How unattractive is not having any friends at the moment and jobless to women?

Being jobless and non nt from ages 16 to 20

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Friends in the past have called me good looking and my mum calls me good looking I know it's cringe but they call me a good looking guy. Am 6ft tall as well
Do as many activities as you can and always add the people you meet on social media , like their posts if they're nice message them , that's working for me bro , are you in quarantine now?
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Reactions: owlofathena
Do as many activities as you can and always add the people you meet on social media , like their posts if they're nice message them , that's working for me bro , are you in quarantine now?
Yes am still in lockdown I am from Glasgow and yeah covid just made my depression worse because it's way harder to get a job now
Do as many activities as you can and always add the people you meet on social media , like their posts if they're nice message them , that's working for me bro , are you in quarantine now?
Do you have a job?
Yes am still in lockdown I am from Glasgow and yeah covid just made my depression worse because it's way harder to get a job now
Try to look for a job in a grocery store
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Reactions: owlofathena
Try to look for a job in a grocery store
Being jobless and non nt at age 20 is such a big L. David Gandy suffered from being non nt as well he didn't have his first girlfriend until age 21. Being non nt and jobless at age 20 is almost a death sentence
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Reactions: Deleted member 6497
Being jobless and non nt at age 20 is such a big L. David Gandy suffered from being non nt as well he didn't have his first girlfriend until age 21. Being non nt and jobless at age 20 is almost a death sentence
No it's not , this weak mentality is just gonna make things worse for you , try to be more positive about making friends , there's 7 billion people on earth , do you have 0 friends?
  • +1
Reactions: owlofathena
No it's not , this weak mentality is just gonna make things worse for you , try to be more positive about making friends , there's 7 billion people on earth , do you have 0 friends?
I don't have zero friends but I don't hang out with them I don't contact them to go out ever
I don't have zero friends but I don't hang out with them I don't contact them to go out ever
Try to contact them and just set up some plans with them, if they dont want to they're autistic and look for new friends without losing contacts with the autists
  • +1
Reactions: owlofathena
why do you care? only matters if you do. I have no interest in being friends with the normie droids I know. you can't be honest with anyone because they're all bluepilled fucks that'd out you the second you said or did something socially unacceptable
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Reactions: CarlosTovar, Deleted member 5393 and owlofathena
Pretty much me yet I still got a gf
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Pretty much me yet I still got a gf
Great to hear man but am not actually trying to get a gf because I don't have a job so I would be dead broke
  • +1
Reactions: owlofathena
Looks like Extremely unattractive wins! Brutal it's officially over for joblesscels and nonntcels
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Reactions: owlofathena
Matt Lemond

"I'm unattractive to women because I don't have a job nor any friends at the moment."
Jeremy Meeks

"Same bro this is why I can't get laid."
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 5349, CarlosTovar and Deleted member 5393
Women dont care if its just for slaying u fucking mongs

they only care about friends and career if u wanna be a pathetic beta provider
  • +1
Reactions: CarlosTovar
Women dont care if its just for slaying u fucking mongs

they only care about friends and career if u wanna be a pathetic beta provider
If it's just a ons then yeah it's all about looks but am talking about if it were a ltr
could be good or bad, if you're mysterymaxx it's good, if you're lonecel, very bad. Mysterymaxx only works if you're chad or creativemaxx.
I would say not having friends is probably the biggest falio tbh. It’s probably the limiting factor, it explains why even normie and ugly dudes can get LTRs. You can try to mystery max but from my experience it’s difficult. Being in a LTR sort of requires you to spend a significant amount of time with your girlfriend, and after 6 months, she’s going to figure you out. If she hits you with the “can I meet your friends” it’s probably over at that point.
  • +1
Reactions: owlofathena
i have 0 friends now and i dont want any, i hate other males. They are your rivals and should be obliterated.
only friends worth having are if ur the topdog and they worship you
i have 0 friends now and i dont want any, i hate other males. They are your rivals and should be obliterated.
only friends worth having are if ur the topdog and they worship you
You are such a cuck
Someone should make a guide on how to friendsmax
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Reactions: owlofathena
If ur attractive then its not
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Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
If you’re Chad, she won’t care
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Reactions: Raddemon
Its over just LDAR like me
  • +1
Reactions: owlofathena
It's over if you don't have money or jobless. To women they find someone who takes care of themselves and are financially stable very attractive
  • +1
Reactions: owlofathena and Deleted member 534
It's over if you don't have money or jobless. To women they find someone who takes care of themselves and are financially stable very attractive
Friends are big now a days

I swear every time when I talk to a women they mention how many friends I have or what’s my friends name
  • +1
Reactions: owlofathena
Friends are big now a days

I swear every time when I talk to a women they mention how many friends I have or what’s my friends name
they want to have even more connections
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Reactions: Deleted member 534
I went with "very unattractive".

But just know that there are no friends for you FACE
  • JFL
Reactions: owlofathena
Thx for looksmaxing advice
Not having friends is always a good thing (for you, obviously normies will judge you), if you do have friends you have to have a very small circle, no person of value has tons of friends

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