I am both mtn and htn on the same day dur to the nature of my illness



Gymceling everyday
Mar 28, 2020
Basically the first 8h after woken up my face is giga bloated regardleds of how hydrated I was/am but after 8h, it’s there’s a switch in my brain controlling the vassopressin, ADH, cortisol hormone that suddenly makes my face more lean in the span of 15mins.

So let’s say if I go to sleep at midnight and wake up at 8am, by 4:15pm my face will be lean af, cheekbones shown, eyearea more fierce, no buccal fat, I could palpate my jaw without feeling the flesh.

Ofc, it resets every single night over and over again for years. Probably there’s a virus in me controlling these shits.

Anyways, the treatment I get during the day and after late afternoon from guys and foids are night and day lol. It even impacts how I act based on the time of the day too.
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