I definitely look worse IRL than on pics

Water, as bones are everything unless severely deformed inner facial features & ratios
True. Just have a healthy facial development. Recession aka craniofacial deformities whether it's maxilla and mandible = might as well never leave your cave. I'd argue that you can't even look bad if you have a healthy non-recessed face unless you're a severe cyclops.
That's right, skull not face.

Let me say that again, skull not face.

You can be a horse with a "tall face" and be brachy.

View attachment 3023296

He doesn't have "le short and wide" face i.e slavshit trait that you seem to hate with fruition, but he's still brachy.

He is brachy by definition.

Brachycephaly by definition means your skull length (from glabella to occiput) to skull width (face width) ratio is less than average.
True but it's just pointing out that brachycephaly as a word has different meanings. It's not just the sagittal growth
View attachment 3023312

I'm gonna assume what you just said is out of ignorance and not retardation.

First of all, webceph is an inaccurate pile of shit. I ran my full cephalo (one I posted had personal info, so I cropped it), and it gave me a different analysis than what you posted.

Also here's an assessment of another patient's cephalo via le webceph.

View attachment 3023316
You can manually adjust it
Does that seem like a tool you can trust? :feelskek:

It's using A.I , so always take what webceph says with a grain of salt.


Hypodivergent facial pattern i.e brachycephalic facial pattern HAS NOTHING to with brachycephaly the skull shape.

What that means in webceph is if someone has a deep bite, an open bite etc.
It actually does. I've ran recessed mesocephalic specimens (typical longish european skull with normal mesocephalic sagittal growth) and they got class 1 facial pattern. I also ran a slavcel brachy who has good forward growth but a tragic short skull and he got class 2 facial pattern. I too get class 2 facial pattern due to subhuman peanut skull (I don't have an overbite)
I don't know who talldark is, but I know Birdcel.

Birdcel has exceptional forward growth in the mandible and maxilla (image below is edited for exaggeration), but he's still brachy because his glabella to occiput length is still short.

View attachment 3023326

Again maxilla and mandible has nothing to do with this.
Sir if I recall in dms you said Brachy's have shit saggital growth (and you are right); I'm not sure why you are writing the contrary.
Multiple meanings of the word
I've already said what I needed to say about webceph. Please don't bring up webceph, an ai tool, as a basis for your argument, because we both can use ai and that will take us nowhere.

View attachment 3023335View attachment 3023336
It's a good too actually.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: normie_joe and Magnum Opus
Web ceph does not refer to cranium when pointing out brachycephalic pattern.
They determine it via Bjork sum, try running a morph of your skull with 404 ramus height on webceph and your "brachy" face would change to "doli"
Their interpretations for a multitude of measurements are tailored to what it stands in context to most commonly, if you have a high nasolabial angle you'll also get the assessment "retruded lip" even if the angle is caused by a protruding upper lip but too upturned nose, as the latter is the less common cause
  • +1
Reactions: fuse, normie_joe and St.TikTokcel
selfie cam is an antinatalist jewish psyop
True. Just have a healthy facial development. Recession aka craniofacial deformities whether it's maxilla and mandible = might as well never leave your cave.

Wholeheartedly agree.

True but it's just pointing out that brachycephaly as a word has different meanings. It's not just the sagittal growth

There is no different meaning. What you used it for was the wrong meaning.

So sorry but you cannot come up with your own definitions for scientific terminology.

You can manually adjust it

I know you can, but you lack the knowledge to properly adjust it as you are a .org rotter and not an ortho, so you use le A.I.

It actually does. I've ran recessed mesocephalic specimens (typical longish european skull with normal mesocephalic sagittal growth) and they got class 1 facial pattern. I also ran a slavcel brachy who has good forward growth but a tragic short skull and he got class 2 facial pattern.

Can you send me these specimen you've uploaded so I can test it for myself sir? Thank you.

Multiple meanings of the word

Claiming brachy = shit saggital growth and brachy = good saggital growth is NOT "multiple meanings" my good man.

They are opposites of one meaning, which is a contradiction.

I realize English is not your first language, so let me correct you.
  • JFL
Reactions: St.TikTokcel
Claiming brachy = shit saggital growth and brachy = good saggital growth is NOT "multiple meanings" my good man.
I just state that brachycephaly is a word used in both of these contexts. Bad sagittal growth = brachycephaly. Bad cephalic index = brachycephaly
  • JFL
Reactions: normie_joe
I just state that brachycephaly is a word used in both of these contexts. Bad sagittal growth = brachycephaly. Bad cephalic index = brachycephaly
View attachment 3023383View attachment 3023385

You said in DMs le brachies have shit saggital growth and in this thread you state brachies have good saggital growth.

You are not diagnosed with schizophrenia are you sir?

Also please send me those specimen like I've asked, thank you.
  • JFL
Reactions: St.TikTokcel
You said in DMs le brachies have shit saggital growth and in this thread you state brachies have good saggital growth.
I didn't claim that muh brachies have good sagittal growth JFL. I just keep pointing out that this mystical word "brachycephaly" is used in various contexts. Brachycephaly means poor forward growth aka subhuman cranium like the pics you and posted. That very word is also used when talking about cephalic index which measures skull length to width ratio from the front. Here's the "science". You can clearly see that in the latter examples, they are referring to the skull length to width ratio, rather than the sagittal growth


Also please send me those specimen like I've asked, thank you
They Dm'd privately. I'll respect their privacy but you can check what @Magnum Opus wrote. It determines facial patterns via Björk Sum which is unrelated to forward growth.
  • JFL
Reactions: normie_joe
I didn't claim that muh brachies have good sagittal growth JFL.

You maybe having Alzheimer's sir.

Screenshot 20240710 095415 DuckDuckGo

I just keep pointing out that this mystical word "brachycephaly" is used in various contexts. Brachycephaly means poor forward growth aka subhuman cranium like the pics you and posted. That very word is also used when talking about cephalic index which measures skull length to width ratio from the front.

There is no skull length from the front. There's only glabella to occiput.

Here's the "science". You can clearly see that in the latter examples, they are referring to the skull length to width ratio, rather than the sagittal growth
View attachment 3023407
View attachment 3023408

Oh no, I've given you plenty of leeway, but the fact that you've posted this as evidence to support your argument is embarassing.

My guy I think you need to read before typing.



You posted something that proves my argument. Embarrassing.

Cephalic index always uses glabella to occiput.

They Dm'd privately. I'll respect their privacy but you can check what @Magnum Opus wrote. It determines facial patterns via Björk Sum which is unrelated to forward growth.

This doesn't help your argument sir.
  • +1
Reactions: St.TikTokcel
You maybe having Alzheimer's sir.

View attachment 3023414

There is no skull length from the front. There's only glabella to occiput.

Oh no, I've given you plenty of leeway, but the fact that you've posted this as evidence to support your argument is embarassing.

My guy I think you need to read before typing.


View attachment 3023419

You posted something that proves my argument. Embarrassing.

Cephalic index always uses glabella to occiput.

This doesn't help your argument sir.
I mixed it up. I was referring to the facial index. These websites keep changing up the words. In my case, I have both brachycephalic facial growth aka flat occiput and flat face and I also have brachycephalic facial index aka short and wide skull (the one on the left in the pic).
  • JFL
Reactions: normie_joe
I mixed it up. I was referring to the facial index. These websites keep changing up the words. In my case, I have both brachycephalic facial growth aka flat occiput and flat face and I also have brachycephalic facial index aka short and wide skull (the one on the left in the pic).
View attachment 3023434

Disappointing coming from you; I expected this ignorance from dalitboss who comes up with brand new terminology like "meso-shifted."
  • JFL
Reactions: St.TikTokcel and ambi
Disappointing coming from you; I expected this ignorance from dalitboss who comes up with brand new terminology like "meso-shifted."
Not my problem that half of the sources claim muh facial index aka length of the face (not sagittal growth) can be divided into brachycephaly and so on.
Not my problem that half of the sources claim muh facial index aka length of the face (not sagittal growth) can be divided into brachycephaly and so on.

I would also suggest you don't use webceph as a definitive analysis as you only know how to click upload and let the ai derive conclusions.

Ultimately the only source you can trust is a surgeon's analysis or an orthodontist who know what those numbers and graphs truly mean.
  • +1
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I would also suggest you don't use webceph as a definitive analysis as you only know how to click upload and let the ai derive conclusions.
I already did adjust the lines manually. It's not that hard. Also, the reason why webceph chimped out in your example is that webceph expects occiput to be on the left side whilst the image you used was flipped. Flip the image and it will do just fine.
Ultimately the only source you can trust is a surgeon's analysis or an orthodontist who know what those numbers and graphs truly mean.
I trust both rotters and surgeons.
the camera dosent do mcgregor justice, his bones look 10x more striking irl
He's on that level where no matter the angle or lighting, he still mogs everyone around the 1 kilometre radius.
  • +1
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He's on that level where no matter the angle or lighting, he still mogs everyone around the 1 kilometre radius.
Lifefuel for ogrecels like me
I still feel like selfies distort the camera a bit and we actually look better irl
  • JFL
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