

Jun 23, 2023
someone help. how do i supress my appetite and stop eating so much goyslop. I want to be lean and not a bloatcel
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someone help. how do i supress my appetite and stop eating so much goyslop. I want to be lean and not a bloatcel
1. Stop Being a fatass.
Hungry Food GIF
Its impossible, I'm obese myself and its literally unfixable
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Fast everyday 8 hours, also vaping helped me a lot.
I fasted everyday 8:00-3:00

Went from 5’11 235 to 6’2 190

361FE812 9851 4C72 8BB0 36712A4C90FB
C6E1A026 E0D7 4936 86BC 67BAA25F135B
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bro who is @134applesauce456💀😭
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one cup of greek yogurt is 100 calories with 11 g protein. very satiating have two cups with strawberry for flavouring if it is unflavoured. then eat beef liver at noon with a cup of cofffee in gelatin with sugar for taste. have popcorn as snacks (35 g popcorn is 150 calories) . at dinner eat roti with paneer butter masala and onion as side . drink some coca cola before you go to sleep. total calories = 1800. calorie deficit would be around 700 with this diet and you wont fell shiit on it. im losing around 1kg a week w this diet now my basketball zygos have become more apparent with backlighting( still a long way to go)
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Eat 150+g protein in caloric maintenance or deficit, will kill your cravings eventually
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how to stop eating so much? it's very simple: eat less

if you can't stop eating you're weak. i have gone multiple days without eating or sleeping without effort and you fatasses are complaining that you can't be in a caloric deficit of 500 calories. 500 calories is just one bag of potato chips.

manlets are roping because they are too short and they can't do anything about it, but fatties are complaining about things which they can do something about. it's the easiest and most influencial looksmax so how don't you have motivation for it. you must be very privileged if you think losing weight is hard.
don't listen to this retard, op. vaping will make ur dick smaller and fuck up your lungs. just ECA stack and calorie deficit fasting and you'll lean down.
on top of that, do cardio. seriously, dont listen to the dipshits that say cardio makes u lose muscle. prolonged and consistent cardio will suppress appetite and make u live longer and healthier. you'll forget u ever wanted to eat a greasy burger if your blood is pumping away from your stomach. if you lift weights, do cardio, count the proper amount of calories for activity level (apple watch or similar would def help with counting calories burned), eat healthy, and add supplements, you'll be a severe beast in no time. after at least 6 months of a consistent gym routine is established and you want to take your physique a step above, consider taking a roid protocol but do lots of research on that first before hopping on gear. natural should be sufficient in most cases but it would take more patience.
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  • JFL
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Chew gum tbh its a good jaw workout and also kills appetite

Jake Gyllenhal actually did this to get lean for nightcrawler

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how to stop eating so much? it's very simple: eat less

if you can't stop eating you're weak. i have gone multiple days without eating or sleeping without effort and you fatasses are complaining that you can't be in a caloric deficit of 500 calories. 500 calories is just one bag of potato chips.

manlets are roping because they are too short and they can't do anything about it, but fatties are complaining about things which they can do something about. it's the easiest and most influencial looksmax so how don't you have motivation for it. you must be very privileged if you think losing weight is hard.
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"The Body’s Response to Nicotine​

Nicotine is a highly addictive substance found naturally in tobacco. When introduced into the body, regardless of the method, it stimulates the central nervous system to release the hormone adrenaline – a chemical response that is normally associated with stressful or dangerous situations.

The release of adrenaline prompts several physiological changes in the body’s cardiovascular system, including increased heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate. In addition, the nicotine itself has a vaso-constrictive effect, meaning it shrinks and tightens blood vessels – reducing the amount of blood that can flow through them. This reduces the body’s ability to effectively transport oxygen and can lead to lower energy levels and shortness of breath.

These physiological responses happen every time nicotine is delivered to the body – putting the body into a state of high-stress over and over again. Ironically, although nicotine stresses the body, it simultaneously relaxes the mind. It can lead to pleasurable feelings of relaxation, euphoria and heightened alertness. For many people, the positive sensations override the negative physical effects and they become addicted to nicotine.

Sexual Side Effects of Nicotine in Men​

Getting and maintaining an erection is dependent on a strong, steady flow of blood into the spongy tissue and smooth muscles of the penis. During sexual arousal, certain chemicals in the lining of the blood vessels in the penis allow the penile muscles to relax and accept the additional blood flow. These same chemicals then create a seal to “trap” the blood in the penis, creating an erection.

As mentioned previously, nicotine causes blood vessels to constrict, reducing blood flow to all the organs, including the penis. Therefore, men who smoke or vape, are at higher risk for experiencing erectile dysfunction (ED). Sexual health may then be further diminished by the man’s emotional response to incidents of ED, which may include shame, depression, anxiety and feelings of inadequacy."

I quit vaping a month ago and it was the best health decision of my life. I already breathe much easier (because you're supposed to breathe air and not chinese watermelon gumdrop plastic air like a fucking idiot) and my dick has regained its size, both flaccid and hard.
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Just eat well? lmao what else do you want me to say
59397123 3FA7 4A66 BDC6 6E58240B7A94

not satire, geniune
on top of that, do cardio. seriously, dont listen to the dipshits that say cardio makes u lose muscle. prolonged and consistent cardio will suppress appetite and make u live longer and healthier. you'll forget u ever wanted to eat a greasy burger if your blood is pumping away from your stomach. if you lift weights, do cardio, count the proper amount of calories for activity level (apple watch or similar would def help with counting calories burned), eat healthy, and add supplements, you'll be a severe beast in no time. after at least 6 months of a consistent gym routine is established and you want to take your physique a step above, consider taking a roid protocol but do lots of research on that first before hopping on gear. natural should be sufficient in most cases but it would take more patience.
destroy ur body to suppress appetite theory
destroy ur body to suppress appetite theory
LDAR theory because 'my bawdy huwts when i wun wonga den 10 seconds :cry:'

i stg u niggas do everything but cardio cause y'all fkn pussies :forcedsmile:

wtf u think hunter gatherer men were doing? just chilling? our bodies were programmed to move and expend energy :rolleyes:
LDAR theory because 'my bawdy huwts when i wun wonga den 10 seconds :cry:'

i stg u niggas do everything but cardio cause y'all fkn pussies :forcedsmile:

wtf u think hunter gatherer men were doing? just chilling? our bodies were programmed to move and expend energy :rolleyes:
theres a reason why we evolved past the hunter gatherers, we didnt need to hunt anymore

the body is programmed to conserve as much energy as possible, opposite of what cardio is, deeming it unnatural and im sure u think everything unnatural is unhealthy
someone help. how do i supress my appetite and stop eating so much goyslop. I want to be lean and not a bloatcel
Look into a fasting mimicking diet. Basically eat low calorie high fiber foods during the day whilst smaller portions of protein and card during the day and evening.
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theres a reason why we evolved past the hunter gatherers, we didnt need to hunt anymore

the body is programmed to conserve as much energy as possible, opposite of what cardio is, deeming it unnatural and im sure u think everything unnatural is unhealthy
yes, we didn't need to hunt anymore because farming and industrial advances created a surplus of nutritional production. side effect of which is the ease of access to obesity, because no longer did you have to expend energy throughout the day to get minimal calories to be fit and healthy. ofc cardio exercise back when hunting was necessary would have been a ridiculous waste of energy. nowadays, it's pretty much required in order to compensate for the vast quantity of shit foods that we have instant access to alongside lifestyle choice predispositions. even eating too much healthy whole foods can make you fat given the fact that you're not hunting or gathering for it.
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yes, we didn't need to hunt anymore because farming and industrial advances created a surplus of nutritional production. side effect of which is the ease of access to obesity, because no longer did you have to expend energy throughout the day to get minimal calories to be fit and healthy. ofc cardio exercise back when hunting was necessary would have been a ridiculous waste of energy. nowadays, it's pretty much required in order to compensate for the vast quantity of shit foods that we have instant access to alongside lifestyle choice predispositions. even eating too much healthy whole foods can make you fat given the fact that you're not hunting or gathering for it.
correct and agree on everything except exercise being needed

the excess of calories from not hunting is easily used if u actually go outside and have a life, simply walk instead of using a car or public transport

in the first place u shouldnt be eating the caloric bombs, eat healthily and u will not have much excess calories making u obese as living ur life will burn that
yes, we didn't need to hunt anymore because farming and industrial advances created a surplus of nutritional production. side effect of which is the ease of access to obesity, because no longer did you have to expend energy throughout the day to get minimal calories to be fit and healthy. ofc cardio exercise back when hunting was necessary would have been a ridiculous waste of energy. nowadays, it's pretty much required in order to compensate for the vast quantity of shit foods that we have instant access to alongside lifestyle choice predispositions. even eating too much healthy whole foods can make you fat given the fact that you're not hunting or gathering for it.
this sounds good and logical but hunting was mostly about setting traps and sitting down waiting

once the animal fell for the trap they ate the fresh meat raw and were extremely satiated for hours a feeling you don't get with meat that is cooked to death
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this sounds good and logical but hunting was mostly about setting traps and sitting down waiting

once the animal fell for the trap they ate the fresh meat raw and were extremely satiated for hours a feeling you don't get with meat that is cooked to death
hope you dont eat raw meat rn tho
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correct and agree on everything except exercise being needed

the excess of calories from not hunting is easily used if u actually go outside and have a life, simply walk instead of using a car or public transport

in the first place u shouldnt be eating the caloric bombs, eat healthily and u will not have much excess calories making u obese as living ur life will burn that

rigorous exercise + maintenance/moderate calorie deficit (lean surplus for gaining muscle) >>> minimal/light exercise + higher calorie deficit

you will be more aesthetic and healthier this way + less likely to suffer a heart attack vs if say you're a BB that neglects cardio

expending energy is good for you as long as you also eat the correct amount, recover properly, and minimize stress
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rigorous exercise + maintenance/moderate calorie deficit >>> minimal/light exercise + higher calorie deficit

you will be more aesthetic and healthier this way + less likely to suffer a heart attack vs if say you're a BB that neglects cardio

expending energy is good for you as long as you also eat the correct amount, recover properly, and minimize stress
ur like a coin flip, half of what u say is good then the other half is garbage
expending energy is good for you as long as you also eat the correct amount, recover properly, and minimize stress
u expend energy by walking around, living ur life

and by minimizing stress u minimize exercise as that is literally one of the most stressful things modern people do to themselves, u essentially contradicted urself

“muh exercise to be healthy but also minimize stress”
ur like a coin flip, half of what u say is good then the other half is garbage

u expend energy by walking around, living ur life

and by minimizing stress u minimize exercise as that is literally one of the most stressful things modern people do to themselves, u essentially contradicted urself

“muh exercise to be healthy but also minimize stress”
exercise is a form of good stress if you really want to define such a fundamental mechanic of life as such.

yes, exercise will momentarily spike cortisol, but it doesn't make you stressed out because there are a multitude of benefits that accompany exercise, increased blood flow to the brain is just one of many.

too little cortisol will result in lethargy and lack of motivation
too much cortisol will rapidly age your mind and body
  • JFL
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exercise is a form of good stress if you really want to define such a fundamental mechanic of life as such.
no such thing as good stress
yes, exercise will momentarily spike cortisol, but it doesn't make you stressed out because there are a multitude of benefits that accompany exercise, increased blood flow to the brain is just one of many.
jfl the increase in blood flow to the brain is js because ur breathing more/better
too little cortisol will result in lethargy and lack of motivation
too much cortisol will rapidly age your mind and body
no such thing as too little cortisol in this day and age

exercising just adds more unnecessary cortisol to the heaps everyone already has from the way the world is rn
If you are in charge of buying your own food there is no excuse to be fat. Only parents and large portions are an excuse.
exercising just adds more unnecessary cortisol to the heaps everyone already has from the way the world is rn
jfl no it fucking doesn't bro. exercise is therapeutic regardless of the physical stress your body is enduring. ask anyone at the gym who has been doing it longer than at least a month "does exercise stress you out?" and i guarantee you they will say something that suggests it's a huge net positive in their life, despite PSL differences.
no such thing as too little cortisol in this day and age
there is. rotter lifestyle is rampant and rotters tend to choose one of two directions.

1. rotting because they are lazy and content with their current condition and ignore life's stressful meta externalities (low cortisol, low effort)
2. rotting because they are lazy and unhappy with with their current condition and are severely affected by life's stressful meta externalities (high cortisol, low effort)

these are obviously black and white examples but it seems you fit the criteria for the latter. given the circumstances of the fucked up world we live in, you would be better off striking a better balance by making the steps to exercise and stop worrying so much about shit you cant control. take care of yourself for your looks and your health.

jfl the increase in blood flow to the brain is js because ur breathing more/better
yes, higher vo2 = higher blood o2 = more oxygen to the brain. in turn, this will improve IQ (goes a little deeper than that and the IQ point improvement isn't huge). if you really value the desire to undo the brainrot, then you can also microdose shrooms. eating broccoli will mitigate autistic symptoms as well, so try that.
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