i cucked myself with psilocybin mushrooms

Shrooms seems to mog if they aren't this mind cucking like LSD then, also the duration is better
what are you talking about. LSD is more intense and longer-lasting than shrooms.
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I heard psychedelics make some ppl more inhib actually.
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u can buy shrooms locally at grocery-store tier shop in the netherlands.

it's normal for adults with exploring-genes to do this stuff here.
i mean how did u get visisted by angels and demons
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I've watched so many horror stories of Datura on YouTube. Shit sounds terrifying
On very higher doses it makes you hallucinate intensively and lose the control over your body, that's why you shouldn't do it alone, the presence of a highly experienced shaman alongside you is recommended.
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i mean how did u get visisted by angels and demons
the things you can feel on drugs aren't human.

I am talking about a feeling a normal healthy person would get when your child was just murdered, cut into pieces, in front of you, and there was nothing you could do.
These types of insane feelings arent't possible in reality for normal human beings. Yet this is what you can get to feel on drugs.

It's the first time I have experience acute-suicidal emotions. As in I felt that life was completely unlivable in this moment and I needed to kill myself as fast as possible. This is a vibe/feeling I had (obviously) never had before and I found hard to relate to. As in I could never really vibe with people killing themselves because I couldn't understand what they felt when they did it. I never understood why people killed themselves and how they felt.

Now I do. These acute-suicidal emotions I got on shrooms were so fucking brutal. You can't understand this vibe unless you have felt it yourself. You would immediately understand why people kill themselves and respect their decision because you would do the same.

I can't really explain to you what it means when a demon or an angel visits you and makes you feel all kinds of things, makes you believe certain things. I don't think you would understand what it is like to see this, feel this. Only because I have felt it myself do I understand how strong it is.
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I'll never understand how people can go crazy on-shroom. It's done nothing but good for me and in fact made my life an outlook way better. It helped push me to grind now I own a house. A big one. It made me feel like life's a video game might as well make the most of it and do the best we can It was pure hope fuel.

How do you go off the deep end on shrooms 'll never get it?

If anything, I think drugs like magic mushrooms just make you more of what you are. If you are pretty non-neurotypical, and you can't rationalize it while tripping. You might become more of that. For me, it just made me me but better, I guess.

also entirely depends on how much you took for your first time. To actually rewire brain, you must microdose it. Sure, a big trip is fun, but the actual.
I mean, it was probably one of the best experiences of my life. The trip was amazing, I just feel less normal now
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the things you can feel on drugs aren't human.

I am talking about a feeling a normal healthy person would get when your child was just murdered, cut into pieces, in front of you, and there was nothing you could do.
These types of insane feelings arent't possible in reality for normal human beings. Yet this is what you can get to feel on drugs.

It's the first time I have experience acute-suicidal emotions. As in I felt that life was completely unlivable in this moment and I needed to kill myself as fast as possible. This is a vibe/feeling I had (obviously) never had before and I found hard to relate to. As in I could never really vibe with people killing themselves because I couldn't understand what they felt when they did it. I never understood why people killed themselves and how they felt.

Now I do. These acute-suicidal emotions I got on shrooms were so fucking brutal. You can't understand this vibe unless you have felt it yourself. You would immediately understand why people kill themselves and respect their decision because you would do the same.

I can't really explain to you what it means when a demon or an angel visits you and makes you feel all kinds of things, makes you believe certain things. I don't think you would understand what it is like to see this, feel this. Only because I have felt it myself do I understand how strong it is.
so its like an intense and foreign feeling that takes u over? what about the angels tho
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the things you can feel on drugs aren't human.

I am talking about a feeling a normal healthy person would get when your child was just murdered, cut into pieces, in front of you, and there was nothing you could do.
These types of insane feelings arent't possible in reality for normal human beings. Yet this is what you can get to feel on drugs.

It's the first time I have experience acute-suicidal emotions. As in I felt that life was completely unlivable in this moment and I needed to kill myself as fast as possible. This is a vibe/feeling I had (obviously) never had before and I found hard to relate to. As in I could never really vibe with people killing themselves because I couldn't understand what they felt when they did it. I never understood why people killed themselves and how they felt.

Now I do. These acute-suicidal emotions I got on shrooms were so fucking brutal. You can't understand this vibe unless you have felt it yourself. You would immediately understand why people kill themselves and respect their decision because you would do the same.

I can't really explain to you what it means when a demon or an angel visits you and makes you feel all kinds of things, makes you believe certain things. I don't think you would understand what it is like to see this, feel this. Only because I have felt it myself do I understand how strong it is.
What has been your highest dose on shrooms? When I did it, three of us took around 4 grams of Enigma and we had one sober tripsitter. If the tripsitter wasn’t there I would 100% have had a bad trip because I was tweaking the fuck out
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so its like an intense and foreign feeling that takes u over? what about the angels tho
It’s nearly impossible to describe the feeling to someone who hasn’t experienced it. Your consciousness gets taken to another plane
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so its like an intense and foreign feeling that takes u over? what about the angels tho
its an intense knowing that what you are feeling/seeing, which could be an angelic/demonic entity, is true.

Yes you are seeing and hearing the angel/demon.
In a normal situation in which you see and hear a demon/angel talking to you, you would be too sceptical. You wouldnt be able to accept it easily.

But now you are not just both hallucinating seeing and hearing the angel, in which in a normal situation you would be sceptical.

No, you are feeling an incredibly strong emotion attached to that which makes you believe it is true. The hallucination without the strong emotion isn't the same.

It's the strong emotion inside of you, what the demon/angel is saying to you and what it is triggering inside of you, that strong feeling, incredibly strong feeling. A feeling which you have never had before.

THAT is what makes it a demonic/angelic experience.

Seeing and hearing angels/demons is one thing. But on these drugs you will FEEL these angels/demons. These are incredible feelings which you have never felt before. Similar to seeing your own child murdered in front of you, similar to defeating your opponent in the boxing-olympics. These are insane feelings.
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What has been your highest dose on shrooms? When I did it, three of us took around 4 grams of Enigma and we had one sober tripsitter. If the tripsitter wasn’t there I would 100% have had a bad trip because I was tweaking the fuck out
ive never done shrooms because weird legislation in the netherlands makes shrooms illegal but makes truffles legal.

the compound which makes you high, psilocybin in both substances, is the same though. So when I say I do shrooms, I am actually doing truffles but it's the same thing tbh. I use truffles because it is legal while shrooms are not due to weird dutch legislation.

When i take truffles I take 15 grams, which is the 'full package' and generally for 'experienced users'
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ive never done shrooms because weird legislation in the netherlands makes shrooms illegal but makes truffles legal.

the compound which makes you high, psilocybin in both substances, is the same though. So when I say I do shrooms, I am actually doing truffles but it's the same thing tbh. I use truffles because it is legal while shrooms are not due to weird dutch legislation.

When i take truffles I take 15 grams, which is the 'full package' and generally for 'experienced users'
Interesting, I’ve never heard of truffles. Here in north america we just do normal shrooms, are truffles weaker in psilocybin or about the same strength?
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Interesting, I’ve never heard of truffles. Here in north america we just do normal shrooms, are truffles weaker in psilocybin or about the same strength?
afaik they have lower dosages of the drugs per gram. But then you just eat more grams to get the same dose.

A normal dose of truffles is 10-15 grams here.
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LSD is way way more intense than shrooms. And shrooms are already incredibly intense compared to normal drugs like MDMA/ketamine.
True but mdma and ketamine have way more health risks
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True but mdma and ketamine have way more health risks
physically yes, but mentally not. You are far more likely to develop psychosis or other extreme mental health conditions on shrooms/LSD than on MDMA/ketamine
physically yes, but mentally not. You are far more likely to develop psychosis or other extreme mental health conditions on shrooms/LSD than on MDMA/ketamine
True, I do think you can mitigate alot of it with proper care and tolerance time and avoiding high doses though
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True, I do think you can mitigate alot of it with proper care and tolerance time and avoiding high doses though
yes but compare that to mdma/ketamine where you are merely combating physical effects like too high/low hearth-rate, blood-pressure, etc.
yes but compare that to mdma/ketamine where you are merely combating physical effects like too high/low hearth-rate, blood-pressure, etc.
True that, worse thing about continuous ketamine for me would be pissing shards though.
It seems to me that 2cb is the best in between of lsd and mdma, with much less mental effects, have yet to try it though.
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True that, worse thing about continuous ketamine for me would be pissing shards though.
It seems to me that 2cb is the best in between of lsd and mdma, with much less mental effects, have yet to try it though.
ketamine effects on pissing and physical-health doesn't start until years of heavy dose for normal human-beings. It's important to take note of, but not relevant to anyone starting the drug,.

2cb feels/seems incredibly safe to me with no negative effects, although on heavy dose you also start losing control which may make you do physically harmfull stuff.
LSD had me fucked up for weeks, but eventually I fell completely back in my old life, thinking, behavior again.
How can u tell if u hit a laced cart like dmt
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How can u tell if u hit a laced cart like dmt
you can't cuz u have no clue what u should be feeling.

in the netherlands we have free anonymous testing services which tell you exactly what you are using, exact dosage, etc.
But even if you don't get your shit tested here, you can assume it isn't laced. But it may be that the dosage doesnt correspond what you were sold it as.

For example: MDMA/XTC pills are always sold as 200-250mg in the netherlands. Those are standard marketing terms.Which is an incredibly high dosage if the marketing was true.

In reality these pills will contain ~140mg of pure MDMA on average. They are clean, pure and great, just not as strong as you may be led to believe.
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ketamine effects on pissing and physical-health doesn't start until years of heavy dose for normal human-beings. It's important to take note of, but not relevant to anyone starting the drug,.

2cb feels/seems incredibly safe to me with no negative effects, although on heavy dose you also start losing control which may make you do physically harmfull stuff.
Yeah I agree def would stick to lower doses
I'll never understand how people can go crazy on-shroom. It's done nothing but good for me and in fact made my life an outlook way better. It helped push me to grind now I own a house. A big one. It made me feel like life's a video game might as well make the most of it and do the best we can It was pure hope fuel.

How do you go off the deep end on shrooms 'll never get it?

If anything, I think drugs like magic mushrooms just make you more of what you are. If you are pretty non-neurotypical, and you can't rationalize it while tripping. You might become more of that. For me, it just made me me but better, I guess.

also entirely depends on how much you took for your first time. To actually rewire brain, you must microdose it. Sure, a big trip is fun, but the actual beneficial effects come from long-term microdosing.
I've felt like I was going insane when doing LSD.

The thing with that drug was that I was in an entirely different reality for what felt like years to me.
So to me it felt like I was years gone, and now I somehow have to go back to the normal world, to the normal reality.

This was incredibly hard for me to accept and I constantly felt like what I felt on LSD 'was the real world' and what I was going back to was a fake world, a manipulated world. I found it impossible to accept, after afterything I just experienced, for years what it felt like, to go back to my 'normal reality'.

This was simply impossible to accept or understand which is what may have been beginings of psychosis, permanent mental-disease for me. Because these thoughts/emotions were intensense.

I simply couldnt accept going back to a 'normal world' after experiencing what life as like on LSD.

Luckily it all turned out fine for me, but I remember struggling a lot during this transation and I can understand why some people may not be able to return to the 'normal world' like I did.
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so its like an intense and foreign feeling that takes u over?
it's an incredibly strong feeling, emotion and also the resulting conviction that takes control of you.

You are feeling something so very strongly, your mind is dealing with this, and there is a resulting conclusion as a way to cope with this intense shit.

The hallucinations I can describe are a result of what you are feeling. If you are feeling bad, these drugs can amplify extreme suffering in you and resulting audiovisual hallucinations may be demonical, it may be that satan comes to you in person.

But it's not this easy. Your vibe on drugs, is a result of your vibe sober, combined with your environment, are you alone or with people, what music you are listening to, etc. And then all that combined with where you want to go mentally.

You won't find demons unless you were looking for demons somewhere, if you get what I mean.
what about the angels tho
They were giving me great pleasure combined with knowledge of what struggles I was having and what I needed to focus on to get out of it.

Visually it was a sphere of light with wings appearing in front of me.
Emotionally-Mind it was like an extreme-authority figure, but one that had the absolute best, only the best, intention with me, was speaking to me. Like the best possible mentor you can imagine.
Emotionally-Body it was like the best possible feeling I have ever felt. The high was incredible, not just feeling insant-relief and pleasure, but having this extreme deeper sense of gratification. Bodily my dick was rock-hard and I felt extremely horny, but the feeling was far deeper than that.
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you can't cuz u have no clue what u should be feeling.

in the netherlands we have free anonymous testing services which tell you exactly what you are using, exact dosage, etc.
But even if you don't get your shit tested here, you can assume it isn't laced. But it may be that the dosage doesnt correspond what you were sold it as.

For example: MDMA/XTC pills are always sold as 200-250mg in the netherlands. Those are standard marketing terms.Which is an incredibly high dosage if the marketing was true.

In reality these pills will contain ~140mg of pure MDMA on average. They are clean, pure and great, just not as strong as you may be led to believe.
But what abiut specifics of a laced cart? You cant tell? I feel so much different rn but not in a bad way and i only took one hit like 15 hrs ago
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But what abiut specifics of a laced cart? You cant tell? I feel so much different rn but not in a bad way and i only took one hit like 15 hrs ago
cant relate cuz in the netherland we dont experience heavily laced drugs
it's an incredibly strong feeling, emotion and also the resulting conviction that takes control of you.

You are feeling something so very strongly, your mind is dealing with this, and there is a resulting conclusion as a way to cope with this intense shit.

The hallucinations I can describe are a result of what you are feeling. If you are feeling bad, these drugs can amplify extreme suffering in you and resulting audiovisual hallucinations may be demonical, it may be that satan comes to you in person.

But it's not this easy. Your vibe on drugs, is a result of your vibe sober, combined with your environment, are you alone or with people, what music you are listening to, etc. And then all that combined with where you want to go mentally.

You won't find demons unless you were looking for demons somewhere, if you get what I mean.

They were giving me great pleasure combined with knowledge of what struggles I was having and what I needed to focus on to get out of it.

Visually it was a sphere of light with wings appearing in front of me.
Emotionally-Mind it was like an extreme-authority figure, but one that had the absolute best, only the best, intention with me, was speaking to me. Like the best possible mentor you can imagine.
Emotionally-Body it was like the best possible feeling I have ever felt. The high was incredible, not just feeling insant-relief and pleasure, but having this extreme deeper sense of gratification. Bodily my dick was rock-hard and I felt extremely horny, but the feeling was far deeper than that.
I was thinking about this, my theory is that since it creates new neurons in your brain you enter a higher level of sentience, like for example rats have much less sentience than we do but what if you made a rat have the same sapience as a human but still have the body of a rat? I think this is what happens, it does something to our brain that makes us experience the sapience of a higher being, which is why it’s so intense.
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. You are far more likely to develop psychosis or other extreme mental health conditions on shrooms/LSD

i had a psychotic episode and tried to convince my family to worship the jews and satan

stay the fuck away from LSD, ruined my life
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i had a psychotic episode and tried to convince my family to worship the jews and satan

stay the fuck away from LSD, ruined my life
When I was tripping, I had a note in my notes app with shit like “You’re on shrooms, this cannot kill you or hurt you, it will end at some point. You are not trapped here forever” and some other stuff to prevent bad scenarios. If I started tweaking I’d just look at it to remind myself I’m not going crazy or my tripsitter would try to calm me down. I don’t recommend doing this shit alone unless you’re absolutely sure
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