I am covid positive while taking immuno suppressants

I saw a rich jew banker with a visor and surgery mask when my job opened. Rip Op tbh
Do you think the trichogram would have picked up something abnormal? I developed mild peyronies which also is autoimmune related idk. Maybe you’re right about all of this but I try not to stress about this anymore. Life is too precious and I don’t want to waste Years. I already know there is no cure to any of this, so I really try to forget it
A trichogram is used to test for telogen effluvium which is why your derm did not find anything. So he concluded that you have androgentic alopecia, which is honestly annoying for me to hear tbh.

btw, if you have any other autoimmune issues than you very likely have some sort of alopecia areata, which evidently can be a very slow process when caused by accutane

Here is a good response of an analysis on accutane hairloss-

Accutane hairloss appears to present itself in three forms. TE, Diffuse AA and an acceleration of MPB.

For the latter i believe the process needs to of been established before hand for it to be accelerated. If you had no signs of MPB before you began accutane, then i do not believe what you are suffering from now is MPB.

That being said, diffuse AA can present itself exactly like MPB in some cases. In that the inflammation involved in AA can cause a pattern similar to MPB to emerge. What we need to remember about AA is that the follicles are not permanently damaged, assuming the process corrects itself at some point, the hairs all have potential to regrow to pretty much their original state. This is why many dermatologists tell you to use minoxidil when the shedding stops (or even if it doesn’t).

I actually believe TE is not seen very frequently in accutane hair loss. I am of the belief most cases are Diffuse AA, i have read of cases (and been informed by Tony Chu) that Diffuse AA induced by accutane can resolve from anything from two months, up to two years (without intervention). Even the short lived cases can involve body hair loss (most frequently the eyebrows/lashes, but also the pubic region).

It is obvious however that the hair loss can seemingly persist for life.

AA is an auto immune disorder. The real reason why the hairloss is initiated from accutane is unknown. I have several theories, ranging from a huge increase in staphylococcus aureus (Nearly every patient has this from accutane) these bacteria survive much better on dry skin than other bacteria. It has been proven that these bacteria secrete toxins which also stimulate the immune system at the hair follicle.

Another theory is that the hair itself is altered in its structure, causing the body to mistakenly attack the hair, the changes can be minuet (not at all noticeable by us) or in some cases a huge difference in the texture of hair, or even the colour, may be enough to trigger the initiation of the immune response.

The latter theory may explain why some people have the hair loss persist for a lifetime and it has been documented in chemotherapy patients (which accutane is a form of).

It could simply be down to the alterations in the immune system that have been extensively linked to accutane, the drug essentially unbalances the immune system and this obviously doesn’t resolve in everyone.

The typical treatments for AA can also be affective for diffuse AA, kenalog intra-dermal shots are probably the most affective, however you do have a greater chance of atrophy. Topical steroids are what i have been using for about 5 months now and they are helping to maintain my hair pretty well. I cannot predict how my hair loss will progress as i know of no one else who has continued with the steroids. This combined with minoxidil does lead to substantial amounts of regrowth, atleast for me and believe me my hair loss is pretty severe.

PUVA treatment is a viable option if you are willing to shave your hair very short, or if the hair loss has become very substantial.

The best advice i can offer is you leave the condition for about a year to see how it runs, if after this time period things aren’t improving then you can begin with the topical steroids to see how you respond. Couple this with minoxidil and you should maintain your hair for many years...

This is why I am using tofacitinib, to fight off inflammation
Reading this makes me fall into depression again bro, thanks for your replies but I’m just so done with all of this accutane bullshit. I try to make the best with what I have. I had a hot gf for 2 yrs right after developing accutane hair loss. So it’s possible for me. I’m not taking any drugs anymore Tbh. Appreciate your effort tho, I wish u all the best
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Reading this makes me fall into depression again bro, thanks for your replies but I’m just so done with all of this accutane bullshit. I try to make the best with what I have. I had a hot gf for 2 yrs right after developing accutane hair loss. So it’s possible for me. I’m not taking any drugs anymore Tbh. Appreciate your effort tho, I wish u all the best
Just know that accutane hairloss can revert itself entirely even if the hairs are minituarizing (which is caused by inflammation btw).

I'd recommend ordering Sebowash from in house pharmacy to stop more minituarization, it is a mild steroidal shampoo
Reading this makes me fall into depression again bro, thanks for your replies but I’m just so done with all of this accutane bullshit. I try to make the best with what I have. I had a hot gf for 2 yrs right after developing accutane hair loss. So it’s possible for me. I’m not taking any drugs anymore Tbh. Appreciate your effort tho, I wish u all the best
yeahhhh bro.... I just went through your post history and you 100% have diffuse alopecia areata caused by accutane. Honestly you should consider 10mg tofacitinib a day, it will revert your hairloss in about 1 month

don't bother with fin or minox, they won't do shit in ur case
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yeahhhh bro.... I just went through your post history and you 100% have diffuse alopecia areata caused by accutane. Honestly you should consider 10mg tofacitinib a day, it will revert your hairloss in about 1 month

don't bother with fin or minox, they won't do shit in ur case
How will I get any autoimmune process diagnosed?
How will I get any autoimmune process diagnosed?
I ordered the meds without a prescription because no derm in their right mind would prescribe this drug for accutane hairloss. So I'm not sure how you would go about getting diagnosed.

Here is a link to site to purchase the medication if you ever want to embark on that path-
I ordered the meds without a prescription because no derm in their right mind would prescribe this drug for accutane hairloss. So I'm not sure how you would go about getting diagnosed.

Here is a link to site to purchase the medication if you ever want to embark on that path-
I’ve had a trichoscopy tbh, everything was fine.. I don’t know about this. I really don’t want to bother anymore with anything accutane related
I’ve had a trichoscopy tbh, everything was fine.. I don’t know about this. I really don’t want to bother anymore with anything accutane related
ok but like I said a trichoscopy only looks for broken hairs and looks at the ratio of anagen/telogen hairs. But I respect how you don't want to bother with this med, it is kinda dangerous ngl. I'll let you know in a few weeks if my shedding has stopped.
ok but like I said a trichoscopy only looks for broken hairs and looks at the ratio of anagen/telogen hairs. But I respect how you don't want to bother with this med, it is kinda dangerous ngl. I'll let you know in a few weeks if my shedding has stopped.
Do so and Tag me pls
ok but like I said a trichoscopy only looks for broken hairs and looks at the ratio of anagen/telogen hairs. But I respect how you don't want to bother with this med, it is kinda dangerous ngl. I'll let you know in a few weeks if my shedding has stopped.
I did some research and found that isotretinoin has been associated with thyroid autoimmunity. My thyroid functioning was just recently tested. Nothing abnormal Thankfully. Tbh I don’t have the worst hair for a 23 year old but it could be better definitely

Why don’t mfs like this who took 80mg for months get DIFFUSE ALOPECIA AREATA? I don’t understand
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Why don’t mfs like this who took 80mg for months get DIFFUSE ALOPECIA AREATA? I don’t understand

Because you have to be genetically susceptible to it. Do you have any autoimmune issues in your family? I remember you said you have the penis disorder (jfl), so you were definently already predisposed to alopecia areata.

I have a bunch of immune issues in my family including psoriasis, asthma, allergies, and ibs. So it makes sense this would happen to me.

In short, the more sub-human you immune system is, the more likely you are to suffer from long lasting side effects
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Because you have to be genetically susceptible to it. Do you have any autoimmune issues in your family? I remember you said you have the penis disorder (jfl), so you were definently already predisposed to alopecia areata.

I have a bunch of immune issues in my family including psoriasis, asthma, allergies, and ibs. So it makes sense this would happen to me.

In short, the more sub-human you immune system is, the more likely you are to suffer from long lasting side effects
Only my mother has thyroid issues but my thyroid is fine. Nothing else other than that. Also my penis disorder is cured now
Only my mother has thyroid issues but my thyroid is fine. Nothing else other than that. Also my penis disorder is cured now
Don't know what to tell you tbh, it's just over for most men.

How bad was your hair shedding when it first occured? Also, if my tofacitinib medication works in the next few weeks, you should give it a try to bring back your hair
Don't know what to tell you tbh, it's just over for most men.

How bad was your hair shedding when it first occured? Also, if my tofacitinib medication works in the next few weeks, you should give it a try to bring back your hair
Not extremely bad but everytime i ran through my hair there were like 5 thick hairs strands falling out.. this lasted for 2-3 months and then it stopped. Apparently what I’m currently experiencing is normal (losing 1-3 hairs almost everytime i through my hair)
Not extremely bad but everytime i ran through my hair there were like 5 thick hairs strands falling out.. this lasted for 2-3 months and then it stopped. Apparently what I’m currently experiencing is normal (losing 1-3 hairs almost everytime i through my hair)
Did your hair change texture at all, like go a bit curly
No, exactly the same texture
Idk man maybe the norwooding reaper is just raping you and it has nothing to do with accutane. For me, I know it's due to accutane becuase my hair changed texture and sheds 300+ hairs a day
Idk man maybe the norwooding reaper is just raping you and it has nothing to do with accutane. For me, I know it's due to accutane becuase my hair changed texture and sheds 300+ hairs a day
My cousin is 2 yrs older than me and he has a pathetic combover. He had worse hair than me when he was my age and he never took accutane...
You're the lowest IQ user on this forum.

Taking accutane is a super stupid move when there are many safer, although less quick, acne treatment options available.

You wanted a quick fix instead of being patient about it and started losing your hair as a result of your stupidity. Don't even get me started on that moment you decided it was okay to tan while on that shit.


I wouldn't feel sad if you die I'm just being honest...

You don't deserve to spread your low iq genes.

Gentlemen and gentlemen, we are currently witnessing natural selection doing its job.


Rest in your stupidity.
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
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was gonna start low dose accutane but i'm worried about this tbh
You're the lowest IQ user on this forum.

Taking accutane is a super stupid move when there are many safer, although less quick, acne treatment options available.

You wanted a quick fix instead of being patient about it and started losing your hair as a result of your stupidity. Don't even get me started on that moment you decided it was okay to tan while on that shit.


I wouldn't feel sad if you die I'm just being honest...

You don't deserve to spread your low iq genes.

Gentlemen and gentlemen, we are currently witnessing natural selection doing its job.

View attachment 670608

Rest in your stupidity.
Once/if my hair comes back, I will listen to your advice and stop these dangerous stunts
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was gonna start low dose accutane but i'm worried about this tbh
Kill yourself if you even consider accutane after reading my posts
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  • JFL
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jfl im also on immunosuppressive meds and got covid yesterday, brutel. Wanna have a joint funeral op?
jfl im also on immunosuppressive meds and got covid yesterday, brutel. Wanna have a joint funeral op?
Jfl why are you on immuno-suppressants? Curious
You're the lowest IQ user on this forum.

Taking accutane is a super stupid move when there are many safer, although less quick, acne treatment options available.

You wanted a quick fix instead of being patient about it and started losing your hair as a result of your stupidity. Don't even get me started on that moment you decided it was okay to tan while on that shit.


I wouldn't feel sad if you die I'm just being honest...

You don't deserve to spread your low iq genes.

Gentlemen and gentlemen, we are currently witnessing natural selection doing its job.

View attachment 670608

Rest in your stupidity.
I've been on tretinoin for almost a year and still get occasional flare ups. My acne is mild but dermatologist said accutane is the only permanent solution
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Go to a hospital bro
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I've been on tretinoin for almost a year and still get occasional flare ups. My acne is mild but dermatologist said accutane is the only permanent solution
It's up to you tbh ngl. What type of acne do you have?
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I've been on tretinoin for almost a year and still get occasional flare ups. My acne is mild but dermatologist said accutane is the only permanent solution
My derm said the same thing as yours and now I am a suicidal diffuse balding subhuman
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Have u looked at getting a transplant?
Bro the transplanted hair follicles would just fall out, accutane hairloss is due to an immune issue
Bro the transplanted hair follicles would just fall out, accutane hairloss is due to an immune issue
Have u contacted any researchers about your theory?
Have u contacted any researchers about your theory?
No I don't feel the need to, anyways my shedding is slowing down already from the tofacitinib. It's not even a theory tbh, people just assume hairloss is due to mpb because they don't put in the time to research this shit
How over is it? I have no taste or smell and feel super drowsy rn. I am taking 10mg of tofacitinib to stop my accutane hairloss and now I think I may have covid while my immune system is suppressed so I think it's game over for me. I can't even go to a hospital because I would not want to tell them I'm taking this medication FUARKK
I also think im covid positive jfl
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No I don't feel the need to, anyways my shedding is slowing down already from the tofacitinib. It's not even a theory tbh, people just assume hairloss is due to mpb because they don't put in the time to research this shit
how do you know your shedding isn’t slowing down naturally? I mean mine did after 2-3 months without any meds. Any other differences you noticed?
how do you know your shedding isn’t slowing down naturally? I mean mine did after 2-3 months without any meds. Any other differences you noticed?
My shedding went from 300+ to 100 or so in 5 days, it's not natural brah
My shedding went from 300+ to 100 or so in 5 days, it's not natural brah
I‘m currently in a clinic getting a PRP treatment lol. Report back if u notice regroth
My shedding went from 300+ to 100 or so in 5 days, it's not natural brah
Bro I just asked my mom. We have zero cases of autoimmunity in our family. I should be safe?
Bro I just asked my mom. We have zero cases of autoimmunity in our family. I should be safe?
Bro isn't your hair super thin jfl, ur not safe from what you've told me, over for you unless you hop on tofacitinib asap
Bro isn't your hair super thin jfl, ur not safe from what you've told me, over for you unless you hop on tofacitinib asap
It’s not super thin, just got a bit thinner, but long after accutane. Probably just MPB.
im done fucking around with drugs tbh, how is it going for u
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It’s not super thin, just got a bit thinner, but long after accutane. Probably just MPB.
im done fucking around with drugs tbh, how is it going for u
The shedding and itching is slowing down, I'm now loosing maybe 120 hairs a day which is much better than the 400+ I was losing a few weeks ago
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It’s not super thin, just got a bit thinner, but long after accutane. Probably just MPB.
im done fucking around with drugs tbh, how is it going for u
You can always try a mild steroidal shampoo and over time it may thicken up your hair if my theory on diffuse AA is correct
You can always try a mild steroidal shampoo and over time it may thicken up your hair if my theory on diffuse AA is correct
What are the side effects? Lol I might try
What are the side effects? Lol I might try
No side effects with a mild one. Purchase "Sebowash", that's a good mild one ngl. But it is prescription only so you would have to use ebay or in-house pharmacy
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