I can’t even imagine the smv gap between me and this white “Stacy”

Yeah but that is nature.
Doesn’t make it ok, I try to be good. But I find myself failing many times. this world is so fucked already no need to make it worse
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I disagree with racemixing but I can’t really bring myself to hate anyone.

I definitely don’t hate mullato people just for being born that seems wrong.
I do hate them for being accomplices of the NWO. Everyone should stick to their own to a greater or lesser extent. Am I hateful for saying this? I value the true diversity of people, not what media pretends diversity to be, which is why I believe groups of people should be preserved and not mixed.
  • Hmm...
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Doesn’t make it ok, I try to be good. But I find myself failing many times. this world is so fucked already no need to make it worse
With that, I meant, that if there's a deformed person or animal, it's better to end it the sooner the better. That's how nature would work, what spartans practiced, and what westerners tried to put in action 100-150 years ago.
  • JFL
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With that, I meant, that if there's a deformed person or animal, it's better to end it the sooner the better
Are you really trying to sanction the genocide of disabled people?
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Are you really trying to sanction the genocide of disabled people?
Genocide refers to ethnic or cultural cleansing.

I believe birth defects should be euthanized unless they will be useful for science. This is true empathy and humanity.
  • Hmm...
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Genocide refers to ethnic or cultural cleansing.

I believe birth defects should be euthanized unless they will be useful for science. This is true empathy and humanity.
It seems a bit arrogant to decide it’s best for another person to die when that person very well may find meaning in spite of their disability

I do think people with heritable disabilities should be barred from reproducing.

But I think a disabled person should be given the choice of whether they want to live or not once they’ve reached the point where they can

Assuming that they even can reach that point. But if they’re just like a potato with no higher functions then yea they should just be euthanized
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But I think a disabled person should be given the choice of whether they want to live or not once they’ve reached the point where they can
Most people are selfish and not self-aware. Depends what kind of disability we are talking about too.
  • Hmm...
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Most people are selfish and not self-aware. Depends what kind of disability we are talking about too.
look the way I see it is assuming someone hasnt committed some heinous crime if a person wants to live they should be allowed to regardless of the physical or mental attributes they have
  • Hmm...
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look the way I see it is assuming someone hasnt committed some heinous crime if a person wants to live they should be allowed to regardless of the physical or mental attributes they have
I don't see it that way.
  • Hmm...
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Slightly above average white woman level. Nothing special.
this is atleast a standard deviation above average lmao, ur probably deluded as to what average really is since most people make their average look from only the faces they remember which are normally a higher looks level since its easier to take note off
Yeah but that is nature... everything in nature is cruel and disgusting. We treat cockroaches the way we treat them because of how they look and we treat cute cats the way we treat them for the same reason. Instead of trying to reject something unchangeable we should accept it and embrace it.
you could have said any other nasty animal and the analogy would have been better, for example pigeons vs doves.

cockroaches dont just look ugly they are literally the filthiest insect that exists theres a reason why they are some of the only things that could withstand a nuclear fallout bro
  • JFL
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