how western europe countries could stop the ethnic replacement of white people



mod. Username: Lorsss
Sep 19, 2018
why is there immigration in western europe?
- imagine you are a businessman who has many employees
- You pay a janitor 1200 euros a month.
- local people consider this salary too low and don't accept to work for you
- in Senegal a janitor earns 50 euros a month, so he is happy to move to western europe and earning 10 times more
- you hire this senegalese immigrant because he accepts a very small salary, because it is still much higher than salaries of his country

entrepeneur make profit on immigration because they can afford to pay their emplyees less

what is an ethnic replacement?
- Each year France welcomes 200k legal african immigrants, theese immigrants have a very high birth rate while local french people barely breed
- While left-wing was in italian government, Italy collected 800k illegal african immigrants in Libya, in just 4 years
- white people are alreaady a minority in many English cities

how could western europe and USA governments stop the ethnic replacement?
- ban of illegal immigration and deportation of illegal immigrants
- deportation of immigrants who commit a crime
- stopping to welcome fake war refugees and deportation of refugees whoose war is over
- heavy reduction of legal migration
- increase priority of legal migrants who come from east europe, for example w. Europe governments could give citizenship faster to Polish and Romanian immigrants

will w. europe governments ever do this?
no because rich people make profit on poor immigrants, left-wing parties want to be voted by migrants and fat 50s foids want a young BBC

what will happen to white people in western europe?
they will become a minority in western europe in next 15 years and finally disappear in next 150 years.
they may also suffer persecutions which will make their extinction faster

do you know that Karl Marx (founder of communist and far-left) was against migration?
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Ethnic genocide, it'll never happen though sadly
one day I will go to Slovenia (Fatman's country) and breed there so my descendants won't extinguish. specifically will move to Capodistria (Koper)
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Ethnic genocide, it'll never happen though sadly
Stfu, how can you legit want races to be extinct lol.

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if i am already a fucked up racemix then how would i breed? (just asking, never planning to do) with the same racemix?
how could western europe and USA governments stop the ethnic replacement?
- ban of illegal immigration and deportation of illegal immigrants
- deportation of immigrants who commit a crime
- stopping to welcome fake war refugees and deportation of refugees whoose war is over
- heavy reduction of legal migration
- increase priority of legal migrants who come from east europe, for example w. Europe governments could give citizenship faster to Polish and Romanian immigrants
No shit. : facepalm:

Your mistake is that you think everyone in government is the idiot that they pretend to be. There are two special interest groups that dominate political discourse in 2019, and both favor increased immigration, Billionaires/super millionaires whom live in gated communites that want greatly increased immigration because they suppress wages (and it is not just janitors, a lot of tech worker immigrants), and Socialists/far leftists that want greatly increased immigration because they know/believe that immigrates are far more likely to vote for a socialist/far leftist.
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My theory is that once western europe starts falling into pieces many of the whites there will start migrating into eastern europe and even Russia basically turning that region into the new white homeland. Putin at some point said he welcomed white farmers from South Africa so it doesn't seem like they would mind. I don't think white people will go extinct tbh I just think the western parts of the world and the traditional white homelands will be destroyed.
White people need to start treating other whites better. Instead of trying to pay subhuman wages to their own people then hiring ethniks to do it when whites reject wageslave labour.

Leftists give 0 shit about ethniks but pretend to do so in order to get votes. Rather than encouraging ethniks to improve the situation in their own countries and to build stronger third world economies, leftists import shitskins into their western capitalists shitholes to work at their McDonald's and clean their toilets
Its simple

We elect Hitler
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White people need to start treating other whites better. Instead of trying to pay subhuman wages to their own people then hiring ethniks to do it when whites reject wageslave labour.

Leftists give 0 shit about ethniks but pretend to do so in order to get votes. Rather than encouraging ethniks to improve the situation in their own countries and to build stronger third world economies, leftists import shitskins into their western capitalists shitholes to work at their McDonald's and clean their toilets

I have said this many times before: The reason whites are destroying themselves is because they are too selfish. Whites for some reason are just more self-serving compared to other races and I suspect that the reason is racially genetic in origin. Whites just literally don't care about anything but themselves. And I'm not just talking about racial issues but just in general. Consider how poorly whites treat their parents compared to say Asians where family is highly valued. Whites are self-destructive degenerates. At least blacks have the excuse that they are stupid.
Its simple

We elect Hitler
even if France had hitler, he would not be able to kill 50% of people below 30 years old (who are ethnic).
the only solution to preserve white ethnicity in france would be importing 5 million east europeans and banning african immigration
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