I am the strongest person I have ever met.



Nobody mogs like Gaston
Feb 3, 2022
I don't know a single person who has gone through as much trauma and abuse as myself, yet still coming out functioning well.

I may not be in my best possible state currently, yet I live completely independent, not relying on the state or anyone else in my life. I have stayed out of trouble, I am physically extremely healthy, I am fit, I am smart and focussed, i remain UNBROKEN.

2 psychiatrists at the ward have told me that, knowing my background life-story, they were surprised I was hanging on fine. Always being able to save myself from disaster, making enough income to sustain myself. I stay out of trouble, I keep my body healthy and fit, I groom myself to chadlite level. My social skills are unmatched, I know my way around people.

This is the lion inside of me. The lion is hurt, it's damaged, it has sustained blow after blow.

But the lion's fire keeps on burning.


If even abusive narcissistic parents during childhood can't stop the lion, who can?

Tell me, who the fuck can stop me? When even during my weakest time on this earth, I was unstoppable by the biggest evil.

You don't fucking know who you are talking to.

I am not like the average person you see on the streets, I am a different kind of human.


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Jon jones walks out of the room
2 days ago I had a meeting with the head-supervisor at my job to discuss my functioning.

We had a short discussion about what happened when I called in sick once 3 months ago. I explained to him some of the mental struggles I am facing.

His reaction was surprise; He never noticed even the slightest hint of struggle from me. I always seemed to perform without doubt, struggle or any issues.
He noted he never received a single complaint about my behavior or job-functioning whatsoever. He always assumed, and continues to assume, he can rely on me. He told me that when he seems my name on the list of employees for that day, he knows he can rely on me no matter what happens.

He offered me full-time employment (I work 12hours/week only). He asked me what I wanted to do in life from next summer onwards (my contract finishes) and told me he was happy to work something out with me in person to keep me employed long-term. It's unusual for a person with my temporary-contract type to be offered long-term employment.


I can't vibe with a lot of posts on this forum talking about how hard it is to find (decent) employment. I function extremely well professionally. My skills are unmatched and I personally feel like I am wasting them completely in this current line of employment I face myself in.

This job I do on auto-pilot, it takes 0 skill, effort. There is no challenge. I can do it even while high/drunk as I have done before.

I should be making 7 figures per year instead.
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2 days ago I had a meeting with the head-supervisor at my job to discuss my functioning.

We had a short discussion about what happened when I called in sick once 3 months ago. I explained to him some of the mental struggles I am facing.

His reaction was surprise; He never noticed even the slightest hint of struggle from me. I always seemed to perform without doubt, struggle or any issues.
He noted he never received a single complaint about my behavior or job-functioning whatsoever. He always assumed, and continues to assume, he can rely on me. He told me that when he seems my name on the list of employees for that day, he knows he can rely on me no matter what happens.

He offered me full-time employment (I work 12hours/week only). He asked me what I wanted to do in life from next summer onwards (my contract finishes) and told me he was happy to work something out with me in person to keep me employed long-term. It's unusual for a person with my temporary-contract type to be offered long-term employment.


I can't vibe with a lot of posts on this forum talking about how hard it is to find (decent) employment. I function extremely well professionally. My skills are unmatched and I personally feel like I am wasting them completely in this current line of employment I face myself in.

This job I do on auto-pilot, it takes 0 skill, effort. There is no challenge. I can do it even while high/drunk as I have done before.

I should be making 7 figures per year instead.
Won’t read all of that
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mirin tbh, im constantly fighting the war in my head, always miserable and depressed

atleast im muscular and have money :feelswhy:
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Won’t read all of that
Your response to my literary work of art wouldve been without merit anyways.

It's good that you assumed your subordinate position in advance.
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  • JFL
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mirin tbh, im constantly fighting the war in my head, always miserable and depressed

atleast im muscular and have money :feelswhy:
Keep fighting
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fart your pants
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Last edited:
  • Woah
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Many people commit suicide under the slightest struggle.
Just imagine if real life hits the average person in the face.

I have also struggled my whole life, yet i’m here still wanting to make something of my life and keep on pushing.
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Many people commit suicide under the slightest struggle.
Just imagine if real life hits the average person in the face.

I have also struggled my whole life, yet i’m here still wanting to make something of my life and keep on pushing.
I welcome worldwar3, I welcome the collapse of the world economy.

It would show who is strong and who isn't. Too many weak faggots keep on living, protected by this 'society'.

What will they do when this safety net falters? They will perish, and I will thrive. The average human doesn't stand a chance.
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Man you crying here every 2 days, stfu bipolar manlet
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Man you crying here every 2 days, stfu bipolar manlet
Little greycel faggot hiding behind his computer.


This is you.

This is me.

Realize I would crush your skull like the little insect you are. Never talk to me again.
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I feel similar. And at psyche ward a Dr also told me I was an extremely strong person.

But also a short haired possibly lesbian noodlewhore from HR called me a lunatic in front of another noodlewhore and 2 white 35yr old HR roasties
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You and mvp are the same person
  • JFL
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Me too
It’s insane how much I’ve gone through to still be a high willpower strong hopeful mogger
Anyone else in my position would’ve given up but I continue to mog
One of the greatest minds of the 21st century
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Imagine a women living the life of a sub chad male for a week
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I feel similar. And at psyche ward a Dr also told me I was an extremely strong person.

But also a short haired possibly lesbian noodlewhore from HR called me a lunatic in front of another noodlewhore and 2 white 35yr old HR roasties
some people, even after having studied psychology intensively and having years of in-field experience with patients, are still complete rookies.

I talked about my ketamine use on monday during the therapy-session at the ward:

I talked about how I got brutally blackpilled by the HTB making out in front of me. I was severely distressed, but I modulated my emotions through the use of ketamine at home. A drug which I obtain independently through dark-web connections.
In the end it allowed me to manage my stress-levels and return to university to attend quantum physics lectures.

My therapists with decades of experience? They reacted in horror. They found my use of drugs to be 'terrible' and condemned it.
There was no praise for the fact I obtain these illicit drugs independently and use them wisely to get over rough situations in life to come out stronger.

No praise whatsoever.
I will never talk about my drugs-use with normies ever again. I know my own path in life and don't care about their opinion.

I am unstoppable.
im the most unlucky person i have met at least in some aspects
  • So Sad
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we are the 2 alpha lions.

I control germany
MoggerGaston controls the netherlands
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Me too
It’s insane how much I’ve gone through to still be a high willpower strong hopeful mogger
Anyone else in my position would’ve given up but I continue to mog
One of the greatest minds of the 21st century
People judge you based on what they know.

When they see a person like us, they imagine us having the same youth, environment, family, etc. as they have themselves. This is what they know and this is what they will project on you. They think of you having the same background as themselves.

Yet you turn out (the way you are), how strange, weird, bad, filthy, ewww.
'You had the same loving background as me yet you turned out this way.'

The german goth girl HTB which I dated in 2020 (last girl I have ever seriously dated), I told her that I don't have contact with any family anymore, whatsoever. No parents, nothing. Told her it was my only option, being a victim of their abuse. I desperately desire belonging, having family, having a social safe-zone, yet I had to choose to leave my family behind to save myself.

She was still never able to understand ME. Always telling me stuff like: 'I don't understand why you are sad. I don't understand why you are so stressed.'
'Your life (on the surface) seems good. Why aren't you happy?'

She was a spoiled attractive girl from a rich family. She would've never been able to understand my life, my history. It is completely outside of what she knows and has experienced.


I will be lonely forever in my life. I realize almost nobody has had a life as bad as mine and would never be able to relate to me.

The result of this conclusion that it is of utmost importance to remain mentally strong. I am my best friend, I am my only friend.
And it will be like that until the day I die.
andrew tate from the psychiatric hospital
I don't know a single person who has gone through as much trauma and abuse as myself, yet still coming out functioning well.

I may not be in my best possible state currently, yet I live completely independent, not relying on the state or anyone else in my life. I have stayed out of trouble, I am physically extremely healthy, I am fit, I am smart and focussed, i remain UNBROKEN.

2 psychiatrists at the ward have told me that, knowing my background life-story, they were surprised I was hanging on fine. Always being able to save myself from disaster, making enough income to sustain myself. I stay out of trouble, I keep my body healthy and fit, I groom myself to chadlite level. My social skills are unmatched, I know my way around people.

This is the lion inside of me. The lion is hurt, it's damaged, it has sustained blow after blow.

But the lion's fire keeps on burning.


If even abusive narcissistic parents during childhood can't stop the lion, who can?

Tell me, who the fuck can stop me? When even during my weakest time on this earth, I was unstoppable by the biggest evil.

You don't fucking know who you are talking to.

I am not like the average person you see on the streets, I am a different kind of human.


You are just Non NT bhai
One time I was on a date and the girl got me to open up and she just couldn’t believe what I had been through in life, she thought that there was really something special about me for getting through all of it.

That was over 8 years ago now, 8 years of drugs, medical mysteries, several near death experiences, and extreme social isolation since then. I don’t know if I’ll ever make it out of this isolation and get to know a girl again, I just need really good shit to happen, it hasn’t in so long and I know what I’m missing.
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he have disorder ofc he is not nt
and also

People on reddit talk about me because I am a celebrity to them. I am the lion. They wish they were me.

Keep mirin' me
One time I was on a date and the girl got me to open up and she just couldn’t believe what I had been through in life, she thought that there was really something special about me for getting through all of it.

That was over 8 years ago now, 8 years of drugs, medical mysteries, several near death experiences, and extreme social isolation since then. I don’t know if I’ll ever make it out of this isolation and get to know a girl again, I just need really good shit to happen, it hasn’t in so long and I know what I’m missing.
Women in general I found incapable of understanding the horrors of male life.
I think it's wrong to expect this from women as they are inferior lifeforms.

Treat women like you would treat a pet, a dog. Enjoy its attention yet not expect them to understand you truly.
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mirin bro, but I would say you ain't hanging that fine, otherwise you wouldn't be here:love:
mirin bro, but I would say you ain't hanging that fine, otherwise you wouldn't be here:love:
Oh dear, your life has been so easy, so protected; to believe that being on this forum must reflect so poorly on one's life situation.

It's obvious to me that you have never seen or experienced real struggle, people who have suffered so greatly that they have collapsed under its weight.
People who are unable to function anymore, people who are unable to even fake a normal appearance anymore when it's needed. They are lost to the streets, despair, addiction, pain. Lost all hope.

You think me being on this forum is 'the worst' is funny. You are exactly the privileged protected person I am talking about in my posts in this topic.

Oh boy, being on this forum isn't even half as bad as life can become.
Such an innocent soul, you are. You know nothing.
Oh dear, your life has been so easy, so protected; to believe that being on this forum must reflect so poorly on one's life situation.

It's obvious to me that you have never seen or experienced real struggle, people who have suffered so greatly that they have collapsed under its weight.
People who are unable to function anymore, people who are unable to even fake a normal appearance anymore when it's needed. They are lost to the streets, despair, addiction, pain. Lost all hope.

You think me being on this forum is 'the worst' is funny. You are exactly the privileged protected person I am talking about in my posts in this topic.

Oh boy, being on this forum isn't even half as bad as life can become.
Such an innocent soul, you are. You know nothing.
holy shit I got huge ahh paragraph Because I said a sentence long 2 spaces

btw, yea I get it your all strong yea bro I was joking tho no need to make a fussssz over it ktakakrnncifjeoao
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston
some people, even after having studied psychology intensively and having years of in-field experience with patients, are still complete rookies.

I talked about my ketamine use on monday during the therapy-session at the ward:

I talked about how I got brutally blackpilled by the HTB making out in front of me. I was severely distressed, but I modulated my emotions through the use of ketamine at home. A drug which I obtain independently through dark-web connections.
In the end it allowed me to manage my stress-levels and return to university to attend quantum physics lectures.

My therapists with decades of experience? They reacted in horror. They found my use of drugs to be 'terrible' and condemned it.
There was no praise for the fact I obtain these illicit drugs independently and use them wisely to get over rough situations in life to come out stronger.

No praise whatsoever.
I will never talk about my drugs-use with normies ever again. I know my own path in life and don't care about their opinion.

I am unstoppable.
Lol tell me about it, I was telling my female therapist how I get haunted by my stacylite oneitis trapsing around all these hot girl summer places with LTNs she's hooking up with and some days the benzies I buy in Fanling (or rather, send a minion to buy me) just don't do shit and one day ended up roofying myself (and got it off some indian in LKF too) and she made out like it was the worst thing in the world.

Worst part is I said I know it's not long term solution, that will be solved in 3-5 months (assuming I survive halloween) once I become HIM and she said thats even worse chinacurry, if u actually believe becoming HIM solves ur under lying issues, then I think u r maybe getting worse not better.

In the end she gave me a zoloft script.
  • +1
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holy shit I got huge ahh paragraph Because I said a sentence long 2 spaces

btw, yea I get it your all strong yea bro I was joking tho no need to make a fussssz over it ktakakrnncifjeoao
If you think being on this forum is the biggest sign of struggle for you, you are very far away from understanding your own issues and fixing them.

You being on this forum is merely a symptom of your mental issues. It's soooo far away from the core of your issues.

You'll need to dig deep and understand why you are here, what you get out of this place, what you lack elsewhere.

When you have a picture of that, you need to understand why you do this, what has caused you to behave this way, what causes this emotional response for you to come here.

Then when you have figured that out, you have an immense road ahead of you where you will have to carve a different path in life while being constantly triggered, challenged, to fall back into your old habits. You will need to put your past behind and slowly form new habits, while constantly falling back into old behavior.

Young padawan, young lion cub, you have much to learn.
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Lol tell me about it, I was telling my female therapist how I get haunted by my stacylite oneitis trapsing around all these hot girl summer places with LTNs she's hooking up with and some days the benzies I buy in Fanling (or rather, send a minion to buy me) just don't do shit and one day ended up roofying myself (and got it off some indian in LKF too) and she made out like it was the worst thing in the world.

Worst part is I said I know it's not long term solution, that will be solved in 3-5 months (assuming I survive halloween) once I become HIM and she said thats even worse chinacurry, if u actually believe becoming HIM solves ur under lying issues, then I think u r maybe getting worse not better.

In the end she gave me a zoloft script.
What therapists seem to do is to lower your expectations tbh.

You want to mog, you want to be on top, you want to have the stacylite girl to fuck and breed. When this fails, therapists tell you to give up, basically.

'Just go for a LTB bro'.

Therapy is no solution to my issues. I continue to go to the ward because I currently don't have much better to do. But I am on the lookout for something better and ditching this shit.
Women in general I found incapable of understanding the horrors of male life.
I think it's wrong to expect this from women as they are inferior lifeforms.

Treat women like you would treat a pet, a dog. Enjoy its attention yet not expect them to understand you truly.

That’s a good attitude to have, definitely. But an emotionally intelligent girl who’s interested in you might pry, ask some tough questions. The more she’s been through (which most women haven’t but some have) the more she might understand.
Dnr a molecule but mirin (probably)
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I don't know a single person who has gone through as much trauma and abuse as myself, yet still coming out functioning well.

I may not be in my best possible state currently, yet I live completely independent, not relying on the state or anyone else in my life. I have stayed out of trouble, I am physically extremely healthy, I am fit, I am smart and focussed, i remain UNBROKEN.

2 psychiatrists at the ward have told me that, knowing my background life-story, they were surprised I was hanging on fine. Always being able to save myself from disaster, making enough income to sustain myself. I stay out of trouble, I keep my body healthy and fit, I groom myself to chadlite level. My social skills are unmatched, I know my way around people.

This is the lion inside of me. The lion is hurt, it's damaged, it has sustained blow after blow.

But the lion's fire keeps on burning.


If even abusive narcissistic parents during childhood can't stop the lion, who can?

Tell me, who the fuck can stop me? When even during my weakest time on this earth, I was unstoppable by the biggest evil.

You don't fucking know who you are talking to.

I am not like the average person you see on the streets, I am a different kind of human.


Weekly schizo ramblings

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