I am 4’11 diagnosed with dwarfism ask me anything(with proof)

Fresh raw meat that hasn't been frozened will
Are you sure bro?
If ur absolutely sure can you tell me how to prepare it
and also which meat will make me the tallest
For a moment I thought you were going to say tie a rope to your neck if all else fails. There are those African tribes that practice neck lengthening and gain a couple inches from that.

This is an interesting case of you are legitimate.

So you e probably read all the protocols of supplementation, grass fed organic raw organ meats and milk, hormone injections therapy, peptides, leg surgery, stretching, pulling, exercises , hanging, sleeping with weights in your chest and or stomach etc.

Then there's 2 inch lifts and specific height frauding boots to add an additional 2 inches.

You can always geomaxx to specific Asian countries where the average male height is like 5'5".

So even given your age and say you decide to not take the surgery is bet you can at least gain just one inch. Combine that with height frauding that's 5 inches total and you would be 5'4". Now where can you squeeze out one more inch without surgery? Id say the neck lengthening technique is by far the best way to gain one inch.

Now there's probably crazy methods that desperate people from the east have done but I don't know of these methods.
Id the neck strerching works then I suspect spinal stretching works also. Now the neck strerching devices are worn nearly all day by Africans but I suspect 8 hours a day would suffice.

Here's a tech issue that can potentially stretch your cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine.
Here's all the methods I can come up with off the top of my head.

1. Attach a device to your ankles and or feet and attach it to something that is constantly applying sufficient pressure to feel a solid pull on your lower spine.
2. Attach a device similar to the devices you see chiropractors use to crack peoples necks. Attach it to something that pulls on your neck with sufficient force to feel your neck and thoracic part of your spine stretch.
3. Supplement with daily glucosamine, and chondroitin sulfate.
4. Diet high in organic grass fed raw organ meats and milk.
5. Daily exercises like swimming, bicycling, stretching, etc.
6. Gorman therapy injections
7. Peptide injections like BCP 157 aka wolverine serum. This allows for accelerated healing of tissues like bone, muscle, ligaments, etc. there are many other peptides but BCP is the most low time I've heard of
8. K2 and D3 supplementation. Perhaps melatonin for deeper sleep to allow more healing to take place.

9. As much full body sun exposure as you can get.
10. Daily spinal stretching techniques that are more powerful than the sleeping technique but only take 30 minutes a day. Things like hanging in a bar, tadasana and touching higher and higher points in a wall.
11. Take aromasin if your growth plates are magically still open. You can have a doctor take an X-ray to be sure.
12. Eliminate as much plastic as humanly possible.
13. Straighten out the pelvis as much as possible.

Probably around 3k in total cost our of pocket.

I believe all theses things can help you gain at least 4 to 5 Inches in about 3 to 6 moths

The. You can add 3 to 4 inches with height frauding methods.

Total cost $150

That's already 9 inches right there potentially.

Then maybe consider testing different technologies as experimental height increasing methodologies.
1. Biokenisis
2. Subliminal
3. Affirmations
4. Hypnosis
5. Deep meditation and active visualization
6. Frequencies

Unknown results

Last case scenarios.

1. Geomaxx to Asian countries where the men are 5'5" on average.
2. Leg lengthening surgery which I believe helps you gain around 4 to 8 inches potentially.
Which is roughly 150k.

So with everything plus the surgery that's a potential 17 inches max in under a half year of time putting you at 6'4". Then you are a Chad in terms of height in any country at this height

If you don't do the surgery you can still get to a max of 5'8 in about four months and for pennies on the dollar. At this height you would only be a Chad in the tiny Asian countries but still worth the effort.

I'm interested in the experimental things like the frequencies subliminals , etc.
Good luck
Are you sure bro?
If ur absolutely sure can you tell me how to prepare it
and also which meat will make me the tallest
Organ meats and mainly the liver and duck eggs are premium also. Do your best to get grass fed grass finished.
So I’m sure a lot of you already know the news from my last post
Yes I really am 4’11 (If u don’t believe me I can dm u a pic)

I was diagnosed with dwarfism during puberty, I am a 29 year old NEET now

Originally, my doctor prescribed me growth hormone
But I’m not a big fan of needles, so I never took my shots on time

I am grateful to have discovered .org
It has tons of valuable info on heightmaxxing

Here is my heightmaxxing protocol:
-I will start taking my growth hormone shots again
-I will do dead hangs for 20 minutes each day. no exceptions.
-I will do plank stretches for 20 minutes daily
- I will also tie a rope to stretch my legs at night

And if all else fails, I will just buy more height boosting shoe insoles

But one way or another, I will make it to 5’9
Mark. My. Words.
Save for limb lengthening surgery
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Have you ever found females with your condition and if so do they still only want 6 ft or taller Chads?
Save for limb lengthening surgery
It appears complete spinal chord stretching while you sleep combined with some daily exercises with supplementation alone gets you four inches then height frauding is another four inches and that basically beats out the leg surgery and is much faster less painful and costs 99 percent less. Or you can use all these things and become a monster.
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