How to gain 15KG (33lb) of quality mass in 8 weeks



Here to help.
Sep 1, 2023
The title is enough of an explanation.

This is the method that worked for me. If you follow the proper steps, it will likely work for you too.

I don't consider my results wondrous by any stretch of the imagination, but definitely on the higher end. With the following guide, I would realistically expect to gain anywhere between 7-15kg depending on your genetics, eating habits and training schedule. If you are a skinny guy, expect to gain a lot using this method.

The following information should only be used and applied by those 18+. I take absolutely no responsibility for anyone following this guide, and those with underdeveloped brains should most definitely not be using PEDs, so I strongly suggest against children attempting this. I know you will do it anyway, just know I'm telling you not to.

Now that's out of the way.

What you will need.
1. A dropper bottle of LGD-4033 - A typical bottle should last you enough for a full cycle. I will expand on this later.
2. Some form of liver guard - I prefer N-Acetyl Cysteine.
3. A gym membership - Whichever gym you like will work. Needs to have free weights and machines in order to complete optimal training.
4. A shit load of food - Make sure you have enough money to buy quality food consistently, and a lot of it.

LGD-4033. The Most Important Piece of the Puzzle.
LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) is a mass-gaining SARM plain and simple. SARMs essentially "bind" to androgen receptors, replacing testosterone, and help you to gain muscle, fast. The strength of LGD has been measured at 500:1 with pure T, meaning it's 500 times stronger on a gram for gram basis.

It is not a dry compound like RAD or Anavar, but a wet one, so along with the muscle mass gain, you will also put on some water weight and minor amounts of fat if you're eating far too much. LGD can be sourced from a variety of places online, I suggest browsing Reddit to find notable trusted vendors that will deliver you what you paid for. Keep in mind LGD is a research chemical and is not legal in most places. I seriously doubt you'd get into trouble for possessing or using it, but it is quite hard to find a "real" source for this reason. Fakes online will sell you prohormones labelled as SARMs and they can do serious damage, so don't try to cut corners and save money on this step, it's not worth it.

LGD should be taken about 30-45 minutes before a gym session, so it kicks in right before you start. As soon as you hop on, the effects will be immediately noticeable. Massively increased stamina. Increased strength. Harder pumps. The entire gym experience is elevated.

The cycle I followed was the following. Each dose was taken 30-45 minutes before the gym, and I was working out 5 times a week. Be sure to dose 7 times a week regardless of your gym schedule, as the compound also helps massively with muscle growth and recovery. A typical bottle will run 10mg/ml, so these doses are less than 1ml taken orally. Typically, SARMs taste like battery acid, so try to have some gum around to mask the taste. I wouldn't recommend mixing it with anything.

Week 1 - 5mg / day
Week 2 - 5mg / day
Week 3 - 5mg / day
Week 4 - 5mg / day
Week 5 - 6mg / day
Week 6 - 6mg / day
Week 7 - 7mg / day
Week 8 - 7mg / day

The reason for the tapering up is to account for any potential plateaus. Don't listen to anyone who says you need to use upwards of 8mg per day in order for the compound to be effective. You can see noticeable changes after 8 weeks on even 2mg / day. 5mg / day is a responsible dose, and anything higher will lead to negligible returns that will be outweighed by the increase in testosterone suppression and negative side effects.

Visual changes will start to kick around the 3-week mark. You'll see increased definition and general mass. By 8 weeks your physique will be unrecognisable. I've done this exact cycle twice and gained over 10kg both times. I started at 69kg, and after my first cycle I was 85. I then stopped working out for a while, dropped to 75 and gained back to 85 on another cycle. Both cycles lasted 8 weeks. I am planning to replicate this exact cycle again starting this week, starting at 80kg and working my way up to roughly 100kg, on and off the gear. If you continue working out after your cycle as I did the first time, you can easily retain around 80% or more of any gained mass. After my first cycle, I sat at 85kg until I stopped working out.

Although LGD is suppressive, if you're a healthy young man, PCT is not needed. Some people have suggested SERMs as I believe @pneumocystosis did in his thread a while ago about RAD, but these are not really necessary. If you'd like, for peace of mind, pick up some Enclo and run that in the last 4 weeks of your cycle, and for the 4 weeks following your cycle. RAD has far more known side effects than LGD, so despite LGD's harsher strength, it is generally safer on your hair and balls.

Protecting your liver.
LGD and most other oral compounds are liver-toxic, but this issue is easily navigable and preventable by picking up some NAC online or from a local store. N-acetyl cysteine is a hospital-grade liver guard that's used to treat people with liver diseases and poisoning, so it'll work on you. Take a gram of it in some water or with a capsule (preferred as it tastes like rotten eggs and citric acid) at any point during the day, every day, and you will have no issues.

While on SARMs you shouldn't really be drinking any alcohol at all. I made the mistake the first time of taking my NAC inconsistently, got incredibly drunk one night and woke up feeling like someone had shot me in my stomach. Having liver damage is extremely painful, so don't skip this step. I have found, however, that drinking while on SARMs is fine if you're taking NAC consistently in higher doses in my experience, and it's also good for preventing hangovers, so I take it often before I go out nowadays. Don't take my word for it though.

Gym membership and split.
You need to work out HARD to see the gains. This is fucking obvious. I ran a modified PPL split wherein my Mondays were dedicated to push (great way to start the week), Tuesdays were pull days, Wednesdays were leg days, Thursdays were push days and Fridays were pull days. The increased recovery time with LGD means you can essentially hit the gym every day and feel fine, but your muscles need to regrow after being damaged in order to get stronger, so be sure to take some time off. As crazy as this may sound, you can even take a 4-5 days straight off working out at about the 6-7 week mark if you want to see some serious strength increases. I did this on my second cycle and increased my bench max by 15kg. Give shit time to happen and it will happen. If anyone wants my exact split let me know and I will comment it. Keep in mind it is tailored to how I like to work out and might not be right for you, but generally it's pretty balanced.

A gym session should last you no longer than an hour. Prioritise volume on working sets. The more reps you can get out, the more muscle fibres you're breaking down. I would normally end my sessions with drop sets of one particular exercise, on pull days it was seated bicep curls, on push days it was chest press or pectoral flies. This is IMO the best way to maximise gains on a cycle, as you squeeze every last drop of energy and endurance out before leaving the gym. People who are in the gym for more than an hour a day are wasting their time, taking breaks that are too long, or getting distracted. You should not physically be able to continue after an hour of hard physical exertion. If you're not tired by the time you leave, change your split, it's not working.

Lots of quality food. I never drank a single protein shake or any sort of "muscle-gaining" product during any of my cycles. All you need to do is eat a lot of food and work out hard. I would typically have two bowls of cereal for breakfast, a large lunch and two servings of dinner, along with extra snacks and a lot of flavoured milk. Not exactly the cleanest diet of all time, but if you're a skinny cunt, it doesn't fucking matter, just eat, and you can burn the fat off once you're not victim weight anymore.

Most of the meat I was eating was beef and chicken, as these are pretty lean, but as long as you're consuming a decent amount of protein, you'll be fine. I didn't track macros. If you think you haven't hit your macro goals for the day, just eat more food. It's not that fucking hard. You will not be making any gains if you're not consuming well in excess of what you usually do.

When to stop.
Stop the cycle immediately if you're feeling sick, gaining cystic body acne, or feeling seriously suppressed. These are not good signs. Minor hair shedding is normal and not permanent, and this is even worse when using RAD. There may be some minor sides you may notice beside this, but you can look up research papers on LGD and come to your own conclusion. Personally, the worst side I got was a bit of extra hair coming out after a shower. A small trade-off for getting fucking yolked in 2 months.

I am open to answering any questions about this topic. I won't be sharing any pictures because that's not something that I ever do or ever will do. You can take my word for it or not, but I wouldn't write this all up just to talk shit. I'm not trying to sell you anything, do your own research and make sure that this is possible and responsible for you to do.

You don't need any other compounds to make this work. This is literally the only $100 you'll ever spend on a 30ml bottle that will change your fucking life forever. No need for MK677, no need for PCT, no need to inject, nothing. The choice is yours anon.
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  • JFL
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roids mog ngl
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u cant put 15kg of raw mass in 8 weeks even with insulin igf-1 and hgh
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  • JFL
Reactions: TalesFromTheSlums, 20/04/2008, ripikke and 17 others
u cant put 15kg of raw mass in 8 weeks even with insulin igf-1 and hgh
I did it following this exact method. It was not all muscle, but it was mass. I went from benching 60kg to 100 in 8 weeks.
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  • JFL
  • Ugh..
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I did this with just Test/Deca/Anavar and I gained a fuckton of mass. I have been sick for almost 2 weeks straight and I have not been eating and sometimes missing injections on days where I was extremely sick and I still look amazing
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mirin bro read the whole thing
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stopped reading at

15KG (33lb) of quality mass​

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  • JFL
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Tbh I think the best cycle for Hella Mass has gotta be test deca anadrol hgh slin
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  • JFL
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Tbh I think the best cycle for Hella Mass has gotta be test deca anadrol hgh slin
Maybe true, but this is a generally low-impact cycle that doesn't require any injecting, PCT or "real" anabolics, and will generally be a lot cheaper than that cycle as well. Personal preference if you'd rather run something bioidentical (like test), a variety of compounds as you've said, or one SARM.

I can't imagine that cycle being good for you at all considering it's mixing 5 injectables and orals together in one cocktail. Definitely not for most of the readers of this site who are inexperienced.
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Maybe true, but this is a generally low-impact cycle that doesn't require any injecting, PCT or "real" anabolics, and will generally be a lot cheaper than that cycle as well. Personal preference if you'd rather run something bioidentical (like test), a variety of compounds as you've said, or one SARM.

I can't imagine that cycle being good for you at all considering it's mixing 5 injectables and orals together in one cocktail. Definitely not for most of the readers of this site who are inexperienced.
Yeah jfl that's a hard-core bber cycle. A "looksmax" cycle would be just testosterone or testosterone + masteron. Maybe Test primo mast
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why are u scared of showing physique jfl
I'm just a relatively private person. I also don't particularly feel the need to prove anything to you considering I gain nothing besides self-satisfaction from taking the time to write up this thread.
  • JFL
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Don't knock it til you try it. Proof is in the pudding.
I can knock it because I did that exact procedure and confirm it’s a load of rubbish. Either roids or cope. Not even sure how this thread got upvoted tbh
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I can knock it because I did that exact procedure and confirm it’s a load of rubbish. Either roids or cope. Not even sure how this thread got upvoted tbh
Honestly must have been either user error, bunk gear, or a rare case of a complete non-responder. SARMs work, that's the truth.

If you were using them dosed appropriately, I don't see why (if the shit was real) that you'd have had an unsatisfactory experience, but it's a shame you did.

Hopefully you found something that works
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Honestly must have been either user error, bunk gear, or a rare case of a complete non-responder. SARMs work, that's the truth.

If you were using them dosed appropriately, I don't see why (if the shit was real) that you'd have had an unsatisfactory experience, but it's a shame you did.

Hopefully you found something that works
It’s probably just my frame is huge so it had minimal effect. That’s why I need roids sarms are useless for me
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stopped reading at

15KG (33lb) of quality mass​

People don't realise even bodybuilders using almost every steroid that exists don't put on that much of mass even in one year.
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step 1: gain 1 kg of muscle in that time
step 2: shove a 14kg lead dragon dildo up your ass
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  • JFL
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It’s probably just my frame is huge so it had minimal effect. That’s why I need roids sarms are useless for me
Yeah fair enough, I can see that. As I said in the guide I started skinny, so that's why it worked so well for me. At that point I'd been working out for 2 years but never really ate enough, so the combination of proper eating plus the SARMs worked wonders.
Yeah fair enough, I can see that. As I said in the guide I started skinny, so that's why it worked so well for me. At that point I'd been working out for 2 years but never really ate enough, so the combination of proper eating plus the SARMs worked wonders.
Yeh I did that I just got fat lol
  • JFL
Reactions: MogsMost
People don't realise even bodybuilders using almost every steroid that exists don't put on that much of mass even in one year.
It is because bodybuilders have reached their natural potential, whereas I had barely scratched it. Kind of a false comparison to make, as I said in the guide I started sub 70kg.
It is because bodybuilders have reached their natural potential, whereas I had barely scratched it. Kind of a false comparison to make, as I said in the guide I started sub 70kg.

They're fucking blasting the entire pharmacy

You didn't put on 15kg of muscle mass stop the fucking bullshit
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The fact that people actually think this cycle will only gain you 1kg of muscle in 2 months is actually quite funny.

Clearly none of you have ever tried PEDs, or you have and you've done it monstrously wrong.

They're fucking blasting the entire pharmacy

You didn't put on 15kg of muscle mass stop the fucking bullshit
JFL. I didn't say it was all muscle, I'd estimate roughly 70-80% of it was. Accounting for the water weight I would have shed post cycle. Still pretty good.

You can blast as much as you want, you can only push your body so far. I started small, so when I added a proper diet and gear to the mix, I grew a lot. I don't understand why that's a hard concept to grasp.

I've not claimed to be a bodybuilder, or to get from 10% BF to 5% BF or anything else insane. To be honest I don't care about those metrics, I needed pure size and that's what I got.

Will not be responding to further comments from you.
just do steroids atp, better results and no liver failure
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JFL. I didn't say it was all muscle, I'd estimate roughly 70-80% of it was. Accounting for the water weight I would have shed post cycle. Still pretty good.

You can blast as much as you want, you can only push your body so far. I started small, so when I added a proper diet and gear to the mix, I grew a lot. I don't understand why that's a hard concept to grasp.

I've not claimed to be a bodybuilder, or to get from 10% BF to 5% BF or anything else insane. To be honest I don't care about those metrics, I needed pure size and that's what I got.

Will not be responding to further comments from you.
@User28823 @socialcel :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

%80 of 15 is 12, so you're saying you put on 12kg of muscle mass in 8 weeks with some SARM?

do you fucking realise bodybuilders barely put on 10kg or less of mass in one year while blasting every single roid thats available


bro what the fuck?

are you confusing 15 with 1,5 or something? like instead of 1,5 are u accidentally typing 15 or something retard

i mean you cant even put on 1,5kg of pure mass with some sarm in 8 weeks like thats not believable

can you fucking stop larping? what do you get after larping to some dalits on this incel forum?

either you're retarded af or just larping

you should know that the 15kg you gained, almost all of that is fat and water while a very small amount of it is muscle

and nigga said "will not be responding to further comments" nigga got exposed jfl what a retard
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  • JFL
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@User28823 @socialcel :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

%80 of 15 is 12, so you're saying you put on 12kg of muscle mass in 8 weeks with some SARM?

do you fucking realise bodybuilders barely put on 10kg or less of mass in one year while blasting every single roid thats available


bro what the fuck?

are you confusing 15 with 1,5 or something? like instead of 1,5 are u accidentally typing 15 or something retard

i mean you cant even put on 1,5kg of pure mass with some sarm in 8 weeks like thats not believable

can you fucking stop larping? what do you get after larping to some dalits on this incel forum?

either you're retarded af or just larping

you should know that the 15kg you gained, almost all of that is fat and water while a very small amount of it is muscle

and nigga said "will not be responding to further comments" nigga got exposed jfl what a retard
I'll humour you one more time.

Watch any SARM cycle review on YouTube. Guys gain this amount all the time. You seriously think you can't gain 1.5kg in 8 weeks of hard training, with PEDs and enough food? Pretty sure you're the retard here.

You've clearly never tried PEDs, never researched them and generally have no idea what you're talking about. I've been respectful in all my comments towards you but it's getting tiring now.

My results are my results, mileage may vary this is obvious, but for me, this was life changing so I decided to take the time to write a post and share it with others. What reason do I have to log into an account which I barely use, just to lie? You can read my past posts, most of what I talk about is PEDs with rare exceptions. I'm only here to post information that I think other people would find useful, generally not to use it as a shitpost haven.

It is your choice to not believe me and that's fine.


I have used and posted about a variety of compounds including MK, RAD and LGD. LGD is my favourite and was the best in achieving its desired purpose hence why I wrote this guide. It's clear to me you don't know what you're on about, nobody on this website actually gives a fuck so you'll continue talking knowing this, but I ask you to ask yourself why you're arguing with a stranger online about how good his SARM cycle was while I'm here with the results in physical form.
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I'll humour you one more time.

Watch any SARM cycle review on YouTube. Guys gain this amount all the time. You seriously think you can't gain 1.5kg in 8 weeks of hard training, with PEDs and enough food? Pretty sure you're the retard here.

You've clearly never tried PEDs, never researched them and generally have no idea what you're talking about. I've been respectful in all my comments towards you but it's getting tiring now.

My results are my results, mileage may vary this is obvious, but for me, this was life changing so I decided to take the time to write a post and share it with others. What reason do I have to log into an account which I barely use, just to lie? You can read my past posts, most of what I talk about is PEDs with rare exceptions. I'm only here to post information that I think other people would find useful, generally not to use it as a shitpost haven.

It is your choice to not believe me and that's fine.
You might be able to gain 1.5kg if you react very well and you are a very new beginner and have good genetics

But 12-15kg? :feelskek::feelskek:

Also you said you would not respond back :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

You didn't put on 12-15kg of muscle mass you fucking piece of shit what the fuck is this larp
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You might be able to gain 1.5kg if you react very well and you are a very new beginner and have good genetics

But 12-15kg? :feelskek::feelskek:

Also you said you would not respond back :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

You didn't put on 12-15kg of muscle mass you fucking piece of shit what the fuck is this larp
1.5kg in 8 weeks?

If you think that is difficult or unachievable, you should probably quit working out, you're doing something wrong.

You're right, just to make you shut up this whole thread is a lie. I took 30 minutes out of my day to lie to people on the internet. You caught me! (I have no reputation or friends on this site. What do I gain from this? JFL)

Enjoy coping while (allegedly) injecting hard steroids and seeing no results. Just because you don't know how to work out, doesn't mean I don't.

You may now talk to the wall.

Edit: Reddit has tens if not hundreds of SARM cycle reviews on r/PEDS and other subs. Browse there and you'll see similar if not better results.
1.5kg in 8 weeks?

If you think that is difficult or unachievable, you should probably quit working out, you're doing something wrong.

You're right, just to make you shut up this whole thread is a lie. I took 30 minutes out of my day to lie to people on the internet. You caught me! (I have no reputation or friends on this site. What do I gain from this? JFL)

Enjoy coping while (allegedly) injecting hard steroids and seeing no results. Just because you don't know how to work out, doesn't mean I don't.

You may now talk to the wall.
1.5kg of pure lean tissue raw muscle? Difficult in 8 weeks, yes.

This larp is less believable than @Azonin being a 6'4 HTN....

And let's put the "1.5kg" to the side for a moment

You're fucking saying you put on 12-15kg of muscle mass retard LOOOOOOL not even bbs put that in a year with blasting
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say bye bye to your androgen sensitivity and DHT as well as hpta :lul:
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1.5kg of pure lean tissue raw muscle? Difficult in 8 weeks, yes.

This larp is less believable than @Azonin being a 6'4 HTN....

And let's put the "1.5kg" to the side for a moment

You're fucking saying you put on 12-15kg of muscle mass retard LOOOOOOL not even bbs put that in a year with blasting
I never said it was pure, lean or raw muscle. I specifically pointed out fat gain and water retention, you wouldn't know as you dnrd, but it was there.

You also clearly fail to understand that there is a difference between a BB and a skinny guy that was nowhere near his natural potential. Things get harder when you're already past what is "naturally possible". I am not past that or even near it.

That's why they use so much gear, is to push far past what is naturally possible. I look very natural and it's because I basically am. I haven't used anything for around a year now. I look natural when I was on SARMs too, I just used them to gain weight, a lot of which was muscle which is demonstrated in my strength gains.

Comparing an average guy (me) to a professional bodybuilder is a logical fallacy and makes no practical sense.
say bye bye to your androgen sensitivity and DHT as well as hpta :lul:
I've ran multiple cycles. DHT noticeable sure on some compounds but androgen sensitivity and HPTA, nothing to be noted. I run responsible doses while taking proper precautions to prevent sides.
I've ran multiple cycles. DHT noticeable sure on some compounds but androgen sensitivity and HPTA, nothing to be noted. I run responsible doses while taking proper precautions to prevent sides.
sarms replace your androgens so it in turn lowers DHT. basically ur just fem maxxing atp. also extremely lowers future potential for testosterone production and can alter DNA easily.. not enough studies to truly be safe..
I never said it was pure, lean or raw muscle. I specifically pointed out fat gain and water retention, you wouldn't know as you dnrd, but it was there.

You also clearly fail to understand that there is a difference between a BB and a skinny guy that was nowhere near his natural potential. Things get harder when you're already past what is "naturally possible". I am not past that or even near it.

That's why they use so much gear, is to push far past what is naturally possible. I look very natural and it's because I basically am. I haven't used anything for around a year now. I look natural when I was on SARMs too, I just used them to gain weight, a lot of which was muscle which is demonstrated in my strength gains.

Comparing an average guy (me) to a professional bodybuilder is a logical fallacy and makes no practical sense.
Retard im comparing the fact that they dont even gain 12-15kg of muscle in a year while blasting
And you say you did it in 8 weeks with a sarm

That's what im comparing you fucking dumb shit

You barely put on 1-1.5kg and nowhere near 12-15kg of muscle mass
sarms replace your androgens so it in turn lowers DHT. basically ur just fem maxxing atp. also extremely lowers future potential for testosterone production and can alter DNA easily.. not enough studies to truly be safe..
Agree. No long term cycles with any actual scientific merit have been done on SARMs, however this was a risk I was generally willing to take.

SARMs can increase hair loss which can be attributed to an INCREASE in DHT, and a decrease in SHBG.

Would hardly call it femmaxxing haha, but if that's what you'd like to call it I guess that works. Nothing to prove anything about the lowering future potential point, but as noted, nothing to disprove either. Time will tell.

I intend to do TRT if necessary as I age anyway.
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Retard im comparing the fact that they dont even gain 12-15kg of muscle in a year while blasting
And you say you did it in 8 weeks with a sarm

That's what im comparing you fucking dumb shit

You barely put on 1-1.5kg and nowhere near 12-15kg of muscle mass
You still don't get it do you
Agree. No long term cycles with any actual scientific merit have been done on SARMs, however this was a risk I was generally willing to take.

SARMs can increase hair loss which can be attributed to an INCREASE in DHT, and a decrease in SHBG.

Would hardly call it femmaxxing haha, but if that's what you'd like to call it I guess that works. Nothing to prove anything about the lowering future potential point, but as noted, nothing to disprove either. Time will tell.

I intend to do TRT if necessary as I age anyway.
russo talked about how they reduce DHt by replacing some shit receptors so...

yea trt is sketchy decision ..
russo talked about how they reduce DHt by replacing some shit receptors so...

yea trt is sketchy decision ..
TRT is one of the safer things you could do. Prescribed by doctors for those who need it. Can't see how that's really sketchy at all. I'm talking when I'm well into my 40s-50s.

Russo was wrong. The testosterone that is unused now by the receptors (taken by the SARMS) is aromatised into DHT or E (genetically dependent)
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Just become a subhuman bloated incel cuck bro theory
Just become a subhuman bloated incel cuck bro theory
Disclaimer this method is not ideal for prettyboys temporarily as it does bloat (should have included, minor oversight)
You still don't get it do you
Retard you said the 15kg u gained %80 it is muscle so u gained 12kg muscle mass in 8 weeks from sarm?

Funny GIF
Comedy Central Lol GIF
Retard you said the 15kg u gained %80 it is muscle so u gained 12kg muscle mass in 8 weeks from sarm?

Funny GIF
Comedy Central Lol GIF
Hey man, it's not my fault your Trenbolone isn't doing anything. Try eating more, training harder, or having better genetics.

Bye for now.

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