How Russia fucked up so badly



Nov 15, 2019
>begins a "special military operation" under the belief their presence would receive a warm greeting
>tries to seize Kyiv and replace Zelenskyy
>tries to build a land bridge connecting Donbas and Moldova to push north and grab the country like that
>Mariupol didn't capitulate until 85 days into the invasion
>Russia had to redeploy troops to stop the first counteroffensive
>loses Mykolaiv
>loses the Moskva (a ship that was involved in Crimea, Syria and Georgia prior to the invasion)
>initial reports were mixed, Russia thought Norway did it, until it later came out that Ukraine went over the shield that had missile protection with the help of a Bayraktar reconnaisance drone and struck the flagship with two subsonic Neptune missiles, which caused a fire that detonated the magazine to the ship, killing hundreds of Russians
>loses control over Snake Island after Ukraine retakes it
>now they're just attriting each other after Russia failed to cut off Ukrainian access to the Black Sea
>Ukraine's 2nd counteroffensive is underway, but is not happening yet (it's classified as to when they'll bring out the big guns, but for now they're testing Russia's defenses)
>Ukraine still hasn't even activated their reserves yet unlike Russia whose failed invasion went from offense to defense
>all the while Ukraine is surrounded by enemies everywhere (Russia, Belarus, Moldova & DPR/LPR/Crimea)

You can't make this up.
They annexed east Ukraine tho

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