How to trigger a second puberty and dickmaxx with the aid of finasteride/dutasteride.



Jul 7, 2019
My theory I came up with after I quit topical finasteride, and experiencing the DHT surge:

1. Take finasteride/dutasteride for a few months/years and starve 5-AR DHT receptors until they become very sensitive like a boy before puberty.
2. Get off finasteride, wait 1-2 weeks for normal androgen production to restart then introduce creatine/proviron/dht gel/dht-increasing drugs (hair loss is likely)
3. Profit.

Apparently I'm not the only one who had this theory

"You go through a "prep" phase, which should take six months, but no more than 2 years (yes, you read correctly, but don't give up yet, hang on). During this preparation phase, you starve the body, more precisely the penis, from DHT.
After puberty, the body has reached a sufficient level of DHT, so he "turns the switch off", and therefor it won't help much to only take DHT supplements.

Now, the whole point is to starve your penis from DHT by taking Finasteride, which reduces DHT by 70 %, over a prolonged period of time to make the receptors sensible to DHT again.
After this prep phase, all you have to do is stop taking Finasteride, and let the body produce DHT again, which leads to that so-called "second puberty". This build-up process takes some weeks, two months, something like that.

Now, the most important things:
because your body's DHT is severely lowered during preparation, your libido will decrease, but the doctor says taking herbal supplements to avoid this during that phase is possible.
Then, again due to reduced DHT, your penis will shrink a bit. Again, don't lose me here, the doctor says after prep phase, the growth will do much more than just make up for it (in fact, he did this whole procedure himself).
Don't do anything to enlarge your penis during preparation.
Don't take anything that supports DHT production. The doctor lists numerous supplements and habits, but Vitamin E and Zinc supplements are important to avoid.
Creatine is a good supplement for the prep phase, but should be taken in shorter cycles. One prep phase should contain munerous creatine cycles, and it's important to time it in a way that you begin a creatine supplemention phase when you start your rebound phase (when you lay off Finasteride and let your body normalise the DHT level).
During prep phase, 1 mg of Finasteride should be taken once a day, *every* day, for at least six months. 1 mg of Finasteride causes the DHT level to drop by approximately 65 % within 24 hours, and if taken permanently, by approximately 70 %. Naturally, numbers vary from 26 to 170 %, so taking more than 1 mg a day doesn't hurt. Increased dose (beyond 5 mg) doesn't mean less DHT."


"1. Starve the penis of DHT and clean the receptors or block them. (6 month protocol ?)
a. Inhibit both types of 5-AR enzymes locally
- using topical cream or oil
- Clearogen lotion ($25) seems to be very good at this (Fatty Acids)
- Shampoo like Nizoral
b. Block receptor sites
- not sure if we want to do this? Clearogen also does this (saw palmetto).

The question is, is this enough blocking. Finesteride apparently only blocks type 2 of 5-AR. I was thinking to use
DMSO and break up a pill into powder and apply it topically. I do believe clearogen should do the trick more

All of this is not permanent and should clear the system with time except for Finesteride which elicit permanent DHT
conversion damage.
Now we are starting over in the puberty phase. At least, this is my weak understanding of our adulesent growth phase.

2a. Next we simultaneously increase the androgen receptor sensitivity and bring back DHT.

a. AR Sensitivity (absorbed through the digestive tract)
- Zinc Aspertate
- Caprylic Acid
- Phytoandrogen - Ginger extract (5% gingerol)
- Horny Goat Weed (20% Icarrin) - Aromatase Inhibitor to free up more testosterone
- Peperine for absorption
- etc...most of this stuff comes in powder form (ie
- A lot of the body building supplements target AR sensitivity and prevent DHT conversions so that
the body can maintain higher free testo. I believe there is one that might do the trick. Just requires a bit more
research such as Iforce Max Out

2b. Increase DHT and GH levels

a. Restore DHT
- Naturally increase DHT or
- Androcrime ($75 topical DHT) Not sure how to get it, since its in Europe.
b. Increase GH
- Secretagogues (Ghenerate by LG)
- Suppress samatostatin (still research this)"


"DHT is responsible for penis growth in the pre-puberty and puberty, this is because the androgen receptors in the penis are still sensitive, receptors that over time become naturally saturated and down-regulated by the endogenous DHT converted from T.
In males with micropenes who have a deficiency of the enzyme 5 alpha-reductase type 2 where in theory the receptors on the penis have never become saturated during puberty, were treated with topical DHT that surprisingly produced penis growth in all males.

Transdermal dihydrotestosterone therapy and its effects on patients with microphallus. - PubMed - NCBI
Topical dihydrotestosterone to treat micropenis secondary to partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS) before, during, and after puberty - a c... - PubMed - NCBI

So, why in healthy adults most users who have used DHT like Andractim or similar have not experienced large gains in size?
Because their androgen receptors in the penis have already been saturated and down-regulated over time and therefore their penis haven't grown.
Following the logic, If you could induce a temporary state where you lower the amount of DHT in your body (with help of Dutasteride or Finasteride) for a period of time sufficient to re-sensitize your androgen receptors in the penis and then up-regulate them, at this point applying topical DHT on the penis, it should attack the androgen receptors that have been up-regulated and made sensitive again, and give a signal to start the growth of the penile tissues, just as it does in the puberty.

There is also a certain Ronielle Buduhan, who has a chemical PE blog , where in a post he says that this method worked mainly for the girth."


Dht is highly androgenic, which means that it attaches to the androgenic receptor sites longer and stronger. The penis contains a concentration of androgenic receptors, and if these receptors are saturated with dht hormone continuously, new cells (each containing more androgen receptors) are grown to help accommodate the local load of dht. (This is only speculation, as I am not an expert in this field.) However, if dht is taken over long periods of time, the body will shut down testosterone production in the testicles, since it believes that high dht levels mean that too much testosterone is being broken down by the alpha-reductase enzyme to dht.

Theories on the internet I tested was using dht gel and an alpha-reductase inhibitor called finasteride, which is a medication taken orally, but with a molecular weight that suggests a possibility for transdermal permeability with a dimethylsulfoxide carrier. The two are alternately taken, about a one for one then switching a month for the other. Finasteride protects the testosterone from being chopped up into dht, thus lowering overall dht. With low dht in the penis, the androgen receptors become more sensitive. This sensitivity translates to more efficient dht gel use, as each receptor activated sends a stronger and/or longer signal to the cell to produce growth. (Again, this is only theory on the exact mechanism of penile cell growth).

When I tried this, I did experience growth, but mainly girth. A few cycles in a row I stopped because the new thickness was becoming problematic for receiving blow jobs, and teeth became my bitter enemy. Penetrating anally was also an eye-opening experience for those on the far end of my dick, and the fear factor was rising.

But now, I have gotten used to the penile pain, and teeth were just a part of it. I want more size, goddammit! (-_-) So now I am repeating the experiment but with a different drug called dutosteride. It blocks the 2 types of alpha-reductase enzyme, while finasteride blocks only one type, therefore, it should be more efficient in reducing dht. It is a gelcap taken orally.

One of the symptoms of low dht is reduced libido, which is something of a bummer. But remember, the mind is quite strong and mental fantasy can bring back the mood; its just a little more challenging. At least the erection injections help too! The dht phase is the opposite, where horniness is at its maximum. The problem then is physical over-use and chaffing. Use more lube for this problem to reduce friction."

"Went on dut for 3 months, went off and here are what I observed.

Tingling sensation returned
Head felt like a strong histamine of pressure when you run hot water over and you gotta pee, only time I remember this feeling was during puberty.
Penis was still not hard but much fatter than before, this reduced a bit after 2 weeks.
Now 1 month after I do notice a slight thickness increase length about the same. Would I do it again? I need serious thought as the drug gives me a extremely flat emotional state. "

React if this worked and your dick/face grew :)
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  • JFL
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: wateriswet, Aestheticz, mvp2v1 and 12 others
  • JFL
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I will test when I'm NW4, coming off finasteride/dutasteride cold turkey probably makes your follicles extra sensitive to DHT (broscience) add exogenous DHT and I will go bald instantly.

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  • JFL
  • Love it
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Reactions: Deleted member 15099, Lolcel, Deleted member 5746 and 11 others
this sounds like 100% bro science and frankly a little bit autistic
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: mogstars, wateriswet, CANI and 15 others
2lazy for this
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Be_ConfidentBro and Schizoidcel
Go for it
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Treasure223 and SteveRogers
This seems like a bunch of broscience
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10524 and Deleted member 9699
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Be_ConfidentBro, BrickTop and potentialhabit1
Step 4. Kill yourself when you realize this is a shit theory and you've wasted all this money, time and energy and you're now bald and struggling to get it up at age 19.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: mogstars, wateriswet, Deleted member 15099 and 11 others
Step 4. Kill yourself when you realize this is a shit theory and you've wasted all this money, time and energy and you're now bald and struggling to get it up at age 19.
99% of this board is bro-science and regurgitated crap anyway. But yes only bald people should experiment with something like this for now until we can find a way to only target one area of the body, like for hair loss meds.
You should definitely, definitely do this op.
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 15099, audreyen, Deleted member 10709 and 4 others
111 1112961 entertaining monkas memes sad pepe party hat hd
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 15099, Lolcel, Deleted member 10709 and 2 others
lol what are you smoking dude?
  • JFL
Reactions: CANI and Schizoidcel
nigga who cares about dick just do jelq or something if you're that fucking tiny. do the same for height or frame and I might care
My theory I came up with after I quit topical finasteride, and experiencing the DHT surge:

1. Take finasteride/dutasteride for a few months/years and starve 5-AR DHT receptors until they become very sensitive like a boy before puberty.
2. Get off finasteride, wait 1-2 weeks for normal androgen production to restart then introduce creatine/proviron/dht gel/dht-increasing drugs (hair loss is likely)
3. Profit.

Apparently I'm not the only one who had this theory View attachment 957213:

"You go through a "prep" phase, which should take six months, but no more than 2 years (yes, you read correctly, but don't give up yet, hang on). During this preparation phase, you starve the body, more precisely the penis, from DHT.
After puberty, the body has reached a sufficient level of DHT, so he "turns the switch off", and therefor it won't help much to only take DHT supplements.

Now, the whole point is to starve your penis from DHT by taking Finasteride, which reduces DHT by 70 %, over a prolonged period of time to make the receptors sensible to DHT again.
After this prep phase, all you have to do is stop taking Finasteride, and let the body produce DHT again, which leads to that so-called "second puberty". This build-up process takes some weeks, two months, something like that.

Now, the most important things:
because your body's DHT is severely lowered during preparation, your libido will decrease, but the doctor says taking herbal supplements to avoid this during that phase is possible.
Then, again due to reduced DHT, your penis will shrink a bit. Again, don't lose me here, the doctor says after prep phase, the growth will do much more than just make up for it (in fact, he did this whole procedure himself).
Don't do anything to enlarge your penis during preparation.
Don't take anything that supports DHT production. The doctor lists numerous supplements and habits, but Vitamin E and Zinc supplements are important to avoid.
Creatine is a good supplement for the prep phase, but should be taken in shorter cycles. One prep phase should contain munerous creatine cycles, and it's important to time it in a way that you begin a creatine supplemention phase when you start your rebound phase (when you lay off Finasteride and let your body normalise the DHT level).
During prep phase, 1 mg of Finasteride should be taken once a day, *every* day, for at least six months. 1 mg of Finasteride causes the DHT level to drop by approximately 65 % within 24 hours, and if taken permanently, by approximately 70 %. Naturally, numbers vary from 26 to 170 %, so taking more than 1 mg a day doesn't hurt. Increased dose (beyond 5 mg) doesn't mean less DHT."


"1. Starve the penis of DHT and clean the receptors or block them. (6 month protocol ?)
a. Inhibit both types of 5-AR enzymes locally
- using topical cream or oil
- Clearogen lotion ($25) seems to be very good at this (Fatty Acids)
- Shampoo like Nizoral
b. Block receptor sites
- not sure if we want to do this? Clearogen also does this (saw palmetto).

The question is, is this enough blocking. Finesteride apparently only blocks type 2 of 5-AR. I was thinking to use
DMSO and break up a pill into powder and apply it topically. I do believe clearogen should do the trick more

All of this is not permanent and should clear the system with time except for Finesteride which elicit permanent DHT
conversion damage.
Now we are starting over in the puberty phase. At least, this is my weak understanding of our adulesent growth phase.

2a. Next we simultaneously increase the androgen receptor sensitivity and bring back DHT.

a. AR Sensitivity (absorbed through the digestive tract)
- Zinc Aspertate
- Caprylic Acid
- Phytoandrogen - Ginger extract (5% gingerol)
- Horny Goat Weed (20% Icarrin) - Aromatase Inhibitor to free up more testosterone
- Peperine for absorption
- etc...most of this stuff comes in powder form (ie
- A lot of the body building supplements target AR sensitivity and prevent DHT conversions so that
the body can maintain higher free testo. I believe there is one that might do the trick. Just requires a bit more
research such as Iforce Max Out

2b. Increase DHT and GH levels

a. Restore DHT
- Naturally increase DHT or
- Androcrime ($75 topical DHT) Not sure how to get it, since its in Europe.
b. Increase GH
- Secretagogues (Ghenerate by LG)
- Suppress samatostatin (still research this)"


"DHT is responsible for penis growth in the pre-puberty and puberty, this is because the androgen receptors in the penis are still sensitive, receptors that over time become naturally saturated and down-regulated by the endogenous DHT converted from T.
In males with micropenes who have a deficiency of the enzyme 5 alpha-reductase type 2 where in theory the receptors on the penis have never become saturated during puberty, were treated with topical DHT that surprisingly produced penis growth in all males.

Transdermal dihydrotestosterone therapy and its effects on patients with microphallus. - PubMed - NCBI
Topical dihydrotestosterone to treat micropenis secondary to partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS) before, during, and after puberty - a c... - PubMed - NCBI

So, why in healthy adults most users who have used DHT like Andractim or similar have not experienced large gains in size?
Because their androgen receptors in the penis have already been saturated and down-regulated over time and therefore their penis haven't grown.
Following the logic, If you could induce a temporary state where you lower the amount of DHT in your body (with help of Dutasteride or Finasteride) for a period of time sufficient to re-sensitize your androgen receptors in the penis and then up-regulate them, at this point applying topical DHT on the penis, it should attack the androgen receptors that have been up-regulated and made sensitive again, and give a signal to start the growth of the penile tissues, just as it does in the puberty.

There is also a certain Ronielle Buduhan, who has a chemical PE blog , where in a post he says that this method worked mainly for the girth."


Dht is highly androgenic, which means that it attaches to the androgenic receptor sites longer and stronger. The penis contains a concentration of androgenic receptors, and if these receptors are saturated with dht hormone continuously, new cells (each containing more androgen receptors) are grown to help accommodate the local load of dht. (This is only speculation, as I am not an expert in this field.) However, if dht is taken over long periods of time, the body will shut down testosterone production in the testicles, since it believes that high dht levels mean that too much testosterone is being broken down by the alpha-reductase enzyme to dht.

Theories on the internet I tested was using dht gel and an alpha-reductase inhibitor called finasteride, which is a medication taken orally, but with a molecular weight that suggests a possibility for transdermal permeability with a dimethylsulfoxide carrier. The two are alternately taken, about a one for one then switching a month for the other. Finasteride protects the testosterone from being chopped up into dht, thus lowering overall dht. With low dht in the penis, the androgen receptors become more sensitive. This sensitivity translates to more efficient dht gel use, as each receptor activated sends a stronger and/or longer signal to the cell to produce growth. (Again, this is only theory on the exact mechanism of penile cell growth).

When I tried this, I did experience growth, but mainly girth. A few cycles in a row I stopped because the new thickness was becoming problematic for receiving blow jobs, and teeth became my bitter enemy. Penetrating anally was also an eye-opening experience for those on the far end of my dick, and the fear factor was rising.

But now, I have gotten used to the penile pain, and teeth were just a part of it. I want more size, goddammit! (-_-) So now I am repeating the experiment but with a different drug called dutosteride. It blocks the 2 types of alpha-reductase enzyme, while finasteride blocks only one type, therefore, it should be more efficient in reducing dht. It is a gelcap taken orally.

One of the symptoms of low dht is reduced libido, which is something of a bummer. But remember, the mind is quite strong and mental fantasy can bring back the mood; its just a little more challenging. At least the erection injections help too! The dht phase is the opposite, where horniness is at its maximum. The problem then is physical over-use and chaffing. Use more lube for this problem to reduce friction."

"Went on dut for 3 months, went off and here are what I observed.

Tingling sensation returned
Head felt like a strong histamine of pressure when you run hot water over and you gotta pee, only time I remember this feeling was during puberty.
Penis was still not hard but much fatter than before, this reduced a bit after 2 weeks.
Now 1 month after I do notice a slight thickness increase length about the same. Would I do it again? I need serious thought as the drug gives me a extremely flat emotional state. "

React if this worked and your dick/face grew :)
op is trying to castrate you all KEKEKE
op is trying to castrate you all KEKEKE
This thread was the result of post-topical finasteride syndrome, zoomers with sub NW3 hairlines don't try this JFL. I still think there's something to it however.
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This thread was the result of post-topical finasteride syndrome, zoomers with sub NW3 hairlines don't try this JFL. I still think there's something to it however.
I read this in 1653, yourr great great mom wasnt even born back then!.

Theres definitely something to this theory, and it's that given the observation that folks with clinically proven low androgenic activity grow their penis bigger after regating this issue.
So this means that androgens themselves play a role to make the penis stop growing, this says that it's because they're saturated, but I've also read that it's the conversion to strogen that creates changes in the AR's.

Now how can you undo this changes? If it was as simple as taking dut or strogen for years, then someone would have seen this already, that's not enough, and unable to undo the biological changes that have already taken place.

I have a lot of bookmarks about ARs tbh I'm still researching that shit
  • +1
Reactions: Schizoidcel
My theory I came up with after I quit topical finasteride, and experiencing the DHT surge:

1. Take finasteride/dutasteride for a few months/years and starve 5-AR DHT receptors until they become very sensitive like a boy before puberty.
2. Get off finasteride, wait 1-2 weeks for normal androgen production to restart then introduce creatine/proviron/dht gel/dht-increasing drugs (hair loss is likely)
3. Profit.

Apparently I'm not the only one who had this theory View attachment 957213:

"You go through a "prep" phase, which should take six months, but no more than 2 years (yes, you read correctly, but don't give up yet, hang on). During this preparation phase, you starve the body, more precisely the penis, from DHT.
After puberty, the body has reached a sufficient level of DHT, so he "turns the switch off", and therefor it won't help much to only take DHT supplements.

Now, the whole point is to starve your penis from DHT by taking Finasteride, which reduces DHT by 70 %, over a prolonged period of time to make the receptors sensible to DHT again.
After this prep phase, all you have to do is stop taking Finasteride, and let the body produce DHT again, which leads to that so-called "second puberty". This build-up process takes some weeks, two months, something like that.

Now, the most important things:
because your body's DHT is severely lowered during preparation, your libido will decrease, but the doctor says taking herbal supplements to avoid this during that phase is possible.
Then, again due to reduced DHT, your penis will shrink a bit. Again, don't lose me here, the doctor says after prep phase, the growth will do much more than just make up for it (in fact, he did this whole procedure himself).
Don't do anything to enlarge your penis during preparation.
Don't take anything that supports DHT production. The doctor lists numerous supplements and habits, but Vitamin E and Zinc supplements are important to avoid.
Creatine is a good supplement for the prep phase, but should be taken in shorter cycles. One prep phase should contain munerous creatine cycles, and it's important to time it in a way that you begin a creatine supplemention phase when you start your rebound phase (when you lay off Finasteride and let your body normalise the DHT level).
During prep phase, 1 mg of Finasteride should be taken once a day, *every* day, for at least six months. 1 mg of Finasteride causes the DHT level to drop by approximately 65 % within 24 hours, and if taken permanently, by approximately 70 %. Naturally, numbers vary from 26 to 170 %, so taking more than 1 mg a day doesn't hurt. Increased dose (beyond 5 mg) doesn't mean less DHT."


"1. Starve the penis of DHT and clean the receptors or block them. (6 month protocol ?)
a. Inhibit both types of 5-AR enzymes locally
- using topical cream or oil
- Clearogen lotion ($25) seems to be very good at this (Fatty Acids)
- Shampoo like Nizoral
b. Block receptor sites
- not sure if we want to do this? Clearogen also does this (saw palmetto).

The question is, is this enough blocking. Finesteride apparently only blocks type 2 of 5-AR. I was thinking to use
DMSO and break up a pill into powder and apply it topically. I do believe clearogen should do the trick more

All of this is not permanent and should clear the system with time except for Finesteride which elicit permanent DHT
conversion damage.
Now we are starting over in the puberty phase. At least, this is my weak understanding of our adulesent growth phase.

2a. Next we simultaneously increase the androgen receptor sensitivity and bring back DHT.

a. AR Sensitivity (absorbed through the digestive tract)
- Zinc Aspertate
- Caprylic Acid
- Phytoandrogen - Ginger extract (5% gingerol)
- Horny Goat Weed (20% Icarrin) - Aromatase Inhibitor to free up more testosterone
- Peperine for absorption
- etc...most of this stuff comes in powder form (ie
- A lot of the body building supplements target AR sensitivity and prevent DHT conversions so that
the body can maintain higher free testo. I believe there is one that might do the trick. Just requires a bit more
research such as Iforce Max Out

2b. Increase DHT and GH levels

a. Restore DHT
- Naturally increase DHT or
- Androcrime ($75 topical DHT) Not sure how to get it, since its in Europe.
b. Increase GH
- Secretagogues (Ghenerate by LG)
- Suppress samatostatin (still research this)"


"DHT is responsible for penis growth in the pre-puberty and puberty, this is because the androgen receptors in the penis are still sensitive, receptors that over time become naturally saturated and down-regulated by the endogenous DHT converted from T.
In males with micropenes who have a deficiency of the enzyme 5 alpha-reductase type 2 where in theory the receptors on the penis have never become saturated during puberty, were treated with topical DHT that surprisingly produced penis growth in all males.

Transdermal dihydrotestosterone therapy and its effects on patients with microphallus. - PubMed - NCBI
Topical dihydrotestosterone to treat micropenis secondary to partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS) before, during, and after puberty - a c... - PubMed - NCBI

So, why in healthy adults most users who have used DHT like Andractim or similar have not experienced large gains in size?
Because their androgen receptors in the penis have already been saturated and down-regulated over time and therefore their penis haven't grown.
Following the logic, If you could induce a temporary state where you lower the amount of DHT in your body (with help of Dutasteride or Finasteride) for a period of time sufficient to re-sensitize your androgen receptors in the penis and then up-regulate them, at this point applying topical DHT on the penis, it should attack the androgen receptors that have been up-regulated and made sensitive again, and give a signal to start the growth of the penile tissues, just as it does in the puberty.

There is also a certain Ronielle Buduhan, who has a chemical PE blog , where in a post he says that this method worked mainly for the girth."


Dht is highly androgenic, which means that it attaches to the androgenic receptor sites longer and stronger. The penis contains a concentration of androgenic receptors, and if these receptors are saturated with dht hormone continuously, new cells (each containing more androgen receptors) are grown to help accommodate the local load of dht. (This is only speculation, as I am not an expert in this field.) However, if dht is taken over long periods of time, the body will shut down testosterone production in the testicles, since it believes that high dht levels mean that too much testosterone is being broken down by the alpha-reductase enzyme to dht.

Theories on the internet I tested was using dht gel and an alpha-reductase inhibitor called finasteride, which is a medication taken orally, but with a molecular weight that suggests a possibility for transdermal permeability with a dimethylsulfoxide carrier. The two are alternately taken, about a one for one then switching a month for the other. Finasteride protects the testosterone from being chopped up into dht, thus lowering overall dht. With low dht in the penis, the androgen receptors become more sensitive. This sensitivity translates to more efficient dht gel use, as each receptor activated sends a stronger and/or longer signal to the cell to produce growth. (Again, this is only theory on the exact mechanism of penile cell growth).

When I tried this, I did experience growth, but mainly girth. A few cycles in a row I stopped because the new thickness was becoming problematic for receiving blow jobs, and teeth became my bitter enemy. Penetrating anally was also an eye-opening experience for those on the far end of my dick, and the fear factor was rising.

But now, I have gotten used to the penile pain, and teeth were just a part of it. I want more size, goddammit! (-_-) So now I am repeating the experiment but with a different drug called dutosteride. It blocks the 2 types of alpha-reductase enzyme, while finasteride blocks only one type, therefore, it should be more efficient in reducing dht. It is a gelcap taken orally.

One of the symptoms of low dht is reduced libido, which is something of a bummer. But remember, the mind is quite strong and mental fantasy can bring back the mood; its just a little more challenging. At least the erection injections help too! The dht phase is the opposite, where horniness is at its maximum. The problem then is physical over-use and chaffing. Use more lube for this problem to reduce friction."

"Went on dut for 3 months, went off and here are what I observed.

Tingling sensation returned
Head felt like a strong histamine of pressure when you run hot water over and you gotta pee, only time I remember this feeling was during puberty.
Penis was still not hard but much fatter than before, this reduced a bit after 2 weeks.
Now 1 month after I do notice a slight thickness increase length about the same. Would I do it again? I need serious thought as the drug gives me a extremely flat emotional state. "

React if this worked and your dick/face grew :)
how do i even trigger my first fucking puberty
  • +1
Reactions: CANI
kys if you do this cope shit. if your dad fucked ur mom u can fuck a fat slut who cooks for you too.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 21297 and LostYouth
kys if you do this cope shit. if your dad fucked ur mom u can fuck a fat slut who cooks for you too.
That was before sexual revolution, females making as much if not more money than men, hypergamy, social medias & tinder, bro. No breathing female will cook and suck the cock of an autistic, facially ugly male like me in 2021.
  • +1
Reactions: CANI
  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: mogstars, Deleted member 5746, Schizoidcel and 1 other person
bro just wait, you finna be tall af
i agree

i am at peak growth rn, grew 5'6''/5'7'' to 5'9'' from roughly August to December/January
My theory I came up with after I quit topical finasteride, and experiencing the DHT surge:

1. Take finasteride/dutasteride for a few months/years and starve 5-AR DHT receptors until they become very sensitive like a boy before puberty.
2. Get off finasteride, wait 1-2 weeks for normal androgen production to restart then introduce creatine/proviron/dht gel/dht-increasing drugs (hair loss is likely)
3. Profit.

Apparently I'm not the only one who had this theory View attachment 957213:

"You go through a "prep" phase, which should take six months, but no more than 2 years (yes, you read correctly, but don't give up yet, hang on). During this preparation phase, you starve the body, more precisely the penis, from DHT.
After puberty, the body has reached a sufficient level of DHT, so he "turns the switch off", and therefor it won't help much to only take DHT supplements.

Now, the whole point is to starve your penis from DHT by taking Finasteride, which reduces DHT by 70 %, over a prolonged period of time to make the receptors sensible to DHT again.
After this prep phase, all you have to do is stop taking Finasteride, and let the body produce DHT again, which leads to that so-called "second puberty". This build-up process takes some weeks, two months, something like that.

Now, the most important things:
because your body's DHT is severely lowered during preparation, your libido will decrease, but the doctor says taking herbal supplements to avoid this during that phase is possible.
Then, again due to reduced DHT, your penis will shrink a bit. Again, don't lose me here, the doctor says after prep phase, the growth will do much more than just make up for it (in fact, he did this whole procedure himself).
Don't do anything to enlarge your penis during preparation.
Don't take anything that supports DHT production. The doctor lists numerous supplements and habits, but Vitamin E and Zinc supplements are important to avoid.
Creatine is a good supplement for the prep phase, but should be taken in shorter cycles. One prep phase should contain munerous creatine cycles, and it's important to time it in a way that you begin a creatine supplemention phase when you start your rebound phase (when you lay off Finasteride and let your body normalise the DHT level).
During prep phase, 1 mg of Finasteride should be taken once a day, *every* day, for at least six months. 1 mg of Finasteride causes the DHT level to drop by approximately 65 % within 24 hours, and if taken permanently, by approximately 70 %. Naturally, numbers vary from 26 to 170 %, so taking more than 1 mg a day doesn't hurt. Increased dose (beyond 5 mg) doesn't mean less DHT."


"1. Starve the penis of DHT and clean the receptors or block them. (6 month protocol ?)
a. Inhibit both types of 5-AR enzymes locally
- using topical cream or oil
- Clearogen lotion ($25) seems to be very good at this (Fatty Acids)
- Shampoo like Nizoral
b. Block receptor sites
- not sure if we want to do this? Clearogen also does this (saw palmetto).

The question is, is this enough blocking. Finesteride apparently only blocks type 2 of 5-AR. I was thinking to use
DMSO and break up a pill into powder and apply it topically. I do believe clearogen should do the trick more

All of this is not permanent and should clear the system with time except for Finesteride which elicit permanent DHT
conversion damage.
Now we are starting over in the puberty phase. At least, this is my weak understanding of our adulesent growth phase.

2a. Next we simultaneously increase the androgen receptor sensitivity and bring back DHT.

a. AR Sensitivity (absorbed through the digestive tract)
- Zinc Aspertate
- Caprylic Acid
- Phytoandrogen - Ginger extract (5% gingerol)
- Horny Goat Weed (20% Icarrin) - Aromatase Inhibitor to free up more testosterone
- Peperine for absorption
- etc...most of this stuff comes in powder form (ie
- A lot of the body building supplements target AR sensitivity and prevent DHT conversions so that
the body can maintain higher free testo. I believe there is one that might do the trick. Just requires a bit more
research such as Iforce Max Out

2b. Increase DHT and GH levels

a. Restore DHT
- Naturally increase DHT or
- Androcrime ($75 topical DHT) Not sure how to get it, since its in Europe.
b. Increase GH
- Secretagogues (Ghenerate by LG)
- Suppress samatostatin (still research this)"


"DHT is responsible for penis growth in the pre-puberty and puberty, this is because the androgen receptors in the penis are still sensitive, receptors that over time become naturally saturated and down-regulated by the endogenous DHT converted from T.
In males with micropenes who have a deficiency of the enzyme 5 alpha-reductase type 2 where in theory the receptors on the penis have never become saturated during puberty, were treated with topical DHT that surprisingly produced penis growth in all males.

Transdermal dihydrotestosterone therapy and its effects on patients with microphallus. - PubMed - NCBI
Topical dihydrotestosterone to treat micropenis secondary to partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS) before, during, and after puberty - a c... - PubMed - NCBI

So, why in healthy adults most users who have used DHT like Andractim or similar have not experienced large gains in size?
Because their androgen receptors in the penis have already been saturated and down-regulated over time and therefore their penis haven't grown.
Following the logic, If you could induce a temporary state where you lower the amount of DHT in your body (with help of Dutasteride or Finasteride) for a period of time sufficient to re-sensitize your androgen receptors in the penis and then up-regulate them, at this point applying topical DHT on the penis, it should attack the androgen receptors that have been up-regulated and made sensitive again, and give a signal to start the growth of the penile tissues, just as it does in the puberty.

There is also a certain Ronielle Buduhan, who has a chemical PE blog , where in a post he says that this method worked mainly for the girth."


Dht is highly androgenic, which means that it attaches to the androgenic receptor sites longer and stronger. The penis contains a concentration of androgenic receptors, and if these receptors are saturated with dht hormone continuously, new cells (each containing more androgen receptors) are grown to help accommodate the local load of dht. (This is only speculation, as I am not an expert in this field.) However, if dht is taken over long periods of time, the body will shut down testosterone production in the testicles, since it believes that high dht levels mean that too much testosterone is being broken down by the alpha-reductase enzyme to dht.

Theories on the internet I tested was using dht gel and an alpha-reductase inhibitor called finasteride, which is a medication taken orally, but with a molecular weight that suggests a possibility for transdermal permeability with a dimethylsulfoxide carrier. The two are alternately taken, about a one for one then switching a month for the other. Finasteride protects the testosterone from being chopped up into dht, thus lowering overall dht. With low dht in the penis, the androgen receptors become more sensitive. This sensitivity translates to more efficient dht gel use, as each receptor activated sends a stronger and/or longer signal to the cell to produce growth. (Again, this is only theory on the exact mechanism of penile cell growth).

When I tried this, I did experience growth, but mainly girth. A few cycles in a row I stopped because the new thickness was becoming problematic for receiving blow jobs, and teeth became my bitter enemy. Penetrating anally was also an eye-opening experience for those on the far end of my dick, and the fear factor was rising.

But now, I have gotten used to the penile pain, and teeth were just a part of it. I want more size, goddammit! (-_-) So now I am repeating the experiment but with a different drug called dutosteride. It blocks the 2 types of alpha-reductase enzyme, while finasteride blocks only one type, therefore, it should be more efficient in reducing dht. It is a gelcap taken orally.

One of the symptoms of low dht is reduced libido, which is something of a bummer. But remember, the mind is quite strong and mental fantasy can bring back the mood; its just a little more challenging. At least the erection injections help too! The dht phase is the opposite, where horniness is at its maximum. The problem then is physical over-use and chaffing. Use more lube for this problem to reduce friction."

"Went on dut for 3 months, went off and here are what I observed.

Tingling sensation returned
Head felt like a strong histamine of pressure when you run hot water over and you gotta pee, only time I remember this feeling was during puberty.
Penis was still not hard but much fatter than before, this reduced a bit after 2 weeks.
Now 1 month after I do notice a slight thickness increase length about the same. Would I do it again? I need serious thought as the drug gives me a extremely flat emotional state. "

React if this worked and your dick/face grew :)
Are you retarded, androgen receptors down regulate with less androgens in the body and vice versa. Studies show taking high doses of testosterone actually causes your androgen receptors to become more sensitive and increase in number as well
do you smoke pot?
Just shrink your penis to get it back to it's previous length theory.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 5746 and Deleted member 4887
Are you retarded, androgen receptors down regulate with less androgens in the body and vice versa. Studies show taking high doses of testosterone actually causes your androgen receptors to become more sensitive and increase in number as well
Don't think ur theory is legit tbh.
its not a theory its been proven in rodents, cattle and humans
Show me these studies?

I think you misread the studies though, expression of androgenic receptor and the protein content of androgen receptor are different than androgen receptor amount and androgen receptor sensitivity.

I know for a fact that electrical signals increase androgen receptors in muscle though. So training a muscle increases it's androgen receptor content, this is why it's typically recommended to not do steroids until you're pretty buff already.
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  • +1
Reactions: SOS-Sonic and Schizoidcel
  • +1
Reactions: Schizoidcel
Cope. Inhibiting 5AR will not prolong or stop puberty, the relative increase in estradiol due to reduction of DHT will more likely accelerate fusion of epiphyseal plates and shorten the effects of puberty on the development/maturation of male secondary sex characteristics
  • +1
Reactions: CANI, Treasure223 and xefo
Worked for me. I have no hair now but it worked 😊
  • +1
Reactions: Schizoidcel
@Schizoidcel did u try this?
There's no theories retard only thing is test and hgh during puberty or getting lean.

But with test it will shrink your dick when you come off.
  • JFL
Reactions: TrestIsBest

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