How to fix my weak lower third

How to fix my weak lower third

  • double jaw surgery + custom jaw implants + genioplasty

  • facial hair + double jaw surgery + custom jaw implants + genioplasty

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Short Ugly and Brown

Short Ugly and Brown

This account has NO relation to Nathaniel M.
Oct 12, 2019

i can grow a full beard out very easily i just dont like doing it bc it makes me look more ethnicel-like

i can get my jaw and chin surgeries but have to wait at least another few months until im older
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  • JFL
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you aren’t 3psl jfl
  • JFL
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Terrible angle
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mirin eye area,son
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Consult with a few nearby surgeons and ask them what procedures they'd advise you.
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Are you even sure you're a candidate for double jaw?
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i can grow a full beard out very easily i just dont like doing it bc it makes me look more ethnicel-like

i can get my jaw and chin surgeries but have to wait at least another few months until im older

first cut that horrible hair
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Jaw is law, beard is fraud
Get an implant, or you rot
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Have you considered that you may only need a BSSO (lower jaw only)? When you bite naturallly, do your molars line up? Current status of your wisdom teeth?

Getting an implant when you have a retruded mandible is a very bad idea. Getting an implant AFTER a BSSO is god-tier ascension. See a professional, srs.
Have you considered that you may only need a BSSO (lower jaw only)? When you bite naturallly, do your molars line up? Current status of your wisdom teeth?

Getting an implant when you have a retruded mandible is a very bad idea. Getting an implant AFTER a BSSO is god-tier ascension. See a professional, srs.
i do NOT have maloclussion so i would need double jaw as i was told
You looks like getting suffocated and trying to be sexy at the same time, SHUT UP YOUR MOUTH AND STOP OF SQUINTING YOU NARCY FAGGOT.
do you have anything better to do than make fun of a 17 year old khhv with low self esteem due to being rejected by every girl hes asked out?

U can check any other photos of me: i look practically the same in all, i dont know why ur jealous of my appearance so much to the point where you have to send me hateful comments
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do you have anything better to do than make fun of a 17 year old khhv with low self esteem due to being rejected by every girl hes asked out
U can check any other photos of me: i look practically the same in all, i dont know why ur jealous of my appearance so much to the point where you have to send me hateful comments

No im not, i make these with everyone that seems a famale narcy, you are obviously a larp tho.
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No im not, i make these with everyone that seems a famale narcy, you are obviously a larp tho.
how am i narcissistic

if u want i can pm you my location and ill pay u to help me get a girlfriend, i wouldnt be here 24/7 if i was a larp

i get NOTHING in school, all the girls ignore me, the ugly and hot ones, i had a terrible recent experience too

R 10206907 159844

this is one of my buddies that had a fling with one of the girls i was approaching in the past few weeks, you can tell hes like my looksmatch and hes even shorter than me (5foot6) (I am 5foot8), but the reason he slept with her was bc hes white

i would record my approaches but i would get destroyed by people here for having a nasal high pitched voice and stuttering when i talk to / ask out girls

if i was taller, white, and goodlooking then i wouldnt have speech issues when talking to girls since my self esteem would be higher
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  • JFL
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do you have anything better to do than make fun of a 17 year old khhv with low self esteem due to being rejected by every girl hes asked out?
he is right, either you larp either you have issues. humans especially those so-called in need / difficulties as you claim to be, don't take such pic with such fraud, expression and every stuff.
and what's the point of a bimax or genio when you don't even take a proper side pic ?
what even is this pose ?
how can we even help you?
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  • WTF
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he is right, either you larp either you have issues. humans especially those so-called in need / difficulties as you claim to be, don't take such pic with such fraud, expression and every stuff.
and what's the point of a bimax or genio when you don't even take a proper side pic ?
what even is this pose ?
how can we even help you?
you are the one frauding ive seen your photos you even stretched out the photo you sent me laterally to make it look like u have a compact midface

you always claim to get a bunch of girls which u are 99% like lying about too since when ive been on college campuses its usually a 6 psl tall ethnic who stands out that ends up dating a 4/10 girl that ends up cheating on him anyways with a white jock

Your probably my looksmatch in your non-photoshopped photos anyways, oh and since we are gonna attack each other
-get rid of your curry bowlcut hairstyle
-get a rhino to fix your 2 inch wide nasal base
-stop squinting

put on ignore since it seems you are just here to hate since im not as ethnic-looking as you
you always claim to get a bunch of girls which u are 99% like lying about too since when ive been on college campuses its usually a 6 psl tall ethnic who stands out that ends up dating a 4/10 girl that ends up cheating on him anyways with a white jock
i've never Said that i've got a gf jfl i Saïd that girls used to want have a relation with me some of them yes.
why lying here ? what will you reach by that ?
you are the one frauding ive seen your photos you even stretched out the photo you sent me laterally to make it look like u have a compact midface
i never fraud pic tbh but keep believing it.

and you look more ethnic than me tbh but is fine whatever it is. thing is i feel like you'r here for some odd reason and i don't understand why you larp so hard ?

people here can know who is autistic enough and larping and who is not.
jfl if you think i have ever had hate toward anybody.

i wish you stop larping tho or take care of your illness
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-get off these forums for ur mental helsth
-speech therapist
-regular therapy
-see max faco surgeon for a consultation
i've never Said that i've got a gf jfl i Saïd that girls used to want have a relation with me some of them yes.
why lying here ? what will you reach by that ?
becausee you and i both know you arent telling the truth

most if not all women look at the face first then height/race afterwards

even if a guy is a model, but hes like indian and 5foot4, they wont date him

why would they want to have kids that are goodlooking but will get bullied in school and will be dwarfs in height by comparison?

more than 90% of women would rather have kids with a tall white man and have the kids do braces and plastic surgery to fix their looks that way, its not like u can go from 5foot2 to 6foot2 or rice to white with a surgery lol
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becausee you and i both know you arent telling the truth

most if not all women look at the face first then height/race afterwards

even if a guy is a model, but hes like indian and 5foot4, they wont date him

why would they want to have kids that are goodlooking but will get bullied in school and will be dwarfs in height by comparison?

more than 90% of women would rather have kids with a tall white man and have the kids do braces and plastic surgery to fix their looks that way, its not like u can go from 5foot2 to 6foot2 or rice to white with a surgery lol
bro stop the delusion....
yes phenopill is Real but if you'r gl it's not so much of a handicap
-get off these forums for ur mental helsth
-speech therapist
-regular therapy
-see max faco surgeon for a consultation
i dont have speech therapists it only occurs when i start talking to a girl that i like a lot versus some random girl i found at school

and its not even that i have other issues with legs shaking and not walking properly when i am in a conversation with them about some random crap
your primar issue is to act like a normal beeing.
and asking to be the bf of everyfoid in hs is not one tbh
take an undistorted pic first lmao, in your second pic i saw taken from distance didn't even look like you had narrow jaw
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bro stop the delusion....
yes phenopill is Real but if you'r gl it's not so much of a handicap
yes but if u are white u can be deformed looking and still score hot girls

thats why i say only ethnics can be incels, they have to be above average facially and AT LEAST average height to get anywhere

your primar issue is to act like a normal beeing.
and asking to be the bf of everyfoid in hs is not one tbh
even before i start stuttering or speaking in high pitch i get the vibes that the girl doesnt like me, stuff like looking down or ignoring me or saying they have to go. if it was tyler maher would she "have to go to class right now?" :lul::lul::lul::lul:
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take an undistorted pic first lmao, in your second pic i saw taken from distance didn't even look like you had narrow jaw
this tbh, take a proper pic. the first time that i've saw u i've Saïd it and you keep acting the same.

here my sincere advice take it or leave it :
before everyting fix you mentality.

even if you become a chad it won't change shit with thé one you have rn
yes but if u are white u can be deformed looking and still score hot girls

thats why i say only ethnics can be incels, they have to be above average facially and AT LEAST average height to get anywhere

even before i start stuttering or speaking in high pitch i get the vibes that the girl doesnt like me, stuff like looking down or ignoring me or saying they have to go. if it was tyler maher would she "have to go to class right now?" :lul::lul::lul::lul:
no.... jfl even Maher can't act autistically...
and get laid other than with low class girls
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Reactions: Deleted member 2227 and Short Ugly and Brown
this tbh, take a proper pic. the first time that i've saw u i've Saïd it and you keep acting the same.

here my sincere advice take it or leave it :
before everyting fix you mentality.

even if you become a chad it won't change shit with thé one you have rn
no.... jfl even Maher can't act autistically...
and get laid other than with low class girls
the issue isnt my mentality, i still didnt get matches on tinder

some issues i can think of are
-abysmal lower third
-not masculine enough
-short (5foot8)
-gymcel (girls hate ugly short brown guys that overcompensate with muscles)

its probably a combination of those six but when i asked the friends of the girls i asked out what they told them it was usally that the girl i asked out told them
-hes indian (even tho im not, im persian)
-hes short

most girls cant even rate faces properly but i think once or twice they said behind my back i was ugly
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even before i start stuttering or speaking in high pitch i get the vibes that the girl doesnt like me, stuff like looking down or ignoring me or saying they have to go. if it was tyler maher would she "have to go to class right now?" :lul::lul::lul::lul:

Ok, made videos approaching girls or print of conversations, also take better photos, you still not proved nothing.
Some user said that your voice sounds autistic, what is the problem with your voice? you know that if you have a big failo, comical failo like a thin/weak voice so maybe your problem is not looks or race?
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idk my friend asked 3 of the girls i asked out what they thought of me and he said that 2 of them said i sound like Fogell aka MClovin,

so yes my voice sounds very autistic and high pitched, will not post it here, but i dont think its the main reason im rotting on discord and reddit

im still barely taller than most girls at 5foot8 (i recently bought 2 inch lifts)

my face lacks bones basically everywhere excecpt my upper third

and im a persian ethnicel

Post better photos with neutral position with a arm of distance and post here, your problem is not looks, it's your comical voice, check mate now, stop of saiyng that your race or looks is the problem now.
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Post better photos with neutral position with a arm of distance and post here, your problem is not looks, it's your comical voice, check mate now, stop of saiyng that your race or looks is the problem now.
voice doesnt matter its all about looks
@OwlGod here can i pm you a video of me talking to my friend at school?

you can honestly tell me if my voice is the issue then
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  • JFL
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op is a 4/10 or 4 psl

he has pretty bad harmony.
  • Woah
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op is a 4/10 or 4 psl

he has pretty bad harmony.
i got rated 3.5/10 by faceandlms

He's the best rater

That's why I don't get why pp here are saying my looks aren't the issue
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show a better picture man i can't see shit with that picture
i can clearly see ur narrow jaw, long midface and bigness tho
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show a better picture man i can't see shit with that picture
i can clearly see ur narrow jaw, long midface and bigness tho
So then why is it a bad picture if u can see my flaws?

At least your sensible enough to say it as it is, the reason I don't get girls is because I'm ugly.
show a better picture man i can't see shit with that picture
i can clearly see ur narrow jaw, long midface and bigness tho
Even my mom told me I should stop asking out girls and become a doctor instead and not date but get married after 12 years of university studying (hinting to the fact that I'm a subhuman)

I am a genetically predisposed betabuxx, hell I might even be uglier than most betabuxxes

I am starting to think that a surrogate mother might be my future since all the girls I've ever liked didn't like me.
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Even my mom told me I should stop asking out girls and become a doctor instead and not date but get married after 12 years of university studying (hinting to the fact that I'm a subhuman)

I am a genetically predisposed betabuxx, hell I might even be uglier than most betabuxxes

I am starting to think that a surrogate mother might be my future since all the girls I've ever liked didn't like me.
just betabux tbh
I always get panic attacks when the lights in my bathroom turn on and show my hideous face

I always try to not make eye contact with girls because I know my face bothers them.

It's best for me to stay online here and in Forever Alone discord servers since obviously my looks are abysmal

I post a photo and ask if I should grow a beard or not and everyone just points out that I'm ugly.

That's probably the same thing a teacher thinks when I ask a question in class or when I ask another girl a question about school just like with what happened 2 days ago.
just betabux tbh
I'm uglier than most betabuxxers if not all of them
just chew brah
Screenshot 20191024 172835

Ropemaxx asap. You're a chad
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just betabux tbh

Women are over rated before this black pill shit barely used to care about this reproduction but i swear this forum is making me want foids which is a bit estranged tbh Your gonna say cope but before this i never apporached or barely ever looked at girls
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Women are over rated before this black pill shit barely used to care about this reproduction but i swear this forum is making me want foids which is a bit estranged tbh Your gonna say cope but before this i never apporached or barely ever looked at girls
Yes girl= version of boy with a hole and has racial preferences in dating
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I can imagine i never approached cause i'm not dumb enough they will call cops
Yes I got detention for asking out a girl that was the worst thing that happened

If you are ugly, not white, or short girls will be insulted by you thinking you deserve to date them
Yes I got detention for asking out a girl that was the worst thing that happened

If you are ugly, not white, or short girls will be insulted by you thinking you deserve to date them

Again over rated whores that don't deserve the worship people here give them
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Reactions: Short Ugly and Brown
Again over rated whores that don't deserve the worship people here give them
The main worship is see is like on Reddit's r-"/truerateme below average to average looking girls with plenty of bad features being mass overrated and ego inflated

Part of the reason there's so many incels is due to girls getting orbited by guys and girls thinking they are a Stacy as a result of that
The main worship is see is like on Reddit's r-"/truerateme below average to average looking girls with plenty of bad features being mass overrated and ego inflated

Part of the reason there's so many incels is due to girls getting orbited by guys and girls thinking they are a Stacy as a result of that

Disagree with the 2nd part even if the 80 percent of the world was incel women still woudn't care they can be choosey we can't it's not how nature designed us
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OP's cope is so transparent it should be illegal.

He is so insecure about his ugly angle and squint frauding, that he accuses others of frauding in this thread.

JFL what a meme.
  • JFL
Reactions: Short Ugly and Brown
OP's cope is so transparent it should be illegal.

He is so insecure about his ugly angle and squint frauding, that he accuses others of frauding in this thread.

JFL what a meme.
How am I squinting? Go look at all my other photos they look the same

I literally took this right before I went to bed, your probably are some ugly white dude that's uglier than me and is mad I'm exposing ur halo
  • JFL
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