How To Avoid Xenoestrogens In 2019



May 12, 2019
Examples of Xenoestrogens and their sources:

- All plastics (Polyethylene Terephthalate, Polycarbonates, Polystyrenes, Polyethersulfones, Polyvinyls, etc.): Food/Beverage Packaging (Bottles, Cans, ...) Shampoo/Soap Bottles, Shower Cabins/Bathtubs, Shopping Bags, Windows/Doors, Phones, Pens, Eyeglasses, Syringes, IV Bags, Medicine Blisters, Water Pipes, Wiring/Cables, CDs, Computer Peripherals (Older ones contain other chemicals that have been banned now), Carpets/Parquet, Furniture, Certain Clothes etc.
- Plant Mycotoxins (Zearalenones): Wheat, Oats, Barley, Rye, Spelt, Rice, Corn, Sugar Cane, Potatoes, Peanuts, Bananas, etc.
- All water sources (Birth Control/Other Estrogen Forms, Zearalenone, Estrogens from the plastics thrown in water or through which the water has traveled, etc.)
- Fruits, Vegetables and Other Plants Either Used As Food Or Medicine (Either trough Endogenous Estrogens or commonly used Pesticides/Fungicides/Insecticides, etc.)

The least estrogenic diet you can have:

- No Water: Animal products that are lightly cooked have a good level of water and minerals inside of it. Consuming too much water will lead to a decrease in Vasopressin, which reabsorbs the water into the bloodstream and stops it from being removed trough urine, along with all minerals inside of it.
- Ruminant Muscle Meat and Organs, Cooked as close to Rare as possible to preserve water and mineral content
- Milk and Other Dairy (Preferably Raw and not stored in Plastic, but Glass): Not necessary, especially if you want to reach a state where you can use fat as energy as opposed to dietary Glucose. Yes, Glucose will still be produced in your body. If you take a Glucose Test on this diet you will find it will not read 0. Glucose will be produced as needed from Fats, while the Protein will be preserved to be used once there is no bodyfat or dietary fat that can be used (Late-stage starvation)


1) Estrogens in Milk:
It can contain small amounts of Endogenous Estrogens with a bioavailability of less than 5% (From an already low dose), more likely if the cow has been injected with hormones (Pregnant cows cannot lactate due to Estrogen inhibiting Prolactin), which is already very unlikely and even less so if you get Raw Milk from a source you know such as a local farmer. IGF hormones from milk have no oral bioavailability. Peptides are broken down in the stomach into amino acids, then are absorbed.

2) Antioxidants:
Meat (Muscle especially) contains many essential antioxidants, some of which are not present at all in plants: Taurine, Cysteine, Methionine, Glutathione, Lipoic Acid. The metabolism of animal foods also produce a very strong antioxidant: Uric Acid (It has an efficacy about the same as Vitamin C, only that it is not converted into Oxalic Acid, like Vitamin C)

Even then, animals are able to produce Vitamin C endogenously and store a part in their body, even in the muscles. It is a small dose but not a lot is required. The absorption of Vitamin C in the muscle is done trough the Glucose Transporter 4 which also transports glucose to the muscle, thus the lack of Glucose in the diet will increase absorption of the Vitamin C.

3) Fiber:
It is ridiculous to think you would need Plant Fiber in order to have good digestion. The main reason would be that our consumption of Fiber is relatively recent, although there are still people that deny humans were ever Carnivores and say they used to be "Berry Pickers".

Either way, your intestines are contracting and relaxing in order to keep the food moving through your GI, not Fiber. There is not a single study out there, trustworthy or not, that shows any mechanics or reasons at all to consume Fiber. There is actually one study out there with a small number of participants experiencing chronic constipation where the complete removal of Fiber from the diet removed all symptoms of constipation.

4) Cholesterol:
As above, there is not even any proof, to begin with, that cholesterol was of any issue to people, not dietary or endogenously produced. It is essential. The correlative studies have been debunked by many people and have very recently (this year) been contested.

4) Ask:
I have no idea what else could be of issue or that could be put into question or contested about this topic of Carnivorous eating so feel free to ask

Mentions: @jefferson @Bewusst @john_cope @Cretinous @BigBiceps
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Xenomorphs me
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AMAZING THREAD, thank you! This information is super valuable 🙏🏻
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Drinking ocean water is really good for you because it’s been sitting in the sun all day (hella vitamin D), it has a lot of nutrition from animal poo, and most importantly there’s no yucky xeno plastics in the water.
  • JFL
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: SoyGune, Deleted member 4946, Bui and 16 others
Examples of Xenoestrogens and their sources:

- All plastics (Polyethylene Terephthalate, Polycarbonates, Polystyrenes, Polyethersulfones, Polyvinyls, etc.): Food/Beverage Packaging (Bottles, Cans, ...) Shampoo/Soap Bottles, Shower Cabins/Bathtubs, Shopping Bags, Windows/Doors, Phones, Pens, Eyeglasses, Syringes, IV Bags, Medicine Blisters, Water Pipes, Wiring/Cables, CDs, Computer Peripherals (Older ones contain other chemicals that have been banned now), Carpets/Parquet, Furniture, Certain Clothes etc.
- Plant Mycotoxins (Zearalenones): Wheat, Oats, Barley, Rye, Spelt, Rice, Corn, Sugar Cane, Potatoes, Peanuts, Bananas, etc.
- All water sources (Birth Control/Other Estrogen Forms, Zearalenone, Estrogens from the plastics thrown in water or through which the water has traveled, etc.)
- Fruits, Vegetables and Other Plants Either Used As Food Or Medicine (Either trough Endogenous Estrogens or commonly used Pesticides/Fungicides/Insecticides, etc.)

The least estrogenic diet you can have:

- No Water: Animal products that are lightly cooked have a good level of water and minerals inside of it. Consuming too much water will lead to a decrease in Vasopressin, which reabsorbs the water into the bloodstream and stops it from being removed trough urine, along with all minerals inside of it.
- Ruminant Muscle Meat and Organs, Cooked as close to Rare as possible to preserve water and mineral content
- Milk and Other Dairy (Preferably Raw and not stored in Plastic, but Glass): Not necessary, especially if you want to reach a state where you can use fat as energy as opposed to dietary Glucose. Yes, Glucose will still be produced in your body. If you take a Glucose Test on this diet you will find it will not read 0. Glucose will be produced as needed from Fats, while the Protein will be preserved to be used once there is no bodyfat or dietary fat that can be used (Late-stage starvation)


1) Estrogens in Milk:
It can contain small amounts of Endogenous Estrogens with a bioavailability of less than 5% (From an already low dose), more likely if the cow has been injected with hormones (Pregnant cows cannot lactate due to Estrogen inhibiting Prolactin), which is already very unlikely and even less so if you get Raw Milk from a source you know such as a local farmer. IGF hormones from milk have no oral bioavailability. Peptides are broken down in the stomach into amino acids, then are absorbed.

2) Antioxidants:
Meat (Muscle especially) contains many essential antioxidants, some of which are not present at all in plants: Taurine, Cysteine, Methionine, Glutathione, Lipoic Acid. The metabolism of animal foods also produce a very strong antioxidant: Uric Acid (It has an efficacy about the same as Vitamin C, only that it is not converted into Oxalic Acid, like Vitamin C)

Even then, animals are able to produce Vitamin C endogenously and store a part in their body, even in the muscles. It is a small dose but not a lot is required. The absorption of Vitamin C in the muscle is done trough the Glucose Transporter 4 which also transports glucose to the muscle, thus the lack of Glucose in the diet will increase absorption of the Vitamin C.

3) Fiber:
It is ridiculous to think you would need Plant Fiber in order to have good digestion. The main reason would be that our consumption of Fiber is relatively recent, although there are still people that deny humans were ever Carnivores and say they used to be "Berry Pickers".

Either way, your intestines are contracting and relaxing in order to keep the food moving through your GI, not Fiber. There is not a single study out there, trustworthy or not, that shows any mechanics or reasons at all to consume Fiber. There is actually one study out there with a small number of participants experiencing chronic constipation where the complete removal of Fiber from the diet removed all symptoms of constipation.

4) Cholesterol:
As above, there is not even any proof, to begin with, that cholesterol was of any issue to people, not dietary or endogenously produced. It is essential. The correlative studies have been debunked by many people and have very recently (this year) been contested.

4) Ask:
I have no idea what else could be of issue or that could be put into question or contested about this topic of Carnivorous eating so feel free to ask

Mentions: @jefferson @Bewusst @john_cope @Cretinous @BigBiceps
good thread, will follow when i have money
  • +1
Reactions: SikKunt
Phytoestrogens are not problematic at all. They're much weaker than human estrogen and if anything, act like mild SERMs. I think that food quality is more important than the kind of food. For example, most conventional meat comes from animals that are raised on grain-heavy diets whereas organic (organ) meat from grass-fed animals probably has more vitamin K2 and other nutrients. Same with fruits and vegetables. Conventional fruits and veg have more pesticides etc. but even organic ones have them, just less and other types of them. Same with milk, same with anything. As long as we don't 100% know where our food is coming from, we just don't know what is and is not in it. I wouldn't worry too much about it tbh, listen to my body and make my own experiences, then stick to the diet and foods that make me feel the best. If carnivorous works for you, go ahead. If sth else works, do that. It's not a religion. We should be grateful to have such an abundance of options and that we don't need to suffer hunger and poverty. Take this from someone who has managed to keep a serious incurable disease under control for years without taking any medication.
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Reactions: Detective, BeestungLipsTheory, randomguy1235 and 10 others
This has to be the biggest jamble of horseshit I've ever read in my entire life, and I Google "biggest jamble of horseshit" everyday. OP 100% sungazes and fucks his daughter to "preserve" his "pure" lineage.
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Just avoid everything bro
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Phytoestrogens are not problematic at all. They're much weaker than human estrogen and if anything, act like mild SERMs. I think that food quality is more important than the kind of food. For example, most conventional meat comes from animals that are raised on grain-heavy diets whereas organic (organ) meat from grass-fed animals probably has more vitamin K2 and other nutrients. Same with fruits and vegetables. Conventional fruits and veg have more pesticides etc. but even organic ones have them, just less and other types of them. Same with milk, same with anything. As long as we don't 100% know where our food is coming from, we just don't know what is and is not in it. I wouldn't worry too much about it tbh, listen to my body and make my own experiences, then stick to the diet and foods that make me feel the best. If carnivorous works for you, go ahead. If sth else works, do that. It's not a religion. We should be grateful to have such an abundance of options and that we don't need to suffer hunger and poverty. Take this from someone who has managed to keep a serious incurable disease under control for years without taking any medication.
This post definitely outlines more than just Phytoestrogens. But I'll talk about just the Xenoestrogens from plants if that's what you want to talk about.

Yes, if you take Soy Isoflavones as an example, Daidzein, the strongest SERM, has a binding affinity of 3000 nanomol compared to Estrogen's 30 nanomol. They have however been shown in vivo to actually be able to agonize the Estrogen Receptor Alpha when the Estrogen level was low in the blood and antagonize it when the Estrogen level was high, hence why it is considered a Hormonal Disruptor and is used as a "natural" medicine for postmenopausal women.

However, something like Zearalenone, which is present in almost every single product using stuff like Wheat, Corn, Oats, etc. (See OP) as an ingredient, is matching and competing Estrogen's binding affinity to both estrogen receptors, hence why every time in history there was an outbreak of foods with high doses of it (Happened more times than people would think), the girls would experience premature puberty, and boys would experience feminization along with a healthy dose of healthy gynecomastia.

Then there is stuff like Garlic, which in doses of just around 15g will potently inhibit StAR and CSCC, which are required for Cholesterol transport and conversion into Pregnenolone, 17 Beta Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase, which is required for conversion of Androstenedione->Testosterone and Androsterone->Androstanediol. Very low doses can produce an increase however, due to the antioxidant effect, but this is very unnecessary.

People rationalizing the consumption of Hormonal Disruptors are the reason men nowadays are so feminine, and probably the reason this forum even exists.

"Dose makes the poison" does NOT apply to hormonal disruptors.

There is also no needed nutrient from plants that you cannot get from just eating meat. There is however tasty sugar, which I agree you should eat if it's the only thing bringing joy to a sad incel life (Not talking about you), but arguing these kinds of foods are also healthy or in any way required has no basis in reality.

Also, as you can read here there is a decent difference between grain-fed and grass-fed meat in terms of nutrients, but none of the things ingested by the animals will make the way in your food, at least from the papers I read where this was tested, which was not many. You cannot compare them to plant foods. But even then, I do recommend getting the highest quality meat you can.
This has to be the biggest jamble of horseshit I've ever read in my entire life, and I Google "biggest jamble of horseshit" everyday. OP 100% sungazes and fucks his daughter to "preserve" his "pure" lineage.
Just avoid everything bro
Well if you bunch of semen guzzling retards think giving up plant foods is the end of the world then this thread isn't for you. Now fuck off and eat your slave meals, goys.

Doesn't invalidate anything I've said whatsoever.
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Reactions: Alexanderr, randomguy1235, BackFromTheMogging and 2 others
I just take Exemestane along with the Testosterone I use.
I just take Exemestane along with the Testosterone I use.
Exemestane only lowers the conversion of Testosterone to Estrogen.
Xenoestrogens will still affect you so for protection against them you'd need stuff like Nolvadex or Fulvestrant.
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Reactions: Deleted member 2756, BlackPillChad and Bewusst
This post definitely outlines more than just Phytoestrogens. But I'll talk about just the Xenoestrogens from plants if that's what you want to talk about.

Yes, if you take Soy Isoflavones as an example, Daidzein, the strongest SERM, has a binding affinity of 3000 nanomol compared to Estrogen's 30 nanomol. They have however been shown in vivo to actually be able to agonize the Estrogen Receptor Alpha when the Estrogen level was low in the blood and antagonize it when the Estrogen level was high, hence why it is considered a Hormonal Disruptor and is used as a "natural" medicine for postmenopausal women.

However, something like Zearalenone, which is present in almost every single product using stuff like Wheat, Corn, Oats, etc. (See OP) as an ingredient, is matching and competing Estrogen's binding affinity to both estrogen receptors, hence why every time in history there was an outbreak of foods with high doses of it (Happened more times than people would think), the girls would experience premature puberty, and boys would experience feminization along with a healthy dose of healthy gynecomastia.

Then there is stuff like Garlic, which in doses of just around 15g will potently inhibit StAR and CSCC, which are required for Cholesterol transport and conversion into Pregnenolone, 17 Beta Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase, which is required for conversion of Androstenedione->Testosterone and Androsterone->Androstanediol. Very low doses can produce an increase however, due to the antioxidant effect, but this is very unnecessary.

People rationalizing the consumption of Hormonal Disruptors are the reason men nowadays are so feminine, and probably the reason this forum even exists.

"Dose makes the poison" does NOT apply to hormonal disruptors.

There is also no needed nutrient from plants that you cannot get from just eating meat. There is however tasty sugar, which I agree you should eat if it's the only thing bringing joy to a sad incel life (Not talking about you), but arguing these kinds of foods are also healthy or in any way required has no basis in reality.

Also, as you can read here there is a decent difference between grain-fed and grass-fed meat in terms of nutrients, but none of the things ingested by the animals will make the way in your food, at least from the papers I read where this was tested, which was not many. You cannot compare them to plant foods. But even then, I do recommend getting the highest quality meat you can.

Well if you bunch of semen guzzling retards think giving up plant foods is the end of the world then this thread isn't for you. Now fuck off and eat your slave meals, goys.

Doesn't invalidate anything I've said whatsoever.
What about sprouted grains for example? Does it also inactivate/change phytoestrogens or just make grains more digestible? Sprouting and fermentation of grains has been done in many cultures who wouldn't even touch grains otherwise. What other ways are there to reduce feminization in men despite avoiding plastics, phytoestrogens, mycotoxins and filtering/avoiding drinking water?
What about sprouted grains for example? Does it also inactivate/change phytoestrogens or just make grains more digestible? Sprouting and fermentation of grains has been done in many cultures who wouldn't even touch grains otherwise. What other ways are there to reduce feminization in men despite avoiding plastics, phytoestrogens, mycotoxins and filtering/avoiding drinking water?
I'm not sure what sprouting of the grains is but if it involves soaking them in water, then it will reduce the amount of Zearalenone for example, as it is somewhat water-soluble. Also if you'd want to eat these at all the safest you'd be is with pasta, for example, since it is cooked by boiling it. Also, completely removing the Hormonal Disruptors from the diet is the only way to assure you are at least growing up the best possible way you can.
Examples of Xenoestrogens and their sources:

- All plastics (Polyethylene Terephthalate, Polycarbonates, Polystyrenes, Polyethersulfones, Polyvinyls, etc.): Food/Beverage Packaging (Bottles, Cans, ...) Shampoo/Soap Bottles, Shower Cabins/Bathtubs, Shopping Bags, Windows/Doors, Phones, Pens, Eyeglasses, Syringes, IV Bags, Medicine Blisters, Water Pipes, Wiring/Cables, CDs, Computer Peripherals (Older ones contain other chemicals that have been banned now), Carpets/Parquet, Furniture, Certain Clothes etc.
- Plant Mycotoxins (Zearalenones): Wheat, Oats, Barley, Rye, Spelt, Rice, Corn, Sugar Cane, Potatoes, Peanuts, Bananas, etc.
- All water sources (Birth Control/Other Estrogen Forms, Zearalenone, Estrogens from the plastics thrown in water or through which the water has traveled, etc.)
- Fruits, Vegetables and Other Plants Either Used As Food Or Medicine (Either trough Endogenous Estrogens or commonly used Pesticides/Fungicides/Insecticides, etc.)

The least estrogenic diet you can have:

- No Water: Animal products that are lightly cooked have a good level of water and minerals inside of it. Consuming too much water will lead to a decrease in Vasopressin, which reabsorbs the water into the bloodstream and stops it from being removed trough urine, along with all minerals inside of it.
- Ruminant Muscle Meat and Organs, Cooked as close to Rare as possible to preserve water and mineral content
- Milk and Other Dairy (Preferably Raw and not stored in Plastic, but Glass): Not necessary, especially if you want to reach a state where you can use fat as energy as opposed to dietary Glucose. Yes, Glucose will still be produced in your body. If you take a Glucose Test on this diet you will find it will not read 0. Glucose will be produced as needed from Fats, while the Protein will be preserved to be used once there is no bodyfat or dietary fat that can be used (Late-stage starvation)


1) Estrogens in Milk:
It can contain small amounts of Endogenous Estrogens with a bioavailability of less than 5% (From an already low dose), more likely if the cow has been injected with hormones (Pregnant cows cannot lactate due to Estrogen inhibiting Prolactin), which is already very unlikely and even less so if you get Raw Milk from a source you know such as a local farmer. IGF hormones from milk have no oral bioavailability. Peptides are broken down in the stomach into amino acids, then are absorbed.

2) Antioxidants:
Meat (Muscle especially) contains many essential antioxidants, some of which are not present at all in plants: Taurine, Cysteine, Methionine, Glutathione, Lipoic Acid. The metabolism of animal foods also produce a very strong antioxidant: Uric Acid (It has an efficacy about the same as Vitamin C, only that it is not converted into Oxalic Acid, like Vitamin C)

Even then, animals are able to produce Vitamin C endogenously and store a part in their body, even in the muscles. It is a small dose but not a lot is required. The absorption of Vitamin C in the muscle is done trough the Glucose Transporter 4 which also transports glucose to the muscle, thus the lack of Glucose in the diet will increase absorption of the Vitamin C.

3) Fiber:
It is ridiculous to think you would need Plant Fiber in order to have good digestion. The main reason would be that our consumption of Fiber is relatively recent, although there are still people that deny humans were ever Carnivores and say they used to be "Berry Pickers".

Either way, your intestines are contracting and relaxing in order to keep the food moving through your GI, not Fiber. There is not a single study out there, trustworthy or not, that shows any mechanics or reasons at all to consume Fiber. There is actually one study out there with a small number of participants experiencing chronic constipation where the complete removal of Fiber from the diet removed all symptoms of constipation.

4) Cholesterol:
As above, there is not even any proof, to begin with, that cholesterol was of any issue to people, not dietary or endogenously produced. It is essential. The correlative studies have been debunked by many people and have very recently (this year) been contested.

4) Ask:
I have no idea what else could be of issue or that could be put into question or contested about this topic of Carnivorous eating so feel free to ask

Mentions: @jefferson @Bewusst @john_cope @Cretinous @BigBiceps
EEstrogs in skincare?
Brutal, women are improving while men are becoming bigger bitches. Femdom soon at this rate
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 14262 and SikKunt
Just don't live to avoid xenoestrogens in 2020.
I bet you get estrogen from the air you breath.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 14262, swedecel, Deleted member 685 and 6 others
EEstrogs in skincare?
It depends on the container they come in, they most likely do contain them though.
As for the ingredients it also depends, sunscreens do contain other kinds of estrogen though.
  • Woah
Reactions: FatJattMofo
It depends on the container they come in, they most likely do contain them though.
As for the ingredients it also depends, sunscreens do contain other kinds of estrogen though.
Would you reccomend avoiding skincare that has them? Im thinking plastic is the worst for E but some others maybe not.
Ill have to research every fckn compound
Just don't live to avoid xenoestrogens in 2020.
I bet you get estrogen from the air you breath.
Well burning plant material releases a chemical that if breathed in acts as an anti-estrogen, or at least in vitro it does. jfl
Or tbh i could just treat skincare in its most basic form and get things with low ingredients
Just do nothing bro theory
  • +1
Reactions: Toth's thot
Well burning plant material releases a chemical that if breathed in acts as an anti-estrogen, or at least in vitro it does. jfl
JFL if you don't do weed diets in 2020
JFL if you don't do weed diets in 2020
Certain chemicals in weed are very estrogenic anyway, about as strong as the endogenous estrogen and THC, it decreases the synthesis of Testosterone in the nuts has even been shown to lower T by half.
Or tbh i could just treat skincare in its most basic form and get things with low ingredients
Would you reccomend avoiding skincare that has them? Im thinking plastic is the worst for E but some others maybe not.
Ill have to research every fckn compound
Man just get creams that come in glass containers at least.
  • +1
Reactions: FatJattMofo
I'm not sure what sprouting of the grains is but if it involves soaking them in water, then it will reduce the amount of Zearalenone for example, as it is somewhat water-soluble. Also if you'd want to eat these at all the safest you'd be is with pasta, for example, since it is cooked by boiling it. Also, completely removing the Hormonal Disruptors from the diet is the only way to assure you are at least growing up the best possible way you can.
Of course it should be cooked too but sprouted first. Supposed to reduce antinutrient content as well and make the nutrients in grains or legumes more available.
Certain chemicals in weed are very estrogenic anyway, about as strong as the endogenous estrogen and THC, it decreases the synthesis of Testosterone in the nuts has even been shown to lower T by half.

Man just get creams that come in glass containers at least.
Tbh weed decreases testosterone, i know the effects first hand. Weed should only be used occasionally.
I actually got my t checked when i smoked lots of weed and it was 470 ng if i remember correctly.
Not clinically low but actually low.

I feel definitely better now not smoking at all.
Haven't checked t since but i'm sure it's better.
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Of course it should be cooked too but sprouted first. Supposed to reduce antinutrient content as well and make the nutrients in grains or legumes more available.
I never mentioned cooking, I mentioned soaking them. And also I said it will only remove a large majority of the mycotoxin Zearalenone, I can't speak for any other Xenoestrogen. That is because it is somewhat water-soluble, so yes, soaking the grains in water will take care of that to a certain degree. I am not looking to talk about anti-nutrients and such. It's clear that if the food needs a ton of processing for it to not even be fully healthy to eat then (in the sense that it does not cause any problems such as nutrient malabsorption, GI distress on top of offering very little nutrition, to begin with), it's not really a food you should eat, but one you just insist on eating.
How bioavailable is soy compared to the estrogen in dairy?
you need to shove medium rare chicken tenders up your ass to lose weight in 2019
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I never mentioned cooking, I mentioned soaking them. And also I said it will only remove a large majority of the mycotoxin Zearalenone, I can't speak for any other Xenoestrogen. That is because it is somewhat water-soluble, so yes, soaking the grains in water will take care of that to a certain degree. I am not looking to talk about anti-nutrients and such. It's clear that if the food needs a ton of processing for it to not even be fully healthy to eat then (in the sense that it does not cause any problems such as nutrient malabsorption, GI distress on top of offering very little nutrition, to begin with), it's not really a food you should eat, but one you just insist on eating.
You did mention cooking lol. I even posted a link to a wiki article about what sprouting is because you said you weren't sure about it. Never mind though.
You did mention cooking lol. I even posted a link to a wiki article about what sprouting is because you said you weren't sure about it. Never mind though.
You shouldnt be online
This has to be the biggest jamble of horseshit I've ever read in my entire life, and I Google "biggest jamble of horseshit" everyday. OP 100% sungazes and fucks his daughter to "preserve" his "pure" lineage.
This has to be the biggest jamble of horseshit I've ever read in my entire life, and I Google "biggest jamble of horseshit" everyday. OP 100% sungazes and fucks his daughter to "preserve" his "pure" lineage.
ur a fag
In all seriousness though, where did you get all this knowledge from?

I always thought you were some kiddo idiot
Last edited:
It is ridiculous to think you would need Plant Fiber in order to have good digestion. The main reason would be that our consumption of Fiber is relatively recent, although there are still people that deny humans were ever Carnivores and say they used to be "Berry Pickers".
Yeah I was exactly thinking about this. Primitive man had to really work to get food, like that is what 80% of his existence was centred around. The first thing he did waking up was to set out on a hunt, to ensure he had something to eat. Usually the sun would set by the time he procured a real meal. Jfl at anyone who thinks he had time to actually had time after hunting to go berry picking or actually looking for dem greens :lul: :lul:

- No Water: Animal products that are lightly cooked have a good level of water and minerals inside of it. Consuming too much water will lead to a decrease in Vasopressin, which reabsorbs the water into the bloodstream and stops it from being removed trough urine, along with all minerals inside of it.
I really didn't understand this part boyo. can you explain?? Are you saying drink less?

And can you make a post on primitivemanmaxxing? like diet, sleeping and activities??
  • +1
Reactions: SikKunt
Yeah I was exactly thinking about this. Primitive man had to really work to get food, like that is what 80% of his existence was centred around. The first thing he did waking up was to set out on a hunt, to ensure he had something to eat. Usually the sun would set by the time he procured a real meal. Jfl at anyone who thinks he had time to actually had time after hunting to go berry picking or actually looking for dem greens :lul: :lul:
Exactly, jfl at people saying you should have oatmeal for breakfast.
I really didn't understand this part boyo. can you explain?? Are you saying drink less?
I'm saying replace it with another liquid, meat already has a good amount of water in it, especially raw.
And can you make a post on primitivemanmaxxing? like diet, sleeping and activities??
Idk probably not
Exactly, jfl at people saying you should have oatmeal for breakfast.

I'm saying replace it with another liquid, meat already has a good amount of water in it, especially raw.

Idk probably not
tag me in your posts boyo. Btw have you started following your diet?
  • +1
Reactions: SikKunt
What’s with these autistic carnivore copers?!

Not a single word was read
what if i naturally need to drink 3-4 L a day of water? i can’t quench my thirst with food bro
what if i naturally need to drink 3-4 L a day of water? i can’t quench my thirst with food bro
Try drinking milk instead (Not in plastic container as well as raw preferably)
Try drinking milk instead (Not in plastic container as well as raw preferably)
only water quenches my thirst. plus drinking tons of milk isn’t good for weight loss..
  • JFL
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All plastics have a risk of xenoestrogens?
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The least estrogenic diet you can have:

- No Water: Animal products that are lightly cooked have a good level of water and minerals inside of it. Consuming too much water will lead to a decrease in Vasopressin, which reabsorbs the water into the bloodstream and stops it from being removed trough urine, along with all minerals inside of it.
Ruminant Muscle Meat and Organs, Cooked as close to Rare as possible to preserve water and mineral content
- Milk and Other Dairy (Preferably Raw and not stored in Plastic, but Glass): Not necessary, especially if you want to reach a state where you can use fat as energy as opposed to dietary Glucose. Yes, Glucose will still be produced in your body. If you take a Glucose Test on this diet you will find it will not read 0. Glucose will be produced as needed from Fats, while the Protein will be preserved to be used once there is no bodyfat or dietary fat that can be used (Late-stage starvation)

Dude really said don't drink water, what the fuck is this shit? DON'T EVER take this shit seriously, xenoestrogens do not lower your testosterone enough to matter this much.
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Examples of Xenoestrogens and their sources:

- All plastics (Polyethylene Terephthalate, Polycarbonates, Polystyrenes, Polyethersulfones, Polyvinyls, etc.): Food/Beverage Packaging (Bottles, Cans, ...) Shampoo/Soap Bottles, Shower Cabins/Bathtubs, Shopping Bags, Windows/Doors, Phones, Pens, Eyeglasses, Syringes, IV Bags, Medicine Blisters, Water Pipes, Wiring/Cables, CDs, Computer Peripherals (Older ones contain other chemicals that have been banned now), Carpets/Parquet, Furniture, Certain Clothes etc.
- Plant Mycotoxins (Zearalenones): Wheat, Oats, Barley, Rye, Spelt, Rice, Corn, Sugar Cane, Potatoes, Peanuts, Bananas, etc.
- All water sources (Birth Control/Other Estrogen Forms, Zearalenone, Estrogens from the plastics thrown in water or through which the water has traveled, etc.)
- Fruits, Vegetables and Other Plants Either Used As Food Or Medicine (Either trough Endogenous Estrogens or commonly used Pesticides/Fungicides/Insecticides, etc.)

The least estrogenic diet you can have:

- No Water: Animal products that are lightly cooked have a good level of water and minerals inside of it. Consuming too much water will lead to a decrease in Vasopressin, which reabsorbs the water into the bloodstream and stops it from being removed trough urine, along with all minerals inside of it.
- Ruminant Muscle Meat and Organs, Cooked as close to Rare as possible to preserve water and mineral content
- Milk and Other Dairy (Preferably Raw and not stored in Plastic, but Glass): Not necessary, especially if you want to reach a state where you can use fat as energy as opposed to dietary Glucose. Yes, Glucose will still be produced in your body. If you take a Glucose Test on this diet you will find it will not read 0. Glucose will be produced as needed from Fats, while the Protein will be preserved to be used once there is no bodyfat or dietary fat that can be used (Late-stage starvation)


1) Estrogens in Milk:
It can contain small amounts of Endogenous Estrogens with a bioavailability of less than 5% (From an already low dose), more likely if the cow has been injected with hormones (Pregnant cows cannot lactate due to Estrogen inhibiting Prolactin), which is already very unlikely and even less so if you get Raw Milk from a source you know such as a local farmer. IGF hormones from milk have no oral bioavailability. Peptides are broken down in the stomach into amino acids, then are absorbed.

2) Antioxidants:
Meat (Muscle especially) contains many essential antioxidants, some of which are not present at all in plants: Taurine, Cysteine, Methionine, Glutathione, Lipoic Acid. The metabolism of animal foods also produce a very strong antioxidant: Uric Acid (It has an efficacy about the same as Vitamin C, only that it is not converted into Oxalic Acid, like Vitamin C)

Even then, animals are able to produce Vitamin C endogenously and store a part in their body, even in the muscles. It is a small dose but not a lot is required. The absorption of Vitamin C in the muscle is done trough the Glucose Transporter 4 which also transports glucose to the muscle, thus the lack of Glucose in the diet will increase absorption of the Vitamin C.

3) Fiber:
It is ridiculous to think you would need Plant Fiber in order to have good digestion. The main reason would be that our consumption of Fiber is relatively recent, although there are still people that deny humans were ever Carnivores and say they used to be "Berry Pickers".

Either way, your intestines are contracting and relaxing in order to keep the food moving through your GI, not Fiber. There is not a single study out there, trustworthy or not, that shows any mechanics or reasons at all to consume Fiber. There is actually one study out there with a small number of participants experiencing chronic constipation where the complete removal of Fiber from the diet removed all symptoms of constipation.

4) Cholesterol:
As above, there is not even any proof, to begin with, that cholesterol was of any issue to people, not dietary or endogenously produced. It is essential. The correlative studies have been debunked by many people and have very recently (this year) been contested.

4) Ask:
I have no idea what else could be of issue or that could be put into question or contested about this topic of Carnivorous eating so feel free to ask

Mentions: @jefferson @Bewusst @john_cope @Cretinous @BigBiceps
what a retard guide... you have to eat 10kg of pasta to intake a significant amout of zeranolone and 100 litres of milk to intake some progesterone

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