How to get bitches (BBC edition)

Small reminder OP is 6’2 and 7 inches and all he had to do to actually get pussy was just put himself out there, just lol

Genetics are always law 🧬
I got a seven, doesnt mean jack shit. Dick length is good for keeping a partner satisfied. Pulling≠dick lenght. Guy could have a 8 incher and be disgusting no girl would go close enough to him to get the D.
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Small reminder OP is 6’2 and 7 inches and all he had to do to actually get pussy was just put himself out there, just lol

Genetics are always law 🧬
7 inches is barely anything these days.
7 inches is barely anything these days.
Barely anything in the slums of Mumbai probably lmao, the average dick size is around 6 inches and change regardless of what .org subhumans tell you
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  • JFL
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wtf 2 months ago weren't u asking advice on how to lookmaxx how have you suddenly turned into a slayer.
Well, he went out there and talked to women.

He's Black and 6'2.... Open your eyes
  • JFL
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I got a seven, doesnt mean jack shit. Dick length is good for keeping a partner satisfied. Pulling≠dick lenght. Guy could have a 8 incher and be disgusting no girl would go close enough to him to get the D.
Yeah but a big dick is a huge halo if you’re already good looking and can beat it down properly
Barely anything in the slums of Mumbai probably lmao, the average dick size is around 6 inches and change regardless of what .org subhumans tell you
Nah, I still feel small, probably because of my girth or cause my hands are close to almost 10 inches
Yeah but a big dick is a huge halo if you’re already good looking and can beat it down properly
Dick plays a huge role in relationships though, not pulling. If your handsome and tall you can pull a bitch easy. But if your dick is small long term you wont be able to satisfy that girl. So dick is more important for long term relationships while looks are vital for “hookups”
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  • JFL
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Dick plays a huge role in relationships though, not pulling. If your handsome and tall you can pull a bitch easy. But if your dick is small long term you wont be able to satisfy that girl. So dick is more important for long term relationships while looks are vital for “hookups”
Dick game>Dick

Knowing how to use one is better, I'm currently practicing on my pillow, my future slays will be so lucky 😋
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Hands are probably the reason why
Yeah, I look at myself in the mirror and I look like a fucking retard with my skinny wrists and huge hands.
Nah, I still feel small, probably because of my girth or cause my hands are close to almost 10 inches
Cope, my hands are also huge but more like 9inches but my dick is still big in my hands, but my ex had tiny hands and in her hands it looked even bigger so maybe not cope and maybe real?
  • JFL
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Cope, my hands are also huge but more like 9inches but my dick is still big in my hands, but my ex had tiny hands and in her hands it looked even bigger so maybe not cope and maybe real?
Whats your girth, since mine is below average I believe
Barely anything in the slums of Mumbai probably lmao, the average dick size is around 6 inches and change regardless of what .org subhumans tell you

I've been to the slums its filled with tera moggers
Whats your girth, since mine is below average I believe
Ive got more imoressive girth then length, i think lenght wise its like 6.8-6.9 and on a good day 7 and girth wise its pretty girthy. But yeah performance makes up average dick. As well as foreplay dont forget that
  • JFL
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Ive got more imoressive girth then length, i think lenght wise its like 6.8-6.9 and on a good day 7 and girth wise its pretty girthy. But yeah performance makes up average dick. As well as foreplay dont forget that
Anyways penises look way bigger infront than overview, just look at your dick infront of a mirrror
Yeah but a big dick is a huge halo if you’re already good looking and can beat it down properly

Don’t know why this website is obsessed with dick size. It’s cringe, anything over a 5’ is fine if you’re sexpilled. I have 7’ but they come back ALWAYS because I can make them cum with my fingers, if you can get them to finish you’re good.
Only white JBs like me for some reason. Literally only 1 like I got was from someone of a different race.

If only whites go for you, almost guaranteed your SMV is low as a black.
Don’t know why this website is obsessed with dick size. It’s cringe, anything over a 5’ is fine if you’re sexpilled. I have 7’ but they come back ALWAYS because I can make them cum with my fingers, if you can get them to finish you’re good.
True idk why people stress so much about dick size when they’re not even having sex to begin with
If only whites go for you, almost guaranteed your SMV is low as a black.
Extreme cage lmao, it’s actually the opposite, besides the ratings of the foids you pull matters more than their race anyways

If you can consistently pull at least Beckies with ease you’re most likely HTN SMV wise
Former black incel here, before summer i was actually afraid of women and now my bodycount is 5 and I have a girlfriend who’s a high mtb , these are all the tips I can give out that will work specifically for black guys, doesn’t matter how good you currently look because I was rated ltn and subhuman here for ages.
1. Don’t approach ugly or fat girls!!
I promise you trying to get “easy girls” or “girls in your league” does not work in the long run, these bitches are the most ANNOYING and disgusting creatures on earth, they’re inflated smv along with the brainwashing feminism deeply rooted in their brain make them more stressful than they’re worth, plus once you get them you realise how ugly they are and don’t get me started on having to walk in public with an ugly or fat bitch… it’s akin to a self humiliation ritual..

2. You need to be confident, don’t fake it
Have you ever seen someone and been like, yeah they’re faking their personality so hard, and you cringe whenever you see them? That’s what you look like to girls if you try to be overly manly and confident, people notice.. Just be yourself but firm and confident in what you want from any girl you approach, from the getgo make what you want known, don’t think girls will find you gross if u only want to fuck them, that’s the most stupid idea that people think is true🤣🤣 I promise you girls want guys that lust over them, it’s in their nature to be wanted, but there’s a certain way you need to show this to not come across as a creep.

3. I’m kinda bored writing this, so the comments will be open for any brainstorming or discussions people want to have, Challenge my ideas, add to them or ask any questions you’d like to know more about, DMs open too, and if you want me to write a full guide lmk
How do i fuck black bitches being white? I need to relieve my fetish
Former black incel here, before summer i was actually afraid of women and now my bodycount is 5 and I have a girlfriend who’s a high mtb , these are all the tips I can give out that will work specifically for black guys, doesn’t matter how good you currently look because I was rated ltn and subhuman here for ages.
1. Don’t approach ugly or fat girls!!
I promise you trying to get “easy girls” or “girls in your league” does not work in the long run, these bitches are the most ANNOYING and disgusting creatures on earth, they’re inflated smv along with the brainwashing feminism deeply rooted in their brain make them more stressful than they’re worth, plus once you get them you realise how ugly they are and don’t get me started on having to walk in public with an ugly or fat bitch… it’s akin to a self humiliation ritual..

2. You need to be confident, don’t fake it
Have you ever seen someone and been like, yeah they’re faking their personality so hard, and you cringe whenever you see them? That’s what you look like to girls if you try to be overly manly and confident, people notice.. Just be yourself but firm and confident in what you want from any girl you approach, from the getgo make what you want known, don’t think girls will find you gross if u only want to fuck them, that’s the most stupid idea that people think is true🤣🤣 I promise you girls want guys that lust over them, it’s in their nature to be wanted, but there’s a certain way you need to show this to not come across as a creep.

3. I’m kinda bored writing this, so the comments will be open for any brainstorming or discussions people want to have, Challenge my ideas, add to them or ask any questions you’d like to know more about, DMs open too, and if you want me to write a full guide lmk
Explain the rundown of you generally chat to chicks. For me, I put no effort in trying to attract them by speaking etc so 99% of the time I never speak to her again or we remain acquaintances I wait for them to make the move which barely happens tbh
True idk why people stress so much about dick size when they’re not even having sex to begin with

Extreme cage lmao, it’s actually the opposite, besides the ratings of the foids you pull matters more than their race anyways

If you can consistently pull at least Beckies with ease you’re most likely HTN SMV wise

Yeah rating of foids matter more, also said this because I feel whites will date a guy just because he is black opposed to black women.

in regards to SMV I always put guys 1 tier higher due to difficulty. If you pull MTB with ease you’re HTN, LTB then you’re MTN etc etc
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Dress like a black guy and wear “drippy” brands, get tatted, get a buzz cut and grow out a beard, that type of shit

Then make a TikTok talking about how much you love black women and profit, black foids self esteem is already low af so if they see one white guy uplifting them they’ll eat that shit up
  • JFL
Reactions: st.hamudi but 6‘5
Dress like a black guy and wear “drippy” brands, get tatted, get a buzz cut and grow out a beard, that type of shit

Then make a TikTok talking about how much you love black women and profit, black foids self esteem is already low af so if they see one white guy uplifting them they’ll eat that shit up
Will def try this, do you think i can pull with the surfer type of hairstyle? i already have a beard but i’m growing my hair like marlon teixeira
Will def try this, do you think i can pull with the surfer type of hairstyle? i already have a beard but i’m growing my hair like marlon teixeira
Wdym by surfer hairstyle
Wdym by surfer hairstyle
6106834F 2C58 4C75 8E7B C900B9D64D9F

like this but not blonde
utter dogshit thread ngl

Literally every reply to your gay post was more educational and funnier than ur faggot cunt post kys op
Jeez bro icl ill double down and promise a video of her giving me head next time i see her, then you pedos can see her naked too, I just pref not to dox photos that can be
where's the video
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also this black girl is a high mtb loL? not all black girls are ugly, youre crazy if ur not into black girls
Jiggaboo is a small niche

Stop being an ignorant baboon and realise your below me
Small reminder OP is 6’2 and 7 inches and all he had to do to actually get pussy was just put himself out there, just lol

Genetics are always law 🧬
u gotta include larp tax so probably 6ft and 6 inches still enough if mtn
I can go more in-depth if there’s anything you don’t understand about that, but it’s that simple when it comes to black guys white girls interactions.. If you look into the societal influences that come into play when these two genders and races meet you will understand black men were given free range to be deadbeats and fuck random girls, have you never seen an ugly black dude with a hot white girl and never wondered wtf?
Where did you meet her? Did you cold approach?
Former black incel here, before summer i was actually afraid of women and now my bodycount is 5 and I have a girlfriend who’s a high mtb , these are all the tips I can give out that will work specifically for black guys, doesn’t matter how good you currently look because I was rated ltn and subhuman here for ages.
1. Don’t approach ugly or fat girls!!
I promise you trying to get “easy girls” or “girls in your league” does not work in the long run, these bitches are the most ANNOYING and disgusting creatures on earth, they’re inflated smv along with the brainwashing feminism deeply rooted in their brain make them more stressful than they’re worth, plus once you get them you realise how ugly they are and don’t get me started on having to walk in public with an ugly or fat bitch… it’s akin to a self humiliation ritual..

2. You need to be confident, don’t fake it
Have you ever seen someone and been like, yeah they’re faking their personality so hard, and you cringe whenever you see them? That’s what you look like to girls if you try to be overly manly and confident, people notice.. Just be yourself but firm and confident in what you want from any girl you approach, from the getgo make what you want known, don’t think girls will find you gross if u only want to fuck them, that’s the most stupid idea that people think is true🤣🤣 I promise you girls want guys that lust over them, it’s in their nature to be wanted, but there’s a certain way you need to show this to not come across as a creep.

3. I’m kinda bored writing this, so the comments will be open for any brainstorming or discussions people want to have, Challenge my ideas, add to them or ask any questions you’d like to know more about, DMs open too, and if you want me to write a full guide lmk
Dnr, you are the next baraka
How do I grow a BBC?
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