nope, google "adriana lima metin hara". She mogs him in everything, even in age :lul:

They broke up. Im in fucking shock that they still dated at all tbh. Their relationship lasted over a year. He was also a self help writer = coping that he isnt chad jfl.

Tbh Lima dated that other Marko Jaric, the statusmaxxed 6ft 7 guy with the comedic ipd ratio. Maybe shes a NAWALT unicorn :soy: :soy: JFL
Greycel lurker here with my latest theory and this one is a long one, so it is a bit complex (but it might interest you, if not you are welcome to leave):

So I know a lot of us like to jerk people off based on their bones and facial aesthetics, but the true measurement of a guy’s attractiveness is how great of a girl he can LTR without being in a cuck relationship or completely betabuxxing. So today I decided to create a calculator/calculating method based on my and my friend’s experiences that uses a guy’s stats and different factors to find the best looking girl (PSL wise) that he can get LTR without being a cuck or having to betabux and end up with a gold digger.

I attached the pdf with the whole theory being laid out. It has some basic statistical techniques, and again it is a lengthy read. So goldfish-attention-span-cels might struggle.

The theory is in the primitive phase and could be modified, but I feel it gives a solid basis for what women want in a guy and what you can hope to catch based on your stats. Constructive criticism is welcome, autism is not.

Here is the TL;DR version of the theory: Face is most important, making up most of a guy's attractiveness. But there are 10 other factors that affect your attractiveness to a woman, this aims to quantify them and use them in a calculator to find the PSL of the best girl you can get in a LTR.

Note: Might be lifefuel for some and suicidefuel for others.
my stats:
height halo 0,33
frame halo 0,26
iq halo 0,1
penis halo 0,192
psl 5
i just calculated this stuff but fuck all that reading
@NeanderthalMax so what psl girl can i get
Good post, some cagefuel in there too. Statusmaxxed subhumans leaving santa chad cookies jfl. Overall I would say its a good indicator of your SMV (I'll calc mine later I need to make some measurements.) Im glad you factored in other things that some people here would say is cope, such as humour and presentation (style and hairccut etc) even if they matter little overall. I still have some critisms. I also appriciate that you mention being over 6PSL makes your options unlimited.

Underating frame and muscularity effect on SMV. Having a huge frame and a strong body is extremely dymorphic which is very sexually attractive. I would say frame is alot closer to height in terms of generating SMV. (There are studies for women liking broad shoulders more then men like boobs etc). Increase the frame and muscularity modifiers on SMV.

Penis size.
I am not denying the dickpill, but in comparison to frame and muscularity, penis size is less important for increasing SMV. You have the multipliers at the same value as frame and height, which is false. A big penis will get you laid but big dick worship is a social construct started by pornography. Having a big penis is a cheat card which allows you to bypass alot of your falios for a hookup, due to the novelty of the experience. Size queens are women with a fetish, alot of women wont be size queens.

Style/Hygiene matters more then your personality, humour and IQ etc. Style + Hygienge affects your looks wheras personality and confidence doesnt. I would decrease the value of personality, humour and IQ etc, because having all these without looks will just get you into the friendzone, or as a womans plan B option who they will keep on the side incase they can't do better. I am not saying personality and IQ etc is irrelevant for SMV, but in comparison to style and hygiene personality traits matter less.

Female preferences is irrelevant, I would remove this section entirely. For example if a girl says she likes nerdy guys she just means chad with glasses. People will act interested in what somebodies passions are if they are sexually attracted to them. I can explain in more detail why this is the case if you want.

I also think hypergamy is overrated, people will aim to date their looksmatches. I will make anther post later going into more detail. Reduce the hypergamy modifer for now.
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
I also think hypergamy is overrated, people will aim to date their looksmatches. I will make anther post later going into more detail. Reduce the hypergamy modifer for now.
tag me
Really good guide actually. Couple of things I'd mention:

I'd also add an ethnicity halo/failo for both genders. Ethnicity plays a huge factor in attraction, particularly for womens' attraction towards certain ethnicities of men.
We all know that the vast majority of women relentlessly chase after white or white-passing men, and black women are unpopular for many men. I would add the following failo scores for each gender (the woman's race of course, being the ethnicity you're going for or are open to LTRing)

For the man:
White: 0
Mestizo/MENA/Indo Nordic/Mixed (pass as white)/White-passing ethnic: -0.25
Black/Mixed (doesn't pass as white): -0.3
Asian: -0.4
Indian/Abo: -0.5

For the woman:
White: 0
Mestizo/Mixed/MENA/white-passing ethnic/Asian: +0.25
Indian: +0.35
Black/Abo: +0.5

A Norwooding failo should be added too:
NW 0-1: 0
NW 2: -0.25
NW 3: -0.35
NW 4+: -0.5
Greycel lurker here with my latest theory and this one is a long one, so it is a bit complex (but it might interest you, if not you are welcome to leave):

So I know a lot of us like to jerk people off based on their bones and facial aesthetics, but the true measurement of a guy’s attractiveness is how great of a girl he can LTR without being in a cuck relationship or completely betabuxxing. So today I decided to create a calculator/calculating method based on my and my friend’s experiences that uses a guy’s stats and different factors to find the best looking girl (PSL wise) that he can get LTR without being a cuck or having to betabux and end up with a gold digger.

I attached the pdf with the whole theory being laid out. It has some basic statistical techniques, and again it is a lengthy read. So goldfish-attention-span-cels might struggle.

The theory is in the primitive phase and could be modified, but I feel it gives a solid basis for what women want in a guy and what you can hope to catch based on your stats. Constructive criticism is welcome, autism is not.

Here is the TL;DR version of the theory: Face is most important, making up most of a guy's attractiveness. But there are 10 other factors that affect your attractiveness to a woman, this aims to quantify them and use them in a calculator to find the PSL of the best girl you can get in a LTR.

Note: Might be lifefuel for some and suicidefuel for others.
all this and i still fucked your mom
Good post, some cagefuel in there too. Statusmaxxed subhumans leaving santa chad cookies jfl. Overall I would say its a good indicator of your SMV (I'll calc mine later I need to make some measurements.) Im glad you factored in other things that some people here would say is cope, such as humour and presentation (style and hairccut etc) even if they matter little overall. I still have some critisms. I also appriciate that you mention being over 6PSL makes your options unlimited.

Underating frame and muscularity effect on SMV. Having a huge frame and a strong body is extremely dymorphic which is very sexually attractive. I would say frame is alot closer to height in terms of generating SMV. (There are studies for women liking broad shoulders more then men like boobs etc). Increase the frame and muscularity modifiers on SMV.

Penis size.
I am not denying the dickpill, but in comparison to frame and muscularity, penis size is less important for increasing SMV. You have the multipliers at the same value as frame and height, which is false. A big penis will get you laid but big dick worship is a social construct started by pornography. Having a big penis is a cheat card which allows you to bypass alot of your falios for a hookup, due to the novelty of the experience. Size queens are women with a fetish, alot of women wont be size queens.

Style/Hygiene matters more then your personality, humour and IQ etc. Style + Hygienge affects your looks wheras personality and confidence doesnt. I would decrease the value of personality, humour and IQ etc, because having all these without looks will just get you into the friendzone, or as a womans plan B option who they will keep on the side incase they can't do better. I am not saying personality and IQ etc is irrelevant for SMV, but in comparison to style and hygiene personality traits matter less.

Female preferences is irrelevant, I would remove this section entirely. For example if a girl says she likes nerdy guys she just means chad with glasses. People will act interested in what somebodies passions are if they are sexually attracted to them. I can explain in more detail why this is the case if you want.

I also think hypergamy is overrated, people will aim to date their looksmatches. I will make anther post later going into more detail. Reduce the hypergamy modifer for now.
Tag me too
Greycel lurker here with my latest theory and this one is a long one, so it is a bit complex (but it might interest you, if not you are welcome to leave):

So I know a lot of us like to jerk people off based on their bones and facial aesthetics, but the true measurement of a guy’s attractiveness is how great of a girl he can LTR without being in a cuck relationship or completely betabuxxing. So today I decided to create a calculator/calculating method based on my and my friend’s experiences that uses a guy’s stats and different factors to find the best looking girl (PSL wise) that he can get LTR without being a cuck or having to betabux and end up with a gold digger.

I attached the pdf with the whole theory being laid out. It has some basic statistical techniques, and again it is a lengthy read. So goldfish-attention-span-cels might struggle.

The theory is in the primitive phase and could be modified, but I feel it gives a solid basis for what women want in a guy and what you can hope to catch based on your stats. Constructive criticism is welcome, autism is not.

Here is the TL;DR version of the theory: Face is most important, making up most of a guy's attractiveness. But there are 10 other factors that affect your attractiveness to a woman, this aims to quantify them and use them in a calculator to find the PSL of the best girl you can get in a LTR.

Note: Might be lifefuel for some and suicidefuel for others.
face 4.75
ffmi 0.11+
height 0.2+
frame 0.25
iq 0.07
girth 0.075
personality slayer 0.05
confidence 0.05
hygiene + nt = 0.02 xdxd
status = 0
want not average girls body(slim/hot) -0.3

4.3 psl girl i can get, ive gotten better so theory fail gg wp

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