How the fuck do you get big without becoming a bloatcell

Greycel Slayer

Greycel Slayer

I troll. I don’t mean anything I say
Jul 14, 2023
Title...I don't wanna lose my chiseled face and become a bloatcel for an entire fuckin year.
Lean max. Eat lots of meat no sugar no bad carbs
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Lean max. Eat lots of meat no sugar no bad carbs
Don't I gotta do like some sort of bulk or some shit where I become a bloatcel? Idk how this shi works man. I'm just tired of lookin like a twink esp coz I'm short...I at least need a good body to even slightly compensate for being a shortcel
Don't I gotta do like some sort of bulk or some shit where I become a bloatcel? Idk how this shi works man
Yeah that’s one way. It’s more effective, but you have to live at the gym
Yeah that’s one way. It’s more effective, but you have to live at the gym
Nah, I'm not tryna do it fast like some gym copers...I wanna retain my cheekbones and hallow cheek look while still getting big...idc how long it takes. Is it possible or do I have to lose my jawline and become giga bloated by bulking?
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Nah, I'm not tryna do it fast like some gym copers...I wanna retain my cheekbones and hallow cheek look while still getting big...idc how long it takes. Is it possible or do I have to lose my jawline and become giga bloated by bulking?
you can do recomp
Nah, I'm not tryna do it fast like some gym copers...I wanna retain my cheekbones and hallow cheek look while still getting big...idc how long it takes. Is it possible or do I have to lose my jawline and become giga bloated by bulking?
Well if you’re a beginner you can def get away with eating at maintenance calories while still making noticeable gains, but eventually these “noobie gains” will wear off and you have to eat more and train harder to build the same amount of muscle as you were before.

So eventually you’ll need to bulk but just lean bulk and the fat gain will be minimal, dont know about the water retention doe
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whats' that brother
"Body recomposition, often referred to as “recomping,” describes the process of simultaneously losing fat mass while gaining muscle mass. Recomping is theoretically possible because fat mass and muscle mass are regulated in a somewhat independent manner."
Also how old r u and height
Just maingain don’t do any of this dirty bulk stuff. People eat crap tons of junk food and say they’re bulking just to maybe put on slightly more muscle than they would have if they just ate near maintenance calories with a good amount of protein.
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Also how old r u and height
I'm literally 5'7 so it should be giga fast for me...that's why I'm trying to find a way where my face looks the same with minimal bloat while still putting up muscle mass
I'm literally 5'7 so it should be giga fast for me...that's why I'm trying to find a way where my face looks the same with minimal bloat while still putting up muscle mass
Same im like 5’8, always been a fatass all my life so i didnt really care about the bloat of my bulk considering ill iust cut after.

But ya like what i said for the first 3-5 months maybe you can prolly get away with eating maintenance calories (so no fat gain, just muscle) but after that you’ll have to actually eat in a surplus.

Anyways, don’t stretch your bulk out and take it SUPER slowly (although bulking is naturally a slow process), just bite the bullet for a bit and minimize fat gain/water bloat on ur bulk
Same im like 5’8, always been a fatass all my life so i didnt really care about the bloat of my bulk considering ill iust cut after.

But ya like what i said for the first 3-5 months maybe you can prolly get away with eating maintenance calories (so no fat gain, just muscle) but after that you’ll have to actually eat in a surplus.

Anyways, don’t stretch your bulk out and take it SUPER slowly (although bulking is naturally a slow process), just bite the bullet for a bit and minimize fat gain/water bloat on ur bulk
I starve maxxed for like 8 months to get this lol...sad that I'll have to lose it all frl
fuck bro 8 months, how fat were u b4??
I was never fat...just extremely bloated and water weight...I still don't know how to get rid of water fat. i've always been skinny
I was never fat...just extremely bloated and water weight...I still don't know how to get rid of water fat. i've always been skinny

And many other threads bro, just debloat if you really are low body fat. Is ur diet ass?

And many other threads bro, just debloat if you really are low body fat. Is ur diet ass?
I've had 1 slice of pizza, one full ice cream box, and one full pack of oreos today. so yea. I'm extremely low body fat n sleeper build rn so I can afford to eat this shi for now at least
I've had 1 slice of pizza, one full ice cream box, and one full pack of oreos today. so yea. I'm extremely low body fat n sleeper build rn so I can afford to eat this shi for now at least
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guy this is why ur bloated, lay off the goyslop sugars, drink more water (im assuming u dont drink enough) and increase ur potassium while decreasing ur sodium.
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guy this is why ur bloated, lay off the goyslop sugars, drink more water (im assuming u dont drink enough) and increase ur potassium while decreasing ur sodium.
do I take supplements or somethn
You dont need for now, diet is ur main issue. Bunch of debloat threads here if ur interested
yea man...I used to be active around here last year so I knew a good bunch of info but gave up and forgot everything. Recently I've started reciving a lot of compliments from strangers, foids, and attention and shit. Now I feel like ascending coz I get dopamine from such compliments and i want it to continue man
yea man...I used to be active around here last year so I knew a good bunch of info but gave up and forgot everything. Recently I've started reciving a lot of compliments from strangers, foids, and attention and shit. Now I feel like ascending coz I get dopamine from such compliments and i want it to continue man
Yea dont let the goyslop ruin that bhai
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Don't I gotta do like some sort of bulk or some shit where I become a bloatcel? Idk how this shi works man. I'm just tired of lookin like a twink esp coz I'm short...I at least need a good body to even slightly compensate for being a shortcel
You will get bloated on a bulk, that's just how it is, you have to endure a few months, train your face while you do it and when you are ready to cut, cut fully, drink enough, limit salts etc and your bloat will go away. Bulking will even be beneficial for most ppls face in the long term, you get a thicker neck and if done right, some facial muscle development. That will all make you better looking after the cut.
you DONT need to be cutting or bulking.

Just clean up your diet and start training with higher volumes and more sets to failure.
Look into carb cycling, CKD's or some other form of low carb dieting.
Your doing ok on strength, so from now on, dont rest longer than 45-60 secodns for 90% of your workouts.

Once in a while go longer if you want to focus on strength.
dont listen to these retards in the replies, at peak puberty you gotta be packing that protein mcdonalds for height gains, and only at about at LEAST 18 you can start thinking about even losing weight. You will be bloated as shit at 18 but then at 19 or just before depending on ur face, if you have high potentila you can achieve near high htn
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dont listen to these retards in the replies, at peak puberty you gotta be packing that protein mcdonalds for height gains, and only at about at LEAST 18 you can start thinking about even losing weight. You will be bloated as shit at 18 but then at 19 or just before depending on ur face, if you have high potentila you can achieve near high htn
Brother I’m already 18. Height gains r all genetics. My friends eat 3 bigmacs a day and aren’t over 5’9 whereas my other friend was anorexic and never moved away from his laptop, he is 6’5
Title...I don't wanna lose my chiseled face and become a bloatcel for an entire fuckin year.
Simple answer: you can’t
Even when I’m lean my face is not chiseled and I have to get shredded to see good definition
You can eat at maintenance and build some muscle and maintain it. If y want to be bigger it’s not worth it
U have to do a controlled lean bulk of a 200-300 calorie surplus while hitting 1g/ lb of bw of protein. Don’t fall for the dirty bulking meme
I've seen skinny dudes on tiktok/instagram start out pretty fucking shredded, then "bulk for a year" and literally look the same in terms of leanness, but pack on like 20 pounds of muscle. No way they've been at it for a year without any breaks, cause you would become a bloatcel at one point.

So I started researching, because I don't want to be bloated ever again on my lean bulk. :feelswah:
I came across a channel called "Renaissance Periodization" and he's all about keeping the massing fases around 12-16 weeks MAX.

Because you're not going to be able to lift at maximum intensity for a year straight. So you would lean bulk (eat like 200-300 calorie surplus MAX) and gain barely any fat. On a pretty clean diet so don't eat high sodium/sugar and balanced macros mostly protein, lower carbs, but not too low. No processed foods so no McDonalds ( or try and limit it as much as possible).

After the 12-16 weeks massing fase you would then check your physique, no you won't be bloated after such a small amount of time lean bulking if done correctly. You would go on maintenance, and start a week or so of deloading, where you'll train less intensive. You have two options here:

1. Barely put on any fat (good muscle genetics, very common as a beginner trying to build muscle):
Eat at maintenance calories for a week or two, then continue the lean bulk.

2. Put on a bit more fat than wanted (can happen, with slower metabolism and worse muscle building genetics):
Eat at maintenance calories for a week or two, to keep strength gains, then hop into a minicut for a couple weeks to maybe a month, to shred of the fat.

I'm gonna do more of the 2nd one, because I want to gain as LITTLE fat as possible while on a lean bulk, without the use of PEDs.
And if those tiktokkers can do it then why the heck can't I?

I got this information from this video, this guy knows his shit about natural bodybuilding (=Dr. Mike Israetel and holds a PhD in Sport Physiology) and probably has the best advice about fitness and bodybuilding on YouTube.

TL;DR: Keep the lean bulk phase shorter so around 12-16 weeks, from there --> Maintenance (recover) --> Lean Bulk
or Maintenance (keep strenght) --> Mini cut --> Transition into a Lean Bulk
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