good, but if you wanna get a bigger jaw mewing doesn't really help.
I think you must focus on K2, HGH or whatever else that make bone growth.
Should i contact my orthodontist?
Should i contact my orthodontist?
I don't think so,I don't think braces is destroying your jaw(depends) ,but if you meet him talk about this, and find some solutions.
I don't think so,I don't think braces is destroying your jaw(depends) ,but if you meet him talk about this, and find some solutions.
Thank you!
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I been eating mastic gum and mewing. I have visible results too
Thanks for the info
I got a brand of greek mastic gum. I leave it in the fridge overnight and wet 2 pieces and chew with the back of my molars. I focus on one side till its sore, and switch. Always remember to put your tongue on the roof of your mouth and only breathe through nose.
I got a brand of greek mastic gum. I leave it in the fridge overnight and wet 2 pieces and chew with the back of my molars. I focus on one side till its sore, and switch. Always remember to put your tongue on the roof of your mouth and only breathe through nose.
I will try that thanks
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That means you are low T lol a normal boy your age should be hard all the time and only thinking about tits vagina tits vagina tits vagina tits vagina tits vagina
im like that, if u guys knew the woman i refused during my lifetime because of the low t u would cry. its sad
im like that, if u guys knew the woman i refused during my lifetime because of the low t u would cry. its sad
nah it's the same for me, I wonder whether it will change once I gradually get into late puberty or I'm just hormonally cucked
I’d say get thicker neck and eyebrows, a hair cut slight gymmaxx no steroids. Just leanmaxx
nah it's the same for me, I wonder whether it will change once I gradually get into late puberty or I'm just hormonally cucked
how old are you
What do you mean
that I thought I was fine and that I would be a chadlite mogger by the time I was 16-17. And it wasn't delusions, I was looking pretty good back then compared to my peers
that I thought I was fine and that I would be a chadlite mogger by the time I was 16-17. And it wasn't delusions, I was looking pretty good back then compared to my peers
Did your jaw improve alot since 13?
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Did your jaw improve alot since 13?
Since 13? Sure, but at the moment it's the same since 14-15, with the same hollow cheeks look I have in some lighting
Since 13? Sure, but at the moment it's the same since 14-15, with the same hollow cheeks look I have in some lighting
It might be over for me because im 14 with a slight underdeveloped jaw, i have braces and my teeth are near perfect, and i also had forsus which pulled my jaw forward which helped alot
  • +1
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It might be over for me because im 14 with a slight underdeveloped jaw, i have braces and my teeth are near perfect, and i also had forsus which pulled my jaw forward which helped alot
Idk your specific case, but from what I've seen when dudes my age start getting noticeable facial hair (if they have the genes for it), they tend to have like a growth spurt in all aspects and have no trouble in dating, even if they are not goodlooking. But I for the moment cant say nothing because nothing happened lately. I cope with only having like 20 chin hairs when I should have full chin hair genetically, but maybe the reality is that it's over for me.
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Idk your specific case, but from what I've seen when dudes my age start getting noticeable facial hair (if they have the genes for it), they tend to have like a growth spurt in all aspects and have no trouble in dating, even if they are not goodlooking. But I for the moment cant say nothing because nothing happened lately. I cope with only having like 20 chin hairs when I should have full chin hair genetically, but maybe the reality is that it's over for me.
Maybe you're right, facial hair can help, but its definitely not over for you just for having 20 chin hairs, i only have 4 chin hairs and a mustache
  • +1
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Maybe you're right, facial hair can help, but its definitely not over for you just for having 20 chin hairs, i only have 4 chin hairs and a mustache
It's not like I mean facial hair is what helps, it's that once you get some solid for a teen facial hair, your body and face also changes at the same time since I guess facial hair is a good indicator of late puberty and final development and in this case masculinization.
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It's not like I mean facial hair is what helps, it's that once you get some solid for a teen facial hair, your body and face also changes at the same time since I guess facial hair is a good indicator of late puberty and final development and in this case masculinization.
Oh ok now i know what you mean, but the thing is i dont think my jaw is every going to correct itself, i know im not finished with puberty but still
  • +1
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Oh ok now i know what you mean, but the thing is i dont think my jaw is every going to correct itself, i know im not finished with puberty but still
Depends if it's a bite problem or what it is. Unfortunately, there are enough 9-12 years old kids with a pretty good jaw/chin/maxilla to say that if you have a recessed bad mandible rn, it won't fix in any way later "by itself"
Depends if it's a bite problem or what it is. Unfortunately, there are enough 9-12 years old kids with a pretty good jaw/chin/maxilla to say that if you have a recessed bad mandible rn, it won't fix in any way later "by itself"
Well when i was young i always sucked my thumb which caused and overbite
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good, but if you wanna get a bigger jaw mewing doesn't really help.
I think you must focus on K2, HGH or whatever else that make bone growth
what brands do you suggest for K2 supplements and where do you get HGH
get bigger masseters, it can help
NOOO useless if u have inward gonions it will just cause u to have a round face
what brands do you suggest for K2 supplements and where do you get HGH
I use supplement for k2d3 ,for hgh I didn't use the inject shit its very expensive on my country I just get it naturally.
mew harder and chew gum. start icing your face as well. if your young it might also just be baby fat and it will go away once you hit puberty.
Maybe i think so, also im 14 years old and have a underdeveloped bottom jaw, but barely
lil nigga delete ur account a d gtfo here ur fucking 14 u probably didn't even hit puberty, ur face gonna change 1000% after puberty. just sleep well a d eat well and gtfo here and go play outside ur not gonna gain anything from her apart from vrain damage
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lil nigga delete ur account a d gtfo here ur fucking 14 u probably didn't even hit puberty, ur face gonna change 1000% after puberty. just sleep well a d eat well and gtfo here and go play outside ur not gonna gain anything from her apart from vrain damage
learn how to fucking spell :tiny:
You’re 14 jawline doesn’t matter at this age, it’s hair + skin + style that matter for your smv.

Also bulk the fuck up to grow as much as possible in puberty and of course play sports as much as you can.
Don’t fall for muh calorie restriction I used to try being lean at young age and I regretted hard now because I wasn’t able to grow much during that time.
learn common grammar in that dull fucking skull of yours 😂
lil fag this a looksmaxing forum not ur english class.
told u this ain't tik tok comments start learning how to stfu
dk if it helps but, i changed my jawline quite a bit by
1. HARD mewing 1h/day (it should hurt your jawline muscles already at the first 5 min)(proper mewing posture or ull fuck up badly)
2. mewing constantly blablabla
3. chewing : i alternated w chewing "hard"(? and lighter w diff freqency/ week kinda like woeking out and diff stimuly n reps n rest,
5. raw carrots chew like a retarded psycho

this should help at least slightly , if it doesnt its that u are most likely doing something wrong so reasses n redo

i still do certain points whenever i see my face less defined or just periodically to "keep it"

there u go my nigga if this doesnt work and you ACTUALLY do it prop u kind a fuckEd

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