I am an ethnic Chinese born, educated and raised in Canada

you are jovan andrade and you need to hop back on your bbctakeover schtick, chinks are boring
But my loyalty lies with the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party

Should China and Canada get into a war, I will join the People's Liberation Army and kill as many Canadians as possible

30C6D9D2 E36B 4EF7 A423 D7D501D73F4C
6C8DF684 AB87 45F4 9C8D 507A8266EBC7
How does it feel to see all your rice women sucking big white cock (BWC) while you rot in inceldom?

Top tier Asian women only go for top tier Changs while even top tier white Chads go for disgusting SEAmonkeys and 3/10 gookinas. Your kind encourages deathniks to swarm your countries fuck your women and breed your inferior genetics out. Eastern Europeans are the last white bastion (the only white countries who aren't going extinct and becoming a minority in their own countries) and they're getting cucked by from their whore women thirsting for BCC (Big Chinese Cock) at an astounding rate.

While your cucked near extinction race worships ethnics and encourages them to mass emigrate and fuck your women, this is what the Chinese think of foreigners. Racism will only increase under Xi Jinping's rule and the Republic of China become a new Nazi Germany, but actually successful this time. Because the Chinese are actually the master race unlike the delusional Germans, who had the audacity to make a racial hierarchy and think themselves equal to East Asians.

Careful, your Chinese masters will rape you and reawaken your ancestral slave PTSD like the worthless abused enslaved dog you are you disgusting little East African nigger monkey. Even today they oppress and abuse you in your own countries while mass fucking your whore ape sheboon women.

i will fuck all of you 5'5 chinees up you cant win to a 6'3 mutt like me

The Chinese are getting taller at the fastest rate of any race, they'll be the tallest race soon. I would beat your tiny peanut skull into millions of little pieces and spray my superior golden piss on the remainder you worthless sand nigger Mongol rape baby inbred leftover. The Chinese are exterminating you worthless subhumans en masse and raping you in concentration camps. They'll rape and brutalize you like the Mongols raped and brutalized the entire Middle East and permanently terminated their Islamic Golden Age.

i will fuck you all up nigga china will be blacked in 100 years

All niggers in China are concentrated in one city, Guangzhou. Meanwhile, they're treated like absolute shit in the vast majority of China and abused and persecuted and looked down on, while the Chinese are oppressing and abusing niggers in their OWN countries (Africa) and mass fucking and impregnating their women while niggers worship them like the cucks they are because they rely on the help of genetically superior Chinese men to survive. Africa will be neocolonized and riced, it's only a matter of time.

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Thanks bro thats really nice of you

Japanese and Korean and SEA women are also an option for you after China conquers them. Or Eastern European women if you prefer white women, or African women if you prefer sheboons. All will be colonies of China soon. I'm not even Chinese but I can see it. I'm moving to China as a cybersecurity specialist and helping them become the new world order because supporting any other country would be helpless to do. If we join the Chinese early on, we'll get our benefits in return for helping them after they completely take over.
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Top tier Asian women only go for top tier Changs while even top tier white Chads go for disgusting SEAmonkeys and 3/10 gookinas. Your kind encourages deathniks to swarm your countries fuck your women and breed your inferior genetics out. Eastern Europeans are the last white bastion (the only white countries who aren't going extinct and becoming a minority in their own countries) and they're getting cucked by from their whore women thirsting for BCC (Big Chinese Cock) at an astounding rate.

While your cucked near extinction race worships ethnics and encourages them to mass emigrate and fuck your women, this is what the Chinese think of foreigners. Racism will only increase under Xi Jinping's rule and the Republic of China become a new Nazi Germany, but actually successful this time. Because the Chinese are actually the master race unlike the delusional Germans, who had the audacity to make a racial hierarchy and think themselves equal to East Asians.

Careful, your Chinese masters will rape you and reawaken your ancestral slave PTSD like the worthless abused enslaved dog you are you disgusting little East African nigger monkey. Even today they oppress and abuse you in your own countries while mass fucking your whore ape sheboon women.

The Chinese are getting taller at the fastest rate of any race, they'll be the tallest race soon. I would beat your tiny peanut skull into millions of little pieces and spray my superior golden piss on the remainder you worthless sand nigger Mongol rape baby inbred leftover. The Chinese are exterminating you worthless subhumans en masse and raping you in concentration camps. They'll rape and brutalize you like the Mongols raped and brutalized the entire Middle East and permanently terminated their Islamic Golden Age.

All niggers in China are concentrated in one city, Guangzhou. Meanwhile, they're treated like absolute shit in the vast majority of China and abused and persecuted and looked down on, while the Chinese are oppressing and abusing niggers in their OWN countries (Africa) and mass fucking and impregnating their women while niggers worship them like the cucks they are because they rely on the help of genetically superior Chinese men to survive. Africa will be neocolonized and riced, it's only a matter of time.

I am inducting you into the Sino-Looksmax Patriotic Youth Association 同志.
  • JFL
Reactions: Geneticist
Top tier Asian women only go for top tier Changs while even top tier white Chads go for disgusting SEAmonkeys and 3/10 gookinas. Your kind encourages deathniks to swarm your countries fuck your women and breed your inferior genetics out. Eastern Europeans are the last white bastion (the only white countries who aren't going extinct and becoming a minority in their own countries) and they're getting cucked by from their whore women thirsting for BCC (Big Chinese Cock) at an astounding rate.

While your cucked near extinction race worships ethnics and encourages them to mass emigrate and fuck your women, this is what the Chinese think of foreigners. Racism will only increase under Xi Jinping's rule and the Republic of China become a new Nazi Germany, but actually successful this time. Because the Chinese are actually the master race unlike the delusional Germans, who had the audacity to make a racial hierarchy and think themselves equal to East Asians.

Careful, your Chinese masters will rape you and reawaken your ancestral slave PTSD like the worthless abused enslaved dog you are you disgusting little East African nigger monkey. Even today they oppress and abuse you in your own countries while mass fucking your whore ape sheboon women.

The Chinese are getting taller at the fastest rate of any race, they'll be the tallest race soon. I would beat your tiny peanut skull into millions of little pieces and spray my superior golden piss on the remainder you worthless sand nigger Mongol rape baby inbred leftover. The Chinese are exterminating you worthless subhumans en masse and raping you in concentration camps. They'll rape and brutalize you like the Mongols raped and brutalized the entire Middle East and permanently terminated their Islamic Golden Age.

All niggers in China are concentrated in one city, Guangzhou. Meanwhile, they're treated like absolute shit in the vast majority of China and abused and persecuted and looked down on, while the Chinese are oppressing and abusing niggers in their OWN countries (Africa) and mass fucking and impregnating their women while niggers worship them like the cucks they are because they rely on the help of genetically superior Chinese men to survive. Africa will be neocolonized and riced, it's only a matter of time.

It's a known fact that east-Asian women in the west overwhelmingly prefer white men over their own men. Asian men in the west get cucked hard by their own women. Just go to any Asian male group on Reddit and you will see hundreds of Asian men complaining about white men stealing their women LOL. Go to Asian porn group on Reddit and you see hundreds of Asian women sucking white dick.

If all Chinese women had access to white men, all Chinese men would be incels and you know it. Women in Asia find white features more attractive. Also, Asian men have small dicks. Hahahaha
Last edited:
It's a known fact that east-Asian women in the west overwhelmingly prefer white men over their own men. Asian men in the west get cucked hard by their own women. Just go to any Asian sub on Reddit and you will see hundreds of Asian men complaining about white men stealing their women LOL. Go to Asian porn subs on Reddit and you see hundreds of Asian women sucking white dick.

If all Chinese women had access to white men, all Chinese men would be incels and you know it. Women in Asia find white features more attractive. Also, Asian men have small dicks. Hahahaha

Your entire pathetic cope rant utterly assraped here. Scroll down, read every word. AMWF is overtaking WMAF at an ever increasing rate, ESPECIALLY for zoomers.

Only the ugly 3/10 gooks or SEAmonkeys who either don't have access to GL Asian men due to being in white majority areas or getting rejected by them like the hideous whores they are date white guys, or post on sites for revenge. All the good looking and high quality Asian girls prefer top tier Asian Changs. Hell, all TikTok videos asking girls to pick a race to go, Asian men do the best because they show Chads of every race. 8/10 Asian Chang >>> Chad of every other race. The videos were posted in one of the comments in the above link but niggers and cumskins reported it and got it taken down. There's a reason pretty much all good looking Asian zoomer celebrities and social media stars even in the WEST are dating Asian men instead of white men. Don't believe me, search up the best looking social media stars and celebrities and see who they're dating.

Face it, your pathetic, weak, shit tier, genetic dead end cucked race is going extinct in all your own countries. You are inferior in every conceivable aspect, you encourage ethnics to invade your countries and breed you out and make you go extinct. White people are quickly becoming a minority in nearly every western country. You are fucking oppressed in your OWN countries lmfao. The Chinese despise foreigners while westerners despise themselves and raise up foreigners at their own expense due to Jewish influence. China is the most homogenous developed nation by far, and all its rare ethnic groups are simply variations of Chinese or other Asians.

In white countries other than the west where Asian men don't get fucked by the media, they're cucking you in spades. There are more Chinese male + white female relationships in Russia alone than in all of America, and you pretty much never see the genders switched. Not only are you getting rapidly bred out by deathnics in the west, you're also rapidly getting bred out by Asian men in the east. Your dead end race is going extinct because your women prefer other men and your men do absolutely nothing about it, even encouraging it like the utterly cucked faggots you are lmfao. Nothing will change that.
  • +1
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Your entire pathetic cope rant utterly assraped here. Scroll down, read every word. AMWF is overtaking WMAF at an ever increasing rate, ESPECIALLY for zoomers.
HAHAHAHA. You're overdosing on copuim. Read what your fellow asian men are saying about how dating is for Asian zoomers.

One comment: "It doesn’t really improved that much for the generation Z. I’m a Asian zoomer who grew up in europe and the amount of gen z lus with xm (mostly yt) is insane. It still outnumbered am/xf a lot. Yesterday I saw 3 am/xf in a row but it doesn’t happen so much. But everyday I see xm/af".

Even Asian women admit Asian men have small dicks. There are dozens of videos on youtube where asian women IN ASIA (not in the west) are interviewed and they say asian men have small dicks.

The white race will never go extinct. If anything, generations of non-whites in white countries will progressively get whiter. Half-white people usually marry white people and will give birth to 75% white children, who will then marry other white people who will give birth to even whiter children. Brazil is a perfect example of this. The country has gotten whiter over the generations because mixed-race women prefer to have children with white Brazilian men.

Even in the west most hapa and mulatta women choose to date white men, and will have children who are even whiter than they are.

Your entire pathetic cope rant utterly assraped here. Scroll down, read every word. AMWF is overtaking WMAF at an ever increasing rate, ESPECIALLY for zoomers.

Only the ugly 3/10 gooks or SEAmonkeys who either don't have access to GL Asian men due to being in white majority areas or getting rejected by them like the hideous whores they are date white guys, or post on sites for revenge. All the good looking and high quality Asian girls prefer top tier Asian Changs. Hell, all TikTok videos asking girls to pick a race to go, Asian men do the best because they show Chads of every race. 8/10 Asian Chang >>> Chad of every other race. The videos were posted in one of the comments in the above link but niggers and cumskins reported it and got it taken down. There's a reason pretty much all good looking Asian zoomer celebrities and social media stars even in the WEST are dating Asian men instead of white men. Don't believe me, search up the best looking social media stars and celebrities and see who they're dating.

Face it, your pathetic, weak, shit tier, genetic dead end cucked race is going extinct in all your own countries. You are inferior in every conceivable aspect, you encourage ethnics to invade your countries and breed you out and make you go extinct. White people are quickly becoming a minority in nearly every western country. You are fucking oppressed in your OWN countries lmfao. The Chinese despise foreigners while westerners despise themselves and raise up foreigners at their own expense due to Jewish influence. China is the most homogenous developed nation by far, and all its rare ethnic groups are simply variations of Chinese or other Asians.

In white countries other than the west where Asian men don't get fucked by the media, they're cucking you in spades. There are more Chinese male + white female relationships in Russia alone than in all of America, and you pretty much never see the genders switched. Not only are you getting rapidly bred out by deathnics in the west, you're also rapidly getting bred out by Asian men in the east. Your dead end race is going extinct because your women prefer other men and your men do absolutely nothing about it, even encouraging it like the utterly cucked faggots you are lmfao. Nothing will change that.
@chinksupremacist? Is that you?

Your entire pathetic cope rant utterly assraped here. Scroll down, read every word. AMWF is overtaking WMAF at an ever increasing rate, ESPECIALLY for zoomers.

Only the ugly 3/10 gooks or SEAmonkeys who either don't have access to GL Asian men due to being in white majority areas or getting rejected by them like the hideous whores they are date white guys, or post on sites for revenge. All the good looking and high quality Asian girls prefer top tier Asian Changs. Hell, all TikTok videos asking girls to pick a race to go, Asian men do the best because they show Chads of every race. 8/10 Asian Chang >>> Chad of every other race. The videos were posted in one of the comments in the above link but niggers and cumskins reported it and got it taken down. There's a reason pretty much all good looking Asian zoomer celebrities and social media stars even in the WEST are dating Asian men instead of white men. Don't believe me, search up the best looking social media stars and celebrities and see who they're dating.

Face it, your pathetic, weak, shit tier, genetic dead end cucked race is going extinct in all your own countries. You are inferior in every conceivable aspect, you encourage ethnics to invade your countries and breed you out and make you go extinct. White people are quickly becoming a minority in nearly every western country. You are fucking oppressed in your OWN countries lmfao. The Chinese despise foreigners while westerners despise themselves and raise up foreigners at their own expense due to Jewish influence. China is the most homogenous developed nation by far, and all its rare ethnic groups are simply variations of Chinese or other Asians.

In white countries other than the west where Asian men don't get fucked by the media, they're cucking you in spades. There are more Chinese male + white female relationships in Russia alone than in all of America, and you pretty much never see the genders switched. Not only are you getting rapidly bred out by deathnics in the west, you're also rapidly getting bred out by Asian men in the east. Your dead end race is going extinct because your women prefer other men and your men do absolutely nothing about it, even encouraging it like the utterly cucked faggots you are lmfao. Nothing will change that.
Just went out on a walk today. Literally every AFWM couple the woman was a 2/10 at most. Brutal.
  • JFL
Reactions: Geneticist
HAHAHAHA. You're overdosing on copuim. Read what your fellow asian men are saying about how dating is for Asian zoomers.

One comment: "It doesn’t really improved that much for the generation Z. I’m a Asian zoomer who grew up in europe and the amount of gen z lus with xm (mostly yt) is insane. It still outnumbered am/xf a lot. Yesterday I saw 3 am/xf in a row but it doesn’t happen so much. But everyday I see xm/af".

Even Asian women admit Asian men have small dicks. There are dozens of videos on youtube where asian women IN ASIA (not in the west) are interviewed and they say asian men have small dicks.

The white race will never go extinct. If anything, generations of non-whites in white countries will progressively get whiter. Half-white people usually marry white people and will give birth to 75% white children, who will then marry other white people who will give birth to even whiter children. Brazil is a perfect example of this. The country has gotten whiter over the generations because mixed-race women prefer to have children with white Brazilian men.

Even in the west most hapa and mulatta women choose to date white men, and will have children who are even whiter than they are.

One single Reddit post (high chance of being made by basement rotting Asians or white incels) /=/ this entire page of hard facts. Which includes STATISTICS lmfao. A single video which could very well be completely staged doesn't change the fact that AMWF is quickly overtaking WMAF at an ever increasing rate, according to actual statistics and evidence. Like I said, there's a reason you see even white Chads only dating ugly Asian girls and SEAmonkeys while if you search up the hottest Asian zoomer celebrities and social media stars, they're all dating top tier Asian men, even in the west in majority white areas.

Even with an extremely intentional negative media halo for Asian men, this is the case, and AMWF is quickly overtaking WMAF. Now in Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, and even Latin America, where Asian men don't have nearly as much of a negative media halo, they are some of the highest SMV by far, and this is only increasing as Asian influence quickly spreads. Just look at the marriage rates for Asian men and Russian/EE women compared to the other way around. Not only that, in both western countries and in Eastern Europe, AMWF relationships are higher quality, lower divorce rates, and less betabuxxy (white women tend to make significantly more money in comparison to their Asian husbands than Asian women in comparison to their white husbands) than WMAF. All the proof for this is in the thread, and you can ask for specific proof for any one of these claims.

Saying the white race will never go extinct is complete and utter copium lmfao. White people ARE going extinct and there is evidence and statistics to prove it, nothing proves "muh half white people marry white people" JFL. You spew random lies and bullshit out of your ass with zero evidence and expect people to go along with it. Just look at the population projections per continent from now until 2100, and look at Europe and North America compared to other continents. They are shrinking hard in comparison to other continents. That counts all immigrants and ethnics and mixed mutts too, so imagine how it is for pure whites who are becoming minorities in their own countries. This is the case in nearly every developed western white country. Here's actual evidence. Your race is going extinct and there's nothing you can do about it lmfao.



  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 6573

One single Reddit post (high chance of being made by basement rotting Asians or white incels) /=/ this entire page of hard facts. Which includes STATISTICS lmfao. A single video which could very well be completely staged doesn't change the fact that AMWF is quickly overtaking WMAF at an ever increasing rate, according to actual statistics and evidence. Like I said, there's a reason you see even white Chads only dating ugly Asian girls and SEAmonkeys while if you search up the hottest Asian zoomer celebrities and social media stars, they're all dating top tier Asian men, even in the west in majority white areas.

Even with an extremely intentional negative media halo for Asian men, this is the case, and AMWF is quickly overtaking WMAF. Now in Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, and even Latin America, where Asian men don't have nearly as much of a negative media halo, they are some of the highest SMV by far, and this is only increasing as Asian influence quickly spreads. Just look at the marriage rates for Asian men and Russian/EE women compared to the other way around. Not only that, in both western countries and in Eastern Europe, AMWF relationships are higher quality, lower divorce rates, and less betabuxxy (white women tend to make significantly more money in comparison to their Asian husbands than Asian women in comparison to their white husbands) than WMAF. All the proof for this is in the thread, and you can ask for specific proof for any one of these claims and I'll deliver in an instant.

Saying the white race will never go extinct is complete and utter copium. White people ARE going extinct and there is evidence and statistics to prove it, nothing proves "muh half white people marry white people" JFL. You spew random lies and bullshit out of your ass with zero evidence and expect people to go along with it. Just look at the population projections per continent from now until 2100, and look at Europe and North America compared to other continents. They are shrinking hard in comparison to other continents. That counts all immigrants and ethnics and mixed mutts too, so imagine how it is for pure whites who are becoming minorities in their own countries. This is the case in nearly every developed western white country. Here's actual evidence.



Whites getting bred out of existence in their own countries. Just brutal.

Even the prime minister of UK and Scotland are curries, as well as the vice president in the US. Western countries will be ruled by curries 50 years from now.
  • JFL
Reactions: Geneticist
@chinksupremacist? Is that you?
No it's a different guy. But both this guy and @chinksupremecy speak the truth.
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Whites getting bred out of existence in their own countries. Just brutal.

Even the prime minister of UK and Scotland are curries, as well as the vice president in the US. Western countries will be ruled by curries 50 years from now.

Hilariously ironic because Winston Churchill once said that Indians can never produce good leaders. That's tuff Churchill, 100 years later your entire nation is ruled by a curry, your Scot minister is a curry, and the mayor of your capital is a curry. Karma for these retarded cumskins as they oppress themselves and get cucked and bred out by low IQ ethnics in their own countries lmfao. This would never happen to China or other East Asian countries. They're some of the hardest countries to immigrate into for a reason, and they keep foreigners and minorities on a tight leash. It's over for the world's most endangered species :lul:

  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 6573
But my loyalty lies with the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party

Should China and Canada get into a war, I will join the People's Liberation Army and kill as many Canadians as possible

then move to china lol
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