  • This should first be attempted through losing body fat, as aromatase (the enzyme that converts test to estradiol) is highly active in body fat cells, so the more body fat that you have, the more conversion of test to estradiol.
  • Next, while this tip could be considered pointless, avoiding overconsuming things like soy products, dairy products, and alcohol can help with reducing estradiol if it's a possible cause.
  • Last but not least, using either natural or synthetic aromatase inhibitors will help the most with reducing estradiol levels to a point where you will be putting your body in the best position to grow. However, keep in mind, that if your estradiol gets too low without the presence of increased IGF-1 or HGH, you will have to suffer the consequences of low estradiol without any of the benefits. As lower estradiol leads to reduced IGF-1 levels, so make sure you are using something that boosts your HGH and IGF-1 levels alongside it!


One thing that I noticed about heightmaxers is that after they have done their research, they either make a regiment that's too minimal in terms of substance and # of compounds, or a regiment that has too many compounds. To help showcase what I mean, I'll show two different stacks published on this website.

Example #1: Not enough compounds


While I understand this is an extreme example and this person was coming from a place of ignorance (not stupidity), it showcases how often people try to grow taller without the proper foundation, as none of the compounds listed have ever been proven to provide significant height growth unless given to people dealing with malnutrition or serious mineral deficiencies. Almost every week, a stack like this is posted on the forum, but usually, it will at least contain MK677, and I want to tell anyone reading this that’s on a stack like this and doesn’t have a bone age of around 14-15.5, you most likely won’t grow more than a 1-2 cm’s if you are lucky.

Suppose you are on a shorter budget and can't inject. In that case, you will need at a minimum both an aromatase inhibitor and growth hormone secretagogue and a few other natural compounds that also help increase IGF-1 and reduce estradiol.

Example #2: Too many compounds


While I also once thought that the bigger the stack, the better it is for height growth as you can maximize more factors that affect height growth with more compounds, I realized that this could lead to some overcomplication and more money being spent than needed. Looking at the example, while it would most likely lead to significant amounts of height growth gains, it will come at a cost that could’ve been reduced if better planning was implemented. The main issue is that the more compounds that you include, the more variables, and the less you know what is working or not. The person’s stack contains BPC, DSIP, and IGF-1 LRD3, and while those compounds seem like they’d help add even more height, in reality, none of them besides DSIP increases IGF-1, and DSIP desensitizes extremely quickly.

If any of these compounds were causing him side effects, he would be forced to essentially stop his whole stack because it would be hard to pinpoint which specific compound was causing his issues as many of the compounds in his stack have similar side effects. And this is not even mentioning the crazy amount of HGH he is doing. You should only consider 16 IU’s once you haven’t grown at all (not even a cm) for a very long period while on cycle (6-9 months) and you have tried every other dosage beforehand.

Overall, when you are making a stack, please use compounds that are scientifically proven to maximize a factor of height growth (thyroxine, IGF-1, estradiol, etc), and do not overlap each other in use. The best way to do this is by remembering that HGH will always be king over all other compounds, so mainly focus on HGH dosing and organize everything else accordingly afterward. Don’t confuse yourself with more advanced stuff like peptides (GHRPs, GHRHs, IGF-1 LR3, etc) and oral secretagogues if you can already afford to use high-dose HGH and don’t have a strong understanding of them. And if peptides and secretagogues are your only options, keep it simple, and use a GHRP and GHRH combo that you know how to dose and time properly before desensitization occurs.


This may be the most important thing to avoid if you want to grow taller, and that’s literally to not impatient and stop your stack/routine to maximize height. I am telling you, the biggest cause of failure to grow during your heightmaxxing journey aside from having growth plates closed beyond the point of return is becoming impatient and stopping your stack. There are hundreds of threads on this site where people have announced they are quitting their heightmaxxing journey prematurely because they feel like they aren’t seeing results fast enough, despite having x-ray scans showcasing they have open growth plates and growing recently in the past year.

What people fail to realize, especially as older teenagers (16-18 yrs old), height growth in most cases won’t come rapidly regardless of what drug you use as your growth plates are closer to being completely sealed. So you have to be patient. Humans don’t grow in a linear line, so while maybe for six months into your stack, you don’t grow a single centimeter, by the eighth or ninth month, you could grow an inch or two.


Furthermore, in one of the only studies ever published to give high-dose HGH and aromatase inhibitors to naturally short-stature adolescents who were older and had almost closed growth plates, the patients grew around 10 cm and they were dosed for 19 months.


While this is an extreme example, it showcases how you need to at least run your stack consistently for around a year and a half before officially giving up if you have seen no results in that period. If you stop before then and it’s not due to financial reasons, you are missing out on legitimate height growth gains that you could’ve got if you kept going!


Lastly, choosing not to take any breaks, having a consistent routine, or taking any blood tests, may seem obvious to some, but those 3 things are often the underlying cause of failure to get any results from your height growth stack.

Specifically, not taking any breaks during your cycle will lead to more intense side effects from your compounds, and often, can lead to your body creating a tolerance to some compounds, forcing you to increase dosage. Not taking any breaks in your cycle is usually a symptom of not having a consistent routine.

It would help if you were taking your compounds in the same order, time, and dose every day. You should also be taking the same amount of compounds each day, and if you want to introduce a new compound, it should be a slow and gradual process! This is so that you can reduce fluctuations in your hormone levels throughout the process and diminish possible side effects from fluctuations in your E2 and T levels! Things like weight gain, hair loss, acne, insomnia, and others can occur from constant hormone fluctuations from inconsistent dosing periods!

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Never go through a cycle period without getting at least one blood test or a checkup at least once! While we often think we know our bodies very well, many times, people will experience intense side effects, but don’t even realize it and try to attribute it to something else in their life and not their cycle! There have been multiple instances where I’ve had people say to me that they aren’t experiencing any side effects from a compound, yet describe symptoms that match known side effects. This is common with aromatase inhibitors, where side effects may not be noticeable initially but develop gradually, making it difficult to distinguish them from other bodily changes.

And this is why it’s so important to get a blood test/doctor checkup of some kind while taking these compounds. I know depending on age, location, and budget, it can be difficult to get a blood test, but at the very least, you can get a checkup from your doctor and ask for a basic blood test. This will allow you to see if your stack has been causing changes in even your most basic of blood markers like your cholesterol levels, RBC, WBC, calcium levels, glucose levels, and many others! However, the best blood markers to get tested regularly if you can in regards to your height growth journey are total & free testosterone, estradiol, IGF-1, TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Calcium, Vitamin D, and GH! To get a more comprehensive blood test from your family doctor, you could simply tell them that you have been experiencing symptoms that are correlated to changes in the blood marker that you are looking to be tested for!

Doing this will allow you to go about this process much more safely and make appropriate changes to your stack based on your body's response to the compounds! I have seen cases where people have dealt with serious skin issues, blood sugar issues, water retention issues, and many others all because they never seriously checked up on their health throughout the entire process. If you don't want that to be you and are considering heightmaxxing, I recommend that you checkup on your body regularly. If you guys want me to make a more comprehensive thread on the best blood markers to test for in regards to heightmaxxing, just say it in the replies and I will!
Are u supporting that hgh doesnt make u grow past ur genetic limit and that it just speds up ur growth, making u reach ur final adult height, which u would've reached regardeless of using peptides?
over for you
don't go outside in 2027
many Asians use this thing, perhaps this is the reason that they have suddenly become taller
jfl at you manletcel
many Asians use this thing, perhaps this is the reason that they have suddenly become taller
View attachment 3000024jfl at you manletcel
i saw a group of 5ft 8 12 year olds
how tall do you think they will be at 16
then 22?
exactly don't go outside in 2027 without a bible in your hand
  • +1
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Also losing the body fat will make my body convert less test into estrogen
But what if i take aromasin 6.25mg eod and still get lean overtime?
isnt that overkill
  • +1
Reactions: Lemonhead
i saw a group of 5ft 8 12 year olds
how tall do you think they will be at 16
then 22?
exactly don't go outside in 2027 without a bible in your hand
I bet you're a 170cm chink if you could accurately determine the height of the 12yo gnomes by comparing them with yourself
  • WTF
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Also losing the body fat will make my body convert less test into estrogen
But what if i take aromasin 6.25mg eod and still get lean overtime?
isnt that overkill
Not at all. Testosterone actually promotes visceral stomach fat

TLDR Summary:

  1. Avoid Estrogenic Lifestyle and Diet Choices
  2. Avoid Excessive or Insufficient Intake of Compounds
  3. Avoid Impatience and Quitting Your Stack Prematurely
  4. Maintain Consistent Routine and Take Breaks
  5. Avoid Not Getting a Blood Test/Checkup on Cycle


Often on this forum, we see threads about how to grow taller, but rarely do we see any threads about the opposite. So today, I compiled a list of things not to do if you are interested in growing taller and can still grow taller! I tried to avoid mentioning the most obvious things that would significantly reduce height growth, like sleep deprivation and managing stress. The list pertains to all heightmaxxers, regardless if you use synthetic compounds or not to grow taller!

Word Bank:​

Cycle: Practice of using and taking synthetic substances for a specific length of time!
Stack: List of compounds/substances taken during cycle!
Both terms can be used somewhat interchangeably!

The List​

#1 CHOICE TO AVOID: Estrogenic Lifestyle Choices

This is probably the biggest thing that you want to avoid doing if you want to grow taller. While increased estradiol (the primary form of estrogen) levels lead to an increased growth rate for a short period, it will also quickly mature your growth plates and reduce overall height growth. I strongly recommend that you try to reduce your estradiol levels for some time to maximize growth.

  • This should first be attempted through losing body fat, as aromatase (the enzyme that converts test to estradiol) is highly active in body fat cells, so the more body fat that you have, the more conversion of test to estradiol.
  • Next, while this tip could be considered pointless, avoiding overconsuming things like soy products, dairy products, and alcohol can help with reducing estradiol if it's a possible cause.
  • Last but not least, using either natural or synthetic aromatase inhibitors will help the most with reducing estradiol levels to a point where you will be putting your body in the best position to grow. However, keep in mind, that if your estradiol gets too low without the presence of increased IGF-1 or HGH, you will have to suffer the consequences of low estradiol without any of the benefits. As lower estradiol leads to reduced IGF-1 levels, so make sure you are using something that boosts your HGH and IGF-1 levels alongside it!


One thing that I noticed about heightmaxers is that after they have done their research, they either make a regiment that's too minimal in terms of substance and # of compounds, or a regiment that has too many compounds. To help showcase what I mean, I'll show two different stacks published on this website.

Example #1: Not enough compounds


While I understand this is an extreme example and this person was coming from a place of ignorance (not stupidity), it showcases how often people try to grow taller without the proper foundation, as none of the compounds listed have ever been proven to provide significant height growth unless given to people dealing with malnutrition or serious mineral deficiencies. Almost every week, a stack like this is posted on the forum, but usually, it will at least contain MK677, and I want to tell anyone reading this that’s on a stack like this and doesn’t have a bone age of around 14-15.5, you most likely won’t grow more than a 1-2 cm’s if you are lucky.

Suppose you are on a shorter budget and can't inject. In that case, you will need at a minimum both an aromatase inhibitor and growth hormone secretagogue and a few other natural compounds that also help increase IGF-1 and reduce estradiol.

Example #2: Too many compounds


While I also once thought that the bigger the stack, the better it is for height growth as you can maximize more factors that affect height growth with more compounds, I realized that this could lead to some overcomplication and more money being spent than needed. Looking at the example, while it would most likely lead to significant amounts of height growth gains, it will come at a cost that could’ve been reduced if better planning was implemented. The main issue is that the more compounds that you include, the more variables, and the less you know what is working or not. The person’s stack contains BPC, DSIP, and IGF-1 LRD3, and while those compounds seem like they’d help add even more height, in reality, none of them besides DSIP increases IGF-1, and DSIP desensitizes extremely quickly.

If any of these compounds were causing him side effects, he would be forced to essentially stop his whole stack because it would be hard to pinpoint which specific compound was causing his issues as many of the compounds in his stack have similar side effects. And this is not even mentioning the crazy amount of HGH he is doing. You should only consider 16 IU’s once you haven’t grown at all (not even a cm) for a very long period while on cycle (6-9 months) and you have tried every other dosage beforehand.

Overall, when you are making a stack, please use compounds that are scientifically proven to maximize a factor of height growth (thyroxine, IGF-1, estradiol, etc), and do not overlap each other in use. The best way to do this is by remembering that HGH will always be king over all other compounds, so mainly focus on HGH dosing and organize everything else accordingly afterward. Don’t confuse yourself with more advanced stuff like peptides (GHRPs, GHRHs, IGF-1 LR3, etc) and oral secretagogues if you can already afford to use high-dose HGH and don’t have a strong understanding of them. And if peptides and secretagogues are your only options, keep it simple, and use a GHRP and GHRH combo that you know how to dose and time properly before desensitization occurs.


This may be the most important thing to avoid if you want to grow taller, and that’s literally to not impatient and stop your stack/routine to maximize height. I am telling you, the biggest cause of failure to grow during your heightmaxxing journey aside from having growth plates closed beyond the point of return is becoming impatient and stopping your stack. There are hundreds of threads on this site where people have announced they are quitting their heightmaxxing journey prematurely because they feel like they aren’t seeing results fast enough, despite having x-ray scans showcasing they have open growth plates and growing recently in the past year.

What people fail to realize, especially as older teenagers (16-18 yrs old), height growth in most cases won’t come rapidly regardless of what drug you use as your growth plates are closer to being completely sealed. So you have to be patient. Humans don’t grow in a linear line, so while maybe for six months into your stack, you don’t grow a single centimeter, by the eighth or ninth month, you could grow an inch or two.


Furthermore, in one of the only studies ever published to give high-dose HGH and aromatase inhibitors to naturally short-stature adolescents who were older and had almost closed growth plates, the patients grew around 10 cm and they were dosed for 19 months.


While this is an extreme example, it showcases how you need to at least run your stack consistently for around a year and a half before officially giving up if you have seen no results in that period. If you stop before then and it’s not due to financial reasons, you are missing out on legitimate height growth gains that you could’ve got if you kept going!


Lastly, choosing not to take any breaks, having a consistent routine, or taking any blood tests, may seem obvious to some, but those 3 things are often the underlying cause of failure to get any results from your height growth stack.

Specifically, not taking any breaks during your cycle will lead to more intense side effects from your compounds, and often, can lead to your body creating a tolerance to some compounds, forcing you to increase dosage. Not taking any breaks in your cycle is usually a symptom of not having a consistent routine.

It would help if you were taking your compounds in the same order, time, and dose every day. You should also be taking the same amount of compounds each day, and if you want to introduce a new compound, it should be a slow and gradual process! This is so that you can reduce fluctuations in your hormone levels throughout the process and diminish possible side effects from fluctuations in your E2 and T levels! Things like weight gain, hair loss, acne, insomnia, and others can occur from constant hormone fluctuations from inconsistent dosing periods!

View attachment 2999928


Never go through a cycle period without getting at least one blood test or a checkup at least once! While we often think we know our bodies very well, many times, people will experience intense side effects, but don’t even realize it and try to attribute it to something else in their life and not their cycle! There have been multiple instances where I’ve had people say to me that they aren’t experiencing any side effects from a compound, yet describe symptoms that match known side effects. This is common with aromatase inhibitors, where side effects may not be noticeable initially but develop gradually, making it difficult to distinguish them from other bodily changes.

And this is why it’s so important to get a blood test/doctor checkup of some kind while taking these compounds. I know depending on age, location, and budget, it can be difficult to get a blood test, but at the very least, you can get a checkup from your doctor and ask for a basic blood test. This will allow you to see if your stack has been causing changes in even your most basic of blood markers like your cholesterol levels, RBC, WBC, calcium levels, glucose levels, and many others! However, the best blood markers to get tested regularly if you can in regards to your height growth journey are total & free testosterone, estradiol, IGF-1, TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Calcium, Vitamin D, and GH! To get a more comprehensive blood test from your family doctor, you could simply tell them that you have been experiencing symptoms that are correlated to changes in the blood marker that you are looking to be tested for!

Doing this will allow you to go about this process much more safely and make appropriate changes to your stack based on your body's response to the compounds! I have seen cases where people have dealt with serious skin issues, blood sugar issues, water retention issues, and many others all because they never seriously checked up on their health throughout the entire process. If you don't want that to be you and are considering heightmaxxing, I recommend that you checkup on your body regularly. If you guys want me to make a more comprehensive thread on the best blood markers to test for in regards to heightmaxxing, just say it in the replies and I will!
2 things i wanna say.
1 : First aromatase inhibitor, if used alone, have a VERY low potencial in making your adult height highter even if you are young.

2 : Point 4 is very true and important to remember. Growth isnt linear and take time. Dont give up after a month because results arent showing up yet

Lastly i have a question for OP.

What are the bests risk free compounds on the market for height growth rn?
I cannot complete 3k calories without taking high carbohydrates, and since I consume high carbohydrates, my fasting blood sugar increased from 90 to 98 (my weight decreased from 60 to 65, but there are also gains in muscle).

There are many fake 12 mg genotropin pens in my country, even in pharmacies. I will continue with the 5.3mg pen but I only have 2.5 daily doses in it.

I grew in 1 week with a dose of 3 units in the first week, now I haven't grown in 2 months with 6 units, I think my pen is fake jfl
Yeah, that is one of my biggest issues as well. I used to have a source from a country that sells Arimidex and many heightmaxxing products for cheaper and in the start, it felt like it was working then it seemed like the side effects dissipated!

I'd say wait and see, possibly try another source if you are concerned or maybe re-work your stack. But with these pharmacies, you never really know.
2 things i wanna say.
1 : First aromatase inhibitor, if used alone, have a VERY low potencial in making your adult height highter even if you are young.

2 : Point 4 is very true and important to remember. Growth isnt linear and take time. Dont give up after a month because results arent showing up yet

Lastly i have a question for OP.

What are the bests risk free compounds on the market for height growth rn?
Yeah, it'd take a while for a child to see any results from taking an AI. He'd probably only get negative side effects and until maybe he's like 21 or 22, when he will get another inch or two in height. But's hypothetically in itself! It's very rare to have a teenager young enough with open growth plates, take an aromatase-inhibiting or estrogen-reducing compound for years on years, and are patient enough to hope to see results when they are older.

There is no risk-free compound. It's only been getting riskier in my opinion, but I'd say something interesting that has come up in my research has been long-acting growth hormone therapies! Have only seen 1 source of it and it's UGL so the true purity will be hard to see but I find it very interesting.
  • +1
Reactions: mathis
Also losing the body fat will make my body convert less test into estrogen
But what if i take aromasin 6.25mg eod and still get lean overtime?
isnt that overkill
6.25mg of Aromasin most likely won't effect your e2 levels that much. And what would you say is your current body fat?
So glad you didn’t say accutane, would’ve ignored you
So glad you didn’t say accutane, would’ve ignored you
LOL. I didn't even think of Accutane as an option when writing this in my notes. Seems like a very niche issue to bring up.
LOL. I didn't even think of Accutane as an option when writing this in my notes. Seems like a very niche issue to bring up.
Tell that to the retards here, they’re convinced they’ll all be 5’6 if they take it even tho I debunked that myth
  • +1
Reactions: Clavicular
“Lower e leads to reduced IGF-1 levels”

Estradiol impacts IGF-1 via liver estrogen receptors and the GH/IGF-1 axis so lower estradiol doesn’t directly reduce IGF-1

“GHRP and GHRH combo that you know how to dose and time properly before desensitization occurs.”

GHRP and GHRH desensitization mainly involves receptor saturation not chronic desensitization, so pulsatile doses reduce receptor downregulation via somatostatin feedback

Great post tho deserved way more rep, I guess its a community since most ppl here are people I usually see in these types of posts
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: Osie
Good thread

back in the day somatostatin was the bogeyman and we all tried to decrease it with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.

realistically some growth + letrozole is the best combination and there aren't many drawbacks besides the potentiality (inevitability) of insulin resistance.

thiazolidinediones should/will abate any deleterious effects on insulin sensitivity. Pioglitazone is the best because it won't stimulate lipogenesis in sebaceous glands and it isn't liver/cardio toxic like other glitazones. It doesn't decrease IGF1 either like metformin (shit drug).

A good and healthy stack would be GH + letrozole (exemestane is highly androgenic) with pioglitazone and maybe hydrochlorothiazide to remove any water retention from GH.

I used 7.5iu daily for a year in 2020 and grew to 6'2 but whether that was GH's doing or just genetics I'll never know.
Your logic on somatostatin and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are valid. GH + letrozole is effective, but insulin resistance is 100% not inevitable and can be managed. Exemestane has some androgenic effects but isn’t highly androgenic you over exaggerated it. Metformin is good for managing blood glucose, it is not a “shit drug”
The production of growth hormone is determined by genetics and what you eat
it seems like you haven't read the article you posted yourself, because even there it says so,
And it also says there are no guarantees that growth hormone injections will work.
They do and there is proof i have a post with proof
Tell that to the retards here, they’re convinced they’ll all be 5’6 if they take it even tho I debunked that myth
Yeh exactly imagine being 5’6, all those manlets should rope
  • +1
Reactions: ChadL1te
6.25mg of Aromasin most likely won't effect your e2 levels that much. And what would you say is your current body fat?
Idk like 18%
2 things i wanna say.
1 : First aromatase inhibitor, if used alone, have a VERY low potencial in making your adult height highter even if you are young.
I disagree.
One common feature of conditions that imply low estrogen levels for males is that they have a tall stature.
Aromatase deficient patients are usually tall, people with Klinefelter's syndrome are also tall with an average height of (6'1) precisely because their growth plates close later.
Androgen insensitivity syndrome also result in delayed growth plate fusion and taller stature.
Many castrati were 6'3+ and eunuchs who were castrated before puberty were almost always described as way taller than average.

They obviously won't make you gain 3 inches all of sudden but a prolonged growth period have a high likelihood of making you taller.

Results: Height gain [mean (SE)] at 24 months was: AI, +14.0 (0.8) cm; GH, +17.1 (0.9) cm; AI/GH, +18.9 (0.8) cm (P < .0006, analysis of covariance).

You can see here that they grew more with GH/AI (obviously) but that the gains of the AI alone group were still everything but minor.
  • +1
Reactions: goo3091, LegitUser and Osie
“Lower e leads to reduced IGF-1 levels”

Estradiol impacts IGF-1 via liver estrogen receptors and the GH/IGF-1 axis so lower estradiol doesn’t directly reduce IGF-1

“GHRP and GHRH combo that you know how to dose and time properly before desensitization occurs.”

GHRP and GHRH desensitization mainly involves receptor saturation not chronic desensitization, so pulsatile doses reduce receptor downregulation via somatostatin feedback

Great post tho deserved way more rep, I guess its a community since most ppl here are people I usually see in these types of posts
Yeah, you are right. Because in females, lower estradiol (postmenopause) is associated with higher IGF-1 levels, so estradiol doesn't directly reduce IGF-1.
  • Love it
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I disagree.
One common feature of conditions that imply low estrogen levels for males is that they have a tall stature.
Aromatase deficient patients are usually tall, people with Klinefelter's syndrome are also tall with an average height of (6'1) precisely because their growth plates close later.
Androgen insensitivity syndrome also result in delayed growth plate fusion and taller stature.
Many castrati were 6'3+ and eunuchs who were castrated before puberty were almost always described as way taller than average.

They obviously won't make you gain 3 inches all of sudden but a prolonged growth period have a high likelihood of making you taller.

You can see here that they grew more with GH/AI (obviously) but that the gains of the AI alone group were still everything but minor.
14.0 cm (observed growth with AI) - 10.1 cm (expected growth) = 3.9 cm additional growth in average ( ai’s used until maximal potencial has been reached )
Your study : 14.0 cm (observed growth with AI) - 13.0 cm (expected growth) = 1.0 cm additional growth in average over x amount of time.

SDS was -2.0 for both studies.

Nothing significant here.
  • +1
Reactions: masseter
14.0 cm (observed growth with AI) - 10.1 cm (expected growth) = 3.9 cm additional growth in average ( ai’s used until maximal potencial has been reached )
Your study : 14.0 cm (observed growth with AI) - 13.0 cm (expected growth) = 1.0 cm additional growth in average over x amount of time.

SDS was -2.0 for both studies.

Nothing significant here.
After 24 months of treatment for AI alone the SDS is -1.74 and -1.4 at 17 with a bone age of 15 only, (i.e with a potential for even more growth) which is statistically significant, also the link between very low e2 levels and tall stature as evidenced by the conditions mentioned in the first part of my post remains proved.

And it mentions that for longer durations the gains are higher which makes sense since low e2 results in reduced igf-1 levels but a longer growth period, hence why castrati for instance weren't that tall at 17 but reached 6'3+ height slowly but surely due to them having a longer growth period, people with klinefelter's syndrome also grow more slowly (also due to them being Low T) but still end up tall most of the time.
  • +1
Reactions: Fartmaxxing, goo3091 and masseter
a person's height depends only on genetics, on gender and on what you eat
Largely genetics and calories

Sleep and supps are cope
  • JFL
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Your logic on somatostatin and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are valid. GH + letrozole is effective, but insulin resistance is 100% not inevitable and can be managed. Exemestane has some androgenic effects but isn’t highly androgenic you over exaggerated it. Metformin is good for managing blood glucose, it is not a “shit drug”
Insulin resistance is inevitable yes. Don't conflate diabetes with insulin resistance. It can be managed and I gave an example already.

Exemestane is highly androgenic. It's a steroid structurally similar to 4-androstenedione, which is a natural substrate of aromatase. It only differs from 4-androstenedione by having a methylidene group at position 6 and an extra double bond at position 1. All of the inactive metabolites of exemestane are equally if not more androgenic. There are countless anecdotes of steroid users implementing exemestane and rapidly losing their hair, regardless of whether they crashed their E2 or not.

Metformin is a shit drug. It decreases athletic performance and drastically reduces the function of B12, as well interferes with the gut microbiome There are far better ways to manage blood glucose levels.
Insulin resistance is inevitable yes.
If its manageable its not inevitable
Don't conflate diabetes with insulin resistance.
Dw I wont n never have
It can be managed and I gave an example already.
I saw
Exemestane is highly androgenic.
Its not it has low androgenic activity due to weak binding affinity for androgen receptors
It's a steroid structurally similar to 4-androstenedione, which is a natural substrate of aromatase.
even tho its structurally similar to 4-androstenedione the 6-methylene group and double bond at position 1 extremely lowers its androgenic potential
It only differs from 4-androstenedione by having a methylidene group at position 6 and an extra double bond at position 1.
Yeh these are important they lower androgenic activity by changing receptor binding dynamics
All of the inactive metabolites of exemestane are equally if not more androgenic.
Major metabolites like 17-hydroexemestane do show low androgen receptor interaction, which means lower androgenic effects
There are countless anecdotes of steroid users implementing exemestane and rapidly losing their hair, regardless of whether they crashed their E2 or not.
Usually cuz of individual reactions and not direct androgenic effects
Metformin is a shit drug. It decreases athletic performance and drastically reduces the function of B12, as well interferes with the gut microbiome There are far better ways to manage blood glucose levels.
Its not tho? It boosts glycemic control, boosts insulin sensitivity, lowers hepatic glucose output, reduces cardiovascular risk. It reducing B12 is manageable with supplements, barely any affect on athletic performance. Gut microbiome modulation is balanced by metabolic benefits. Other options dont have metformin’s efficacy.
Its not it has low androgenic activity due to weak binding affinity for androgen receptors
The 17-OH metabolite of exemestane is just 6-methylene-boldenone. You can Google for "boldenone" for more info, but it is basically an anabolic steroid with less androgenicity than testosterone. However, the in the case of exemestane, the addition of the 6-methylene group seems to potentiate the androgenic effects. The 17-OH metabolite of exemestane is somewhere in between T and DHT in terms of androgenicity, which means quite androgenic. About 40% of an ingested dose of exemestane converts into the 17-OH metabolite, so by taking 25mg you get about 10mg of a highly androgenic AND anabolic steroid, with a half life of 24 hours, which also happens to powerfully inhibit aromatase.

So Exemestane (and all that it entails) is androgenic. I can't emphasise this enough.

Its not tho? It boosts glycemic control, boosts insulin sensitivity, lowers hepatic glucose output, reduces cardiovascular risk. It reducing B12 is manageable with supplements, barely any affect on athletic performance. Gut microbiome modulation is balanced by metabolic benefits. Other options dont have metformin’s efficacy.

There are other ways of managing BG without literally activating catabolic pathways. Metformin is trash.
The 17-OH metabolite of exemestane is just 6-methylene-boldenone. You can Google for "boldenone" for more info, but it is basically an anabolic steroid with less androgenicity than testosterone. However, the in the case of exemestane, the addition of the 6-methylene group seems to potentiate the androgenic effects. The 17-OH metabolite of exemestane is somewhere in between T and DHT in terms of androgenicity, which means quite androgenic. About 40% of an ingested dose of exemestane converts into the 17-OH metabolite, so by taking 25mg you get about 10mg of a highly androgenic AND anabolic steroid, with a half life of 24 hours, which also happens to powerfully inhibit aromatase.

So Exemestane (and all that it entails) is androgenic. I can't emphasise this enough.

There are other ways of managing BG without literally activating catabolic pathways. Metformin is trash.
Other AIs are as androgenic as exemestane, maybe more because they increase more LH, which means more DHT.
The 17-OH metabolite of exemestane is just 6-methylene-boldenone. You can Google for "boldenone" for more info, but it is basically an anabolic steroid with less androgenicity than testosterone. However, the in the case of exemestane, the addition of the 6-methylene group seems to potentiate the androgenic effects. The 17-OH metabolite of exemestane is somewhere in between T and DHT in terms of androgenicity, which means quite androgenic. About 40% of an ingested dose of exemestane converts into the 17-OH metabolite, so by taking 25mg you get about 10mg of a highly androgenic AND anabolic steroid, with a half life of 24 hours, which also happens to powerfully inhibit aromatase.

So Exemestane (and all that it entails) is androgenic. I can't emphasise this enough.

There are other ways of managing BG without literally activating catabolic pathways. Metformin is trash.
So we copy and pasting from raypeatforum now????


17-OH has was way lower androgenicity. Even tho it is anabolic and helps reduce estrogen, the androgenic effects are not as potent as ur tryna imply. Also “anecdotals” about hair loss does not support high androgenicity, also this shows its more complex than ur implying cause of individual physiology also its conversions only 20%, yk what study i took that from the same raypeat u did lmao, and pharmo studies imply a lower conversion rate, im not gonna be guessing what it is tho since no studies stated it as far as im aware
@Jason Voorhees what the fuck is this nigga verified for?

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