How to prevent bone loss and shrinking of fat pads?

so it can help, when you deside to quickly start buying some oil.
there are shittons out there; and some can kinda fuck up your skin ot totally. Not all ooild are good, some are bad, sucks for skin. and some are great
Yeah, that's the thing. Lots of women's skincare products are Gigacope, therefore I rather search for studies than listening to a woman who says "It works, trust me."
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Hi. Are malar fat pads held in place by ligaments? If so, ligamentous collagen loss with aging will gradually weaken them to a point where they won’t be able to hold the fat pad. Dont know about the topic enough but I do acknowledge it’s key to aging
maybe some or all of these nutrition supplements help, to maintain good facial ligaments also?

Whay you think?
nutritional supplement containing hydrolyzed collagen, a complex of HA and CS (HC-15), and a plasma protein concentrate

supplemt taking group = progen group.
"Compared with patients in the control group, those in the Progen group required fewer rehabilitation sessions (mean [SD] of 48.4 [11.3] sessions vs. 38.0 [9.3] sessions; p < 0.001), thus returning earlier to their pre-injury activities. At the end of the follow-up, analgesic consumption was lower in the Progen group (8.6% of patients vs. 50.0%). According to the MRI findings, 61.8% and 38.2% of patients showed a high or complete maturation of the graft in the Progen and control groups, respectively. No serious adverse events were recorded. Both physicians and patients showed a trend towards a better perceived efficacy and tolerability in the Progen group."
Weird that fat people have an advantage in aging. But good thing that we have EFA.
they don't have an advantage in aging.
They may look less old, due to that their fatcells are still pumped up.
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true that, important factor.


To add.

What slows down, ligaments degradings due to aging?
I bet collagen syntehsis also big factor.
How, can get collagen IN THERE?
Does trentinoin and red light therpy, go deep enoughh to get that collagen in there?
I honestly beleive, these ligaments are well served with the previopulsy suggested oil treatments by me. Since in joints it's also suggested enopugh fish oil and blabla.

What you think?

."It is suggested that elastin and collagen metabolism in ligaments changes both with age and according to gender."

Need to get collagen in there. somehow.
Maybe those collagen pills, supplemets help for this one most. Since topical stuffs might not go deep enough??
Regarding your question. How to boost collagen synthesis in certain malar subcutaneous facial ligaments that hold fat pad in place. Tretinoin won’t work. LLLT won’t work. I don’t know what would help. Either some direct injection with growth factors or mmp inhibitors or whatever molecule that has shown to increase tensile strength of ligamentous tissue. Or some kind of mechanical force that can change gene expression to up regulate collagen expression. Prob is how do you expose that specific ligament to force? Ligaments, unlike tendons, typically connect bone to bone or in any case non contractile tissue so force cannot be transmitted there imo. Lots of conjecture in my post and the topic is more complex and nuanced. Mid face lift would probably fix the issue
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they don't have an advantage in aging.
They may look less old, due to that their fatcells are still pumped up.
Yes, I meant that they look less old. But of course it's not healthy to be fat.

I hope it's possible to get these EFA, as being fat is not an option for any looksmaxer.
Regarding your question. How to boost collagen synthesis in certain malar subcutaneous facial ligaments that hold fat pad in place. Tretinoin won’t work. LLLT won’t work. I don’t know what would help. Either some direct injection with growth factors or mmp inhibitors or whatever molecule that has shown to increase tensile strength of ligamentous tissue. Or some kind of mechanical force that can change gene expression to up regulate collagen expression. Prob is how do you expose that specific ligament to force? Ligaments, unlike tendons, typically connect bone to bone or in any case non contractile tissue so force cannot be transmitted there imo. Lots of conjecture in my post and the topic is more complex and nuanced. Mid face lift would probably fix the issue
For p[ostponing he midfac lif, and surtgeries.

what you think abouty suplementing orally: nutritional supplement containing hydrolyzed collagen, a complex of HA (hylaronic aciod) and maybe some other ones.
maybe some of that stuff gets in there, that way??
I know it's all minor effects probably
For p[ostponing he midfac lif, and surtgeries.

what you think abouty suplementing orally: nutritional supplement containing hydrolyzed collagen, a complex of HA (hylaronic aciod) and maybe some other ones.
maybe some of that stuff gets in there, that way??
I know it's all minor effects probably
It will not work
It will not work
why did recovery, after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.
go better for dudes taking supplements of containing hydrolyzed collagen, a complex of HA and CS (HC-15), and a plasma protein concentrate?

Is it wrong for me to assume, these substances cause the Ligament to behave a little differently. And mayb slow down it's deterioraton??

(I may sound giga stupid, but dicalimer I heaven't had biology or chemistry lessons since I was 14 , aka 20+ years ago.)

source: Efficacy and Tolerability of a Dietary Supplement Containing Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid, Chondroitin Sulfate and Plasma Proteins in the Recovery After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
supplemt taking group = progen group.

"Compared with patients in the control group, those in the Progen group required fewer rehabilitation sessions (mean [SD] of 48.4 [11.3] sessions vs. 38.0 [9.3] sessions; p < 0.001), thus returning earlier to their pre-injury activities. At the end of the follow-up, analgesic consumption was lower in the Progen group (8.6% of patients vs. 50.0%). According to the MRI findings, 61.8% and 38.2% of patients showed a high or complete maturation of the graft in the Progen and control groups, respectively. No serious adverse events were recorded. Both physicians and patients showed a trend towards a better perceived efficacy and tolerability in the Progen group."
This picture is really good for showing how getting leaner at old age can make you look older.

Now look at Norm MacDonald. Here he is pretty fat:

Here he lost weight, he looks decades older, only 4 years later:
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This picture is really good for showing how getting leaner at old age can make you look older.

Now look at Norm MacDonald. Here he is pretty fat:

Here he lost weight, he looks decades older, only 4 years later:

Fatcells deterioration, with aging. Is often an overlooked factor. Volume in skin layers, is good.
The only solution I found so far, for this. Is feeding the fatcells topically with matching amino acids/oils. (Fatcells are filled with different type of oils).

In spas, they also regularly offer oils therapies.
But tbh. One gotta feed oils daily, when getting old
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Ice water baths for 5 min a day. Look at eskimo's in the artic. Cold plays a big factor in maintaining and increasing facial fat. Ofcourse the best is to move to the southern polar.
Genius. So heat would do the opposite? I need to decrease face fat
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