HTN from old class descended HARD.

This will be fate of many dudes.
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idk aging is only very noticeable on good looking people without a lot of bone mass.
Bones are so important to counter age pill. Pretty boys have an extremly
Low shelf life
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He wasn't exactly a slayer, he had a girlfriend, but his looks dipped so hard.
@andy9432 Do you guys think this will be my fade? Would agepill hit me hard?
I remember this wide shouldered HTN with high class prettyboy looks from my old class who I knew could never compete with (pre surgical knowledge and understanding aesthetics).

I was right back then but guess what, I stumbled upon a recommendation for his profile on my instagram and holy shit.
This motherfucker had aesthetically aged 10 unhealthy years in 3 FUCKING YEARS.

Out of nowhere his hairline had moved up a full inch into a stable NW 2.
His skin had lost all of it's collagen and looked matte instead of glowing.
His eyebrows had shedded from being strikingly dense into mediocre.
He also had to start wearing glasses as well because of subhuman corneas.
Worst of all...his crow's feet were those of a fucking 50 year old.

The dopamine that rushed through my body seeing this high class HTN prettyboy descend into an actual soyjak felt better than getting cold approached by a thousand wet stacies.
Best part is meanwhile he started decomposing, I have gained more dimorphism as I aged and when I keep looksmaxing I will ascend so incredibly hard I will be unrecognizable. Seeing your surroundings and especially competition descend while you know you have a good base is some of the best motivation you can ever gain, I win in this story and I almost can't even believe it myself.

He who laughs last, laughs best.

@cytoplasm @SurgeryEnjoyer @Krakowski @drop @DelonLover1999 @John Cracovizk @slayer69 @WishIwasChico @tristan18 @saiya_online
How pld is he?
Why didn’t you tag me?????
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I didn't tag anyone.
Screenshot 2023 11 07 001408
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19 just like him. Fin has only sides if you're weak.
Yeah, I wouldn't mock someone's hairline at your age (particularly if you're white). Balding can happen rapidly as your DHT increases during your 20s. I went from NW0 (maybe a bit closer to NW1, it's hard to tell from my photos) to around a NW3 in 3 years. It's also not as easy as "I'll just take finesteride", as that will lower overall DHT levels.
I didn't even see that. Cagefuel ngl.

Yeah, I wouldn't mock someone's hairline at your age (particularly if you're white). Balding can happen rapidly as your DHT increases during your 20s. I went from NW0 (maybe a bit closer to NW1, it's hard to tell from my photos) to around a NW3 in 3 years. It's also not as easy as "I'll just take finesteride", as that will lower overall DHT levels.
No one in my family that started receding did it before 40s.
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It’s pretty crazy seeing old friends and classmates you went with change so much. An old friend of mine who was slavic went from a twink boy to a muscular brute bloated ogre with buzzcut
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It’s pretty crazy seeing old friends and classmates you went with change so much. An old friend of mine who was slavic went from a twink boy to a muscular brute bloated ogre with buzzcut
Everytime someone bumps this thread I get insane dopamine from the reminder of his descencion and my future.
What a crazy mofo. Lol. This has been talked before. Ascending through people's descension.

I am happy if org. bro is happy.
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