I cried a lot yesterday



Jul 26, 2021
Claro, aquí tienes la traducción al inglés:


How can I tell all of this… I want to vent.

I’m in the middle of exam season and I’m under a lot of pressure. I have pending subjects and I want to pass them as soon as possible so I don’t have to pay more tuition fees and cause financial strain on my parents.

I’m doing everything I can to pass, pages and pages of exercises, and studying every possible proof and theory.

But today, I was hit by a huge wave of nostalgia. I opened my closet and found an old laptop that was gifted to me on my First Communion. It was an HP, gray, with a futuristic design typical of the Frutiger Aero style of that time.

Curiosity got the best of me. I plugged the laptop into the power with its charger and, to my surprise, it worked. The screen is a bit loose and does strange things, but I fixed it by connecting it via HDMI to an external monitor.

The computer turned on and the Windows 7 welcome music played. Blessed operating system, it made me so happy. I was young, but I used my laptop to browse the internet and use social networks like Tuenti back then.

Everything was the same... Programs, images, work, games... Everything was the same, from the day that computer was last turned off until today when its light reflected deep in my eyes.

The images came back to my retinas. I was happy returning to my particular time machine, remembering old moments when I was immensely happy.

It didn’t end there. I continued studying throughout the afternoon, until night. After dinner, I went down to my garage to look for an old monitor. Searching through the different boxes, I found a 90s computer that my parents had in their previous home.

It was a white computer, with the typical 90s aesthetic. I decided to open it, as my curiosity was piqued. I removed its various screws and inside, I could see its great differences compared to current computers. It was full of dust and cables, but I could see the motherboard and its various components.

I observed, while I was mesmerized, the different parts:

View attachment 1909524

When I put the computer back in its respective box, I saw that my father had various CDs containing Windows 98 software such as Encarta 97, games, and the operating system itself. On the CD case, my father still had the activation key written down.

Among the different CDs, I found photos of me from when I was little. They were photos from when I was five years old (2005-2006 school year) with my schoolmates and me.

It was a CD that the teacher had made as a gift for Father’s Day. Curiously, I decided to retrieve that CD.

Since my desktop computer doesn’t have a CD drive, as it’s already a bit old, I used my First Communion laptop to view them. The CD was still pristine and worked perfectly after almost 20 years. Curious...

While Coldplay’s "Trouble" played, I looked at the various photos and my tears came to me like waterfalls abruptly descending from my eyes.

What beautiful memories... My tears fell as I remembered those happy moments. The mix of seeing those photos on my First Communion laptop with Windows 7...

My tears flowed from remembering old beautiful moments when there were no responsibilities, when everything was beautiful...

In fact, in one of the photos, my childhood crush and I appear. I spent afternoons talking with her on Messenger.

People who you know nothing about today, with whom you shared beautiful moments. Crying during exam season, with all the pressure, with pending subjects that others have passed and you haven’t, with them finishing this year and you not.

Without a direction in life, not knowing what will become of you in the coming years. Watching your parents age and feeling increasingly lonely. Without friends and with an uncertain future.

My dad saw me cry and brought me a Cola Cao and an Orfidal to calm me down. He talked to me and soothed me. I love you, dad. Thank you for accompanying me in my study moments and for your moral support.

This day seems to have been a gift from God. Beautiful coincidences and memories.

Anyway, sorry for the long post. This is my personal medicine.
  • +1
  • Love it
  • So Sad
Reactions: Manletmachine, Aero, Deleted member 75149 and 5 others
read everything and regret it
  • JFL
Reactions: Manletmachine, Aero, Alt Number 3 and 1 other person
Read every molecule, brutal nostalgiapill
Whaa waah 👶🏻 hope your parents die soon, faggot.
  • JFL
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