Huge Music Megathread

King krule
King krule
King krule
King krule
King krule
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city pop legit the best cope there is next to online video games
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Metal and rock subgenres, country, some big band, and film music. Unfortunately, having vast music taste doesn't make you interesting, even to the alternative/liberal whores who like the aforementioned music (excluding country), because Chad's life experiences are moreso interesting.
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Xxxtenacionxxx. It is normie music which is part of my ascensionplan
listening to normie music and watching normie tv series is a good way to get conversation topics
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This isn't going to be that popular

But I love old reggae choons. Especially lover's rock.

This song makes me so happy, it's just perfect.....few beers down the hatch and this tune = :love:

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been listening to a lot of bladee, thaiboy digital and spooky black these past days
basically what i was listening to 4 years ago

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  • So Sad
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Captures the transition from blackpill to whitepill:

You don't love me
You don't care


You don't love me
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Rn I’m absolutely fucking hooked on INXS. Guys, well-made upbeat music is the best way to drown out your depression imo.
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on top of that

this should get you guys started
now go... my children, fix your taste
:love: blowkissheart tbh
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I like the picture at least.

I think my own music may be too extreme for the tastes of those here.

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View attachment 6057

I like the picture at least.

I think my own music may be too extreme for the tastes of those here.

hmm thats not that extreme
like the first song best
after thats its some pretty comfy '60s to '80s-vibe pop, sad that i have seen too many anime intros to take japanese singing seriously, but legit pretty good music
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I was only familiar with Mercury before, but it seems as though the further back in their discography you go, the better this band is.
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this might be weird to some of you power electronics + industrial + mafia jazz noir. GTA, Mafia, Hitman fans will love this

actual Italians.

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@Ledgemund you may dig this
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more Italian industrial

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Macelleria Mobile di Mezzanotte

This is pretty good. Reminds me of some of what the Legendary Pink Dots have done, maybe a little bit of Bohren & der Club of Gore. Nice Ellroy on the endtable as well.

more Italian industrial

I only really know Maurizio Bianchi. Starfuckers are pretty good in a very subdued way, but they're not Industrial so much.

actual Italians


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why are Guzzard albums so hard to find. also, yeah Maurizio Bianchi is great, I had a physical set of discs of Mauthausen Orchestra tape dubs awhile back. I wish I still had them
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why are Guzzard albums so hard to find. also, yeah Maurizio Bianchi is great, I had a physical set of discs of Mauthausen Orchestra tape dubs awhile back. I wish I still had them

Just remembered Atrax Morgue is from Italy too. There's a few other Minimal Synth acts I used to listen to that I think were as well.

I found the Guzzard discography over here:

Hopefully the links still work.

They were one of the few AmRep bands I never bothered investigating back when I first discovered the label. All well and good, because I probably wouldn't have liked them very much back then - too straightforward and conventionally "Grunge". I've come to appreciate the more standard side of 90s Rock though. Just recently, I found out that there are even a few good Pearl Jam songs:

I probably hadn't heard this one since I was about 11.
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Not everything they've done is all that good, but when this band succeeds the result is tremendous.
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got these guys on:

btw @Ledgemund what was the beef between them and Articles Of Faith?
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got these guys on:

btw @Ledgemund what was the beef between them and Articles Of Faith?

Not sure I ever heard about it. I know that the vocalist for the Effigies almost kicked the shit out of Steve Albini because of a snide review in a fanzine.
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Albini rescinded apparently because he calls them "extremely important". whatever, flip flopper.
its funny because Albini got off on being an edgelord back then and went completely soy after the election.
somebody must've grabbed his pussy.
listening to this now

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Feels song:

Much better than the Green Gay song of the same name.

New discovery:

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Feels song:

Much better than the Green Gay song of the same name.

New discovery:

Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus

First link doesn't work, my nipper: it should be T.S.O.L. - Walk Alone. I never really listened to them before. Weren't they affiliated with SST to an extent? Pretty good, going by this.

Never heard of the second. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll absolutely be looking into them more. Neofolk that draws from Buñuel and Tarkovksy - very good.



Russia indeed produces a lot of the best NSBM.

I've seen you post these before but never listened - quite good. I can't seem to find much about them.

I can't embed this video because the uploader has disabled this function: Turbund Sturmwerk - Lichtschlag
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First link doesn't work, my nipper: it should be T.S.O.L. - Walk Alone. I never really listened to them before. Weren't they affiliated with SST to an extent? Pretty good, going by this.

Never heard of the second. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll absolutely be looking into them more. Neofolk that draws from Buñuel and Tarkovksy - very good.

Russia indeed produces a lot of the best NSBM.

I've seen you post these before but never listened - quite good. I can't seem to find much about them.

I can't embed this video because the uploader has disabled this function: Turbund Sturmwerk - Lichtschlag

thoughts on Burzum? @Ledgemund @IntolerantSocialist
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Sephyx - New Life
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I think TSOL were on Posh boy I think but maybe Frontier. They probably knew Ginn and SST through Keith Morris who likely had nothing good to say about them after getting kicked out of Black Flag. I know the Hermosa Beach scene and OC scene were very different, Hermosa was more blue collar and saw the OC kids as rich trouble making brats.

I like Burzum's music I just wish Varg would shut the fuck up about 'muh christcucks' not every Christian is dogmatic. of utimws, like myself, follow syncretic/gnostic offshoots which might be even too autistic for Varg.
And @Ledgemund np. Anytime
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Burzum is good, though I don't listen too often. Varg seems alright, kind of a meme at this point though. If I recall he and a lot of other "pagans" seem to have a problem with MSTOW - pretty gay. Guy assumes that everyone has a murder and several famous albums to his name with which to attract a sub-looksmatch virginal forest bride.

Anyone ever heard Quorthon's second solo album? It's very different from Bathory - will sound fairly out-of-place to anyone only familiar with Under the Sign of the Black Mark or similar. It's pretty decent Hard Rock with minor Grunge and Psychedelic elements to it. Main drawbacks are the terrible song titles and, presumably, lyrics. Many seem to be taken straight from the mustache-and-leather 70s playbook:

"Cherrybutt & Firefly"
"Daddy's Girl"
"Hump for Fun"
"The Notforgettin"
"You Just Got to Live"

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I'm afraid to hear it, I heard one of the Sodom influenced Bathory records and enjoyed it.
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Only rap I will listen to tbh no niger shit
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Happy Days makes some good dsbm
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