I can't believe this isn't satire

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  • JFL
Reactions: hattrick, GetShrekt, EXTREME SUBHUMAN and 5 others
Rape can be justified under circumstances (like a rapist getting raped back) and incest isn't even that bad, you just shouldn't be procreating with that person. Abortion isn't justifiable under any circumstance, no matter what these absolute depraved psychopath doctors and women say.
fake schizo?
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Abortion is the only thing keeping the Black population size in check for you Americans

Abortion rate is 5x higher for Black woman than White woman

  • JFL
Reactions: Baldingman1998
Tbh I was always against abortion untill a girl i fucked became pregnant. Yes it's evil and it's killing a baby I admit that but sometimes in life shit happens and killing babies can be justified if the alternative is worse.
What? I'm sentient the fetus in the uterus isn't. Meloni isn't letting any shitskin in don't worry for us. Your country Is already over on the other hand lol enjoy
Nope "Italians" aren't even human they are closer to niggers. All of you are low iq retards, short and ugly no difference from a nigger.

We will see about that..
Tbh I was always against abortion untill a girl i fucked became pregnant. Yes it's evil and it's killing a baby I admit that but sometimes in life shit happens and killing babies can be justified if the alternative is worse.
race of both of you?
  • JFL
Reactions: GetShrekt, ROTTING, Enfant terrible and 1 other person
Nope "Italians" aren't even human they are closer to niggers. All of you are low iq retards, short and ugly no difference from a nigger.

We will see about that..
You would be incel here buddy america Is 3x easier. You're dysgenic subhumans no One cares about you in Europe and Italy included
Who fucking cares. Do you have any Memories of the uterus? They're Just like insentient bugs.
they are aware of the pain, they are feeling what you would feel getting cut up and ripped apart
  • +1
Reactions: incel194012940
they are aware of the pain, they are feeling what you would feel getting cut up and ripped apart
Fucking tales. Who Is "they"?? You can't Remember shit about your birth you retard
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Reactions: LowTrust and gribsufer1
Tbh I was always against abortion untill a girl i fucked became pregnant. Yes it's evil and it's killing a baby I admit that but sometimes in life shit happens and killing babies can be justified if the alternative is worse.
You just did child sacrifice you made a married women pregnant, then you didn't want to deal with being a father to an already married whore you so sacrificed the child. Kys asap you dumb evil dog.
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: Ken and Baldingman1998
You just did child sacrifice you made a married women pregnant, then you didn't want to deal with being a father to an already married whore you so sacrificed the child. Kys asap you dumb evil dog.
It was early stage like less than a month. And yes you're right. I'm gonna burn in hell.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Crusile
Fucking tales. Who Is "they"?? You can't Remember shit about your birth you retard
I posted a link about how 2nd trimester fetuses likely experience pain
You would be incel here buddy america Is 3x easier. You're dysgenic subhumans no One cares about you in Europe and Italy included
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sure buddy avg italian is short ugly and brown. Don't make me post a pic of your ugly ltn face.
abortion is based
  • +1
Reactions: LowTrust
Didn't know we had a bunch of SJWs here
It's the SJW's who advocate for child death thoughever and even pay money to rape and torture children irl.
being blackpilled but still against abortion still blue pilled
these idiots think it's immoral to kill something which doesn't even have an IQ above 5.

only reason anti abortion laws are good is because it encourages girls to not be slutty
Literally murder.
  • +1
Reactions: Ken
Abortion is a satanic ritual. They do this shit in satanic sacrifices
I mean, is taking plan b wrong and evil? Its basically the same shit, just way sooner before it can even get a chance to form a little bit. Maybe it depends on when it gets aborted. Idk and idc honestly

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