How-To: Actually getting jacked with steroids safely



Sep 5, 2023
First things first, this is not advice this is for entertainment.

A lot of the posts on here are shitty copy paste cycles that don't pertain to health at all, and will probably put you in the gutter post cycle.

Here is a step-by-step guide to "safely get jacked and shredded"
Step 1:

If you are under 21, click off this post because... 1: you can't afford it, 2: you're an idiot if you are doing gear before you have developed
-Ask yourself am I ready for gear? And answer these questions...
  1. Am I willing to be on TRT for life?
  2. Have I perfected my diet training and recover?
  3. Have I gotten my bloodwork?
  4. Do I have stable income?
  5. Will my use of gear effect people around me?
  6. What are the federal regulations of AAS?
There are hundreds of other questions that you can think about if you are mature enough to make this decision.
If you can't answer any of these stop reading.

Step 2:
Get your blood work done.
Here's what your first panel should look like (AT MINIMUM) if you care about maintaining health.

  1. Hormone Panel
    1. Testosterone
    2. Free Testosterone
    3. Estradiol
    4. SHBG
    5. LH
    6. FSH
    7. Prolactin
  2. Lipid Panel
    1. Lp(a)
    2. Apob
    3. HDL-c
    4. LDL-c
    5. Triglycerides
  3. Liver and Kidney
    1. AST
    2. ALT
    3. Total Protein
    4. Albumin
    5. Globulin
    6. Albumin:Globulin Ratio
    7. Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase
    8. Glucose
    9. BUN
    10. Creatinine
    11. Creatine Phosphate Kinase (CPK)
    12. Cystatin-C
    13. Uric Acid
  4. Complete Blood Count
    1. Red Blood Cell Count
    2. Hematocrit
    3. Hemoglobin
    4. White Blood Cell Count
    5. Platelet Count
  5. Other Markers
    1. High-Sensetivity C-Reactive Protien
    2. Growth Hormone
    3. Insulin
    4. IGF-1

-Now you might be asking where can I get this done?
I get mine done through merekhealth and get drawn at a LabCorp near me.
You can go through many labs and don't even need a doctors prescription
-Once you understand what each of these markers means, and understand where they need to be and what they do; you can continue to step 3

Step 3:
Choosing your compounds.

First lets go over how anabolic are synthesized and where they stem from and the anabolic family tree:

  1. First your body takes cholesterol and turns that into pregnenolone in the lading cells of the testes.
  2. pregnenolone gets converted into progesterone and DHEA (dihydroepiandosterone)
  3. those two steroids (carbons arranged in 4 rings) get converted into Androstenidone
  4. At some point that gets turned into Testosterone: The foundation of male reproduction
  5. Testosterone gets converted into DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and Nandrolone can be made from testosterone.
Now we have 3 main steroid hormones that the main Anabolics are derived from
  1. Testosterone (the foundation of every cycle)
    1. Turinabol
    2. Dianabol
    3. Equipose
    4. Halotestin
  2. DHT
    1. Proviron
    2. Masteron
    3. Winstrol
    4. Anavar
    5. Anadrol
    6. Promobolan
    7. Superdrol
  3. Nandrolone
    1. Tren
    2. MENT
There are hundreds of videos/articles/debates on many of these drugs and the esters of each.
A common practice that has came about within the last decade is to cycle as follows:

Cycle 1:

  • Testosterone dosed as high as one can tolerate without any estrogen issues
  • continue that for 16-24 weeks (Based on blood work)
    Go back to TRT until blood work looks good again.
Cycle 2:
  • Testosterone dosed around double of your previous dose but add in a compound at a 2:1 ratio that acts as an Aromatase Inhibitor (the enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen)
  • that could look like Testosterone + Primobolan/Masteron/Equipose
  • EX: 500mg testosterone + 250 masteron
    • This is very person dependent and some might need more or less depending on estrogen
  • If that person is not patient they could add in an oral for 8 weeks such as Anavar or Turinabol
There are hundreds of cycles and compounds you could do and or add in, here are a few:

Growth Hormone Peptides/Secretagogues:

  • Pharma Growth Hormone
  • MK-677
  • CJC-1295
  • Ipamorelin
  • GHRP-2
  • GHRP-6
  • And many more each with there own benefits and risk
Other Compounds:
  • Insulin
  • HCG
  • HMG
  • IGF-1
  • Increlex
  • Clenbuterol
  • Yohimbine
  • Albuterol
  • BPC-157
  • TB -500
This is only the start of PED's

Step 4:
Choosing the right compounds and ancillaries

Here is a short note about some compound and following are some ancillaries you might need on hand.

  1. Testosterone (the foundation of every cycle)
    1. Injectable
    2. Converts into DHT and aromatizes into estrogen
    3. DHT will rape your hair if not managed properly
    4. Estrogen can give you gyno, libido problems and many more (if its high and low)
    5. You NEED testosterone as the base of any cycle
  2. Turinabol
    1. an oral
  3. Dianabol
    1. An oral
    2. will make you a bloat lord
    3. converts into estrogen
  4. Equipose
    1. Injecable
    2. metabolites compete for estrogen receptor, acts as AI
    3. COULD be horrible for kidney
    4. Will increase hematocrit and Red Blood Cell Count
  5. Halotestin
    1. Oral
    2. Will make you angry asf
  6. DHT
    1. a hormone that is responsible for the "masculinization during puberty"
  7. Proviron
    1. Oral
    2. Lowers SHBG, allows for more free hormones
    3. Not very anabolic
  8. Masteron
    1. Injectable
    2. acts as an AI
    3. Will rape your hair if prone
    4. Gives you a dry look
  9. Winstrol
    1. Oral/injecable
    2. dry look
  10. Anavar
    1. Oral
    2. Dry gains
    3. "safest" oral
    4. might fuck your hair
  11. Anadrol
    1. Oral
    2. Strength and mass builder
    3. Horrible for organs
  12. Promobolan
    1. Injecable
    2. often faked
    3. very expensive
    4. acts as an AI
    5. Minimal side effects
    6. might rape your hair
  13. Superdrol
    1. Oral/injectable
    2. anadrol on steroids
    3. will shoot up your strength and muscle in no time
    4. Will rape your organs
  14. Nandrolone
    1. has 2 main derivatives
    2. DECA -> long ester
    3. NPP -> short ester
    4. Injectable
    5. will shut you down for months on end
  15. Tren
    1. Injectable
    2. Horrible for everything
    3. Should never be used unless you a stepping on stage for Mr. Olympia
  16. MENT
    1. Injectable
    2. Will blow up with water and muscle
    3. Very toxic

Some ancillaries you MIGHT NEED (depending on blood work)
  • Arimidex (anastrozole)
    • Aromatase Inhibitor, prevents testosterone from converting to estrogen
  • Aromasin (Eximistane)
    • Aromatase Inhibitor, kills the enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen
  • Metformin
    • a diabetic drug used for insulin sensitivity
  • Ezetimibe
    • A lipid management drug
  • Finasteride/dutasteride
    • Prevents Testosterone from converting to DHT
  • HCG
    • Makes your testes not atrophy on cycle
  • Minoxidil
    • Helps with new hair growth
  • Nebivolol
    • A beta blocker, lowers heart rate and blood pressure
  • Raloxofine
    • A selective estrogen receptor modulator, blocks estrogen at breast tissue
  • Statins
    • Cholesterol management
  • Pramipexole
    • Dopamine agonist, lowers prolactin
  • RU-58841
    • Topical antiandrogen, prevents DHT and substrates from binding to androgen receptor on scalp
  • Sidenefil/Tadalafil
    • PDE-5 inhibitor, dilates blood vessels, used as a erectile dysfunction drug
  • Telmisartan
    • Lowers blood pressure


I wrote this in 30 minutes during class, feel free to ask questions on comments. Im not a professional, just enjoy learning. There are prolly many spelling mistakes which I will not be fixing.

This isn't a guide, but a blueprint to design your own cycles with health in mind.

Thanks, first post on here :)

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  • JFL
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Reactions: mogre, LancasteR, LVZZO and 10 others
just blast test 500 mg/week bro :lul:
First things first, this is not advice this is for entertainment.

A lot of the posts on here are shitty copy paste cycles that don't pertain to health at all, and will probably put you in the gutter post cycle.

Here is a step-by-step guide to "safely get jacked and shredded"
Step 1:

If you are under 21, click off this post because... 1: you can't afford it, 2: you're an idiot if you are doing gear before you have developed
-Ask yourself am I ready for gear? And answer these questions...

  1. Am I willing to be on TRT for life?
  2. Have I perfected my diet training and recover?
  3. Have I gotten my bloodwork?
  4. Do I have stable income?
  5. Will my use of gear effect people around me?
  6. What are the federal regulations of AAS?
There are hundreds of other questions that you can think about if you are mature enough to make this decision.
If you can't answer any of these stop reading.

Step 2:
Get your blood work done.
Here's what your first panel should look like (AT MINIMUM) if you care about maintaining health.

  1. Hormone Panel
    1. Testosterone
    2. Free Testosterone
    3. Estradiol
    4. SHBG
    5. LH
    6. FSH
    7. Prolactin
  2. Lipid Panel
    1. Lp(a)
    2. Apob
    3. HDL-c
    4. LDL-c
    5. Triglycerides
  3. Liver and Kidney
    1. AST
    2. ALT
    3. Total Protein
    4. Albumin
    5. Globulin
    6. Albumin:Globulin Ratio
    7. Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase
    8. Glucose
    9. BUN
    10. Creatinine
    11. Creatine Phosphate Kinase (CPK)
    12. Cystatin-C
    13. Uric Acid
  4. Complete Blood Count
    1. Red Blood Cell Count
    2. Hematocrit
    3. Hemoglobin
    4. White Blood Cell Count
    5. Platelet Count
  5. Other Markers
    1. High-Sensetivity C-Reactive Protien
    2. Growth Hormone
    3. Insulin
    4. IGF-1

-Now you might be asking where can I get this done?
I get mine done through merekhealth and get drawn at a LabCorp near me.
You can go through many labs and don't even need a doctors prescription
-Once you understand what each of these markers means, and understand where they need to be and what they do; you can continue to step 3

Step 3:
Choosing your compounds.

First lets go over how anabolic are synthesized and where they stem from and the anabolic family tree:

  1. First your body takes cholesterol and turns that into pregnenolone in the lading cells of the testes.
  2. pregnenolone gets converted into progesterone and DHEA (dihydroepiandosterone)
  3. those two steroids (carbons arranged in 4 rings) get converted into Androstenidone
  4. At some point that gets turned into Testosterone: The foundation of male reproduction
  5. Testosterone gets converted into DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and Nandrolone can be made from testosterone.
Now we have 3 main steroid hormones that the main Anabolics are derived from
  1. Testosterone (the foundation of every cycle)
    1. Turinabol
    2. Dianabol
    3. Equipose
    4. Halotestin
  2. DHT
    1. Proviron
    2. Masteron
    3. Winstrol
    4. Anavar
    5. Anadrol
    6. Promobolan
    7. Superdrol
  3. Nandrolone
    1. Tren
    2. MENT
There are hundreds of videos/articles/debates on many of these drugs and the esters of each.
A common practice that has came about within the last decade is to cycle as follows:

Cycle 1:

  • Testosterone dosed as high as one can tolerate without any estrogen issues
  • continue that for 16-24 weeks (Based on blood work)
    Go back to TRT until blood work looks good again.
Cycle 2:
  • Testosterone dosed around double of your previous dose but add in a compound at a 2:1 ratio that acts as an Aromatase Inhibitor (the enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen)
  • that could look like Testosterone + Primobolan/Masteron/Equipose
  • EX: 500mg testosterone + 250 masteron
    • This is very person dependent and some might need more or less depending on estrogen
  • If that person is not patient they could add in an oral for 8 weeks such as Anavar or Turinabol
There are hundreds of cycles and compounds you could do and or add in, here are a few:

Growth Hormone Peptides/Secretagogues:

  • Pharma Growth Hormone
  • MK-677
  • CJC-1295
  • Ipamorelin
  • GHRP-2
  • GHRP-6
  • And many more each with there own benefits and risk
Other Compounds:
  • Insulin
  • HCG
  • HMG
  • IGF-1
  • Increlex
  • Clenbuterol
  • Yohimbine
  • Albuterol
  • BPC-157
  • TB -500
This is only the start of PED's

Step 4:
Choosing the right compounds and ancillaries

Here is a short note about some compound and following are some ancillaries you might need on hand.

  1. Testosterone (the foundation of every cycle)
    1. Injectable
    2. Converts into DHT and aromatizes into estrogen
    3. DHT will rape your hair if not managed properly
    4. Estrogen can give you gyno, libido problems and many more (if its high and low)
    5. You NEED testosterone as the base of any cycle
  2. Turinabol
    1. an oral
  3. Dianabol
    1. An oral
    2. will make you a bloat lord
    3. converts into estrogen
  4. Equipose
    1. Injecable
    2. metabolites compete for estrogen receptor, acts as AI
    3. COULD be horrible for kidney
    4. Will increase hematocrit and Red Blood Cell Count
  5. Halotestin
    1. Oral
    2. Will make you angry asf
  6. DHT
    1. a hormone that is responsible for the "masculinization during puberty"
  7. Proviron
    1. Oral
    2. Lowers SHBG, allows for more free hormones
    3. Not very anabolic
  8. Masteron
    1. Injectable
    2. acts as an AI
    3. Will rape your hair if prone
    4. Gives you a dry look
  9. Winstrol
    1. Oral/injecable
    2. dry look
  10. Anavar
    1. Oral
    2. Dry gains
    3. "safest" oral
    4. might fuck your hair
  11. Anadrol
    1. Oral
    2. Strength and mass builder
    3. Horrible for organs
  12. Promobolan
    1. Injecable
    2. often faked
    3. very expensive
    4. acts as an AI
    5. Minimal side effects
    6. might rape your hair
  13. Superdrol
    1. Oral/injectable
    2. anadrol on steroids
    3. will shoot up your strength and muscle in no time
    4. Will rape your organs
  14. Nandrolone
    1. has 2 main derivatives
    2. DECA -> long ester
    3. NPP -> short ester
    4. Injectable
    5. will shut you down for months on end
  15. Tren
    1. Injectable
    2. Horrible for everything
    3. Should never be used unless you a stepping on stage for Mr. Olympia
  16. MENT
    1. Injectable
    2. Will blow up with water and muscle
    3. Very toxic

Some ancillaries you MIGHT NEED (depending on blood work)
  • Arimidex (anastrozole)
    • Aromatase Inhibitor, prevents testosterone from converting to estrogen
  • Aromasin (Eximistane)
    • Aromatase Inhibitor, kills the enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen
  • Metformin
    • a diabetic drug used for insulin sensitivity
  • Ezetimibe
    • A lipid management drug
  • Finasteride/dutasteride
    • Prevents Testosterone from converting to DHT
  • HCG
    • Makes your testes not atrophy on cycle
  • Minoxidil
    • Helps with new hair growth
  • Nebivolol
    • A beta blocker, lowers heart rate and blood pressure
  • Raloxofine
    • A selective estrogen receptor modulator, blocks estrogen at breast tissue
  • Statins
    • Cholesterol management
  • Pramipexole
    • Dopamine agonist, lowers prolactin
  • RU-58841
    • Topical antiandrogen, prevents DHT and substrates from binding to androgen receptor on scalp
  • Sidenefil/Tadalafil
    • PDE-5 inhibitor, dilates blood vessels, used as a erectile dysfunction drug
  • Telmisartan
    • Lowers blood pressure


I wrote this in 30 minutes during class, feel free to ask questions on comments. Im not a professional, just enjoy learning. There are prolly many spelling mistakes which I will not be fixing.

This isn't a guide, but a blueprint to design your own cycles with health in mind.

Thanks, first post on here :)
Good thread, bump
  • +1
Reactions: baguette420
good thread baguette
  • +1
Reactions: baguette420
Good thread, bump
preciate it. I have a lot more knowledge, but putting it all into one post would take hundreds of pages. Hoping I can make more posts based on questions
  • +1
Reactions: Jeww
preciate it. I have a lot more knowledge, but putting it all into one post would take hundreds of pages. Hoping I can make more posts based on questions
You have any knowledge on heightmaxxing? Gh and such
  • +1
Reactions: alekspolska88
You have any knowledge on heightmaxxing? Gh and such
I know about the physiology and pharmacology of growth and the drugs associated. Im sure I could connect the dots.

Low estrogen, high protein, high GH, High IGF? maybe some Insane sleep
  • +1
Reactions: alekspolska88 and Jeww
Excellent post. Welcome.
No, any method close to steroids shrinks nuts just like trt and sarms
First things first, this is not advice this is for entertainment.

A lot of the posts on here are shitty copy paste cycles that don't pertain to health at all, and will probably put you in the gutter post cycle.

Here is a step-by-step guide to "safely get jacked and shredded"
Step 1:

If you are under 21, click off this post because... 1: you can't afford it, 2: you're an idiot if you are doing gear before you have developed
-Ask yourself am I ready for gear? And answer these questions...

  1. Am I willing to be on TRT for life?
  2. Have I perfected my diet training and recover?
  3. Have I gotten my bloodwork?
  4. Do I have stable income?
  5. Will my use of gear effect people around me?
  6. What are the federal regulations of AAS?
There are hundreds of other questions that you can think about if you are mature enough to make this decision.
If you can't answer any of these stop reading.

Step 2:
Get your blood work done.
Here's what your first panel should look like (AT MINIMUM) if you care about maintaining health.

  1. Hormone Panel
    1. Testosterone
    2. Free Testosterone
    3. Estradiol
    4. SHBG
    5. LH
    6. FSH
    7. Prolactin
  2. Lipid Panel
    1. Lp(a)
    2. Apob
    3. HDL-c
    4. LDL-c
    5. Triglycerides
  3. Liver and Kidney
    1. AST
    2. ALT
    3. Total Protein
    4. Albumin
    5. Globulin
    6. Albumin:Globulin Ratio
    7. Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase
    8. Glucose
    9. BUN
    10. Creatinine
    11. Creatine Phosphate Kinase (CPK)
    12. Cystatin-C
    13. Uric Acid
  4. Complete Blood Count
    1. Red Blood Cell Count
    2. Hematocrit
    3. Hemoglobin
    4. White Blood Cell Count
    5. Platelet Count
  5. Other Markers
    1. High-Sensetivity C-Reactive Protien
    2. Growth Hormone
    3. Insulin
    4. IGF-1

-Now you might be asking where can I get this done?
I get mine done through merekhealth and get drawn at a LabCorp near me.
You can go through many labs and don't even need a doctors prescription
-Once you understand what each of these markers means, and understand where they need to be and what they do; you can continue to step 3

Step 3:
Choosing your compounds.

First lets go over how anabolic are synthesized and where they stem from and the anabolic family tree:

  1. First your body takes cholesterol and turns that into pregnenolone in the lading cells of the testes.
  2. pregnenolone gets converted into progesterone and DHEA (dihydroepiandosterone)
  3. those two steroids (carbons arranged in 4 rings) get converted into Androstenidone
  4. At some point that gets turned into Testosterone: The foundation of male reproduction
  5. Testosterone gets converted into DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and Nandrolone can be made from testosterone.
Now we have 3 main steroid hormones that the main Anabolics are derived from
  1. Testosterone (the foundation of every cycle)
    1. Turinabol
    2. Dianabol
    3. Equipose
    4. Halotestin
  2. DHT
    1. Proviron
    2. Masteron
    3. Winstrol
    4. Anavar
    5. Anadrol
    6. Promobolan
    7. Superdrol
  3. Nandrolone
    1. Tren
    2. MENT
There are hundreds of videos/articles/debates on many of these drugs and the esters of each.
A common practice that has came about within the last decade is to cycle as follows:

Cycle 1:

  • Testosterone dosed as high as one can tolerate without any estrogen issues
  • continue that for 16-24 weeks (Based on blood work)
    Go back to TRT until blood work looks good again.
Cycle 2:
  • Testosterone dosed around double of your previous dose but add in a compound at a 2:1 ratio that acts as an Aromatase Inhibitor (the enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen)
  • that could look like Testosterone + Primobolan/Masteron/Equipose
  • EX: 500mg testosterone + 250 masteron
    • This is very person dependent and some might need more or less depending on estrogen
  • If that person is not patient they could add in an oral for 8 weeks such as Anavar or Turinabol
There are hundreds of cycles and compounds you could do and or add in, here are a few:

Growth Hormone Peptides/Secretagogues:

  • Pharma Growth Hormone
  • MK-677
  • CJC-1295
  • Ipamorelin
  • GHRP-2
  • GHRP-6
  • And many more each with there own benefits and risk
Other Compounds:
  • Insulin
  • HCG
  • HMG
  • IGF-1
  • Increlex
  • Clenbuterol
  • Yohimbine
  • Albuterol
  • BPC-157
  • TB -500
This is only the start of PED's

Step 4:
Choosing the right compounds and ancillaries

Here is a short note about some compound and following are some ancillaries you might need on hand.

  1. Testosterone (the foundation of every cycle)
    1. Injectable
    2. Converts into DHT and aromatizes into estrogen
    3. DHT will rape your hair if not managed properly
    4. Estrogen can give you gyno, libido problems and many more (if its high and low)
    5. You NEED testosterone as the base of any cycle
  2. Turinabol
    1. an oral
  3. Dianabol
    1. An oral
    2. will make you a bloat lord
    3. converts into estrogen
  4. Equipose
    1. Injecable
    2. metabolites compete for estrogen receptor, acts as AI
    3. COULD be horrible for kidney
    4. Will increase hematocrit and Red Blood Cell Count
  5. Halotestin
    1. Oral
    2. Will make you angry asf
  6. DHT
    1. a hormone that is responsible for the "masculinization during puberty"
  7. Proviron
    1. Oral
    2. Lowers SHBG, allows for more free hormones
    3. Not very anabolic
  8. Masteron
    1. Injectable
    2. acts as an AI
    3. Will rape your hair if prone
    4. Gives you a dry look
  9. Winstrol
    1. Oral/injecable
    2. dry look
  10. Anavar
    1. Oral
    2. Dry gains
    3. "safest" oral
    4. might fuck your hair
  11. Anadrol
    1. Oral
    2. Strength and mass builder
    3. Horrible for organs
  12. Promobolan
    1. Injecable
    2. often faked
    3. very expensive
    4. acts as an AI
    5. Minimal side effects
    6. might rape your hair
  13. Superdrol
    1. Oral/injectable
    2. anadrol on steroids
    3. will shoot up your strength and muscle in no time
    4. Will rape your organs
  14. Nandrolone
    1. has 2 main derivatives
    2. DECA -> long ester
    3. NPP -> short ester
    4. Injectable
    5. will shut you down for months on end
  15. Tren
    1. Injectable
    2. Horrible for everything
    3. Should never be used unless you a stepping on stage for Mr. Olympia
  16. MENT
    1. Injectable
    2. Will blow up with water and muscle
    3. Very toxic

Some ancillaries you MIGHT NEED (depending on blood work)
  • Arimidex (anastrozole)
    • Aromatase Inhibitor, prevents testosterone from converting to estrogen
  • Aromasin (Eximistane)
    • Aromatase Inhibitor, kills the enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen
  • Metformin
    • a diabetic drug used for insulin sensitivity
  • Ezetimibe
    • A lipid management drug
  • Finasteride/dutasteride
    • Prevents Testosterone from converting to DHT
  • HCG
    • Makes your testes not atrophy on cycle
  • Minoxidil
    • Helps with new hair growth
  • Nebivolol
    • A beta blocker, lowers heart rate and blood pressure
  • Raloxofine
    • A selective estrogen receptor modulator, blocks estrogen at breast tissue
  • Statins
    • Cholesterol management
  • Pramipexole
    • Dopamine agonist, lowers prolactin
  • RU-58841
    • Topical antiandrogen, prevents DHT and substrates from binding to androgen receptor on scalp
  • Sidenefil/Tadalafil
    • PDE-5 inhibitor, dilates blood vessels, used as a erectile dysfunction drug
  • Telmisartan
    • Lowers blood pressure


I wrote this in 30 minutes during class, feel free to ask questions on comments. Im not a professional, just enjoy learning. There are prolly many spelling mistakes which I will not be fixing.

This isn't a guide, but a blueprint to design your own cycles with health in mind.

Thanks, first post on here :)
Good post although superdrol is underatted didnt mess my bloods like anadrol and also didnt fuck my hair like anadrol. For casual users test with a bit of superdrol is ideal cycle in my eyes.
preciate it. I have a lot more knowledge, but putting it all into one post would take hundreds of pages. Hoping I can make more posts based on questions
do one where you talk about stuff that arent very known until you delve deep into this world and save us time. that would be very appreciated, great thread brother!
  • +1
Reactions: baguette420
First things first, this is not advice this is for entertainment.

A lot of the posts on here are shitty copy paste cycles that don't pertain to health at all, and will probably put you in the gutter post cycle.

Here is a step-by-step guide to "safely get jacked and shredded"
Step 1:

If you are under 21, click off this post because... 1: you can't afford it, 2: you're an idiot if you are doing gear before you have developed
-Ask yourself am I ready for gear? And answer these questions...

  1. Am I willing to be on TRT for life?
  2. Have I perfected my diet training and recover?
  3. Have I gotten my bloodwork?
  4. Do I have stable income?
  5. Will my use of gear effect people around me?
  6. What are the federal regulations of AAS?
There are hundreds of other questions that you can think about if you are mature enough to make this decision.
If you can't answer any of these stop reading.

Step 2:
Get your blood work done.
Here's what your first panel should look like (AT MINIMUM) if you care about maintaining health.

  1. Hormone Panel
    1. Testosterone
    2. Free Testosterone
    3. Estradiol
    4. SHBG
    5. LH
    6. FSH
    7. Prolactin
  2. Lipid Panel
    1. Lp(a)
    2. Apob
    3. HDL-c
    4. LDL-c
    5. Triglycerides
  3. Liver and Kidney
    1. AST
    2. ALT
    3. Total Protein
    4. Albumin
    5. Globulin
    6. Albumin:Globulin Ratio
    7. Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase
    8. Glucose
    9. BUN
    10. Creatinine
    11. Creatine Phosphate Kinase (CPK)
    12. Cystatin-C
    13. Uric Acid
  4. Complete Blood Count
    1. Red Blood Cell Count
    2. Hematocrit
    3. Hemoglobin
    4. White Blood Cell Count
    5. Platelet Count
  5. Other Markers
    1. High-Sensetivity C-Reactive Protien
    2. Growth Hormone
    3. Insulin
    4. IGF-1

-Now you might be asking where can I get this done?
I get mine done through merekhealth and get drawn at a LabCorp near me.
You can go through many labs and don't even need a doctors prescription
-Once you understand what each of these markers means, and understand where they need to be and what they do; you can continue to step 3

Step 3:
Choosing your compounds.

First lets go over how anabolic are synthesized and where they stem from and the anabolic family tree:

  1. First your body takes cholesterol and turns that into pregnenolone in the lading cells of the testes.
  2. pregnenolone gets converted into progesterone and DHEA (dihydroepiandosterone)
  3. those two steroids (carbons arranged in 4 rings) get converted into Androstenidone
  4. At some point that gets turned into Testosterone: The foundation of male reproduction
  5. Testosterone gets converted into DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and Nandrolone can be made from testosterone.
Now we have 3 main steroid hormones that the main Anabolics are derived from
  1. Testosterone (the foundation of every cycle)
    1. Turinabol
    2. Dianabol
    3. Equipose
    4. Halotestin
  2. DHT
    1. Proviron
    2. Masteron
    3. Winstrol
    4. Anavar
    5. Anadrol
    6. Promobolan
    7. Superdrol
  3. Nandrolone
    1. Tren
    2. MENT
There are hundreds of videos/articles/debates on many of these drugs and the esters of each.
A common practice that has came about within the last decade is to cycle as follows:

Cycle 1:

  • Testosterone dosed as high as one can tolerate without any estrogen issues
  • continue that for 16-24 weeks (Based on blood work)
    Go back to TRT until blood work looks good again.
Cycle 2:
  • Testosterone dosed around double of your previous dose but add in a compound at a 2:1 ratio that acts as an Aromatase Inhibitor (the enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen)
  • that could look like Testosterone + Primobolan/Masteron/Equipose
  • EX: 500mg testosterone + 250 masteron
    • This is very person dependent and some might need more or less depending on estrogen
  • If that person is not patient they could add in an oral for 8 weeks such as Anavar or Turinabol
There are hundreds of cycles and compounds you could do and or add in, here are a few:

Growth Hormone Peptides/Secretagogues:

  • Pharma Growth Hormone
  • MK-677
  • CJC-1295
  • Ipamorelin
  • GHRP-2
  • GHRP-6
  • And many more each with there own benefits and risk
Other Compounds:
  • Insulin
  • HCG
  • HMG
  • IGF-1
  • Increlex
  • Clenbuterol
  • Yohimbine
  • Albuterol
  • BPC-157
  • TB -500
This is only the start of PED's

Step 4:
Choosing the right compounds and ancillaries

Here is a short note about some compound and following are some ancillaries you might need on hand.

  1. Testosterone (the foundation of every cycle)
    1. Injectable
    2. Converts into DHT and aromatizes into estrogen
    3. DHT will rape your hair if not managed properly
    4. Estrogen can give you gyno, libido problems and many more (if its high and low)
    5. You NEED testosterone as the base of any cycle
  2. Turinabol
    1. an oral
  3. Dianabol
    1. An oral
    2. will make you a bloat lord
    3. converts into estrogen
  4. Equipose
    1. Injecable
    2. metabolites compete for estrogen receptor, acts as AI
    3. COULD be horrible for kidney
    4. Will increase hematocrit and Red Blood Cell Count
  5. Halotestin
    1. Oral
    2. Will make you angry asf
  6. DHT
    1. a hormone that is responsible for the "masculinization during puberty"
  7. Proviron
    1. Oral
    2. Lowers SHBG, allows for more free hormones
    3. Not very anabolic
  8. Masteron
    1. Injectable
    2. acts as an AI
    3. Will rape your hair if prone
    4. Gives you a dry look
  9. Winstrol
    1. Oral/injecable
    2. dry look
  10. Anavar
    1. Oral
    2. Dry gains
    3. "safest" oral
    4. might fuck your hair
  11. Anadrol
    1. Oral
    2. Strength and mass builder
    3. Horrible for organs
  12. Promobolan
    1. Injecable
    2. often faked
    3. very expensive
    4. acts as an AI
    5. Minimal side effects
    6. might rape your hair
  13. Superdrol
    1. Oral/injectable
    2. anadrol on steroids
    3. will shoot up your strength and muscle in no time
    4. Will rape your organs
  14. Nandrolone
    1. has 2 main derivatives
    2. DECA -> long ester
    3. NPP -> short ester
    4. Injectable
    5. will shut you down for months on end
  15. Tren
    1. Injectable
    2. Horrible for everything
    3. Should never be used unless you a stepping on stage for Mr. Olympia
  16. MENT
    1. Injectable
    2. Will blow up with water and muscle
    3. Very toxic

Some ancillaries you MIGHT NEED (depending on blood work)
  • Arimidex (anastrozole)
    • Aromatase Inhibitor, prevents testosterone from converting to estrogen
  • Aromasin (Eximistane)
    • Aromatase Inhibitor, kills the enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen
  • Metformin
    • a diabetic drug used for insulin sensitivity
  • Ezetimibe
    • A lipid management drug
  • Finasteride/dutasteride
    • Prevents Testosterone from converting to DHT
  • HCG
    • Makes your testes not atrophy on cycle
  • Minoxidil
    • Helps with new hair growth
  • Nebivolol
    • A beta blocker, lowers heart rate and blood pressure
  • Raloxofine
    • A selective estrogen receptor modulator, blocks estrogen at breast tissue
  • Statins
    • Cholesterol management
  • Pramipexole
    • Dopamine agonist, lowers prolactin
  • RU-58841
    • Topical antiandrogen, prevents DHT and substrates from binding to androgen receptor on scalp
  • Sidenefil/Tadalafil
    • PDE-5 inhibitor, dilates blood vessels, used as a erectile dysfunction drug
  • Telmisartan
    • Lowers blood pressure


I wrote this in 30 minutes during class, feel free to ask questions on comments. Im not a professional, just enjoy learning. There are prolly many spelling mistakes which I will not be fixing.

This isn't a guide, but a blueprint to design your own cycles with health in mind.

Thanks, first post on here :)
There is no such thing as a safe steroid cycle, this only reduce the risk. Good thread tho
  • +1
Reactions: baguette420
Am I willing to be on TRT for life?
  1. Have I perfected my diet training and recover?
  2. Have I gotten my bloodwork?
  3. Do I have stable income?
  4. Will my use of gear effect people around me?
  5. What are the federal regulations of AAS?
retard u dont need to perfect diet training and especially recover, steroids literally make ur recovery better
and u dont need stable income, steroids are not that expensive

and you won't need to be on TRT for life if you do your pct and do not skip PCT like a fucking retard.
  • +1
Reactions: socialcel
retard u dont need to perfect diet training and especially recover, steroids literally make ur recovery better
and u dont need stable income, steroids are not that expensive

and you won't need to be on TRT for life if you do your pct and do not skip PCT like a fucking retard.
19-nors metabolites shut you down for months, very hard to PCT back to baseline. Training diet and sleep are the staples to a good health and physique. Steroids themselves arn't expensive, but Pharma grade ancillaries are: Ezetimibe, statins, PCSK-9 inhibitors, AI's,SERMs, Caber, prami, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, ARB's, etc. You can run gear without them, but it would be Imprudent.
Excellent thread. Will probably never roid but still good to know!

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