Hypergamy is out of control in 2019



Jul 12, 2019
2016 and prior to that, I was definitely was not an incel. I was just lazy as fuck when I first joined PUAhate. All I had to do was put in some token effort to get a gf off Tinder. And I'm one of the biggest fucking autists from PSL. A literal basement dweller. And I'm far from being a Chad. I'm actually in better shape now in my mid-30s (I haven't aged a bit. I just have some greying hair) than I was in my 20s. I got my body fat % down lifting weights and making very minor adjustments to my diet (I still eat like shit). I got my own razor and hair comb guards and cut my own hair now so that I can have frequent haircuts on the cheap.

But now in 2019, I get like one really shitty ONS with a fat filipina single mom a couple years older than me with a belly bigger than her tits. And she ghosts me afterwards (she's still logging on to the dating site 3+ weeks later. Evidence of her riding the cock carousel pumping n dumping multiple dudes). In 2019, it's not men who pump n dump women (or at least only Chad does), it's women who pump n dump men. And I get fucking 58 year old BBWs ghosting me after telling me they are interested in hooking up and sexting with me (including exchanging nudes). This one 58 year old BBW told me that she had sex with three men the previous day. Fucking LOL @ the dating scene in 2019. I don't even want to fuck a BBW. She came to me and I was desperate since all I had recently was one shitty ONS. My match rate and response rate on dating apps is ridiculously low. And the vast majority of the women who respond, it goes nowhere. If I bother to ask a woman out on a date and she agrees, it will not lead to bed unless she appears eager for me in the initial messaging/texting stage. That has been my experience. Every woman I went to bed with, I had a feeling I was gonna get lucky very early on in our interactions. My autistic ass can't charm women into bed worth a lick anyways. I feel it is a waste of time to invest time into women who aren't thirsty for me in the initial stages. But the number of thirsty women in 2019 are few and far in between compared to 2016 and before.

Some people tell me that I'm just going through the agepill. But I message women around my age and older too. A lot of younger women have on age filters that filter me out anyways. And then you have these redpill faggots telling you that it gets better for men as they age. That men age like fine wine and women hit the wall at 30. Even though 30 year old women stick their nose up at me and treat me worse now than they did when we were in our 20s. If anyone is hitting the wall, it's men who are hitting the wall. Women still have more options at 58 than I do in my 30s.

I get the sense that women in 2019 are jaded and don't believe in love anymore. My ex believed in love. I could see it in her eyes. But after a woman has had a number of cocks, they stop believing in love it seems. They lose the pair bonding mechanism. So they don't even give a fuck about looking for love and commitment from their looksmatch anymore. They just want to ride the Chad cock carousel. Whenever you see women my age settle down (and most women my age have settled down already), they do it only for utilitarian reasons: To have a guy help them with the mortgage or the rent in a very expensive housing market. Since I have no interest in sharing my shekels with women and I'm not a Chad either, I am on the outs. It's cheaper for me to see a whore occassionally while living with my dad rather than split the (((rent))) on a 1-2 bedroom condo in my city. And I don't have the income to afford to pay off a (((mortgage))). So I find myself at that level where all I can offer a woman is affection, companionship, love, good looks (but sub-Chad) and a big dick. But women don't seem to want this shit anymore. They either want the Chad. Or they want the utilitarian guy who is going to help them pay their bills. And even many beta cucks with good jobs who can chip in with a woman's bills are getting passed over in 2019. Fucking LOL.
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There is such a thing as OXYTOCIN depletion (say “ox-ee-toh-sin”) which is proven to happen in females the more dicks that have ravaged her. In simple terms, it is the “bonding” chemical in the female brain which bonds her to male she got banged by – on a physiological level.

(Its NOT like the natural chemical in chocolate which releases endorphins in the brain to make you feel like you’re in love.
That’s Phenylethylamine, and I am guessing that’s what RabidCaveman might be thinking of)

Oxytocin depletion in females occurs over time with every sex partner. The more dicks she has had, the less she is mesmerized by any one of them. It is a fact (although I don’t have the chart) that the effect has been studied, and revealed:

• Women with more than 2 partners in her life – yes, entire LIFE – increase the probability of her initiating (or secretly wanting) a divorce by 50%.

• With as few as 5 partners in her life, that number skyrockets to 75%

• With more than 7-10, you can forget it. You are virtually meaningless to her. She has lost her physiological ability to TRULY bond with only one male.

You are correct in assuming this enrages liberals and feminists because THEY DONT WANT YOU TO KNOW.
They want you to think “I love/want him and only him” should be taken at face value. But it’s utter bulls~~~.

Personal experience (especially a lot of personal experience ) with women will absolutely cement it’s accuracy – no matter who denies it. Especially the former c~~~-caoursel-riding “housewife” who maintains she is faithful to her husband, and may even still be married so that she wear a fox boa, drive a Mercedes and spend summers in the Hamptons. It is a crock of s~~~. She may not ACT on it, but she is diddling herself to thoughts of the gardener when he’s not looking.

And even MORE accurately…. if she cheated to be WITH you, it’s an absolutely certainty she will cheat ON you. The effect of promiscutity on women is REAL, and really not good. You’ve heard the expression “the thousand c~~~ stare?” Think Stiffler’s Mom from American Pie. Bingo.
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I love VVS' YouTube videos. I only discovered him in the past day or so. I can't recall if it was someone on lookism who shared his video before lookism got hacked. Or if I found it browsing looksmax yesterday. I find myself relating a lot to VVS. Like me, he's not a virgin. But he hasn't got laid since 2016 (which was true for me up until recently. And my self-confidence is probably worse after getting ghosted after a ONS than it was prior) and he is very sexually frustrated like I am. He has made a strong case for why the incel epidemic thing is not just a small handful group of men. A very large percentage of young men and presumably men in their 30s like me are incel. 29% of young men 18-29 self-reported not having had sex in the last year. I wonder what that figure is like for my age bracket (30-34).

Some men my age have escaped inceldom by running beta provider game. But even that has its limits these days. There's no way I'm going to go back to wagecucking for (((Mr. Shekelstein))) when that offers you no guarantee of a gf in 2019. When men aren't getting laid, they have no incentive to work. And then society will suffer as more men check out of society. Since society relies on the labour of beta males in order to function. Unrestricted hypergamy is going to lead to the collapse of Western Civilization. It's like allowing a NBA player to be a an unrestricted free agent at 18 instead of 27. It would lead to gross team inequality in the NBA. Just like how the dating scene has a gross inequality favoring women, Chads and rich people.
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I love VVS' YouTube videos. I only discovered him in the past day or so. I can't recall if it was someone on lookism who shared his video before lookism got hacked. Or if I found it browsing looksmax yesterday. I find myself relating a lot to VVS. Like me, he's not a virgin. But he hasn't got laid since 2016 (which was true for me up until recently. And my self-confidence is probably worse after getting ghosted after a ONS than it was prior) and he is very sexually frustrated like I am. He has made a strong case for why the incel epidemic thing is not just a small handful group of men. A very large percentage of young men and presumably men in their 30s like me are incel. 29% of young men 18-29 self-reported not having had sex in the last year. I wonder what that figure is like for my age bracket (30-34).

Some men my age have escaped inceldom by running beta provider game. But even that has its limits these days. There's no way I'm going to go back to wagecucking for (((Mr. Shekelstein))) when that offers you no guarantee of a gf in 2019. When men aren't getting laid, they have no incentive to work. And then society will suffer as more men check out of society. Since society relies on the labour of beta males in order to function. Unrestricted hypergamy is going to lead to the collapse of Western Civilization. It's like allowing a NBA player to be a an unrestricted free agent at 18 instead of 27. It would lead to gross team inequality in the NBA. Just like how the dating scene has a gross inequality favoring women, Chads and rich people.
Very true, I was a fan of VVS back when he had like 200 subs, when I followed Oreo Man, Steve Hoca and the whole TFL community
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  • JFL
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Something definitely happened around 2017 that made it exponentially harder for men to get laid, even more so than the the social media/dating app boom that happened around 2012.

2017 is when I first started to see men dating way below their league on a frequent basis. Tall guys with above average bone structure dating 2/10 hambeasts. Guys in their 20s legit dating middle aged women and grannies.
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Very true, I was a fan of VVS back when he had like 200 subs, when I followed Oreo Man, Steve Hoca and the whole TFL community
The area where I disagree with VVS is when he (and Roosh V) said that attention for a woman is like sex for a man. I mean women do like sex right? I'm pretty sure women enjoy sex. These women on these dating apps who are active for weeks, months and years without getting a gf, someone (*cough*Chad*cough*) must be fucking these women right? Can women really go a long time without sex?

Funny thing is this woman recently has been playing hot and cold with me. She matched with me on Bumble and messaged me. And then when I replied, she didn't reply after that and eventually unmatched me. Then on a second app she matched me again. This time I messaged her first and we chatted for a bit. But then she stopped replying. Then she deletes her account and re-registers and matches me again. And I message her again. And she doesn't reply. Then 2 days later out of the blue she asks me for my digits. I give my digits. She never texts/calls me. Just fucking LOL. It's almost as if she asked for my digits just to see if she still had power over me. And this woman is unemployed and worse than me in almost every way. I'm more facially attractive than her, I work out, she doesn't. To her credit I'd say that her physique is on par with mine (I work out but I eat like shit admittedly). And she's got nice tits. But she is a butterface. It's hard for me to rate a woman highly when she has a horseface. But I am so sexually frustrated that I would fuck her and probably date her for awhile (but feel tempted to want to trade up because I can't get over her horseface).

When women pull stunts like that (asking for my digits and then ghosting), it does make me think that attention for them is more pleasurable than sex. But I just can't imagine how women could resist not getting that Chad/Tyrone dick on demand when it is so readily available to them. They have to be fucking Chad, Brad and Tyrone on these apps. They can't just be alone with their vibrator for weeks, months and years. I see these same bitches logged in forever on these apps. If they got themselves a boyfriend, they would be getting off these apps. Unless they are cuckolding their bfs.
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Din red nut s singl wurd hun
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you should be focusing more on irl game.

use tinder/bumble sparringly, and IG mainly as an aid for irl game
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The area where I disagree with VVS is when he (and Roosh V) said that attention for a woman is like sex for a man. I mean women do like sex right? I'm pretty sure women enjoy sex. These women on these dating apps who are active for weeks, months and years without getting a gf, someone (*cough*Chad*cough*) must be fucking these women right? Can women really go a long time without sex?

Funny thing is this woman recently has been playing hot and cold with me. She matched with me on Bumble and messaged me. And then when I replied, she didn't reply after that and eventually unmatched me. Then on a second app she matched me again. This time I messaged her first and we chatted for a bit. But then she stopped replying. Then she deletes her account and re-registers and matches me again. And I message her again. And she doesn't reply. Then 2 days later out of the blue she asks me for my digits. I give my digits. She never texts/calls me. Just fucking LOL. It's almost as if she asked for my digits just to see if she still had power over me. And this woman is unemployed and worse than me in almost every way. I'm more facially attractive than her, I work out, she doesn't. To her credit I'd say that her physique is on par with mine (I work out but I eat like shit admittedly). And she's got nice tits. But she is a butterface. It's hard for me to rate a woman highly when she has a horseface. But I am so sexually frustrated that I would fuck her and probably date her for awhile (but feel tempted to want to trade up because I can't get over her horseface).

When women pull stunts like that (asking for my digits and then ghosting), it does make me think that attention for them is more pleasurable than sex. But I just can't imagine how women could resist not getting that Chad/Tyrone dick on demand when it is so readily available to them. They have to be fucking Chad, Brad and Tyrone on these apps. They can't just be alone with their vibrator for weeks, months and years. I see these same bitches logged in forever on these apps. If they got themselves a boyfriend, they would be getting off these apps. Unless they are cuckolding their bfs.
I thought about that too, but from my own experiments some women fuck chads regularly, some women can go months without and just go off the insane dopamine responses they get from all the attention they get on social media, dms like that. Their brains crave and seek validation and approval of others. That's why if men would collectively leave all women behind and pay no attention to them, kind of like making them incels, they would MASS commit suicide, not even lying. Being without approval of others is killing for a woman.
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the thing is, I'm 37, and tend to believe a strong state is needed to oppress hypergamy if nothing else. we don't do that here and we should.
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I thought about that too, but from my own experiments some women fuck chads regularly, some women can go months without and just go off the insane dopamine responses they get from all the attention they get on social media, dms like that. Their brains crave and seek validation and approval of others. That's why if men would collectively leave all women behind and pay no attention to them, kind of like making them incels, they would MASS commit suicide, not even lying. Being without approval of others is killing for a woman.
The hypergamy keeps ramping up and hostile opinions of it are becoming less unacceptable to have. I just hope the breaking point happens in my life so I can witness it.
the thing is, I'm 37, and tend to believe a strong state is needed to oppress hypergamy if nothing else. we don't do that here and we should.
If the government introduced kind of like a Black Mirror-esque rating system (except you'd be rated on looks rather than reputation) and made it a law that men are not allowed to have sex with women below a certain distance from their rating, this would alleviate the hypergamy problems.

I am in the process of learning to code because I want to create my own IT start-up. I want to develop smartphone apps. One idea for a smartphone app would be to create an algorithm for a ELO ranking system for men and women. And use this ELO system as a basis for government mandated anti-hypergamy laws.

As things stand now, I message girls who are well below my league in hopes of getting a piece of pussy because I have no options right now and I am desperate. If I won't thirst for these hoes then other guys will and I'll be left with my dick in my hand. But if there was a government law that forces every man to stop contributing to hypergamy, then I'm perfectly fine with not going for girls below my league.
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chad gets 10 gfs and i get 0 tbh
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it's out of control quite honestly.

i have almost totally given up on even bothering with women. it's more productive at this point for me to just get the idea of ever attaining a semi-attractive woman out of my head.

i just want to make money and get rich, and cope in my mansion.
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The hypergamy keeps ramping up and hostile opinions of it are becoming less unacceptable to have. I just hope the breaking point happens in my life so I can witness it.
It's not even hypergamy that's ramping up. It's more the drug addicts that women have become to dopamine, that quick fix, destroying their pair bonding ability and becouse they need a better fix to get those chemicals, they go after only the top of the top chads. It's not women only, it's society. The instant gratification that you may have heard thrown around is actually just being addicted to dopamine, and the feel-good response it gives. By practicing nofap, etc, self control you can take control of that and make it your weapon. But your first step is to be aware of it; and every time you are typing your favorite porn website; you're just wanting that quick fix; making you feel again, miserable after the fap. But 99% of people have no self-awareness; like all the kids that spend their parents' money on Fortnite shit, they don't want to earn their weapons and skins through hard work, they want that instant fix, they want it right now. But people don't realise that it leaves you miserable after that. That's one of the reasons why so many people are depressed; don't kid yourself, foids are becoming more and more depressed and suicidal, it's in the stats, no matter how much PSL users want you to believe that foids live the best life ever, many of them are miserable. Pair-bonding and not giving in to hedonism is a part of being happy, and modern foids dont have the ability to do so.
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It's not even hypergamy that's ramping up. It's more the drug addicts that women have become to dopamine, that quick fix, destroying their pair bonding ability and becouse they need a better fix to get those chemicals, they go after only the top of the top chads. It's not women only, it's society. The instant gratification that you may have heard thrown around is actually just being addicted to dopamine, and the feel-good response it gives. By practicing nofap, etc, self control you can take control of that and make it your weapon. But your first step is to be aware of it; and every time you are typing your favorite porn website; you're just wanting that quick fix; making you feel again, miserable after the fap.
What I mean is normies are slowly being blackpilled. Since women's current vapidness is fueled by male validation I imagine something will give way eventually.
like you said if the validation stopped they would mass suicide
Something definitely happened around 2017 that made it exponentially harder for men to get laid, even more so than the the social media/dating app boom that happened around 2012.

2017 is when I first started to see men dating way below their league on a frequent basis. Tall guys with above average bone structure dating 2/10 hambeasts. Guys in their 20s legit dating middle aged women and grannies.
At work yesterday' I saw some 6'5 high tier normie white guy date some dark skin insect faced Asian woman covered in tattoos.
  • JFL
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What I mean is normies are slowly being blackpilled. Since women's current vapidness is fueled by male validation I imagine something will give way eventually.
like you said if the validation stopped they would mass suicide
Yes, something will give way.
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you know why it got worse for you?

because you are in your 30s with no job and no future. thats a big nono for women at that age. looks doesnt even matter for women so much at this point. you played yourself with rotting

lie about your career and you will have more success - trust me
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you know why it got worse for you?

because you are in your 30s with no job and no future. thats a big nono for women at that age. looks doesnt even matter for women so much at this point. you played yourself with rotting

lie about your career and you will have more success - trust me
really rocking this goodfella vibe
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If the government introduced kind of like a Black Mirror-esque rating system (except you'd be rated on looks rather than reputation) and made it a law that men are not allowed to have sex with women below a certain distance from their rating, this would alleviate the hypergamy problems.

I am in the process of learning to code because I want to create my own IT start-up. I want to develop smartphone apps. One idea for a smartphone app would be to create an algorithm for a ELO ranking system for men and women. And use this ELO system as a basis for government mandated anti-hypergamy laws.

As things stand now, I message girls who are well below my league in hopes of getting a piece of pussy because I have no options right now and I am desperate. If I won't thirst for these hoes then other guys will and I'll be left with my dick in my hand. But if there was a government law that forces every man to stop contributing to hypergamy, then I'm perfectly fine with not going for girls below my league.

see actually, to decrease hypergamy, the female's behavior must be controlled, like in Muslim countries.
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you know why it got worse for you?

because you are in your 30s with no job and no future. thats a big nono for women at that age. looks doesnt even matter for women so much at this point. you played yourself with rotting

lie about your career and you will have more success - trust me
I basically kind of let on that I make good money from day trading and the crypto currency bubble (the truth is my net worth grew in 2017 and I lost most of the gain. So I went into stablecoins because I thought bitcoin and Ethereum would go down further. Only to find that it recovered a good bit. Fucking LOL at my life. I still have lots of savings and I have cash for dates so I can totally fraud my income at any rate. I didn't give specifics about income. I just tell women I day trade full time. When really I'm a NEET who makes a few crypto trades here and there. Collecting some passive income off the recent bubble. I have less than .56btc and like 5.3 eth. I'm not gonna get rich anytime soon if the bubble continues to grow.

So no I don't think I get rejected due to my financial prospects. I'm in a better financial position than most millennials by far. I just have no future because I peaked financially since I don't have a job and I didn't cash in my crypto at the right time.

Keep in mind also that I dated Yogapants (my PSL ex) in the early days of my NEETdom. And when I was a wagecuck I had a fat not so attractive Indian gf (I didn't fuck Yogapants yet and she made my dick hard, that's why I was happy to date her then. I didn't realize that I could get a slim hot busty brown girl like Yogapants. Yogapants made me an alpha widow. Since no girl I get with now holds a candle to my ex.) So if I go back to wagecucking (no employer will want me at this point anyways) I don't see it improving my dating prospects. And I am living pretty comfortably financially for now living a stress-free NEET lifestyle so pussy is literally the only motivation for me to work anyways. And I have whores at my fingertips in My city.
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You know it’s over when you see a 6’4 chad with a gook gf
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I hope lefties fags are happy with this situation
I hope lefties fags are happy with this situation
The leftist inceltears cucks say "it's because of your personality bro. The girls who reject you on Tinder can just smell the misogyny from their smartphone screen bro." It's so ridiculous. The reason why cucks on inceltears have GFS is because rent and mortgages for a 1-2 bedroom apartment in a urban Metropolitan area is very expensive these days. So women need a beta cuck bf/hubby to help them with the rent/mortgage. Most women my age would still be living with their parents if they didn't have a bf or split rent with room mates. I save an ass load of money living at home instead of renting a room in a house with 5 Pajeets. And a whore costs a fraction of what rent costs. And I haven't seen a whore in 4 months. So.
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Some people tell me that I'm just going through the agepill. But I message women around my age and older too. A lot of younger women have on age filters that filter me out anyways. And then you have these redpill faggots telling you that it gets better for men as they age. That men age like fine wine and women hit the wall at 30. Even though 30 year old women stick their nose up at me and treat me worse now than they did when we were in our 20s. If anyone is hitting the wall, it's men who are hitting the wall. Women still have more options at 58 than I do in my 30s.

THIS! OMFG THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have made so many threads about this but every time I just get spammed by a bunch of faggots about how men age better than women even though I explain it to them why this is bullshit and how it's actually men who age worse than women. I suggest you check out these threads that I made some time ago:

The wall 100% exists.....for men :feelskek:
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There is such a thing as OXYTOCIN depletion (say “ox-ee-toh-sin”) which is proven to happen in females the more dicks that have ravaged her. In simple terms, it is the “bonding” chemical in the female brain which bonds her to male she got

There is such a thing as OXYTOCIN depletion which is proven to happen in females the more dicks that have ravaged her. In simple terms, it is the “bonding” chemical in the female brain which bonds her to male she got banged by – on a physiological level.
In males pair bonding is mediated much more by vasopressin as we tend to produce only very low levels of oxytocin, but does it appear that vasopressin depletion is a thing for males? If so that would be great news since I could condition myself to not have feelings for females and thus never have my heart broken. I've only been with 15 women my whole life but the last three girlfriends I had just about destroyed me when they left. I'd love to stop bonding to women.
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It's only going to get worse...

Bare in mind Tinder is relatively young
In males pair bonding is mediated much more by vasopressin as we tend to produce only very low levels of oxytocin, but does it appear that vasopressin depletion is a thing for males? If so that would be great news since I could condition myself to not have feelings for females and thus never have my heart broken. I've only been with 15 women my whole life but the last three girlfriends I had just about destroyed me when they left. I'd love to stop bonding to women.
Never thought of that, great stuff. Do it
The leftist inceltears cucks say "it's because of your personality bro. The girls who reject you on Tinder can just smell the misogyny from their smartphone screen bro." It's so ridiculous. The reason why cucks on inceltears have GFS is because rent and mortgages for a 1-2 bedroom apartment in a urban Metropolitan area is very expensive these days. So women need a beta cuck bf/hubby to help them with the rent/mortgage. Most women my age would still be living with their parents if they didn't have a bf or split rent with room mates. I save an ass load of money living at home instead of renting a room in a house with 5 Pajeets. And a whore costs a fraction of what rent costs. And I haven't seen a whore in 4 months. So.
Just don't do tinder then.
I bonded with Christina just from talking to her on a train

Was it in 2007? Utopian era.
Just don't do tinder then.
Tinder is god awful. Though I am talking with a hot Asian older woman right now. The only reason why I do Tinder is because cold approaching gets you labelled creepy and it is autistic. And my social circle is so shit. No opportunities for me to meet single women in my social circle. It's a sausage fest. I though about joining a support group for women with Borderline Personality Disorder (my two ex-gfs for sure had BPD so crazy girls seem to be a good option for me). But apparently you need a diagnosis for that shit. I could probably convince a psychiatrist that I am Borderline but I'm not going to go fake a diagnosis in order to get laid.

THIS! OMFG THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have made so many threads about this but every time I just get spammed by a bunch of faggots about how men age better than women even though I explain it to them why this is bullshit and how it's actually men who age worse than women. I suggest you check out these threads that I made some time ago:

The wall 100% exists.....for men :feelskek:
Yeah it gets worse for men in our 30s. Not better bro. Especially in your mid-30s. When I was 30 I managed to snag a hot slim busty 24 year old girlfriend.

Now in my mid-30s, I have what appears to be serious interest from a hot Asian MILF a few years older than me who doesn't want more kids (she has a daughter and doesn't want more). And an Asian cougar 10 years older than me who can't have kids anymore.
And even then, these women can be flaky and lose interest in an instant. Just because a woman finds me attractive doesn't mean she is going to sleep with me. There are plenty of other attractive guys sliding into her DMs.

I cast a wide net because the opportunities to get laid for guys are so far and few in between. But I have a date with the cougar a decade older than me scheduled for Friday. And I suspect that the date is going to end in sex. And the Asian MILF a few years older than me could very well sleep with me. So I'm afraid I'm actually going to be in a situation where I go to bed with two women and have to choose one. lol.

But men face so much rejection and flakiness from women. That men have to be casting a wide net until a woman tells you that she wants you to be her boyfriend. Because women these days sometimes they just want a ONS or a short-term fling anyways. Women are becoming more like men in 2019. I've been pumped n dumped by like three women out of the 7 civilians I've went to bed with. No joke.
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walls of autism
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Something definitely happened around 2017 that made it exponentially harder for men to get laid, even more so than the the social media/dating app boom that happened around 2012.

2017 is when I first started to see men dating way below their league on a frequent basis. Tall guys with above average bone structure dating 2/10 hambeasts. Guys in their 20s legit dating middle aged women and grannies.
Exactly. 2017 was the year when I broke up with my Becky ex. At the time I thought it'd be easy to find a new one since I'd started grooming and lifting, yet I got only attention from fatties for the most part. As for the slim ones they all ghosted me after the first date. So I endured a year of dry spell (hookers excluded) till the end of 2018.

Now in the year of 2019 the blackpill has solidified my conviction : all or nothing, be chad or death.
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Exactly. 2017 was the year when I broke up with my Becky ex. At the time I thought it'd be easy to find a new one since I'd started grooming and lifting, yet I got only attention from fatties for the most part. As for the slim ones they all ghosted me after the first date. So I endured a year of dry spell (hookers excluded) till the end of 2018.

Now in the year of 2019 the blackpill has solidified my conviction : all or nothing, be chad or death.
Yeah the hot girls have a lot of options. Even if you are hot yourself and you are her looksmatch, she is going to be tempted to try to go for a better deal.
I think modern women are mostly jaded and don't believe in love anymore. If women don't believe in love anymore, there is no point in them going for anything but Chad or a utilitarian beta who will help her with her bills.
The only thing I have on Chad is my offer of commitment and affection. And I've got a big dick. But there are big dicked Chads out there.
So if a woman doesn't care about my commitment and affection then it doesn't matter.
My ex-gf told me after she broke up with me that the only thing I had to offer her is my big dick, whispering sweet nothings into her ear, dopamine and oxytocin. It's like she stopped believing in love.
It's like the dopamine and oxytocin wore off for her after our honeymoon period and it's as if the emotions she felt for me in the moment during our honeymoon period never existed to her.
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From 2017 99% of women have Instagram. This is why the hypergamy started to be extreme in that year.
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From 2017 99% of women have Instagram. This is why the hypergamy started to be extreme in that year.
Yeah someone in this thread mentioned to me, "just don't use Tinder bro". And I get that. These girls on dating apps have lots of options. But even women who don't have Tinder have Instagram. And almost every girl has thirsty dudes sliding into her DMs in 2019.

If you are cold approaching women who have thirsty dudes sliding into her DMs on Instagram, do you think she'd be any more nice to you in RL than online? Fuck no. If she thinks she is hot shit on Instagram, she is going to think she is hot shit in RL too.

My ex is unique in that she doesn't have social media. No Instagram, not even Facebook, etc. I should know because if my ex was on Instagram or even Facebook, I would be sliding into her DMs right now. lol. And I have alt accounts so I can tell if I'm blocked.
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Yeah the hot girls have a lot of options. Even if you are hot yourself and you are her looksmatch, she is going to be tempted to try to go for a better deal.
I think I first got to realize this when several foids with good body and average face ghosted me. Then I said to myself ok just lower your standard a bit. Yet the dates with 2 slightly chubby foids still didn’t lead me to sex, and both acted arrogant during our meetups. Another anecdote that woke me up was that a sub4 fat foid told me she had “an entire harem” of guys fucking her because “I need to have my own fun” JFL. At that time I came to realize that the dating world is kinda screwed up for men.
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I think I first got to realize this when several foids with good body and average face ghosted me. Then I said to myself ok just lower your standard a bit. Yet the dates with 2 slightly chubby foids still didn’t lead me to sex, and both acted arrogant during our meetups. Another anecdote that woke me up was that a sub4 fat foid told me she had “an entire harem” of guys fucking her because “I need to have my own fun” JFL. At that time I came to realize that the dating world is kinda screwed up for men.
This is why I believe that my theory that modern women have given up on love has merit. If a fat sub4 foid is happy with having a harem of Chads (who themselves are fucking a bunch of other girls too), she don't believe in love.
If I get ghosted by fat single moms after a ONS and they are still logging into their dating accounts 3+ weeks later, you know that they do this often (ONS) and don't believe in love.
It's tough out there man.
The cougar 10 years older told me that she wants a man who is sweet. So maybe I'll get a LTR there. But it's not ideal for me. I would rather have a LTR with the hot Asian MILF a few years older. But I am pretty sure that she gets so much attention from Chads that at best she might have a ONS with me and ghost me after. At best.
Even if the girl is hot, a ONS would give me an ego boost because I'd think to myself, "I still got it", but I would feel like shit afterwards. Knowing that I put in all this effort just to get one lay and never see her again
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Even if the girl is hot, a ONS would give me an ego boost because I'd think to myself, "I still got it", but I would feel like shit afterwards. Knowing that I put in all this effort just to get one lay and never see her again
This is exactly what I fear after my planned surgeries. Even if I did ascend to chad level of looks, the best I would expect is a shorter duration of dryspell in case I broke up with my current gf. And I’d have little hope in finding a better one than her: her face is like 5-6 but short legs failo her a lot. Yet long legged girls with the same face gonna have a huge ego and as you said, they probably don’t believe in love anymore.
Not a word
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