How to slay through social life (16-18yos)



Dec 22, 2019
Take into consideration I live in England and therefore experiences may vary depending on the laws in certain countries.

This guide is made purely from personal experiences which may vary from yours or anyone else’s however I wanted to help some people who struggle with inhib or even users who want to see if they have any chance at success with women. THIS GUIDE IS MADE FOR USERS 16-18 BUT MAY APPLY ABOVE. As most know, 18 is the legal entry age for clubs (Even though I’ve been able to get into clubs at holiday destinations such as Spanish islands at 16) which means I don’t imagine this guide working above that age.

Assuming you’re not completely subhuman 1psl and have somewhat of a friends group who are willing to attend social events. Book tickets for as many raves / concerts / festivals as you can (most are 16+ which is the perfect age range) If you’re like me and get +1psl just by standing in dim lighting where failos aren’t noticeable I’d recommend primarily going to raves / concerts which are in enclosed areas with very limited lighting. If you’re gymcelling hard and possibly on steroids / sarms I’d recommend festivals as you’d be able to mog most people there due to most guys below the age of 18 not having impressive physiques. During festivals it’s extremely easy to have any excuse to have your shirt off so if your body is your dominant feature I’d consider focusing on festivals.

Why Drum & Bass is the best genre of music for this: I’ve had the most success with D&B, I’m guessing this is because of the target audience which are normally girls 15 - 18 who are on average attractive. Every rave I’ve been to has had a Female:Male ratio of at least 6:4 and therefore girls are naturally programmed to become desperate once they see all their friends already coupled up which may result in downgrading just to fit in. Girls which attend these social events normally have little to no shame and will be willing to do a lot for a guy which they’re attracted to.

Having a strong social friend group helps a lot with this due to the statusmax. Try your best to fit in with a friend group that you’re just average looking in but that also is willing to go to these events to boost your status.

Section for aspies with social anxiety / lack of awereness - How to approach a girl at an event. First and the most important base layer to approaching a girl is seeing if she’s at least slightly into you. At raves / festivals girls will often show their interest by moving/dancing closer towards you / your group. This is the initial sign for you to make your move. How to make the actual move - This is very different to how approaching is done in real life due to extremely loud music making it virtually unable to hear anyone speak. If you sense a girl showed initial attraction through extended eye contact or moving closer towards you, move closer towards her, preferably behind her. Make tiny barely noticeable moves towards her through dancing. Do this until you mutually reach a common ground where you’re quite close together. This is not very hard to do as most events are crammed and therefore most people will not notice you moving towards them unless there was somewhat of an initial attraction. The perfect position to be in is behind the girl, just barely touching. This is the make or break because at this point she is guaranteed to notice what is happening and there are two possible scenarios. She either moves back towards you so her ass is touching you or she moves away at which point you shouldn’t bother trying this girl again and move to the next. This stage takes around 10 minutes and is all about making her feel comfortable around you making physical contact before you try to make any drastic decisions. (Obviously this wont work if you’re subhuman 2psl because girls will be disgusted by you doesn’t matter what you do). At this point I either try to make a conversation by asking if she’s got snapchat or where she’s from or I move straight for the waist and talk later. If you struggle with actually making conversation I’d recommend trying a retail job, it really helps with your social skills due to having to deal with every type of personality. After the conversation ends you go back to the initial position, possibly a bit closer and after around 5 minutes once you can see she’s fully comfortable with you being there you try and move one of your hands on the side of her waist. If you feel like there’s a spark you may go straight into grabbing the hip which will show you have confidence. You continue to rub up and down her waist with you hand until you can fully feel she’s comfortable and continue, switch up the hand positions every so often and see where it leads from there, at this point it’s all on how she handles it and the music that’s currently playing so adapt judging by her previous behaviour. Hope I don’t have to elaborate but I can go a bit deeper into any questions people have.

Just to clarify by concert I don’t mean shitty rock bands and etc, I mean DJ’s with d&b or house kinda music.

I would post a lot more pictures and videos but I don’t want to dox anyone external especially on here, that being said REFERENCE: B5500445 9382 4A34 833C F87F9FE85A41
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  • JFL
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Your lay count so far?
Step 1: have friends
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Wow kids in eu and uk have it so fucking easy they can drink at young age and go to parties and shit below 18 lmao. No wonder most of them are degenerate government leeches. In us you arent allowed to do any fun shit until it's already to late. I wish I lived in poland I'd smoke and drink every day and fuck ee bitches. There isn't shit to do in us chad.2.profit
Wow kids in eu and uk have it so fucking easy they can drink at young age and go to parties and shit below 18 lmao. No wonder most of them are degenerate government leeches. In us you arent allowed to do any fun shit until it's already to late. I wish I lived in poland I'd smoke and drink every day and fuck ee bitches. There isn't shit to do in us
As someone who has a lot of family in Poland and visits every summer for 2 weeks at least, I can tell you most people my age aren’t doing anything close to what me and people my age are doing right now. Due to Poland being such a catholic country most kids are raised hard working and education focused in order to make it out the poverty. This means most kids are not throwing parties or attending social events and if so, rarely anywhere near as active. I also strongly doubt there’s anywhere as near of amount of raves happening in most Eastern European countries because of the lack of people interested. No demand = no money to be made and therefore no people to host it
In contrast, English children are raised spoiled and lack focus on education and therefore by the age of 16, most parties are filled with MDMA and Ketamine etc, nothing I complain about as I enjoy myself much more under the influence or something, however that’s just the truth. Two different worlds
I do agree US is pretty much subhuman when it comes to teenage parties and shit which is the prime time from the simple fact most people have just matured by then and are getting into relationships. It’s much easier and exciting to do stuff with a curious non-sober girl while you’re both exploring rather than being 19 etc chad.2.profit
Jfl at thinking you have to be genetically blessed when I literally just gave a detailed description of maximising your chances. I’m normie at best
Your lay count so far?
1 if we’re counting actual sex, much more if we’re counting any type of sexual interaction eg. Blowjob etc. I’m EXTREMELY picky with who I go for though so I don’t really count as a good example
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Yeah having a large social circle is key to getting pussy but I like to stay lowkey. My friend is a social butterfly and he got shot because he was too trusting, now that’s an extreme example but the better you look and more you maximize your looks, everyone will lock eyes on you and try to be friendly
Wow kids in eu and uk have it so fucking easy they can drink at young age and go to parties and shit below 18 lmao. No wonder most of them are degenerate government leeches. In us you arent allowed to do any fun shit until it's already to late. I wish I lived in poland I'd smoke and drink every day and fuck ee bitches. There isn't shit to do in us

threads like these make me realize how over it is for me socially. At least in the US if you’re in the right state you can get cannabis.

good thread though op, I feel like this is good advice for a lot of mid range PSL guys.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1476
Yeah having a large social circle is key to getting pussy but I like to stay lowkey. My friend is a social butterfly and he got shot because he was too trusting, now that’s an extreme example but the better you look and more you maximize your looks, everyone will lock eyes on you and try to be friendly
Obviously this is not a reason to stop looksmaxxing, made this thread mainly for people to determine if they’re subhuman judging by their success at the most extremely beneficial circumstance or getting the motivational boost you need to looksmax harder once you got a sneak peak of what female attention feels like as that’s what helped me motivate myself to ascend the most. I succeed yet I’m still planning out my surgeries

Nice guide, Chad!
  • +1
Reactions: stuckneworleans, Chadelite and chadtachi
threads like these make me realize how over it is for me socially. At least in the US if you’re in the right state you can get cannabis.

good thread though op, I feel like this is good advice for a lot of mid range PSL guys.
Cannabis was never at any point legal in England yet I don’t know many people who haven’t at least tried it by the age of 15. You’d have to be a massive social reject aspie if you ever have never even tried it by that age. It’s not about what’s legal and what’s not, it’s about the culture and the upbringing. Loads of parents allow the children to host house parties filled with alcohol and class A drugs at their own home
Cannabis was never at any point legal in England yet I don’t know many people who haven’t at least tried it by the age of 15. You’d have to be a massive social reject aspie if you ever have never even tried it by that age. It’s not about what’s legal and what’s not, it’s about the culture and the upbringing. Loads of parents allow the children to host house parties filled with alcohol and class A drugs at their own home

15?! Jesus, that’s insane. I was watching Minecraft let’s plays at 15 fml. I was too high inhib to even drink beer legally during my stint in Germany, so I don’t think I’d ever be able to drugmaxx no matter how accessible.

Good info tho, how decriminalized are drugs in the U.K.?
Take into consideration I live in England and therefore experiences may vary depending on the laws in certain countries.

This guide is made purely from personal experiences which may vary from yours or anyone else’s however I wanted to help some people who struggle with inhib or even users who want to see if they have any chance at success with women. THIS GUIDE IS MADE FOR USERS 16-18 BUT MAY APPLY ABOVE. As most know, 18 is the legal entry age for clubs (Even though I’ve been able to get into clubs at holiday destinations such as Spanish islands at 16) which means I don’t imagine this guide working above that age.

Assuming you’re not completely subhuman 1psl and have somewhat of a friends group who are willing to attend social events. Book tickets for as many raves / concerts / festivals as you can (most are 16+ which is the perfect age range) If you’re like me and get +1psl just by standing in dim lighting where failos aren’t noticeable I’d recommend primarily going to raves / concerts which are in enclosed areas with very limited lighting. If you’re gymcelling hard and possibly on steroids / sarms I’d recommend festivals as you’d be able to mog most people there due to most guys below the age of 18 not having impressive physiques. During festivals it’s extremely easy to have any excuse to have your shirt off so if your body is your dominant feature I’d consider focusing on festivals.

Why Drum & Bass is the best genre of music for this: I’ve had the most success with D&B, I’m guessing this is because of the target audience which are normally girls 15 - 18 who are on average attractive. Every rave I’ve been to has had a Female:Male ratio of at least 6:4 and therefore girls are naturally programmed to become desperate once they see all their friends already coupled up which may result in downgrading just to fit in. Girls which attend these social events normally have little to no shame and will be willing to do a lot for a guy which they’re attracted to.

Having a strong social friend group helps a lot with this due to the statusmax. Try your best to fit in with a friend group that you’re just average looking in but that also is willing to go to these events to boost your status.

Section for aspies with social anxiety / lack of awereness - How to approach a girl at an event. First and the most important base layer to approaching a girl is seeing if she’s at least slightly into you. At raves / festivals girls will often show their interest by moving/dancing closer towards you / your group. This is the initial sign for you to make your move. How to make the actual move - This is very different to how approaching is done in real life due to extremely loud music making it virtually unable to hear anyone speak. If you sense a girl showed initial attraction through extended eye contact or moving closer towards you, move closer towards her, preferably behind her. Make tiny barely noticeable moves towards her through dancing. Do this until you mutually reach a common ground where you’re quite close together. This is not very hard to do as most events are crammed and therefore most people will not notice you moving towards them unless there was somewhat of an initial attraction. The perfect position to be in is behind the girl, just barely touching. This is the make or break because at this point she is guaranteed to notice what is happening and there are two possible scenarios. She either moves back towards you so her ass is touching you or she moves away at which point you shouldn’t bother trying this girl again and move to the next. This stage takes around 10 minutes and is all about making her feel comfortable around you making physical contact before you try to make any drastic decisions. (Obviously this wont work if you’re subhuman 2psl because girls will be disgusted by you doesn’t matter what you do). At this point I either try to make a conversation by asking if she’s got snapchat or where she’s from or I move straight for the waist and talk later. If you struggle with actually making conversation I’d recommend trying a retail job, it really helps with your social skills due to having to deal with every type of personality. After the conversation ends you go back to the initial position, possibly a bit closer and after around 5 minutes once you can see she’s fully comfortable with you being there you try and move one of your hands on the side of her waist. If you feel like there’s a spark you may go straight into grabbing the hip which will show you have confidence. You continue to rub up and down her waist with you hand until you can fully feel she’s comfortable and continue, switch up the hand positions every so often and see where it leads from there, at this point it’s all on how she handles it and the music that’s currently playing so adapt judging by her previous behaviour. Hope I don’t have to elaborate but I can go a bit deeper into any questions people have.

Just to clarify by concert I don’t mean shitty rock bands and etc, I mean DJ’s with d&b or house kinda music.

I would post a lot more pictures and videos but I don’t want to dox anyone external especially on here, that being said REFERENCE: View attachment 266490
After reading this thread I thought this dude would be average looking or sum shit and he’s fucking 6.5 PSL chad what the fuck
  • +1
Reactions: stuckneworleans
After reading this thread I thought this dude would be average looking or sum shit and he’s fucking 6.5 PSL chad what the fuck
I literally get rated 4psl by people here
15?! Jesus, that’s insane. I was watching Minecraft let’s plays at 15 fml. I was too high inhib to even drink beer legally during my stint in Germany, so I don’t think I’d ever be able to drugmaxx no matter how accessible.

Good info tho, how decriminalized are drugs in the U.K.?
I wouldn’t say they’re decriminalised much. I know at least 4 different drug dealers and they’re all my age or above
I literally get rated 4psl by people here

I wouldn’t say they’re decriminalised much. I know at least 4 different drug dealers and they’re all my age or above
Rates don't mean shit and no religious parents let their kids have parties
Look at the ethnics in London

Muslims and hindus

Jfl if you think they host parties
  • +1
Reactions: MortusX
Rates don't mean shit and no religious parents let their kids have parties
Look at the ethnics in London

Muslims and hindus

Jfl if you think they host parties
Most of England is non religious though? Especially non-ethnic

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