How to successfully conduct abusive behaviour in a relationship

crushing sluts@100%

crushing sluts@100%

Jun 25, 2024
There are a variety of ways to be psychologically abusive in a relationship and that is what this thread will be discussing today

This is not a slaying guide per se this will not help you slay, you've gotta be chad for that

This guide is just how to be psychologically abusive toward women

Why would we want to be abusive psychologically to women

there are many reasons why it would be of a benefit to do so i will list a few reasons why and then we will dive into other facets of psychological abuse and how to do it

Some reasons

* Psychological self defence, maybe they are being abusive toward you

* Women to some extent want to be abused psychologically

* Idealogical reasons, eg you may have a passion or set of values or a vision, that may Incline you to want to abuse women

* Sexual dominance

* Policing of a system you disagree with, so basically not liking the way the world is run and taking matters into your own hands, a good free thinking trait

* Because they are cunts

* Giving people what is due to them and giving them what they deserve

* Maintaing a relationship

* Other reasons

Those are 9 good reasons you might want to consider psychological abuse as an option in your future relationships

Some observations I have made about psychological abuse ( my learnings)
And some facts about abuse

Women like being abused especially by good looking men

What I have concluded is that the abusive behaviour that you unleash on a woman she will automatically receive that as her own power, basically if she sleeps with you she believes that those arsehole traits are in her arsenal of defensive weaponry thus she feels protected and actually likes the abuse as it's a demonstration of a capability that she benefits from

I will give an example

The US navy sank it's own aircraft carrier in a military exercise, using bombs, airstrikes, missiles, etc, it was tough to sink but eventually they sank it

Now was the US navy unhappy that there ship was sank. No they liked it and the US military liked it because it demonstrated what there weapons could do to sink a ship which made them feel empowered.

Women are similar when you abuse them your using psychological weapons against them, and those women consider those weapons as part of there own arsenal of weaponry because they are sleeping with you so assume they are on the same side, the more painful the abuse the more they like it,
on the flip side it probably makes them want to sleep with you to gain access to the emotions that tell them it's a shared capability

But isn't this water 💦

Yea it is but people don't get that there is a wrong and right way to do it, and people understand it to a brand but not really properly.

There are many studies indicating women like abuse although they are not at the forefront of literature for obvious reasons.


I think there are two states of mind in which you could be abusive, one is in a free flowing state, the other is concious calculated state

What do those terms mean, they mean what they sound like self explanatory

I think the concious calculated way is better although it's more effort and has less natural skill, it sees more is capable of accessing higher iq information and when your in this state of mind your cognition is still taking frequent dips in the free flowing state, so you still have access to natural skill, basically you get the best of both worlds,
Also the calculated concious state is far better at observation. You should use both though.

The calculated concious is observational (less low inhib but sees more reads the room better, still capable of low inhib)

Calculated conscious will- organise the information you have gathered while in the free flowing state

The free flowing is reactionary (more likely to be low inhib, but will miss important information)

Free flowing will- gather information but won't know what to do with it or what it means

I will discuss the calculated conscious framework cause if your doing the other one your probably not really aware of it anyway itl happen naturally on its own working in the background as will the calculated concious

launching your abuse from the calculated conscious

Reading the emotional atmosphere emotional intelligence and reading the room are all important skills to do abuse and they occour through observation

Eq is as important as iq

How to hurt someone through these methods

Look at the vibe look at body language, and look at patterns, observe patterns to figure out what bubble they live in, the ego lives in this bubble aswell, so here is how to hurt women

Many people live in some sort of bubble and the biggest weakness of this is that it somewhat arrogantly assumes a level of safety and thus leaves sections of the ego or the self undefended (unhumbled)

What I mean by defence is not insecurity, the only successful defence that is actually legit and not coping insecurity is humility, humility is the only defence

But people in bubbles lack humility thus a true credible defence, because humility won't let you live in a bubble

So your goal is to attack those undefended areas, to do this you need to understand
A- what sort of bubble they are in and
B- how the real world works relative to their bubble
This will be difficult if you live in a bubble yourself
You have to attack the most sensitive and vulnerable parts that are left undefended in their ego by understanding their bubble which is a construct of their ego

How to understand someone's bubble and reading patterns that tell you so

I'll give some demonstrations or examples

Just a random example

You meet a woman and you can straight away tell that she is uppity slightly hipster into sort of spiritual kind of astronomy stuff and likes music the left field kind, and left wing
She is comfortable in this world, and has a built in assumption that it's safe, and all the people within it are safe.
What you need to do is briefly temporarily become the male version of that or just some citizen of that world, become a sortnof member of the bubble, you can do it in like 15 minutes if youve got eq and can read the vibe. Then entail some of the attributes that she likes, then out of nowhere be a complete cunt, tell her with a casual jaded sincerity that she is stupid will amount to nothing gets nothing done bring to light the filthiness of her waking up at 10 am and is a lazy sack of shit wearing baggy jeans and retarded bracelets that are shit and a stupid gemstones necklace that could get you strangled in the streets if you weren't lucky enough to live in a affluent area

This will destroy her ego because you did the damage from within the bubble those are the parts her ego left undefended so it will hurt more.

Whereas if you did your attack from outside her bubble it would not hurt her as much because it's not attacking her sense of self and her ego,
So for example it would not work as good if you were a trump supporter and far right wing and roasted her from that position cause her defences are already up on that area.

Attacking from within there bubble will shake there whole world veiw destroy their ego their sense of self sense of identity and will leave them thoroughly hurt

Now you might be wondering what if there not that girl, but they don't have to be.
Even if they are very mainstream and normie there still likely living in some sort of bubble, you need to figure out what it is using eq and observation and seeing patterns than infiltrate it be a npc member or member of that bubble than be a cunt out of nowhere.

Being a temporary citizen of the bubble does not mean joining a social circle, you can do it as a random stranger it just means blending in and making them think your one of them.

Even better temporarily embody some of the qualities that they love and respect, and than be a complete arsehole, that will really shake their world veiw I promise you.

You can do this to women you've just met or are currently in a relationship with


Manipulation should be covert and you should always operate in a way that you can never get caught you can't say anything that could trace it back to Manipulation,

The thing with women is they are manipulative themselves, but the good news I find is that manipulative people are actually easier to manipulate, you just make them believe your buying there bullshit, once you do this they will reveal more information about there intentions, once you have this it becomes easy to manipulate them.
They are likely operating in the free flowing state, so they have less awareness that they are kinda giving the game away and are blowing their cover, you on the other hand are operating in the calculated conscious so you'll be thinking more steps ahead.

Some tips and tricks

- don't wear your heart on your sleeve, don't tell it how it is, save all that shit for the perfect moment

- Don't reveal how strong tough you are in front of both men and women, this means that they have to make assumptions about how strong you are, you observe these assumptions and it will be very telling of who they are and how strong they are, that will be useful information for you

- When roasting a bitch be stroppy and use basic vocabulary avoid educated complex vocabulary, use basic words but that have a good point say it in an agitated way yet still calm and uncaring

- Don't try to hard, you risk abandoning the free flow state and you will seem obvious and it won't be as good

There is many more ways that I know of to psychologically abuse them but this thread is getting long and people won't read, or they might not read anyway.
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buddy the last time i made eye contact with a woman was detailed in a thread I made in 2021
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There are a variety of ways to be psychologically abusive in a relationship and that is what this thread will be discussing today

This is not a slaying guide per se this will not help you slay, you've gotta be chad for that

This guide is just how to be psychologically abusive toward women

Why would we want to be abusive psychologically to women

there are many reasons why it would be of a benefit to do so i will list a few reasons why and then we will dive into other facets of psychological abuse and how to do it

Some reasons

* Psychological self defence, maybe they are being abusive toward you

* Women to some extent want to be abused psychologically

* Idealogical reasons, eg you may have a passion or set of values or a vision, that may Incline you to want to abuse women

* Sexual dominance

* Policing of a system you disagree with, so basically not liking the way the world is run and taking matters into your own hands, a good free thinking trait

* Because they are cunts

* Giving people what is due to them and giving them what they deserve

* Maintaing a relationship

* Other reasons

Those are 9 good reasons you might want to consider psychological abuse as an option in your future relationships

Some observations I have made about psychological abuse ( my learnings)
And some facts about abuse

Women like being abused especially by good looking men

What I have concluded is that the abusive behaviour that you unleash on a woman she will automatically receive that as her own power, basically if she sleeps with you she believes that those arsehole traits are in her arsenal of defensive weaponry thus she feels protected and actually likes the abuse as it's a demonstration of a capability that she benefits from

I will give an example

The US navy sank it's own aircraft carrier in a military exercise, using bombs, airstrikes, missiles, etc, it was tough to sink but eventually they sank it

Now was the US navy unhappy that there ship was sank. No they liked it and the US military liked it because it demonstrated what there weapons could do to sink a ship which made them feel empowered.

Women are similar when you abuse them your using psychological weapons against them, and those women consider those weapons as part of there own arsenal of weaponry because they are sleeping with you so assume they are on the same side, the more painful the abuse the more they like it,
on the flip side it probably makes them want to sleep with you to gain access to the emotions that tell them it's a shared capability

But isn't this water 💦

Yea it is but people don't get that there is a wrong and right way to do it, and people understand it to a brand but not really properly.

There are many studies indicating women like abuse although they are not at the forefront of literature for obvious reasons.


I think there are two states of mind in which you could be abusive, one is in a free flowing state, the other is concious calculated state

What do those terms mean, they mean what they sound like self explanatory

I think the concious calculated way is better although it's more effort and has less natural skill, it sees more is capable of accessing higher iq information and when your in this state of mind your cognition is still taking frequent dips in the free flowing state, so you still have access to natural skill, basically you get the best of both worlds,
Also the calculated concious state is far better at observation. You should use both though.

The calculated concious is observational (less low inhib but sees more reads the room better, still capable of low inhib)

Calculated conscious will- organise the information you have gathered while in the free flowing state

The free flowing is reactionary (more likely to be low inhib, but will miss important information)

Free flowing will- gather information but won't know what to do with it or what it means

I will discuss the calculated conscious framework cause if your doing the other one your probably not really aware of it anyway itl happen naturally on its own working in the background as will the calculated concious

launching your abuse from the calculated conscious

Reading the emotional atmosphere emotional intelligence and reading the room are all important skills to do abuse and they occour through observation

Eq is as important as iq

How to hurt someone through these methods

Look at the vibe look at body language, and look at patterns, observe patterns to figure out what bubble they live in, the ego lives in this bubble aswell, so here is how to hurt women

Many people live in some sort of bubble and the biggest weakness of this is that it somewhat arrogantly assumes a level of safety and thus leaves sections of the ego or the self undefended (unhumbled)

What I mean by defence is not insecurity, the only successful defence that is actually legit and not coping insecurity is humility, humility is the only defence

But people in bubbles lack humility thus a true credible defence, because humility won't let you live in a bubble

So your goal is to attack those undefended areas, to do this you need to understand
A- what sort of bubble they are in and
B- how the real world works relative to their bubble
This will be difficult if you live in a bubble yourself
You have to attack the most sensitive and vulnerable parts that are left undefended in their ego by understanding their bubble which is a construct of their ego

How to understand someone's bubble and reading patterns that tell you so

I'll give some demonstrations or examples

Just a random example

You meet a woman and you can straight away tell that she is uppity slightly hipster into sort of spiritual kind of astronomy stuff and likes music the left field kind, and left wing
She is comfortable in this world, and has a built in assumption that it's safe, and all the people within it are safe.
What you need to do is briefly temporarily become the male version of that or just some citizen of that world, become a sortnof member of the bubble, you can do it in like 15 minutes if youve got eq and can read the vibe. Then entail some of the attributes that she likes, then out of nowhere be a complete cunt, tell her with a casual jaded sincerity that she is stupid will amount to nothing gets nothing done bring to light the filthiness of her waking up at 10 am and is a lazy sack of shit wearing baggy jeans and retarded bracelets that are shit and a stupid gemstones necklace that could get you strangled in the streets if you weren't lucky enough to live in a affluent area

This will destroy her ego because you did the damage from within the bubble those are the parts her ego left undefended so it will hurt more.

Whereas if you did your attack from outside her bubble it would not hurt her as much because it's not attacking her sense of self and her ego,
So for example it would not work as good if you were a trump supporter and far right wing and roasted her from that position cause her defences are already up on that area.

Attacking from within there bubble will shake there whole world veiw destroy their ego their sense of self sense of identity and will leave them thoroughly hurt

Now you might be wondering what if there not that girl, but they don't have to be.
Even if they are very mainstream and normie there still likely living in some sort of bubble, you need to figure out what it is using eq and observation and seeing patterns than infiltrate it be a npc member or member of that bubble than be a cunt out of nowhere.

Being a temporary citizen of the bubble does not mean joining a social circle, you can do it as a random stranger it just means blending in and making them think your one of them.

Even better temporarily embody some of the qualities that they love and respect, and than be a complete arsehole, that will really shake their world veiw I promise you.

You can do this to women you've just met or are currently in a relationship with


Manipulation should be covert and you should always operate in a way that you can never get caught you can't say anything that could trace it back to Manipulation,

The thing with women is they are manipulative themselves, but the good news I find is that manipulative people are actually easier to manipulate, you just make them believe your buying there bullshit, once you do this they will reveal more information about there intentions, once you have this it becomes easy to manipulate them.
They are likely operating in the free flowing state, so they have less awareness that they are kinda giving the game away and are blowing their cover, you on the other hand are operating in the calculated conscious so you'll be thinking more steps ahead.

Some tips and tricks

- don't wear your heart on your sleeve, don't tell it how it is, save all that shit for the perfect moment

- Don't reveal how strong tough you are in front of both men and women, this means that they have to make assumptions about how strong you are, you observe these assumptions and it will be very telling of who they are and how strong they are, that will be useful information for you

- When roasting a bitch be stroppy and use basic vocabulary avoid educated complex vocabulary, use basic words but that have a good point say it in an agitated way yet still calm and uncaring

- Don't try to hard, you risk abandoning the free flow state and you will seem obvious and it won't be as good

There is many more ways that I know of to psychologically abuse them but this thread is getting long and people won't read, or they might not read anyway.
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Other ways to be abusive

One way to know how to be abusive is to read and understand subtle body language because it will allow you to gain information on what is going to hurt

The funny thing about subtle body language vs obvious body language, is I think subtle body language says alot more, and if your an autist this is probably the body language you'll be able to read cause it's less mathematical and more gut instinct

Why read body language cause it can show you what insults you should say

I'll list some body subtle body language and the insult to say to the person displaying it, this in some cases can be done to random people, some of it will actually be on defence in nature which makes them look wrong

Subtle body language can be very close to mind reading

A small list but you'll figure your own out aswell if you engage in the state of mind
This list may seem weird and autistic in its details, but that's cause describing and explaining these tiny subtleties are difficult yet important to be able to observe it this might sound weird and autistic but you'll just need to push past that

Here's a bit of a list

If you are walking in a semi crowded area like shops mall etc and you walk in front of a foid she may do this

She might pause and freeze momentarily for like a fraction of a second You'll see or sense her looking at you with the corner of your eye, in this fraction of a second the vibe will be as though she is studiously looking at you, yet it will be somewhat indifferent and unfazed, her head and body might wince backwards one tenth of a millimetre at the same time, there may be a tiny hint of annoyance
What does this mean. And what it really means.
She thinks you have rudely cut her off like as if you were going to walk into her or something, say you walked past a shopping isle where she was.
Now maybe you were actually in the wrong, but let's say you weren't and you were never going to crash into her.
The reason she is doing this is she is already slightly pissed off from having a bad day, and so as a result her radius of your about to bump into me is much bigger
She studied you for a second cause she thought you didn't notice cause she thinks rude people don't notice there rude and are obnoxious, which is why she felt entitled to stare that second longer cause she thought you are to rude and obnoxious to notice. Your actually not rude you've done nothing wrong, it's just that her threshold of rudeness has been raised way beyond what is actually rude cause she's having a bad day. Anyway she thinks you did not read this subtlest body language, and she may not realise she even displayed it.

BUT you did see it. So what you have to do now is capitalise on her self inflicted shitty mood by making it worse, and it's even easier since your not actually in the wrong you've really done nothing wrong.
When your a metre or two a way suddenly turn around and say in again a stroppy yet not to angry but uncaring nonchalant sort of way say

"" uuggghh don't worry fuck sakes I was never going to bump into you I'm like 3 metres away pffffttt""

She'll be in complete shock like someone read her mind, she will feel exposed and like her secret is out, her secret that she is a cunt

Itl also prove that your not as obnoxious and unaware as she thought, this in of itself will actually be a shock to the system that will hurt her

This only works if your actually not in the wrong don't go barging past people jfl, but this will happen you'll get your chance

Now this might all seem like water or like I just wrote a whole heap of nothing, but it's not cause when this happens in real life itl be so subtle and way more subtle version of what i described that they won't even realise there doing it 99.999 percent of people won't pick up on it, the foid will be freaked the fuck out like you've read her mind she'll feel like an exposed cunt cause she thought no one knew let alone a random stranger.

So from here she might apologise in which case there's no more bitterness for you to capitalise on and you can leave it at that

Or she might get angry, keep capitalising on her shitiness and just make her more upset and angry through further arguing, remember cause your not in the wrong your justified and no one can do anything about it (but that's why it's crucial your not actually in the wrong though)

You might wonder what's the point of the essay I wrote
The moral of the story is to read these subtleties and bring it to light you'll see what people are thinking and the insults that they are saying to you in their heads and you can strike back and roast them for insulting you in their head, itl make them feel like an idiot aswell.

You can do a similar thing in this other body language scenario.

Foids often think men especially younger nicer guys are naive or innocent, this is partly due to the SMV contrast and thus she veiws herself as less innocent cause she has more sex relative to you.

Dont take this shit. That doesn't mean your innocent you couldve grown up in a slum or gangster hood and saw your parents get stabed or many other things big and small in scale, and know how the world works just cause you don't get lots of sex doesn't mean your naive.

When a foid talks to you like your naive itl be subtle like the othe example above, show that your not naive by pointing out exactly what she thinks you don't know, and that would be that she is a whore, point this our to her in a nonchalant unfazed way to demonstrate that your not surprised tell her for example that you can see she's a whore cause for whatever detail and refer back to her suggesting that you didn't know so it does not seem out of the blue

Again shell feel exposed feel like an idiot

This is all about exposing people, which can be damaging to them

I'll list more in my next reply
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Very good thread bro. 👌
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bhai with all due respect you are a fucking weirdo
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  • JFL
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bhai with all due respect you are a fucking weirdo
It's one of those things that's weird to explain and talk about, but if you saw it in real life you'd think nothing of it
  • Hmm...
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It's one of those things that's weird to explain and talk about, but if you saw it in real life you'd think nothing of it
i see it irl a fair amount

its strange to want to do that bhai
What exactly do you see
i was getting smthing from facebook marketplace a few days ago

knocked on the door

heard some dude shout "open the fucking door you fat slag"

jfl worst bit was that she was very underweight

poor woman
i was getting smthing from facebook marketplace a few days ago

knocked on the door

heard some dude shout "open the fucking door you fat slag"

jfl worst bit was that she was very underweight

poor woman
Yea but his mistake was he didn't know, your supposed to know
  • Hmm...
Reactions: dipenhydramine
its strange to want to abuse woman bhai
I know lol

But this is just in case there were people out there that wanted to do it

But alot of this stuff is actually protection against abuse and on the justified defence
  • Love it
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I know lol

But this is just in case there were people out there that wanted to do it

But alot of this stuff is actually protection against abuse and on the justified defence
alright then brocel
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