How to sell my soul for money???

because you denied the sacrifice the lord Jesus
I do not mean to sound pretentious. But don't many people go through greater pain than Jesús?

I wont even use myself as an example but a mentally ill blackpilled 2psl incel must go through a pain that cant be conceived for many people. And on top of that he wont get a honoured for a thousand years as a savior of humanity.

Even myself I was not that unlucky un the looks department but if I were to share the things that have happened to me in this life your jaw would drop on the floor and ask how the fuck I'm here alive.
because you denied the sacrifice the lord Jesus
I do not mean to sound pretentious. But don't many people go through greater pain than Jesús?

I wont even use myself as an example but a mentally ill blackpilled 2psl incel must go through a pain that cant be conceived for many people. And on top of that he wont get a honoured for a thousand years as a savior of humanity.

Even myself I was not that unlucky un the looks department but if I were to share the things that have happened to me in this life your jaw would drop on the floor and ask how the fuck I'm here alive.
start selling drugs and catch bodies for money. u aint built for it tho be honest...
Im not no criminal nigger I just want to get money and fame
I do not mean to sound pretentious. But don't many people go through greater pain than Jesús?

I wont even use myself as an example but a mentally ill blackpilled 2psl incel must go through a pain that cant be conceived for many people. And on top of that he wont get a honoured for a thousand years as a savior of humanity.

Even myself I was not that unlucky un the looks department but if I were to share the things that have happened to me in this life your jaw would drop on the floor and ask how the fuck I'm here alive.
They may go through more physical pain than Jesus, but they aren't sinless like He was: he didn't deserve it.

I've gone through a lot too, including Trigeminal Neuralgia, 2x Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, dozens of Cluster Headaches, 2x Gangrene (untreated), Mastoiditis just to name a few... Not even naming the physical and psychological abuses during childhood and teenage years and still I'm a born-again believer.
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They may go through more physical pain than Jesus, but they aren't sinless like He was: he didn't deserve it.

I've gone through a lot too, including Trigeminal Neuralgia, 2x Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, dozens of Cluster Headaches, 2x Gangrene (untreated), Mastoiditis just to name a few... Not even naming the physical and psychological abuses during childhood and teenage years and still I'm a born-again believer.
Define sinless. Would you say Jesús never wanked for example? He never fucked or wanted to fuck someone?

many of us are young and have been through plenty while young. Imo in my current state I'm sinless as it gets...

Its pretentious to say that we deserve what we go through. Would reconsider that notion.
Satan doesn’t want your useless soul
Define sinless. Would you say Jesús never wanked for example? He never fucked or wanted to fuck someone?

many of us are young and have been through plenty while young. Imo in my current state I'm sinless as it gets...

Its pretentious to say that we deserve what we go through. Would reconsider that notion.
He never wanked, and for sure, as a male, he had a sex drive, but he never looked at a woman with sexual intent... He was pure unlike us, because He's God, and God can't sin...

You aren't sinless because you, as myself, were born as Adamic descendants: our FLESH is contaminated by sin, that's why we are born evil, even babies.

We deserve to go through what we experience because it's God strengthening us: you should see it as a means to be stronger, to learn something... Will you stumble and sin? FOR SURE, AGAIN AND AGAIN, but as long as you pray for strength and wisdom, God will give it to you (as long as you have already accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Only and One Savior, tho)

1 Corinthians 10:13
King James Version
13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
Don't do that. You need Jesus in your life
Don't do that. You need Jesus in your life
Don't do that. You need Jesus in your life
I want big money hail satan
Satans seal given

Tasa reme laris Satan, Ave Satanis

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