how to get laid in high school in the us (how to be nt, how to talk to girls, teen hook-up apps, and more)

Very good post, a lot of the people in my high school that did well with girls weren’t even PSL gods or anything. They were just NT, had some clout, and usually tall. I wish I would have known about this four years ago. Would have joined the football team and started softmaxxing early instead of playing video games all day like a loser. I regret everything so much man :(
I went to an all boys school and wasted away all my teen years. It hurts so much I can't even describe, I missed out on so much
Facts man I went to a normal high school but at times it felt like a boy only school cause I never made efforts to talk to girls. Four years wasted and now I have to make up for my lack of vital experiences with girls.
  • So Sad
Reactions: ascension
Advice 1:
if you are a freshman there is no hope for you, just focus on preparing for the coming years. all the girls in your grade want guys from the older grades. you are prepubescent and ugly. you should already be doing the basic softmaxxes: skincare, lifting, leanmax, haircare, etc. from browsing this site for 0.2222 seconds. focus on getting on an ai and hgh. honestly just dont say anything because freshmen are seen as annoying by everyone and you probably are. dont talk unless needed. if you have any opportunities to lock yourself into a club or program at your school with other people for the next few years, do that.

Advice 2:
Go for girls in a lower grade. It is extremely rare for relationships to form in the same grade. This is for multiple reasons, the main one being girls this age are attracted to older guys and the difference between grades is a large difference in masculinity and there's a huge difference in the amount of effort men put into themselves between grades. The other reasons are that girls don't want to be seen as whores so obviously going for guys in a different grade that none of their friends in their grade know is much safer than whoring out in their own grade. The freshmen are obviously the easiest, oftentimes approaching first and having no problem with 17 and 14 so if u weird like that go for it bro but personally i wouldnt and didnt.

Advice 3:
Instagrammax. Post yourself on your instagram using the highlights feature, don't make an actual post. Show a good frauded photo of yourself. Put some pics of expensive clothes and good fits you got on there. If you are leanmaxxed, skincaremaxxed, have a decent fashion taste, and fraud your photos slightly this should put you above at least 80% of men in your grade and one grade lower unless you are clinically deformed. This should also be paired with following friend's followers and building up mutuals. Use a follower checker app in order to make sure no one's unfollowing you. What's more important than following people from your school is FOLLOWING PEOPLE FROM OTHER SCHOOLS. Remember what i said earlier about girls not wanting to seem like whores to the people that know them? Well the easiest way they get around this is talking to guys from other schools. Girls will be much more straightforward and aggressive if you are from another school. I personally wouldn't exceed 1200 following otherwise you just look like an instagrammaxxing tryhard.

Advice 4:
Use teen hook-up apps. This is riskier as if someone sees you on Yubo you could be seen as a desperate loser but that's up to you if you'd like to risk it. Using teen hook-up apps will get you low quality, usually ratchet hood bitches, but it's something. The apps I know and have tried out are Yubo and the "Monkey app". the reason i quote that is because it changes from time to time, just look it up on youtube "new monkey app". I personally played it safe and only used the app when visiting cali for around 4 days but for the 2 days I used it I got like 3 bitches slide in trying to set up a hook up. They were very straightforward, one was 24 and a landwhale so she was a fucking peed but ay, if you're desperate it's something. Another was a ltb. Another was a mtb black women. Like I said, these apps tend to bring in low quality pussy but if you're desperate or out of town and desperate it's a good option. These apps say 18+ but no one cares about that and if ur actually 18+ ur just a peed.

Advice 5:
Get your license as soon as possible. It's a huge halo to 1. have a car. 2. be able to drive your girl and friends around to various places.

Advice 6:
Be NT. Now I know this is gonna be hard for you autists to comprehend. Some things you need to know: snap = fuck. Instagram = relationship. Techwear = bad. Softboymaxxing (fashionwise) = bad. Streetwear = good. Archive fashion = good. Casual Dressing = good. Oversized clothes = good (within reason). Undersized clothes (including small sleeved shirts you gymcopers) = bad. Boots = good (just fucking wear boots it boosts ur height). Sneakers = good. Skate shoes = good (don't get any other colorways other than the original black and white old skools for vans). Job = good (don't be a broke gamer with no life). Rap = good. Indie Rock = good (not tiktok indie rock like clairo). Tiktok fashion = bad (unless it's archive, just don't be wearing a fucking skeleton hoodie you dweeb). Underground rap = good. EDM = bad. Hyperpop or any of that excessive autotune genres = bad. Classical = bad. Country = bad. White rappers (josh a, jake hill type rappers) = bad (yung lean might be the only exception). any sort of rock that isn't indie rock is a niche so id say neither good or bad. Telling girl you play video games = bad. Telling guys you play video games = good. Rings = good. Necklaces = niche. Piercings = niche. Eating school lunch = bad. Extremely heavy/large backpack = bad. Any club involving video games, computer science, or any other nerd shit = bad. Using tiktok = fine. Making tiktoks = bad. Posting on your story = usually bad (no one cares, think about how you either mindlessly swipe through stories or mute stories). Snap streaks = bad (we're not in middle school + snap is dead). Discord = bad. Producer = good (as long as your decent). emojis unironically are generally bad including 😂 = bad. 🤣 = bad. 💀 = bad. 💯 = bad. 🥺 = bad. These emojis are just so typical and bullyable and are generally used by low class people.

"u got me dead bro 💀💀💀💀💀"
"the worst feeling is watching yo dawgs 🐕 turn to snakes 🐍💯"

you get the point.

Hopefully I didn't miss anything but tbh I probably did because there's a lot. High school girls love a guy who is "casual" about things. This means he doesn't put much effort in, but still succeeds. Be casual when it comes to school work, grades, opinions (easy way to get out of pc-tests). Be casual when it comes to pretty much everything. This also means it's probably better that you're a "jack of all trades, master of none" kind of guy. You're going to learn very soon that you need to STOP WASTING TIME if you want to be good at everything. Stop using tiktok, stop watching youtube videos. Stop browsing looksmax every day. Stop posting on looksmax unless you need info (idc about pussy that much no more:soy::soy:). Stop playing games (or at least stop playing games when your friends dont play). Find entertaining things to do that are also productive and building a skill. This "casual" theory is also what makes hoodies, sweatpants, and PJs attractive to high school girls. You can't go wrong with hoodies, black sweats (gray sweats are non nt from the male pov), and PJs (red plaided PJs are only for fuckboys so unless your a fuckboy or have a gf at the school dont wear those). You can't go wrong with a casual white t-shirt. I believe your clothes should fraud or emphasize your frame. Oversized clothes fraud a larger frame. This makes hoodies, cargos, oversized jeans, all good options. It is important to never wear "skinny jeans" or any kind of pants that hug your legs (including pants that are tight at the cuff) as this will show how skinny your legs are. Slacks/fitted pants are good for tall guys that want to emphasize their long-legged proportions which will make you appear taller. Keyword there is "fitted", not "skinny". Alpha vnecks are a no.

Enough about fashion. When it comes to talking to girls, it's best to just come off as a "regular guy". "I just want a normal guy who isn't repulsive". Obviously the repulsive part is where the standards get too high. It's really something that can only be truly learned through experience. An easy way to improve this is talking to girls on DISCORD or any other internet place that you happen to meet a girl, like, just hit on a fuck ton of girls, hundreds. Don't use omegle as your looks will influence your success. When talking to girls, you want to make sure you don't come off as: too tryhard, too experienced (don't talk like a fuckboy muh "i get that all the time", or using female lingo), too inexperienced ("girls don't tend to like me"), insecure ("is 5 big enough???"), available all the time, a creep, too knowledgeable about female nature, too pc, a guy that tries to solve her problems instead of just listening, too agreeable, trying to be "the funny guy" all the time, dependent, the bitch in the relationship.

What you do want to come off as is: confident, dark triad (when the situation presents itself), so nt that they don't question you because they know you might be more knowledgeable than them when it comes to the basics of being social (fashion, music, etc.), casual, independent, a provider, genetically blessed (healthy, never getting sick, naturally athletic), a man.

This NT section is getting a little long so imma try to wrap it up. Use humor as a defense mechanism (takes experience) to basically weasel your way out of any criticism or insult. Do not use jokes or methods that are already known. If you see it on tiktok or instagram, other men will see it too and use it. Using other men's "game" is just embarrassing. I like to think of it as "getting patched". A philosophy to keep in mind when talking to ANYONE, not just girls, is to invoke a reaction without asking a question. That is a good sign you are not being dry and have good conversation skills. Eventually, you will get to a point where you don't consciously think or worry about what you are saying or what you are going to say which honestly is pretty rare even among normies. I've been through basically every situation, embarrassing, scary, not-belonging, online and can basically dominate any real life conversation because of this. I know that the person I'm talking to simply isn't as NT as me with every real life interaction I go in to; hit on thousands of girls where they can't see your face, talk to hundreds of people online where they can't see your face, this will be the result. Also know your place. If you're 5'8 or less, sorry bro, but youre just not meant to be the "confident leader" in the room.

Advice 7:
Make yourself easy to approach. As bluepilled as this sounds it is true. Always be the last one after class. Most of my approaches have been in the same place which is the lunch line. The way girls approach is pretty straightforward. Some are smart about it, most are retarded, they'll just expect you to continue the conversation, but really their goal is to get your insta/snap. If a girl approaches you and tries to start conversation, talk about whatever she's talking about if possible, but honestly just get straight to the point and ask for their insta. Sometimes girls give iois but honestly it's not even worth approaching girls in your class or grade as the odds of success are very low even with iois.

Advice 8:
Now if all this didn't work. It doesn't mean it's completely over. This is when you have to start thinking about lowering your standards. Now if you lower your standards to landwhales and still don't lose you're virginity then you're probably deformed and it's over.

Advice 9:
Make friends with older grades. No matter what generation it is. It will always be beneficial to become friends with a grade or two up. They will be able to show you what is NT at the time and give advice within a relevant time frame (unlike your dad who is like 30 years older who will give outdated/irrelevant advice). Studies show that children with siblings tend to be much more social and only childs tend to end up anti social losers.

Here's some artists i would consider the most nt:
Lil Tracy (yung bruh)
Chief Keef
Yung Kayo
Asap Rocky
ken carson
cartier god
the rare occassions
forth wanderers
dj smokey
izaya tiji
Good guide but most those artists are underground and hardly NT . This is common sense tbh some people just have sauce and some don’t. If you are short I’d recommend being more edgy and funny and still being attractive at the end of the day leanmaxxed prettyboys win whether it’s uzi or carti
Too big of an essay. Just be tall and gl
  • +1
Reactions: shalomnigga, midlatinocel, gymcel:( and 1 other person
if im 30 can i still get jb hs girls or too late
if im 30 can i still get jb hs girls or too late
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Detn86

how to get laid in high school in the us​

Go for girls in a lower grade
Will this work for late-30s-cels?

I think it is unethical for teachers to date their students so maybe I could become a janitor or cafeteria worker and date HS teens this way.

I just need to get jacked and handle my mop impressively and they should sploosh.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Won't Stop Mewing and TrestIsBest
nigga what has this thread become
If you really believe those things are more important than looks why are you here? Serious question. Why not go back to your redpill forums or reddit?
man it's just a common sense that looks are more important in collge than in highschool
man it's just a common sense that looks are more important in collge than in highschool
Doesn't seem like common sense to me TBH.

I get what you mean about foids might be LARPing more about caring about personality more than looks in HS but just because they're lying to themselves doesn't mean their lookism won't shape their choices.
  • +1
Reactions: Won't Stop Mewing
bro named some unknown non nt rappers that no high schooler listen to as nt @luljankybo

ya just listen to the 2 babies Lil Baby and DaBaby
Doesn't seem like common sense to me TBH.

I get what you mean about foids might be LARPing more about caring about personality more than looks in HS but just because they're lying to themselves doesn't mean their lookism won't shape their choices.
they care about popularity mainly
Proof that high school and childhood is everything. It ends at 18 tbh. Anything you do after 18 is cope. No amount of success or pussay will salve the pain if you had shit non-nt childhood-hs years.

I went to an all boys school and wasted away all my teen years. It hurts so much I can't even describe, I missed out on so much
were similar shoutout iguess
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 19896 and ascension
I'd also add one more point; organize a party and invite some high-status guys (like jocks, tik tokers) and girls (there should be significantly more girls so the chances of getting laid aren't rigged against you)
Last edited:
Teenage is thr best age to have sex and relationship especially early since if you are 14 or 13 you can even fuck 12 years legally
Once you are above 13 you will never get to experience 12 year old pussy it's over
  • Hmm...
Reactions: shalomnigga and Detn86
Here's some artists i would consider the most nt:
Lil Tracy (yung bruh)
Chief Keef
Yung Kayo
Asap Rocky
ken carson
cartier god
the rare occassions
forth wanderers
dj smokey
izaya tiji
Thread summarised:

Worship Niggers and globohomo propaganda in order to contribute to the worship of satan and the degeneration of western culture and society until it ultimately collapses.


i'm not selling my soul you fucking degenerate waste of oxygen

kill yourself and fuck your shit thread you subhuman
  • +1
Reactions: zyMOGenic and mecmec
Advice 1:
if you are a freshman there is no hope for you, just focus on preparing for the coming years. all the girls in your grade want guys from the older grades. you are prepubescent and ugly. you should already be doing the basic softmaxxes: skincare, lifting, leanmax, haircare, etc. from browsing this site for 0.2222 seconds. focus on getting on an ai and hgh. honestly just dont say anything because freshmen are seen as annoying by everyone and you probably are. dont talk unless needed. if you have any opportunities to lock yourself into a club or program at your school with other people for the next few years, do that.

Advice 2:
Go for girls in a lower grade. It is extremely rare for relationships to form in the same grade. This is for multiple reasons, the main one being girls this age are attracted to older guys and the difference between grades is a large difference in masculinity and there's a huge difference in the amount of effort men put into themselves between grades. The other reasons are that girls don't want to be seen as whores so obviously going for guys in a different grade that none of their friends in their grade know is much safer than whoring out in their own grade. The freshmen are obviously the easiest, oftentimes approaching first and having no problem with 17 and 14 so if u weird like that go for it bro but personally i wouldnt and didnt.

Advice 3:
Instagrammax. Post yourself on your instagram using the highlights feature, don't make an actual post. Show a good frauded photo of yourself. Put some pics of expensive clothes and good fits you got on there. If you are leanmaxxed, skincaremaxxed, have a decent fashion taste, and fraud your photos slightly this should put you above at least 80% of men in your grade and one grade lower unless you are clinically deformed. This should also be paired with following friend's followers and building up mutuals. Use a follower checker app in order to make sure no one's unfollowing you. What's more important than following people from your school is FOLLOWING PEOPLE FROM OTHER SCHOOLS. Remember what i said earlier about girls not wanting to seem like whores to the people that know them? Well the easiest way they get around this is talking to guys from other schools. Girls will be much more straightforward and aggressive if you are from another school. I personally wouldn't exceed 1200 following otherwise you just look like an instagrammaxxing tryhard.

Advice 4:
Use teen hook-up apps. This is riskier as if someone sees you on Yubo you could be seen as a desperate loser but that's up to you if you'd like to risk it. Using teen hook-up apps will get you low quality, usually ratchet hood bitches, but it's something. The apps I know and have tried out are Yubo and the "Monkey app". the reason i quote that is because it changes from time to time, just look it up on youtube "new monkey app". I personally played it safe and only used the app when visiting cali for around 4 days but for the 2 days I used it I got like 3 bitches slide in trying to set up a hook up. They were very straightforward, one was 24 and a landwhale so she was a fucking peed but ay, if you're desperate it's something. Another was a ltb. Another was a mtb black women. Like I said, these apps tend to bring in low quality pussy but if you're desperate or out of town and desperate it's a good option. These apps say 18+ but no one cares about that and if ur actually 18+ ur just a peed.

Advice 5:
Get your license as soon as possible. It's a huge halo to 1. have a car. 2. be able to drive your girl and friends around to various places.

Advice 6:
Be NT. Now I know this is gonna be hard for you autists to comprehend. Some things you need to know: snap = fuck. Instagram = relationship. Techwear = bad. Softboymaxxing (fashionwise) = bad. Streetwear = good. Archive fashion = good. Casual Dressing = good. Oversized clothes = good (within reason). Undersized clothes (including small sleeved shirts you gymcopers) = bad. Boots = good (just fucking wear boots it boosts ur height). Sneakers = good. Skate shoes = good (don't get any other colorways other than the original black and white old skools for vans). Job = good (don't be a broke gamer with no life). Rap = good. Indie Rock = good (not tiktok indie rock like clairo). Tiktok fashion = bad (unless it's archive, just don't be wearing a fucking skeleton hoodie you dweeb). Underground rap = good. EDM = bad. Hyperpop or any of that excessive autotune genres = bad. Classical = bad. Country = bad. White rappers (josh a, jake hill type rappers) = bad (yung lean might be the only exception). any sort of rock that isn't indie rock is a niche so id say neither good or bad. Telling girl you play video games = bad. Telling guys you play video games = good. Rings = good. Necklaces = niche. Piercings = niche. Eating school lunch = bad. Extremely heavy/large backpack = bad. Any club involving video games, computer science, or any other nerd shit = bad. Using tiktok = fine. Making tiktoks = bad. Posting on your story = usually bad (no one cares, think about how you either mindlessly swipe through stories or mute stories). Snap streaks = bad (we're not in middle school + snap is dead). Discord = bad. Producer = good (as long as your decent). emojis unironically are generally bad including 😂 = bad. 🤣 = bad. 💀 = bad. 💯 = bad. 🥺 = bad. These emojis are just so typical and bullyable and are generally used by low class people.

"u got me dead bro 💀💀💀💀💀"
"the worst feeling is watching yo dawgs 🐕 turn to snakes 🐍💯"

you get the point.

Hopefully I didn't miss anything but tbh I probably did because there's a lot. High school girls love a guy who is "casual" about things. This means he doesn't put much effort in, but still succeeds. Be casual when it comes to school work, grades, opinions (easy way to get out of pc-tests). Be casual when it comes to pretty much everything. This also means it's probably better that you're a "jack of all trades, master of none" kind of guy. You're going to learn very soon that you need to STOP WASTING TIME if you want to be good at everything. Stop using tiktok, stop watching youtube videos. Stop browsing looksmax every day. Stop posting on looksmax unless you need info (idc about pussy that much no more:soy::soy:). Stop playing games (or at least stop playing games when your friends dont play). Find entertaining things to do that are also productive and building a skill. This "casual" theory is also what makes hoodies, sweatpants, and PJs attractive to high school girls. You can't go wrong with hoodies, black sweats (gray sweats are non nt from the male pov), and PJs (red plaided PJs are only for fuckboys so unless your a fuckboy or have a gf at the school dont wear those). You can't go wrong with a casual white t-shirt. I believe your clothes should fraud or emphasize your frame. Oversized clothes fraud a larger frame. This makes hoodies, cargos, oversized jeans, all good options. It is important to never wear "skinny jeans" or any kind of pants that hug your legs (including pants that are tight at the cuff) as this will show how skinny your legs are. Slacks/fitted pants are good for tall guys that want to emphasize their long-legged proportions which will make you appear taller. Keyword there is "fitted", not "skinny". Alpha vnecks are a no.

Enough about fashion. When it comes to talking to girls, it's best to just come off as a "regular guy". "I just want a normal guy who isn't repulsive". Obviously the repulsive part is where the standards get too high. It's really something that can only be truly learned through experience. An easy way to improve this is talking to girls on DISCORD or any other internet place that you happen to meet a girl, like, just hit on a fuck ton of girls, hundreds. Don't use omegle as your looks will influence your success. When talking to girls, you want to make sure you don't come off as: too tryhard, too experienced (don't talk like a fuckboy muh "i get that all the time", or using female lingo), too inexperienced ("girls don't tend to like me"), insecure ("is 5 big enough???"), available all the time, a creep, too knowledgeable about female nature, too pc, a guy that tries to solve her problems instead of just listening, too agreeable, trying to be "the funny guy" all the time, dependent, the bitch in the relationship.

What you do want to come off as is: confident, dark triad (when the situation presents itself), so nt that they don't question you because they know you might be more knowledgeable than them when it comes to the basics of being social (fashion, music, etc.), casual, independent, a provider, genetically blessed (healthy, never getting sick, naturally athletic), a man.

This NT section is getting a little long so imma try to wrap it up. Use humor as a defense mechanism (takes experience) to basically weasel your way out of any criticism or insult. Do not use jokes or methods that are already known. If you see it on tiktok or instagram, other men will see it too and use it. Using other men's "game" is just embarrassing. I like to think of it as "getting patched". A philosophy to keep in mind when talking to ANYONE, not just girls, is to invoke a reaction without asking a question. That is a good sign you are not being dry and have good conversation skills. Eventually, you will get to a point where you don't consciously think or worry about what you are saying or what you are going to say which honestly is pretty rare even among normies. I've been through basically every situation, embarrassing, scary, not-belonging, online and can basically dominate any real life conversation because of this. I know that the person I'm talking to simply isn't as NT as me with every real life interaction I go in to; hit on thousands of girls where they can't see your face, talk to hundreds of people online where they can't see your face, this will be the result. Also know your place. If you're 5'8 or less, sorry bro, but youre just not meant to be the "confident leader" in the room.

Advice 7:
Make yourself easy to approach. As bluepilled as this sounds it is true. Always be the last one after class. Most of my approaches have been in the same place which is the lunch line. The way girls approach is pretty straightforward. Some are smart about it, most are retarded, they'll just expect you to continue the conversation, but really their goal is to get your insta/snap. If a girl approaches you and tries to start conversation, talk about whatever she's talking about if possible, but honestly just get straight to the point and ask for their insta. Sometimes girls give iois but honestly it's not even worth approaching girls in your class or grade as the odds of success are very low even with iois.

Advice 8:
Now if all this didn't work. It doesn't mean it's completely over. This is when you have to start thinking about lowering your standards. Now if you lower your standards to landwhales and still don't lose you're virginity then you're probably deformed and it's over.

Advice 9:
Make friends with older grades. No matter what generation it is. It will always be beneficial to become friends with a grade or two up. They will be able to show you what is NT at the time and give advice within a relevant time frame (unlike your dad who is like 30 years older who will give outdated/irrelevant advice). Studies show that children with siblings tend to be much more social and only childs tend to end up anti social losers.

Here's some artists i would consider the most nt:
Lil Tracy (yung bruh)
Chief Keef
Yung Kayo
Asap Rocky
ken carson
cartier god
the rare occassions
forth wanderers
dj smokey
izaya tiji
No just give up . If you’re on this site you won’t get laid
Advice 1:
if you are a freshman there is no hope for you, just focus on preparing for the coming years. all the girls in your grade want guys from the older grades. you are prepubescent and ugly. you should already be doing the basic softmaxxes: skincare, lifting, leanmax, haircare, etc. from browsing this site for 0.2222 seconds. focus on getting on an ai and hgh. honestly just dont say anything because freshmen are seen as annoying by everyone and you probably are. dont talk unless needed. if you have any opportunities to lock yourself into a club or program at your school with other people for the next few years, do that.

Advice 2:
Go for girls in a lower grade. It is extremely rare for relationships to form in the same grade. This is for multiple reasons, the main one being girls this age are attracted to older guys and the difference between grades is a large difference in masculinity and there's a huge difference in the amount of effort men put into themselves between grades. The other reasons are that girls don't want to be seen as whores so obviously going for guys in a different grade that none of their friends in their grade know is much safer than whoring out in their own grade. The freshmen are obviously the easiest, oftentimes approaching first and having no problem with 17 and 14 so if u weird like that go for it bro but personally i wouldnt and didnt.

Advice 3:
Instagrammax. Post yourself on your instagram using the highlights feature, don't make an actual post. Show a good frauded photo of yourself. Put some pics of expensive clothes and good fits you got on there. If you are leanmaxxed, skincaremaxxed, have a decent fashion taste, and fraud your photos slightly this should put you above at least 80% of men in your grade and one grade lower unless you are clinically deformed. This should also be paired with following friend's followers and building up mutuals. Use a follower checker app in order to make sure no one's unfollowing you. What's more important than following people from your school is FOLLOWING PEOPLE FROM OTHER SCHOOLS. Remember what i said earlier about girls not wanting to seem like whores to the people that know them? Well the easiest way they get around this is talking to guys from other schools. Girls will be much more straightforward and aggressive if you are from another school. I personally wouldn't exceed 1200 following otherwise you just look like an instagrammaxxing tryhard.

Advice 4:
Use teen hook-up apps. This is riskier as if someone sees you on Yubo you could be seen as a desperate loser but that's up to you if you'd like to risk it. Using teen hook-up apps will get you low quality, usually ratchet hood bitches, but it's something. The apps I know and have tried out are Yubo and the "Monkey app". the reason i quote that is because it changes from time to time, just look it up on youtube "new monkey app". I personally played it safe and only used the app when visiting cali for around 4 days but for the 2 days I used it I got like 3 bitches slide in trying to set up a hook up. They were very straightforward, one was 24 and a landwhale so she was a fucking peed but ay, if you're desperate it's something. Another was a ltb. Another was a mtb black women. Like I said, these apps tend to bring in low quality pussy but if you're desperate or out of town and desperate it's a good option. These apps say 18+ but no one cares about that and if ur actually 18+ ur just a peed.

Advice 5:
Get your license as soon as possible. It's a huge halo to 1. have a car. 2. be able to drive your girl and friends around to various places.

Advice 6:
Be NT. Now I know this is gonna be hard for you autists to comprehend. Some things you need to know: snap = fuck. Instagram = relationship. Techwear = bad. Softboymaxxing (fashionwise) = bad. Streetwear = good. Archive fashion = good. Casual Dressing = good. Oversized clothes = good (within reason). Undersized clothes (including small sleeved shirts you gymcopers) = bad. Boots = good (just fucking wear boots it boosts ur height). Sneakers = good. Skate shoes = good (don't get any other colorways other than the original black and white old skools for vans). Job = good (don't be a broke gamer with no life). Rap = good. Indie Rock = good (not tiktok indie rock like clairo). Tiktok fashion = bad (unless it's archive, just don't be wearing a fucking skeleton hoodie you dweeb). Underground rap = good. EDM = bad. Hyperpop or any of that excessive autotune genres = bad. Classical = bad. Country = bad. White rappers (josh a, jake hill type rappers) = bad (yung lean might be the only exception). any sort of rock that isn't indie rock is a niche so id say neither good or bad. Telling girl you play video games = bad. Telling guys you play video games = good. Rings = good. Necklaces = niche. Piercings = niche. Eating school lunch = bad. Extremely heavy/large backpack = bad. Any club involving video games, computer science, or any other nerd shit = bad. Using tiktok = fine. Making tiktoks = bad. Posting on your story = usually bad (no one cares, think about how you either mindlessly swipe through stories or mute stories). Snap streaks = bad (we're not in middle school + snap is dead). Discord = bad. Producer = good (as long as your decent). emojis unironically are generally bad including 😂 = bad. 🤣 = bad. 💀 = bad. 💯 = bad. 🥺 = bad. These emojis are just so typical and bullyable and are generally used by low class people.

"u got me dead bro 💀💀💀💀💀"
"the worst feeling is watching yo dawgs 🐕 turn to snakes 🐍💯"

you get the point.

Hopefully I didn't miss anything but tbh I probably did because there's a lot. High school girls love a guy who is "casual" about things. This means he doesn't put much effort in, but still succeeds. Be casual when it comes to school work, grades, opinions (easy way to get out of pc-tests). Be casual when it comes to pretty much everything. This also means it's probably better that you're a "jack of all trades, master of none" kind of guy. You're going to learn very soon that you need to STOP WASTING TIME if you want to be good at everything. Stop using tiktok, stop watching youtube videos. Stop browsing looksmax every day. Stop posting on looksmax unless you need info (idc about pussy that much no more:soy::soy:). Stop playing games (or at least stop playing games when your friends dont play). Find entertaining things to do that are also productive and building a skill. This "casual" theory is also what makes hoodies, sweatpants, and PJs attractive to high school girls. You can't go wrong with hoodies, black sweats (gray sweats are non nt from the male pov), and PJs (red plaided PJs are only for fuckboys so unless your a fuckboy or have a gf at the school dont wear those). You can't go wrong with a casual white t-shirt. I believe your clothes should fraud or emphasize your frame. Oversized clothes fraud a larger frame. This makes hoodies, cargos, oversized jeans, all good options. It is important to never wear "skinny jeans" or any kind of pants that hug your legs (including pants that are tight at the cuff) as this will show how skinny your legs are. Slacks/fitted pants are good for tall guys that want to emphasize their long-legged proportions which will make you appear taller. Keyword there is "fitted", not "skinny". Alpha vnecks are a no.

Enough about fashion. When it comes to talking to girls, it's best to just come off as a "regular guy". "I just want a normal guy who isn't repulsive". Obviously the repulsive part is where the standards get too high. It's really something that can only be truly learned through experience. An easy way to improve this is talking to girls on DISCORD or any other internet place that you happen to meet a girl, like, just hit on a fuck ton of girls, hundreds. Don't use omegle as your looks will influence your success. When talking to girls, you want to make sure you don't come off as: too tryhard, too experienced (don't talk like a fuckboy muh "i get that all the time", or using female lingo), too inexperienced ("girls don't tend to like me"), insecure ("is 5 big enough???"), available all the time, a creep, too knowledgeable about female nature, too pc, a guy that tries to solve her problems instead of just listening, too agreeable, trying to be "the funny guy" all the time, dependent, the bitch in the relationship.

What you do want to come off as is: confident, dark triad (when the situation presents itself), so nt that they don't question you because they know you might be more knowledgeable than them when it comes to the basics of being social (fashion, music, etc.), casual, independent, a provider, genetically blessed (healthy, never getting sick, naturally athletic), a man.

This NT section is getting a little long so imma try to wrap it up. Use humor as a defense mechanism (takes experience) to basically weasel your way out of any criticism or insult. Do not use jokes or methods that are already known. If you see it on tiktok or instagram, other men will see it too and use it. Using other men's "game" is just embarrassing. I like to think of it as "getting patched". A philosophy to keep in mind when talking to ANYONE, not just girls, is to invoke a reaction without asking a question. That is a good sign you are not being dry and have good conversation skills. Eventually, you will get to a point where you don't consciously think or worry about what you are saying or what you are going to say which honestly is pretty rare even among normies. I've been through basically every situation, embarrassing, scary, not-belonging, online and can basically dominate any real life conversation because of this. I know that the person I'm talking to simply isn't as NT as me with every real life interaction I go in to; hit on thousands of girls where they can't see your face, talk to hundreds of people online where they can't see your face, this will be the result. Also know your place. If you're 5'8 or less, sorry bro, but youre just not meant to be the "confident leader" in the room.

Advice 7:
Make yourself easy to approach. As bluepilled as this sounds it is true. Always be the last one after class. Most of my approaches have been in the same place which is the lunch line. The way girls approach is pretty straightforward. Some are smart about it, most are retarded, they'll just expect you to continue the conversation, but really their goal is to get your insta/snap. If a girl approaches you and tries to start conversation, talk about whatever she's talking about if possible, but honestly just get straight to the point and ask for their insta. Sometimes girls give iois but honestly it's not even worth approaching girls in your class or grade as the odds of success are very low even with iois.

Advice 8:
Now if all this didn't work. It doesn't mean it's completely over. This is when you have to start thinking about lowering your standards. Now if you lower your standards to landwhales and still don't lose you're virginity then you're probably deformed and it's over.

Advice 9:
Make friends with older grades. No matter what generation it is. It will always be beneficial to become friends with a grade or two up. They will be able to show you what is NT at the time and give advice within a relevant time frame (unlike your dad who is like 30 years older who will give outdated/irrelevant advice). Studies show that children with siblings tend to be much more social and only childs tend to end up anti social losers.

Here's some artists i would consider the most nt:
Lil Tracy (yung bruh)
Chief Keef
Yung Kayo
Asap Rocky
ken carson
cartier god
the rare occassions
forth wanderers
dj smokey
izaya tiji
wish I wasnt so subhuman. maybe id get some play. im gonna be 18 soon so getting any puss is off the table smh
Advice 1:
if you are a freshman there is no hope for you, just focus on preparing for the coming years. all the girls in your grade want guys from the older grades. you are prepubescent and ugly. you should already be doing the basic softmaxxes: skincare, lifting, leanmax, haircare, etc. from browsing this site for 0.2222 seconds. focus on getting on an ai and hgh. honestly just dont say anything because freshmen are seen as annoying by everyone and you probably are. dont talk unless needed. if you have any opportunities to lock yourself into a club or program at your school with other people for the next few years, do that.

Advice 2:
Go for girls in a lower grade. It is extremely rare for relationships to form in the same grade. This is for multiple reasons, the main one being girls this age are attracted to older guys and the difference between grades is a large difference in masculinity and there's a huge difference in the amount of effort men put into themselves between grades. The other reasons are that girls don't want to be seen as whores so obviously going for guys in a different grade that none of their friends in their grade know is much safer than whoring out in their own grade. The freshmen are obviously the easiest, oftentimes approaching first and having no problem with 17 and 14 so if u weird like that go for it bro but personally i wouldnt and didnt.

Advice 3:
Instagrammax. Post yourself on your instagram using the highlights feature, don't make an actual post. Show a good frauded photo of yourself. Put some pics of expensive clothes and good fits you got on there. If you are leanmaxxed, skincaremaxxed, have a decent fashion taste, and fraud your photos slightly this should put you above at least 80% of men in your grade and one grade lower unless you are clinically deformed. This should also be paired with following friend's followers and building up mutuals. Use a follower checker app in order to make sure no one's unfollowing you. What's more important than following people from your school is FOLLOWING PEOPLE FROM OTHER SCHOOLS. Remember what i said earlier about girls not wanting to seem like whores to the people that know them? Well the easiest way they get around this is talking to guys from other schools. Girls will be much more straightforward and aggressive if you are from another school. I personally wouldn't exceed 1200 following otherwise you just look like an instagrammaxxing tryhard.

Advice 4:
Use teen hook-up apps. This is riskier as if someone sees you on Yubo you could be seen as a desperate loser but that's up to you if you'd like to risk it. Using teen hook-up apps will get you low quality, usually ratchet hood bitches, but it's something. The apps I know and have tried out are Yubo and the "Monkey app". the reason i quote that is because it changes from time to time, just look it up on youtube "new monkey app". I personally played it safe and only used the app when visiting cali for around 4 days but for the 2 days I used it I got like 3 bitches slide in trying to set up a hook up. They were very straightforward, one was 24 and a landwhale so she was a fucking peed but ay, if you're desperate it's something. Another was a ltb. Another was a mtb black women. Like I said, these apps tend to bring in low quality pussy but if you're desperate or out of town and desperate it's a good option. These apps say 18+ but no one cares about that and if ur actually 18+ ur just a peed.

Advice 5:
Get your license as soon as possible. It's a huge halo to 1. have a car. 2. be able to drive your girl and friends around to various places.

Advice 6:
Be NT. Now I know this is gonna be hard for you autists to comprehend. Some things you need to know: snap = fuck. Instagram = relationship. Techwear = bad. Softboymaxxing (fashionwise) = bad. Streetwear = good. Archive fashion = good. Casual Dressing = good. Oversized clothes = good (within reason). Undersized clothes (including small sleeved shirts you gymcopers) = bad. Boots = good (just fucking wear boots it boosts ur height). Sneakers = good. Skate shoes = good (don't get any other colorways other than the original black and white old skools for vans). Job = good (don't be a broke gamer with no life). Rap = good. Indie Rock = good (not tiktok indie rock like clairo). Tiktok fashion = bad (unless it's archive, just don't be wearing a fucking skeleton hoodie you dweeb). Underground rap = good. EDM = bad. Hyperpop or any of that excessive autotune genres = bad. Classical = bad. Country = bad. White rappers (josh a, jake hill type rappers) = bad (yung lean might be the only exception). any sort of rock that isn't indie rock is a niche so id say neither good or bad. Telling girl you play video games = bad. Telling guys you play video games = good. Rings = good. Necklaces = niche. Piercings = niche. Eating school lunch = bad. Extremely heavy/large backpack = bad. Any club involving video games, computer science, or any other nerd shit = bad. Using tiktok = fine. Making tiktoks = bad. Posting on your story = usually bad (no one cares, think about how you either mindlessly swipe through stories or mute stories). Snap streaks = bad (we're not in middle school + snap is dead). Discord = bad. Producer = good (as long as your decent). emojis unironically are generally bad including 😂 = bad. 🤣 = bad. 💀 = bad. 💯 = bad. 🥺 = bad. These emojis are just so typical and bullyable and are generally used by low class people.

"u got me dead bro 💀💀💀💀💀"
"the worst feeling is watching yo dawgs 🐕 turn to snakes 🐍💯"

you get the point.

Hopefully I didn't miss anything but tbh I probably did because there's a lot. High school girls love a guy who is "casual" about things. This means he doesn't put much effort in, but still succeeds. Be casual when it comes to school work, grades, opinions (easy way to get out of pc-tests). Be casual when it comes to pretty much everything. This also means it's probably better that you're a "jack of all trades, master of none" kind of guy. You're going to learn very soon that you need to STOP WASTING TIME if you want to be good at everything. Stop using tiktok, stop watching youtube videos. Stop browsing looksmax every day. Stop posting on looksmax unless you need info (idc about pussy that much no more:soy::soy:). Stop playing games (or at least stop playing games when your friends dont play). Find entertaining things to do that are also productive and building a skill. This "casual" theory is also what makes hoodies, sweatpants, and PJs attractive to high school girls. You can't go wrong with hoodies, black sweats (gray sweats are non nt from the male pov), and PJs (red plaided PJs are only for fuckboys so unless your a fuckboy or have a gf at the school dont wear those). You can't go wrong with a casual white t-shirt. I believe your clothes should fraud or emphasize your frame. Oversized clothes fraud a larger frame. This makes hoodies, cargos, oversized jeans, all good options. It is important to never wear "skinny jeans" or any kind of pants that hug your legs (including pants that are tight at the cuff) as this will show how skinny your legs are. Slacks/fitted pants are good for tall guys that want to emphasize their long-legged proportions which will make you appear taller. Keyword there is "fitted", not "skinny". Alpha vnecks are a no.

Enough about fashion. When it comes to talking to girls, it's best to just come off as a "regular guy". "I just want a normal guy who isn't repulsive". Obviously the repulsive part is where the standards get too high. It's really something that can only be truly learned through experience. An easy way to improve this is talking to girls on DISCORD or any other internet place that you happen to meet a girl, like, just hit on a fuck ton of girls, hundreds. Don't use omegle as your looks will influence your success. When talking to girls, you want to make sure you don't come off as: too tryhard, too experienced (don't talk like a fuckboy muh "i get that all the time", or using female lingo), too inexperienced ("girls don't tend to like me"), insecure ("is 5 big enough???"), available all the time, a creep, too knowledgeable about female nature, too pc, a guy that tries to solve her problems instead of just listening, too agreeable, trying to be "the funny guy" all the time, dependent, the bitch in the relationship.

What you do want to come off as is: confident, dark triad (when the situation presents itself), so nt that they don't question you because they know you might be more knowledgeable than them when it comes to the basics of being social (fashion, music, etc.), casual, independent, a provider, genetically blessed (healthy, never getting sick, naturally athletic), a man.

This NT section is getting a little long so imma try to wrap it up. Use humor as a defense mechanism (takes experience) to basically weasel your way out of any criticism or insult. Do not use jokes or methods that are already known. If you see it on tiktok or instagram, other men will see it too and use it. Using other men's "game" is just embarrassing. I like to think of it as "getting patched". A philosophy to keep in mind when talking to ANYONE, not just girls, is to invoke a reaction without asking a question. That is a good sign you are not being dry and have good conversation skills. Eventually, you will get to a point where you don't consciously think or worry about what you are saying or what you are going to say which honestly is pretty rare even among normies. I've been through basically every situation, embarrassing, scary, not-belonging, online and can basically dominate any real life conversation because of this. I know that the person I'm talking to simply isn't as NT as me with every real life interaction I go in to; hit on thousands of girls where they can't see your face, talk to hundreds of people online where they can't see your face, this will be the result. Also know your place. If you're 5'8 or less, sorry bro, but youre just not meant to be the "confident leader" in the room.

Advice 7:
Make yourself easy to approach. As bluepilled as this sounds it is true. Always be the last one after class. Most of my approaches have been in the same place which is the lunch line. The way girls approach is pretty straightforward. Some are smart about it, most are retarded, they'll just expect you to continue the conversation, but really their goal is to get your insta/snap. If a girl approaches you and tries to start conversation, talk about whatever she's talking about if possible, but honestly just get straight to the point and ask for their insta. Sometimes girls give iois but honestly it's not even worth approaching girls in your class or grade as the odds of success are very low even with iois.

Advice 8:
Now if all this didn't work. It doesn't mean it's completely over. This is when you have to start thinking about lowering your standards. Now if you lower your standards to landwhales and still don't lose you're virginity then you're probably deformed and it's over.

Advice 9:
Make friends with older grades. No matter what generation it is. It will always be beneficial to become friends with a grade or two up. They will be able to show you what is NT at the time and give advice within a relevant time frame (unlike your dad who is like 30 years older who will give outdated/irrelevant advice). Studies show that children with siblings tend to be much more social and only childs tend to end up anti social losers.

Here's some artists i would consider the most nt:
Lil Tracy (yung bruh)
Chief Keef
Yung Kayo
Asap Rocky
ken carson
cartier god
the rare occassions
forth wanderers
dj smokey
izaya tiji
Nice but wtf “NT” mean
If you have to make a guide on how to get laid, odds are you aren't getting laid much, if at all assuming.

And given many on here it's obvious that's not uncommon in the first place lol
high quality post, only issue is im a short bloated ginger :feelswhy:
  • +1
Reactions: Napoleon1800
Wish I hadnt been ugly in high school man- its such a golden oppurtunity for an avewrage looking guy to get a legit hot girl cos hypergamy has properly kicked in and theres actually a really good hot girl: attractive guy ratio cos so many guys are late bloomers
Same, now I'm 17 and it's over
Advice 1:
if you are a freshman there is no hope for you, just focus on preparing for the coming years. all the girls in your grade want guys from the older grades. you are prepubescent and ugly. you should already be doing the basic softmaxxes: skincare, lifting, leanmax, haircare, etc. from browsing this site for 0.2222 seconds. focus on getting on an ai and hgh. honestly just dont say anything because freshmen are seen as annoying by everyone and you probably are. dont talk unless needed. if you have any opportunities to lock yourself into a club or program at your school with other people for the next few years, do that.

Advice 2:
Go for girls in a lower grade. It is extremely rare for relationships to form in the same grade. This is for multiple reasons, the main one being girls this age are attracted to older guys and the difference between grades is a large difference in masculinity and there's a huge difference in the amount of effort men put into themselves between grades. The other reasons are that girls don't want to be seen as whores so obviously going for guys in a different grade that none of their friends in their grade know is much safer than whoring out in their own grade. The freshmen are obviously the easiest, oftentimes approaching first and having no problem with 17 and 14 so if u weird like that go for it bro but personally i wouldnt and didnt.

Advice 3:
Instagrammax. Post yourself on your instagram using the highlights feature, don't make an actual post. Show a good frauded photo of yourself. Put some pics of expensive clothes and good fits you got on there. If you are leanmaxxed, skincaremaxxed, have a decent fashion taste, and fraud your photos slightly this should put you above at least 80% of men in your grade and one grade lower unless you are clinically deformed. This should also be paired with following friend's followers and building up mutuals. Use a follower checker app in order to make sure no one's unfollowing you. What's more important than following people from your school is FOLLOWING PEOPLE FROM OTHER SCHOOLS. Remember what i said earlier about girls not wanting to seem like whores to the people that know them? Well the easiest way they get around this is talking to guys from other schools. Girls will be much more straightforward and aggressive if you are from another school. I personally wouldn't exceed 1200 following otherwise you just look like an instagrammaxxing tryhard.

Advice 4:
Use teen hook-up apps. This is riskier as if someone sees you on Yubo you could be seen as a desperate loser but that's up to you if you'd like to risk it. Using teen hook-up apps will get you low quality, usually ratchet hood bitches, but it's something. The apps I know and have tried out are Yubo and the "Monkey app". the reason i quote that is because it changes from time to time, just look it up on youtube "new monkey app". I personally played it safe and only used the app when visiting cali for around 4 days but for the 2 days I used it I got like 3 bitches slide in trying to set up a hook up. They were very straightforward, one was 24 and a landwhale so she was a fucking peed but ay, if you're desperate it's something. Another was a ltb. Another was a mtb black women. Like I said, these apps tend to bring in low quality pussy but if you're desperate or out of town and desperate it's a good option. These apps say 18+ but no one cares about that and if ur actually 18+ ur just a peed.

Advice 5:
Get your license as soon as possible. It's a huge halo to 1. have a car. 2. be able to drive your girl and friends around to various places.

Advice 6:
Be NT. Now I know this is gonna be hard for you autists to comprehend. Some things you need to know: snap = fuck. Instagram = relationship. Techwear = bad. Softboymaxxing (fashionwise) = bad. Streetwear = good. Archive fashion = good. Casual Dressing = good. Oversized clothes = good (within reason). Undersized clothes (including small sleeved shirts you gymcopers) = bad. Boots = good (just fucking wear boots it boosts ur height). Sneakers = good. Skate shoes = good (don't get any other colorways other than the original black and white old skools for vans). Job = good (don't be a broke gamer with no life). Rap = good. Indie Rock = good (not tiktok indie rock like clairo). Tiktok fashion = bad (unless it's archive, just don't be wearing a fucking skeleton hoodie you dweeb). Underground rap = good. EDM = bad. Hyperpop or any of that excessive autotune genres = bad. Classical = bad. Country = bad. White rappers (josh a, jake hill type rappers) = bad (yung lean might be the only exception). any sort of rock that isn't indie rock is a niche so id say neither good or bad. Telling girl you play video games = bad. Telling guys you play video games = good. Rings = good. Necklaces = niche. Piercings = niche. Eating school lunch = bad. Extremely heavy/large backpack = bad. Any club involving video games, computer science, or any other nerd shit = bad. Using tiktok = fine. Making tiktoks = bad. Posting on your story = usually bad (no one cares, think about how you either mindlessly swipe through stories or mute stories). Snap streaks = bad (we're not in middle school + snap is dead). Discord = bad. Producer = good (as long as your decent). emojis unironically are generally bad including 😂 = bad. 🤣 = bad. 💀 = bad. 💯 = bad. 🥺 = bad. These emojis are just so typical and bullyable and are generally used by low class people.

"u got me dead bro 💀💀💀💀💀"
"the worst feeling is watching yo dawgs 🐕 turn to snakes 🐍💯"

you get the point.

Hopefully I didn't miss anything but tbh I probably did because there's a lot. High school girls love a guy who is "casual" about things. This means he doesn't put much effort in, but still succeeds. Be casual when it comes to school work, grades, opinions (easy way to get out of pc-tests). Be casual when it comes to pretty much everything. This also means it's probably better that you're a "jack of all trades, master of none" kind of guy. You're going to learn very soon that you need to STOP WASTING TIME if you want to be good at everything. Stop using tiktok, stop watching youtube videos. Stop browsing looksmax every day. Stop posting on looksmax unless you need info (idc about pussy that much no more:soy::soy:). Stop playing games (or at least stop playing games when your friends dont play). Find entertaining things to do that are also productive and building a skill. This "casual" theory is also what makes hoodies, sweatpants, and PJs attractive to high school girls. You can't go wrong with hoodies, black sweats (gray sweats are non nt from the male pov), and PJs (red plaided PJs are only for fuckboys so unless your a fuckboy or have a gf at the school dont wear those). You can't go wrong with a casual white t-shirt. I believe your clothes should fraud or emphasize your frame. Oversized clothes fraud a larger frame. This makes hoodies, cargos, oversized jeans, all good options. It is important to never wear "skinny jeans" or any kind of pants that hug your legs (including pants that are tight at the cuff) as this will show how skinny your legs are. Slacks/fitted pants are good for tall guys that want to emphasize their long-legged proportions which will make you appear taller. Keyword there is "fitted", not "skinny". Alpha vnecks are a no.

Enough about fashion. When it comes to talking to girls, it's best to just come off as a "regular guy". "I just want a normal guy who isn't repulsive". Obviously the repulsive part is where the standards get too high. It's really something that can only be truly learned through experience. An easy way to improve this is talking to girls on DISCORD or any other internet place that you happen to meet a girl, like, just hit on a fuck ton of girls, hundreds. Don't use omegle as your looks will influence your success. When talking to girls, you want to make sure you don't come off as: too tryhard, too experienced (don't talk like a fuckboy muh "i get that all the time", or using female lingo), too inexperienced ("girls don't tend to like me"), insecure ("is 5 big enough???"), available all the time, a creep, too knowledgeable about female nature, too pc, a guy that tries to solve her problems instead of just listening, too agreeable, trying to be "the funny guy" all the time, dependent, the bitch in the relationship.

What you do want to come off as is: confident, dark triad (when the situation presents itself), so nt that they don't question you because they know you might be more knowledgeable than them when it comes to the basics of being social (fashion, music, etc.), casual, independent, a provider, genetically blessed (healthy, never getting sick, naturally athletic), a man.

This NT section is getting a little long so imma try to wrap it up. Use humor as a defense mechanism (takes experience) to basically weasel your way out of any criticism or insult. Do not use jokes or methods that are already known. If you see it on tiktok or instagram, other men will see it too and use it. Using other men's "game" is just embarrassing. I like to think of it as "getting patched". A philosophy to keep in mind when talking to ANYONE, not just girls, is to invoke a reaction without asking a question. That is a good sign you are not being dry and have good conversation skills. Eventually, you will get to a point where you don't consciously think or worry about what you are saying or what you are going to say which honestly is pretty rare even among normies. I've been through basically every situation, embarrassing, scary, not-belonging, online and can basically dominate any real life conversation because of this. I know that the person I'm talking to simply isn't as NT as me with every real life interaction I go in to; hit on thousands of girls where they can't see your face, talk to hundreds of people online where they can't see your face, this will be the result. Also know your place. If you're 5'8 or less, sorry bro, but youre just not meant to be the "confident leader" in the room.

Advice 7:
Make yourself easy to approach. As bluepilled as this sounds it is true. Always be the last one after class. Most of my approaches have been in the same place which is the lunch line. The way girls approach is pretty straightforward. Some are smart about it, most are retarded, they'll just expect you to continue the conversation, but really their goal is to get your insta/snap. If a girl approaches you and tries to start conversation, talk about whatever she's talking about if possible, but honestly just get straight to the point and ask for their insta. Sometimes girls give iois but honestly it's not even worth approaching girls in your class or grade as the odds of success are very low even with iois.

Advice 8:
Now if all this didn't work. It doesn't mean it's completely over. This is when you have to start thinking about lowering your standards. Now if you lower your standards to landwhales and still don't lose you're virginity then you're probably deformed and it's over.

Advice 9:
Make friends with older grades. No matter what generation it is. It will always be beneficial to become friends with a grade or two up. They will be able to show you what is NT at the time and give advice within a relevant time frame (unlike your dad who is like 30 years older who will give outdated/irrelevant advice). Studies show that children with siblings tend to be much more social and only childs tend to end up anti social losers.

Here's some artists i would consider the most nt:
Lil Tracy (yung bruh)
Chief Keef
Yung Kayo
Asap Rocky
ken carson
cartier god
the rare occassions
forth wanderers
dj smokey
izaya tiji
Thanks... OP! now im going to travel back in time and move in the US for a chance of a true ascension!
  • +1
Reactions: midlatinocel
Advice 1:
if you are a freshman there is no hope for you, just focus on preparing for the coming years. all the girls in your grade want guys from the older grades. you are prepubescent and ugly. you should already be doing the basic softmaxxes: skincare, lifting, leanmax, haircare, etc. from browsing this site for 0.2222 seconds. focus on getting on an ai and hgh. honestly just dont say anything because freshmen are seen as annoying by everyone and you probably are. dont talk unless needed. if you have any opportunities to lock yourself into a club or program at your school with other people for the next few years, do that.

Advice 2:
Go for girls in a lower grade. It is extremely rare for relationships to form in the same grade. This is for multiple reasons, the main one being girls this age are attracted to older guys and the difference between grades is a large difference in masculinity and there's a huge difference in the amount of effort men put into themselves between grades. The other reasons are that girls don't want to be seen as whores so obviously going for guys in a different grade that none of their friends in their grade know is much safer than whoring out in their own grade. The freshmen are obviously the easiest, oftentimes approaching first and having no problem with 17 and 14 so if u weird like that go for it bro but personally i wouldnt and didnt.

Advice 3:
Instagrammax. Post yourself on your instagram using the highlights feature, don't make an actual post. Show a good frauded photo of yourself. Put some pics of expensive clothes and good fits you got on there. If you are leanmaxxed, skincaremaxxed, have a decent fashion taste, and fraud your photos slightly this should put you above at least 80% of men in your grade and one grade lower unless you are clinically deformed. This should also be paired with following friend's followers and building up mutuals. Use a follower checker app in order to make sure no one's unfollowing you. What's more important than following people from your school is FOLLOWING PEOPLE FROM OTHER SCHOOLS. Remember what i said earlier about girls not wanting to seem like whores to the people that know them? Well the easiest way they get around this is talking to guys from other schools. Girls will be much more straightforward and aggressive if you are from another school. I personally wouldn't exceed 1200 following otherwise you just look like an instagrammaxxing tryhard.

Advice 4:
Use teen hook-up apps. This is riskier as if someone sees you on Yubo you could be seen as a desperate loser but that's up to you if you'd like to risk it. Using teen hook-up apps will get you low quality, usually ratchet hood bitches, but it's something. The apps I know and have tried out are Yubo and the "Monkey app". the reason i quote that is because it changes from time to time, just look it up on youtube "new monkey app". I personally played it safe and only used the app when visiting cali for around 4 days but for the 2 days I used it I got like 3 bitches slide in trying to set up a hook up. They were very straightforward, one was 24 and a landwhale so she was a fucking peed but ay, if you're desperate it's something. Another was a ltb. Another was a mtb black women. Like I said, these apps tend to bring in low quality pussy but if you're desperate or out of town and desperate it's a good option. These apps say 18+ but no one cares about that and if ur actually 18+ ur just a peed.

Advice 5:
Get your license as soon as possible. It's a huge halo to 1. have a car. 2. be able to drive your girl and friends around to various places.

Advice 6:
Be NT. Now I know this is gonna be hard for you autists to comprehend. Some things you need to know: snap = fuck. Instagram = relationship. Techwear = bad. Softboymaxxing (fashionwise) = bad. Streetwear = good. Archive fashion = good. Casual Dressing = good. Oversized clothes = good (within reason). Undersized clothes (including small sleeved shirts you gymcopers) = bad. Boots = good (just fucking wear boots it boosts ur height). Sneakers = good. Skate shoes = good (don't get any other colorways other than the original black and white old skools for vans). Job = good (don't be a broke gamer with no life). Rap = good. Indie Rock = good (not tiktok indie rock like clairo). Tiktok fashion = bad (unless it's archive, just don't be wearing a fucking skeleton hoodie you dweeb). Underground rap = good. EDM = bad. Hyperpop or any of that excessive autotune genres = bad. Classical = bad. Country = bad. White rappers (josh a, jake hill type rappers) = bad (yung lean might be the only exception). any sort of rock that isn't indie rock is a niche so id say neither good or bad. Telling girl you play video games = bad. Telling guys you play video games = good. Rings = good. Necklaces = niche. Piercings = niche. Eating school lunch = bad. Extremely heavy/large backpack = bad. Any club involving video games, computer science, or any other nerd shit = bad. Using tiktok = fine. Making tiktoks = bad. Posting on your story = usually bad (no one cares, think about how you either mindlessly swipe through stories or mute stories). Snap streaks = bad (we're not in middle school + snap is dead). Discord = bad. Producer = good (as long as your decent). emojis unironically are generally bad including 😂 = bad. 🤣 = bad. 💀 = bad. 💯 = bad. 🥺 = bad. These emojis are just so typical and bullyable and are generally used by low class people.

"u got me dead bro 💀💀💀💀💀"
"the worst feeling is watching yo dawgs 🐕 turn to snakes 🐍💯"

you get the point.

Hopefully I didn't miss anything but tbh I probably did because there's a lot. High school girls love a guy who is "casual" about things. This means he doesn't put much effort in, but still succeeds. Be casual when it comes to school work, grades, opinions (easy way to get out of pc-tests). Be casual when it comes to pretty much everything. This also means it's probably better that you're a "jack of all trades, master of none" kind of guy. You're going to learn very soon that you need to STOP WASTING TIME if you want to be good at everything. Stop using tiktok, stop watching youtube videos. Stop browsing looksmax every day. Stop posting on looksmax unless you need info (idc about pussy that much no more:soy::soy:). Stop playing games (or at least stop playing games when your friends dont play). Find entertaining things to do that are also productive and building a skill. This "casual" theory is also what makes hoodies, sweatpants, and PJs attractive to high school girls. You can't go wrong with hoodies, black sweats (gray sweats are non nt from the male pov), and PJs (red plaided PJs are only for fuckboys so unless your a fuckboy or have a gf at the school dont wear those). You can't go wrong with a casual white t-shirt. I believe your clothes should fraud or emphasize your frame. Oversized clothes fraud a larger frame. This makes hoodies, cargos, oversized jeans, all good options. It is important to never wear "skinny jeans" or any kind of pants that hug your legs (including pants that are tight at the cuff) as this will show how skinny your legs are. Slacks/fitted pants are good for tall guys that want to emphasize their long-legged proportions which will make you appear taller. Keyword there is "fitted", not "skinny". Alpha vnecks are a no.

Enough about fashion. When it comes to talking to girls, it's best to just come off as a "regular guy". "I just want a normal guy who isn't repulsive". Obviously the repulsive part is where the standards get too high. It's really something that can only be truly learned through experience. An easy way to improve this is talking to girls on DISCORD or any other internet place that you happen to meet a girl, like, just hit on a fuck ton of girls, hundreds. Don't use omegle as your looks will influence your success. When talking to girls, you want to make sure you don't come off as: too tryhard, too experienced (don't talk like a fuckboy muh "i get that all the time", or using female lingo), too inexperienced ("girls don't tend to like me"), insecure ("is 5 big enough???"), available all the time, a creep, too knowledgeable about female nature, too pc, a guy that tries to solve her problems instead of just listening, too agreeable, trying to be "the funny guy" all the time, dependent, the bitch in the relationship.

What you do want to come off as is: confident, dark triad (when the situation presents itself), so nt that they don't question you because they know you might be more knowledgeable than them when it comes to the basics of being social (fashion, music, etc.), casual, independent, a provider, genetically blessed (healthy, never getting sick, naturally athletic), a man.

This NT section is getting a little long so imma try to wrap it up. Use humor as a defense mechanism (takes experience) to basically weasel your way out of any criticism or insult. Do not use jokes or methods that are already known. If you see it on tiktok or instagram, other men will see it too and use it. Using other men's "game" is just embarrassing. I like to think of it as "getting patched". A philosophy to keep in mind when talking to ANYONE, not just girls, is to invoke a reaction without asking a question. That is a good sign you are not being dry and have good conversation skills. Eventually, you will get to a point where you don't consciously think or worry about what you are saying or what you are going to say which honestly is pretty rare even among normies. I've been through basically every situation, embarrassing, scary, not-belonging, online and can basically dominate any real life conversation because of this. I know that the person I'm talking to simply isn't as NT as me with every real life interaction I go in to; hit on thousands of girls where they can't see your face, talk to hundreds of people online where they can't see your face, this will be the result. Also know your place. If you're 5'8 or less, sorry bro, but youre just not meant to be the "confident leader" in the room.

Advice 7:
Make yourself easy to approach. As bluepilled as this sounds it is true. Always be the last one after class. Most of my approaches have been in the same place which is the lunch line. The way girls approach is pretty straightforward. Some are smart about it, most are retarded, they'll just expect you to continue the conversation, but really their goal is to get your insta/snap. If a girl approaches you and tries to start conversation, talk about whatever she's talking about if possible, but honestly just get straight to the point and ask for their insta. Sometimes girls give iois but honestly it's not even worth approaching girls in your class or grade as the odds of success are very low even with iois.

Advice 8:
Now if all this didn't work. It doesn't mean it's completely over. This is when you have to start thinking about lowering your standards. Now if you lower your standards to landwhales and still don't lose you're virginity then you're probably deformed and it's over.

Advice 9:
Make friends with older grades. No matter what generation it is. It will always be beneficial to become friends with a grade or two up. They will be able to show you what is NT at the time and give advice within a relevant time frame (unlike your dad who is like 30 years older who will give outdated/irrelevant advice). Studies show that children with siblings tend to be much more social and only childs tend to end up anti social losers.

Here's some artists i would consider the most nt:
Lil Tracy (yung bruh)
Chief Keef
Yung Kayo
Asap Rocky
ken carson
cartier god
the rare occassions
forth wanderers
dj smokey
izaya tiji
Fuark i realised how much of a fucking mentalcel i am like 6 months ago me and this foid a year below me were talking over a few days and she asked for my snap and i legit said “i dont use it much” and also one randomly approached me when i was waiting at the bus stop complimented me i legit just said thanks and walked away i need an even more in depth NTmaxxing guide
Fuark i realised how much of a fucking mentalcel i am like 6 months ago me and this foid a year below me were talking over a few days and she asked for my snap and i legit said “i dont use it much” and also one randomly approached me when i was waiting at the bus stop complimented me i legit just said thanks and walked away i need an even more in depth NTmaxxing guide
retardcel jfl
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