How to accept inceldom?

sergeant blackpill

sergeant blackpill

Certified Lookism PhD & Licensed SlutHater
Dec 17, 2020
I'm an oldcel now so i know that due to not being chad in combination with being autistic i will probably be incelibate for the rest of my life.
My question is, how do i come to terms with this? how can i accept this fact and still be happy? This goes beyond coping, but rather to just genuinely let it go and stop obsessing about the fact that i'm celibate.
How can i find happiness in life despite being sexless?
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Don't accept it, ascend and get a gf.
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  • JFL
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Destroy your androgen hormone profile. You will not look at females for a second anymore.
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  • Hmm...
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Don't accept it, ascend and get a gf.
I'm going back to uni this fall, if i don't ascend through that i need to find a way to make peace with it.
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How old are you?
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Most incels are miserable depressed loners that have never really tried to get anywhere imo. Looksmax, lift weights, develop a skill, and (this might not be popular here) learn game. Want to improve your chances with girls exponentially? Just literally go out and embarrass yourself in front of as many of them as possible until you develop the social skills necessary to get laid. You can read pua books if you want to progress faster. It's not complicated, it just requires that you don't care about what people think about you for a little while. Literally that easy. Even hardcore retardcels can learn game tbh. If you want to stay cel, stay cel. But there is a path forward if you want to take it.
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  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Be_ConfidentBro, CursedOne, Arcturus and 10 others
Most incels are miserable depressed loners that have never really tried to get anywhere imo. Looksmax, lift weights, develop a skill, and (this might not be popular here) learn game. Want to improve your chances with girls exponentially? Just literally go out and embarrass yourself in front of as many of them as possible until you develop the social skills necessary to get laid. You can read pua books if you want to progress faster. It's not complicated, it just requires that you don't care about what people think about you for a little while. Literally that easy. Even hardcore retardcels can learn game tbh. If you want to stay cel, stay cel. But there is a path forward if you want to take it.
What's a good source to learn game from? inb4 rollo tomassi
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What's a good source to learn game from? inb4 rollo tomassi
the only way to learn is from experience. a good way to think about it is that developing social skills is like building muscle. you can read about nutrition and proper exercise form and workout programming, but at the end of the day muscles aren't built by reading books: muscles are built in the gym and social skills are built in social situations. but a good starting point is with the mystery method, old fashioned pua. Mystery was essentially a weirdo lankcel who became obsessed with getting women and spent 10000 hours performing magic tricks in front of people for social attention. he developed a way too sophisticated system of social dynamics and sexual persuasion techniques as an algorithm to make himself the amog... it's a very good book written by basically a freak who made his entire life revolve around getting women
  • JFL
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Most incels are miserable depressed loners that have never really tried to get anywhere imo. Looksmax, lift weights, develop a skill, and (this might not be popular here) learn game. Want to improve your chances with girls exponentially? Just literally go out and embarrass yourself in front of as many of them as possible until you develop the social skills necessary to get laid. You can read pua books if you want to progress faster. It's not complicated, it just requires that you don't care about what people think about you for a little while. Literally that easy. Even hardcore retardcels can learn game tbh. If you want to stay cel, stay cel. But there is a path forward if you want to take it.
This forum became so fucking bluepilled holy shit
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you need to take the whitepill before you can determine if it's a placebo. you're a fag
Joined May 8, 2021 Posts 46 Reputation 52 Time online 12h 29m
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Most incels are miserable depressed loners that have never really tried to get anywhere imo. Looksmax, lift weights, develop a skill, and (this might not be popular here) learn game. Want to improve your chances with girls exponentially? Just literally go out and embarrass yourself in front of as many of them as possible until you develop the social skills necessary to get laid. You can read pua books if you want to progress faster. It's not complicated, it just requires that you don't care about what people think about you for a little while. Literally that easy. Even hardcore retardcels can learn game tbh. If you want to stay cel, stay cel. But there is a path forward if you want to take it.
Your solution is not wrong per se, but it exists only in a vacuum so to speak. Its just a theory. Its not exactly possible to do what you're saying.

"Go out and embarras yourself" - makes sense to get rid of social anxiety, as an exposure therapy. but its not exactly necesary, there are other more comfortable and less autistic ways to get rid of it.

"until you develop the social skills necessary to get laid" - now this is where you're wrong. "embarrasing yourself" is not going to develop any social skills. Failing in random social situations will also not develop any social skills.

What does develop social skills, is hanging around people who are more socially skilled than you, so you can pick up things from them. Not placing yourself in artificial situations where you fail over and over again (pickup)

"it just requires that you don't care about what people think about you for a little while" - youre assuming hes some kind of awkward teenager that cant gather enough courage to let his real self through, insead of listening to him describing himself - hes a 27 yo virgin, he CANNOT let his personality through, at this point is so disconnected from normal people that he wont connect with anybody. If he were to reveal his real (and underdeveloped) personality, people will simply reject him.

He is not at the stage where just removing the social anxiety filter will help him, he needs to completely rebuild himself.

"Even hardcore retardcels can learn game tbh." - game is like the pinnacle of the iceberg, how can you start learning manipulating women when youre unable to hold a conversation or form normal relationships.
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Cope harder, inject/increase androgens & some drugs can help
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  • JFL
Reactions: CursedOne
Want to improve your chances with girls exponentially? Just literally go out and embarrass yourself in front of as many of them as possible until you develop the social skills necessary to get laid. You can read pua books if you want to progress faster. It's not complicated, it just requires that you don't care about what people think about you for a little while. Literally that easy. Even hardcore retardcels can learn game tbh. If you want to stay cel, stay cel. But there is a path forward if you want to take it.
  • JFL
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you are probably just ugly or autistic
just lmao at oldcel at 27
  • JFL
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It's not even about a white or blue pill at this point. It's helping a dude who has so much bullshit in his head/life, step outside of his fucked up reality, and try new things. @Epola is right though. How many guys on here have lifted weights? Even if it doesn't directly get you a girl, at least you can clear some of that fuck up in your head.

How many social events have you gone to? After Covid, everyone here should be going out at least 5 hours a day: Meetups, Volunteering, Social Events/Clubs/Sports, something. If you are awkward, you can literally say Covid got you fucked up. .
That way, you can start interacting normally with people. Start by learning how to hold a 10 second conversation with an old woman for all I care, and develop your personality. When you are making friends, and expanding your social circle, no-one will care if you are a 27 year old virgin, or a little bit weird. You are not asking anything from them, you are literally there to add positive energy, and good emotions to the conversation. Anyone who rejects you for that is not someone you should focus on.

When you can finally get around social guys AND girls, you can start to catch up on some of the socialization you missed out on.
But I disagree with Mongrelcel on one point. You should, imo, go out and try to pick up girls. It won't work, but you should go try regardless as long as you don't destroy your reputation on campus doing this. Firstly, it will help you become comfortable with showing a girl you like her, which I suspect is a big issue for you, but also, it makes you feel like you are kind of in control of your dating life, and that you don't have to rely on just making friends(who probably won't even want to hang out with you until you have drastically improved your socialization skills). Who knows, maybe you'll meet a girl who is in a really good mood, and you'll have a great conversation that could lead to somethingz(date, sex, whatever).

Good luck bro, but remember, the only way out is through. You missed out on socialization? Go out, and learn how to talk to people. Then make friends, then learn how to flirt, then learn how to ask someone out in a non-threatening way, learn how to build a social circle, how to throw parties, and keep on going. By the time you are 40, you can be the guy all the divorced moms want to fuck.
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I'm going back to uni this fall, if i don't ascend through that i need to find a way to make peace with it.
Just make sure you've picked a major that you'll actually enjoy and not something too idealistic that you know you can't finish. Be real with yourself because honestly the more failures you face in life the more miserable you're going to get especially at your age.

Goodluck man.
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You can still betabuxx a third world girl like a lot of incels do
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Most incels are miserable depressed loners that have never really tried to get anywhere imo. Looksmax, lift weights, develop a skill, and (this might not be popular here) learn game. Want to improve your chances with girls exponentially? Just literally go out and embarrass yourself in front of as many of them as possible until you develop the social skills necessary to get laid. You can read pua books if you want to progress faster. It's not complicated, it just requires that you don't care about what people think about you for a little while. Literally that easy. Even hardcore retardcels can learn game tbh. If you want to stay cel, stay cel. But there is a path forward if you want to take it.
Also drink more water and hold that tongue up!!!
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  • JFL
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It's not even about a white or blue pill at this point. It's helping a dude who has so much bullshit in his head/life, step outside of his fucked up reality, and try new things. @Epola is right though. How many guys on here have lifted weights? Even if it doesn't directly get you a girl, at least you can clear some of that fuck up in your head.

How many social events have you gone to? After Covid, everyone here should be going out at least 5 hours a day: Meetups, Volunteering, Social Events/Clubs/Sports, something. If you are awkward, you can literally say Covid got you fucked up. .
That way, you can start interacting normally with people. Start by learning how to hold a 10 second conversation with an old woman for all I care, and develop your personality. When you are making friends, and expanding your social circle, no-one will care if you are a 27 year old virgin, or a little bit weird. You are not asking anything from them, you are literally there to add positive energy, and good emotions to the conversation. Anyone who rejects you for that is not someone you should focus on.

When you can finally get around social guys AND girls, you can start to catch up on some of the socialization you missed out on.
But I disagree with Mongrelcel on one point. You should, imo, go out and try to pick up girls. It won't work, but you should go try regardless as long as you don't destroy your reputation on campus doing this. Firstly, it will help you become comfortable with showing a girl you like her, which I suspect is a big issue for you, but also, it makes you feel like you are kind of in control of your dating life, and that you don't have to rely on just making friends(who probably won't even want to hang out with you until you have drastically improved your socialization skills). Who knows, maybe you'll meet a girl who is in a really good mood, and you'll have a great conversation that could lead to somethingz(date, sex, whatever).

Good luck bro, but remember, the only way out is through. You missed out on socialization? Go out, and learn how to talk to people. Then make friends, then learn how to flirt, then learn how to ask someone out in a non-threatening way, learn how to build a social circle, how to throw parties, and keep on going. By the time you are 40, you can be the guy all the divorced moms want to fuck.
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Reactions: Deleted member 7901, sergeant blackpill and Mongrelcel
Don't accept it,also don't listen to this bluepill shit gaycels post,they are coping hard.Visit Asia and ascend.I hope you are white OP and 5'7 atleast,its enough for you to slay.There is still plenty of time for you to enjoy life.Earn that money whatever you can and spend it on traveling
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  • +1
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Meetups, Volunteering
Idk if thats an american thing, but literally NONE of these "events" are held here.
If its popular (and socially accepted) in america, then sure, but I still dont think its a place for OP to make friends - its filled with random people from various backgrounds and age ranged. Now, someone socially skilled could make a connection with some of them, but chances are OP wont. After all, social skill could be defined as being able to form a conncection with people, and thats why people like talkshow hosts are considered "socially skilled" because they can talk to pretty much anyone.
Social Events
what even is that lmao buzzword
Are you delusional? What club would accept a 27 yo beginner? People in these clubs are usually a closed off group that knows each other for years, and is competent at the sport played. OP maybe could pull it off if he was socially fluent, but he isnt.
you can't just brush off this part with these few weak suggestions - its the single more critical and problematic part of the whole issue.
finding a place where OP can socialize is 90% of the work.

But the truth is, that such a place maybe doesent even exist - because OP is so different to people around his age.
How to overcome that?

Idk if thats an american thing, but literally NONE of these "events" are held here.
If its popular (and socially accepted) in america, then sure, but I still dont think its a place for OP to make friends - its filled with random people from various backgrounds and age ranged. Now, someone socially skilled could make a connection with some of them, but chances are OP wont. After all, social skill could be defined as being able to form a conncection with people, and thats why people like talkshow hosts are considered "socially skilled" because they can talk to pretty much anyone.

what even is that lmao buzzword

Are you delusional? What club would accept a 27 yo beginner? People in these clubs are usually a closed off group that knows each other for years, and is competent at the sport played. OP maybe could pull it off if he was socially fluent, but he isnt.

you can't just brush off this part with these few weak suggestions - its the single more critical and problematic part of the whole issue.
finding a place where OP can socialize is 90% of the work.

But the truth is, that such a place maybe doesent even exist - because OP is so different to people around his age.
How to overcome that?

View attachment 1130396
Yeah it's pretty stereotypical for those events to be held here., and Volunteering is pretty standard to get out and meet people. The quality of people can vary, and honestly it's good to go there, and just try practicing social skills.
Social Events to me are basically any events you can socialize with others, but what I had in mind when I wrote that was bars, night clubs, events going on in your city(concerts, or raves, gallery openings, events at the local library, local BDSM events ), or classes held at your gym(not hot yoga, but more like weightlifting 101). There are actually a fuck ton of opportunities.

What the fuck type of university do you go to? Clubs are not a closed off group, especially in a college setting. If his age is really that big of a deal, lie, otherwise make up a story about how you worked for a few years. After that, it's absolutely normal to join any type of club. I would recommend drama/theater. Again, you will meet a variety of people, some of whom will be weirder than you, and in most American universities, I have found that drama clubs host several parties a month. Sports is a 50/50. Can you do intramural sports over there? Over here, the bar for something like Ultimate Frisbee or Co-ed sports are very low. I'm not saying join the football team, I'm saying join any type of intramural sport, you don't even need to be that great at. At my college, they teach you the basics of sports like archery, and aikido. You literally don't need to be socially fluent, or athletically skilled to get started.

At 27, you may be behind, but to sit there and say that your life is over, and that you can't learn how to socialize with anyone is ridiculous, especially if you are going back to university. There is a 35 year old guy at my uni, who is literally involved in everything from student council, to drama. Idk if he's getting laid a lot, but he's putting himself out there.

So a list of spaces I would propose would be:
1. Clubs at school
2. Intramural/Co-ed sports at school
3. Bars
4. Clubs
5. Gym(classes at the gym in particular)
6. Classes outside of school(Improv Class, Stand up Comedy Class)
7. Part Time Job in Customer Service(Especially while in Uni).
8. Join Activities based on some of your hobbies. Worst case OP actually has autism. Even then, there are local autism groups over here, and I've met several people who are on the spectrum who say they have very specific interests in trains, or planes, etc. Join local clubs in those specific interests.
9. Talk to Strangers in Settings such as the mall, bookstore, library(I'm not saying try to sleep with them, but practice opening and hooking a conversation at least).
10. Local Events in the City Around You: Over here we have, but you guys could have Concerts, Raves, BDSM Events(worked for me), Events at Local Establishments(like the local coffee shops, libraries, museums(big one in my city).

That's just off the top of my head, I'm sure if we spent more time thinking about this, we could actually create a flushed out list. But sitting there saying that at 27, someone's life is over because they don't know how to talk to people makes no sense. Let's say OP goes out and meets100 people every week, and he creeps out 99. The one person OP somewhat vibe with is all OP needs in the beginning to learn social skills from, and slowly develop his social circle. And you can quite literally meet this person anywhere.
But dude, he's in Uni. He's in a much better position than a lot of 27 year olds with his afflictions.
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I'm an oldcel now so i know that due to not being chad in combination with being autistic i will probably be incelibate for the rest of my life.
My question is, how do i come to terms with this? how can i accept this fact and still be happy? This goes beyond coping, but rather to just genuinely let it go and stop obsessing about the fact that i'm celibate.
How can i find happiness in life despite being sexless?
By realizing youll worry about ur girl cheating on you anyway so If ur single its just a simpler life
Ez fix.

Show us or me in pms your face and we help you to improve your looks.

You are probably a normie. After that we setup a tinder profile and you start dating and sometimes you will have sex(y):y'all:
  • +1
  • Hmm...
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Just have sex bro
  • Woah
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Ez fix.

Show us or me in pms your face and we help you to improve your looks.

You are probably a normie. After that we setup a tinder profile and you start dating and sometimes you will have sex(y):y'all:
Noo you will all just laugh at me and call me a subhuman, i'm cute looking at best..
  • +1
Reactions: .👽.
Most incels are miserable depressed loners that have never really tried to get anywhere imo. Looksmax, lift weights, develop a skill, and (this might not be popular here) learn game. Want to improve your chances with girls exponentially? Just literally go out and embarrass yourself in front of as many of them as possible until you develop the social skills necessary to get laid. You can read pua books if you want to progress faster. It's not complicated, it just requires that you don't care about what people think about you for a little while. Literally that easy. Even hardcore retardcels can learn game tbh. If you want to stay cel, stay cel. But there is a path forward if you want to take it.
Any “game” that isn’t just “be straightforward and don’t act like a soyboy simp” is complete and utter nonsense, and no amount of social skills will save someone who’s genuinely ugly, best he can hope for is to run into an outlier.

if you’re average looking, you have to be nt, which is what “game” SHOULD be, just be nt. The more good looking you are, the less nt you have to be.
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@john2 literally your mindset
Watch me ascend with my destroyed androgen hormone profile while you keep chasing/simping around foids who will never truly love/lust after you as a sub 6 PSL male, pizza.
  • JFL
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Watch me ascend with my destroyed androgen hormone profile while you keep chasing/simping around foids who will never truly love/lust after you as a sub 6 PSL male, pizza.
i would love to see your ascension john, i don't know why you think i simp foids i just see them as an object, an end with the aim of procreation and pleasure,I don't even think they should be entitled to anything
i don't know why you think i simp foids i just see them as an object, an end with the aim of procreation and pleasure
Well aren't you going to be approaching women IRL or online to get them to 'breed' with you :lul: ?
The fact that you have to rely on them for pleasure just shows that they're THAT valuable to you in life and more than an 'object'.
I don't even think they should be entitled to anything
Cope. Well, apparently they are currently entitled to and receive male attention in high amounts XD. Let me tell you one thing, society is NOT going to reverse back to the early 1900s. Hypergamy and mating selection based on physical traits has been well established in society, nobody can escape it. Like lol at even trying if you're not a chad. You're just gonna be seen as disposable walking trash by foids. So unless you actually ascend, then maybe you'll be able to settle down with a becky for an LTR and that too at many costs, not removing the risk of cuckoldry.
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  • JFL
Reactions: pizza
Well aren't you going to be approaching women IRL or online to get them to 'breed' with you :lul: ?
The fact that you have to rely on them for pleasure just shows that they're THAT valuable to you in life and more than an 'object'.

Cope. Well, apparently they are currently entitled to and receive male attention in high amounts XD. Let me tell you one thing, society is NOT going to reverse back to the early 1900s. Hypergamy and mating selection based on physical traits has been well established in society, nobody can escape it. Like lol at even trying if you're not a chad. You're just gonna be seen as disposable walking trash by foids. So unless you actually ascend, then maybe you'll be able to settle down with a becky for an LTR and that too at many costs, not removing the risk of cuckoldry.
just looksmaxx theory?
just looksmaxx theory?
It is pretty much pointless. Maybe it is only worth it if you already had a good base (5 PSL) and few minor failos to fix. But even Amnesia, self-reportedly has a miserable life even though he slays more women than we ever can in our lives. Amnesia will descend some day too & he'll end up in our scenario. The moment he does, he'll be tempted to rope. Raising a family isn't worth it in 2021, you're gonna end up in a mess.
It is pretty much pointless. Maybe it is only worth it if you already had a good base (5 PSL) and few minor failos to fix. But even Amnesia, self-reportedly has a miserable life even though he slays more women than we ever can in our lives. Amnesia will descend some day too & he'll end up in our scenario. The moment he does, he'll be tempted to rope. Raising a family isn't worth it in 2021, you're gonna end up in a mess.
probably in these shitty countries where you live, because here sub 4 psl slay as fuck, although the quality of the foids is not very good, according to nickgurr i am 3 psl and some stacies have liked me in the past, i've been a step away of losing my v card several times some foids have already asked me to have sex, but i'm too narcissistic to just want to fuck her and she forgets about me, i want to make her never forget about me even though it is the basis of trauma, probably the girl I multiplied the eye when I was a child never forgot it jfl
invest in crypto
get surgery
or escortmaxx
I can't go back to uni this year because i made some petty administrative error in my application.. so now i have to keep rotting in my room for another year of my prime.
I don't even know if i'll still have hair next year fffs:feelswhy:
It just feels like whenever i imagine the worst possible outcome, it always comes true.

I just NEVER catch a lucky break, i just stumble in to worse and worse situations through no fault of my own.

I literally feel like i've been black magic cursed or something.
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It just feels like whenever i imagine the worst possible outcome, it always comes true.

I just NEVER catch a lucky break, i just stumble in to worse and worse situations through no fault of my own.

I literally feel like i've been black magic cursed or something.
Don’t give up hope yet dude, it’s harder without uni as a mediator but there’s bound to be some kind of social service you can volunteer at (I volunteered at a soup kitchen for a couple of months) that you can use as practice to getting better at interacting with girls. Even if it’s just small talk it really does help give you the confidence to have longer conversations with others.
You’ll be able to go to uni within the next year and meet some folks so you can rake some time to build up those skills now :’)
Don’t give up hope yet dude, it’s harder without uni as a mediator but there’s bound to be some kind of social service you can volunteer at (I volunteered at a soup kitchen for a couple of months) that you can use as practice to getting better at interacting with girls. Even if it’s just small talk it really does help give you the confidence to have longer conversations with others.
You’ll be able to go to uni within the next year and meet some folks so you can rake some time to build up those skills now :’)
I did volonteer at a café, met a girl there and she wanted to stay in touch, then i sperged out and now i can't return..
In the meantime i got myself a new volonteer gig which is way way worse, there's gl girls there but it's organizing "fun events" for kids, and i really really hate kids so i don't know if i will keep going to those events anymore.
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I did volonteer at a café, met a girl there and she wanted to stay in touch, then i sperged out and now i can't return..
In the meantime i got myself a new volonteer gig which is way way worse, there's gl girls there but it's organizing "fun events" for kids, and i really really hate kids so i don't know if i will keep going to those events anymore.
Understandable, it really is trial and error but the fact that she wanted to keep in touch is great even if it didn’t work out in the end! I feel like that experience shows that you have potential for success in the future :’)
I would recommend switching from what your doing now though because working with children probably won’t make you like them any more than you do
Mirin you found creative ways to find foids.

I'm locked down in my basement since covid. Before that, I used to pull foids on dancing parties.

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