How to find your niche on masculinity

Got laid as in had to lie down from being too exhausted tying his shoes
Huh? I run a 5:02 1 mile and 7:27 1.5 mile. Watch your mouth incel
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If you're considering become a pretty boy stop right there, "pretty boys are born not made" you should focus on masculinitymaxxing because is more guarentee results, and you are not gonna age like shit as pretty boy would.
There types of masculine looks
  1. Super hero look
  2. Dom look
  3. Mysterious look
  4. Ogry look​
The super hero look
This is best masculine look you can have because is versatility, you can look high trust or low trust and have any haircut.
You gonna need:

  • Eyes above average
  • Strong Jawline
  • A nice frame
  • Good muscles
  • Your face can't be too trustworthy and not too low trustworthy
  • Being NT
  • Act like the leader of your group
  • And being above 6'1 tall
In styling you can use any type of haircut and beard length and it's gonna look good.
Clothing is the typical basics t shirts, denim jackets, mike or adidas and have a suit for social occassions.
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It's hardest type of masculinity to achieve but is the better you have, and this type you gonna attract women for any niches.
Is more common to white and white passing guys have this look.

The dom look
This is the most used by guys because is more easier to achieve but can give great results because one guy here achieved 100+ matches on tinder by using this look.
You gonna need:
  • A average face with a masculine feature like jaw or eyed
  • Being ripped
  • Being nt and having nt hobbies like going to bars and clubs
  • Being above 5'9
  • Have a stubble
  • And use accessories
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In styling you should use short haircut but not fade, and use stubble not a huge beard is gonna look try hard.
In clothing you need be on fashion uses some trend clothes, use nice accessories and use like gucci or some another trend shit for shoes
This type of look is common in all races
The mysterious look
This masculinity look is the closest thing to a pretty boy on masculinity, it's rare to see so you gonna have a specific niche of younger girls, so if you live in a county where you live the age of consent is 18 it's gonna be more hard to get girls
You gonna need:
  • High PFL the minimum being 32
  • Narrow eyes
  • A jaw who doesn't looks recessed or bloated
  • A lean body
  • Being above 5'11
  • Having a clean shave
  • And not being too social but not in aspie tier
  • Medium or long hair
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In styling you can look ok or good with short or buzzcut but hair is important to your looks, beards are not a friend on your case but stubble maybe can look good in this type but is rare.
In clothing use vintage style and some chucky tailor all star or Van's shoes.
It's extreme white dominated because is rare to see a ethnic with these features
The ogry look
This looks is the least desirable for women because is ugly but if follow this you can have some pussy.
You gonna need:
  • A face who is ugly but looks masculine in some way
  • Having bodybuilders/boxers frame tier
  • Being above 6'3
  • Be super NT
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In styling you gonna need use buzzcut or shaved head, beard is optional but if you're truly recessed is better to use.
In clothing use masculine like leather jacket, wife beater, and use boots.
A thing that matters on dating apps here is using NT pics, because aspie pics makes more hard to slay to everyone. Use pics where you're outside with good quality and lighting.
More common in blacks and some white guys
@tyronelite @streege
Can you rock super hero look if you meet other requirements but just under 6'1
If you're considering become a pretty boy stop right there, "pretty boys are born not made" you should focus on masculinitymaxxing because is more guarentee results, and you are not gonna age like shit as pretty boy would.
There types of masculine looks
  1. Super hero look
  2. Dom look
  3. Mysterious look
  4. Ogry look​
The super hero look
This is best masculine look you can have because is versatility, you can look high trust or low trust and have any haircut.
You gonna need:

  • Eyes above average
  • Strong Jawline
  • A nice frame
  • Good muscles
  • Your face can't be too trustworthy and not too low trustworthy
  • Being NT
  • Act like the leader of your group
  • And being above 6'1 tall
In styling you can use any type of haircut and beard length and it's gonna look good.
Clothing is the typical basics t shirts, denim jackets, mike or adidas and have a suit for social occassions.
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It's hardest type of masculinity to achieve but is the better you have, and this type you gonna attract women for any niches.
Is more common to white and white passing guys have this look.

The dom look
This is the most used by guys because is more easier to achieve but can give great results because one guy here achieved 100+ matches on tinder by using this look.
You gonna need:
  • A average face with a masculine feature like jaw or eyed
  • Being ripped
  • Being nt and having nt hobbies like going to bars and clubs
  • Being above 5'9
  • Have a stubble
  • And use accessories
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In styling you should use short haircut but not fade, and use stubble not a huge beard is gonna look try hard.
In clothing you need be on fashion uses some trend clothes, use nice accessories and use like gucci or some another trend shit for shoes
This type of look is common in all races
The mysterious look
This masculinity look is the closest thing to a pretty boy on masculinity, it's rare to see so you gonna have a specific niche of younger girls, so if you live in a county where you live the age of consent is 18 it's gonna be more hard to get girls
You gonna need:
  • High PFL the minimum being 32
  • Narrow eyes
  • A jaw who doesn't looks recessed or bloated
  • A lean body
  • Being above 5'11
  • Having a clean shave
  • And not being too social but not in aspie tier
  • Medium or long hair
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In styling you can look ok or good with short or buzzcut but hair is important to your looks, beards are not a friend on your case but stubble maybe can look good in this type but is rare.
In clothing use vintage style and some chucky tailor all star or Van's shoes.
It's extreme white dominated because is rare to see a ethnic with these features
The ogry look
This looks is the least desirable for women because is ugly but if follow this you can have some pussy.
You gonna need:
  • A face who is ugly but looks masculine in some way
  • Having bodybuilders/boxers frame tier
  • Being above 6'3
  • Be super NT
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In styling you gonna need use buzzcut or shaved head, beard is optional but if you're truly recessed is better to use.
In clothing use masculine like leather jacket, wife beater, and use boots.
A thing that matters on dating apps here is using NT pics, because aspie pics makes more hard to slay to everyone. Use pics where you're outside with good quality and lighting.
More common in blacks and some white guys
@tyronelite @streege
In my opinion the only facial difference between prettyboys and masculine men is jaw width.

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