How to Text Women [High IQ+Blackpill Truth]



at the mercy of God, Jesus Christ. Gone
Jun 11, 2023
I’ve seen a few vampires overthink texting and overestimating the way girls view them over text. This is the ONLY NEEDED THREAD on how to text girls.

The Blackpill Truth

If you have to think about keeping the convo exciting leave. Move on to a girl that’s not gonna make you an orbiter. As I’ve ascended from cave dweller to HTN (stlll ascending aswell) I have been able to say without a doubt women are not dry, they are not boring, they just don’t like you. (And your Face and Height and Body) Move on to your next girl who might.

The Effort Test

Section 1

I’ve recently been doing this and seen results I love greatly. Over the past month I went out almost a dozen girls have asked for my snap and only 3 got it. 2 beckies 1 HTB. I would add the girl back on snap after I got home from wherever I was at and then not snap or text her at all. If she REALLY wants you she will snap you back. Did this so far with 100% success rate. The girls would try and make me bend the knee but me knowing I’m superior to any female not stacylite+ I would just not do anything and after a couple minutes they’d snap me first or straight up text me.

Section 2
Another thing I’d check their snap score right after adding them, put it into notes app and then whenever they snapped back, check if it went up by 1 or by more. If it went up by 1 SHE is YOURS.

Section 3
After talking for however long you want do not text her first again at all until she does first and again if she doesn’t you are a retard and should move on immediately. I’ve texted girls for 7 hours long without it being dry because when girls actually like you, they make it extremely easy to text them.if you don’t know how to simply talk to people it’s over for you that’s how easy girls make to you literally need barebones social skills.

In conclusion
There’s no conversation starter, there’s no frame control method and there’s no game that can save your genetic inferiority. You can’t just force something if it’s not natural you lost and neeed to move on. My first and only love back in my freshman year hsd the most fluid and smooth convos I’ve ever had with a girl till this day. It was to the point where we’d just see each other in the halls and laugh and smile everyday walking her to classes being late for her texting her till 12 talking in school whenever we saw each other it’s supposed to be fluid and fluidity comes from attraction.
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Nigga created a full thread just to say be lucky jfl
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Reactions: mogstars, someone.something_, zeshama and 13 others
Nigga created a full thread just to say be lucky jfl
It’s not luck it’s a time saver for you simp ass niggers on here being orbiters to bitches who are tripling texting me while on delivered
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Reactions: herewego1, A23ghskung, mogstars and 4 others
have htn+ avi and text her anything you want.
  • JFL
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Reactions: RichardSpencel and humanoidsub7
Im an aspie so every girl that approached me was like wow hes such a retard after. I have no social skills and i fucked up in this rpg
  • JFL
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Reactions: NateJacobs, RichardSpencel and AngryShortMale
Nigga created a full thread just to say be lucky jfl

I was able to evoke a PHYSICAL sensation in my oneitis’s body with a shitty, corny line.
Don’t text her too well or she’ll get horny. And what will she do then? Fuck Chad.

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Reactions: a1dancell and humanoidsub7
Im an aspie so every girl that approached me was like wow hes such a retard after. I have no social skills and i fucked up in this rpg
Same I need to ascend to chadlite minimum just to make up for my abused dog social skills
  • So Sad
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Reactions: humanoidsub7 and thecel
Same I need to ascend to chadlite minimum just to make up for my abused dog social skills
Im at the same point tbh. That's the problem of being treated like shit during a long period of time. Once you ascend, even if youre not chad level, let's say LTN to HTN, you can't get the fact you were a subhuman out of your head and so you don't know if the reaction of people are genuine or not, which will consume you until you get enough social acceptation.
  • +1
Reactions: RichardSpencel, autistic_tendencies and NateJacobs
I’ve seen a few vampires overthink texting and overestimating the way girls view them over text. This is the ONLY NEEDED THREAD on how to text girls.

The Blackpill Truth

If you have to think about keeping the convo exciting leave. Move on to a girl that’s not gonna make you an orbiter. As I’ve ascended from cave dweller to HTN (stlll ascending aswell) I have been able to say without a doubt women are not dry, they are not boring, they just don’t like you. (And your Face and Height and Body) Move on to your next girl who might.

The Effort Test

Section 1

I’ve recently been doing this and seen results I love greatly. Over the past month I went out almost a dozen girls have asked for my snap and only 3 got it. 2 beckies 1 HTB. I would add the girl back on snap after I got home from wherever I was at and then not snap or text her at all. If she REALLY wants you she will snap you back. Did this so far with 100% success rate. The girls would try and make me bend the knee but me knowing I’m superior to any female not stacylite+ I would just not do anything and after a couple minutes they’d snap me first or straight up text me.

Section 2
Another thing I’d check their snap score right after adding them, put it into notes app and then whenever they snapped back, check if it went up by 1 or by more. If it went up by 1 SHE is YOURS.

Section 3
After talking for however long you want do not text her first again at all until she does first and again if she doesn’t you are a retard and should move on immediately. I’ve texted girls for 7 hours long without it being dry because when girls actually like you, they make it extremely easy to text them.if you don’t know how to simply talk to people it’s over for you that’s how easy girls make to you literally need barebones social skills.

In conclusion
There’s no conversation starter, there’s no frame control method and there’s no game that can save your genetic inferiority. You can’t just force something if it’s not natural you lost and neeed to move on. My first and only love back in my freshman year hsd the most fluid and smooth convos I’ve ever had with a girl till this day. It was to the point where we’d just see each other in the halls and laugh and smile everyday walking her to classes being late for her texting her till 12 talking in school whenever we saw each other it’s supposed to be fluid and fluidity comes from attraction.
Good thread, it's brutally simple, yet people cope with redpill crap just beacuse they don't want to hear what they don;t want to hear. Life.
  • Hmm...
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Reactions: NateJacobs and thecel
i shouldn't have been born

it's all about fuckin genetics!
  • So Sad
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Reactions: RichardSpencel and thecel
lmao bro i havent gone out in months so no girls approaching me
this will only work if you’re mtn+
imagine trying this and u look like

IMG 5419

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