How to painlessly commit?

Go to Tijuana first. Get drunk, eat tacos, and fuck some big booty Latina escorts. Then see if life is still worth losing out on
Holy shit I fucking love Tijuana haven’t gotten escorts but definitely is more enjoyable than us life
Holy shit I fucking love Tijuana haven’t gotten escorts but definitely is more enjoyable than us life
Has sexpating (and alone too lmao) ever worked to get a solid relationship?
It’s a combination of oneitis, lack of foids, and the feeling of being left behind.

I visualize what my best is, and I see no reason to pursue it. Working hard in school for no reason while watching others live vibrant romantic lives. Maybe ending up in a loveless marriage with a roastie who settles for me at 35. I don’t see a way out of that future.
This reason is the most cucked reason, its a common reason but sucide because of lack of foids is next level betacuck. If you cant handle some onetis leaving you, its ridiculous. And the life you are describing is true for 99% apart from chads. Sure you can sucide if you want to but its fucking awfully stupid for this reasons and shows how much of foid cuck you are. And btw if you can even get a foid to betacuck in this gen ypu are incredibly lucky, because that shit is going away because foid work themselevs and dont need betacucks and there is already a unlimited amount of them available because of how many foids choose being single and hook up with chads instead. Even at 40+
Has sexpating (and alone too lmao) ever worked to get a solid relationship?
No but I just love tj idk bhai do mushrooms before you die alot of them
This reason is the most cucked reason, its a common reason but sucide because of lack of foids is next level betacuck. If you cant handle some onetis leaving you, its ridiculous. And the life you are describing is true for 99% apart from chads. Sure you can sucide if you want to but its fucking awfully stupid for this reasons and shows how much of foid cuck you are. And btw if you can even get a foid to betacuck in this gen ypu are incredibly lucky, because that shit is going away because foid work themselevs and dont need betacucks and there is already a unlimited amount of them available because of how many foids choose being single and hook up with chads instead. Even at 40+
Accepting that I will be alone in this world has been a really painful concept to process. The great majority of people do not struggle to this extent to find a romantic partner that they are satisfied with. The oneitis I had was my one chance in life and I blew it in half a week. She was into it, I was into it, it would have been great. But now it's over.

If relieving myself of this pain means I'm a cuck, I don't really care at this point. I just want to stop looking around me feeling deprived of something that comes so naturally for many others. I'm doing natural selection a favor by ending it early.
Accepting that I will be alone in this world has been a really painful concept to process. The great majority of people do not struggle to this extent to find a romantic partner that they are satisfied with. The oneitis I had was my one chance in life and I blew it in half a week. She was into it, I was into it, it would have been great. But now it's over.

If relieving myself of this pain means I'm a cuck, I don't really care at this point. I just want to stop looking around me feeling deprived of something that comes so naturally for many others. I'm doing natural selection a favor by ending it early.
I mean sure, but the concept of thinking you missed the on oppurtinuty is retarded, because of you had one then there will be another. And yes i get your point and feel the same, but for 50% this is true so you are not special.

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